The Springfields Academy Parent/Carer Forum

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The Springfields Academy Parent/Carer Forum

The Springfields Academy Parent/Carer Forum

7th July 2015


Kerry Wilson (Chair), Steve Crickmer (Deputy Chair), Jen Wilkins, Penny Hume (Governor, Training International), Simon Wilkins, Carol Perry, Ninna Gibson (Chair of Governors, Trust Member, Future Options), Lucy Jillings, Petra Teunion, Tracy Wilson, Mary Frostick.

Springfields Staff

Therese Flaherty (Family Support), Mike Thomas (Vice Principal), Ian Porlock (Head of IT)


Jenny Slade, Jennie Clark, Jane Cross, Vicky Wells, Steve Hobden, Jon Hamp (Principal- attending annual school camping trip)

1. Welcome & Introduction

Kerry W welcomed everybody to the meeting

2. Apologies see above

3. Matters Arising from the last minutes

At the last meeting concerns were expressed that the minutes of the parent forum meetings are on public display on the website and if website is redesigned perhaps access only for parents/carers via a dedicated parents section. This will be covered when the website is redesigned Action JH/MT/SC/KW

Mike T to look at possible Parents Steering Group re post 16 provision- (see last meeting minutes) to meet pre Christmas once there is more concrete news for proposal. He will report back to the meeting in sept/oct

Action MT Carol P told the meeting about a petition to respond to the downgrading of the provision for SEN. This is added here for reference. Action KW/CP

Below is a link that & carers can sign with regard to the downing grading of SEN provision provision-and-support-when-transferring-between-a-statement-of-special-educational- needs-and-an-education-health-and-care-plan? recruiter=190669656&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaig n=autopublish&utm_term=mob-xs-share_petition-no_msg

Each parent should find out who their SEN lead worker is. MT has list of Wiltshire Council pupils. They have on average 72 cases per worker

Action MT/Info all


Transition process for new funding provision for older children is taking much longer than promised 14 weeks possibly 6 mths

Action CP/All parents

At the last meeting it was decided to carry forward point 5 of the agenda “Effective Communication with Students- supporting individual needs” until the next meeting as this point was raised by Mary F but she had no further comments at this meeting

The issue of the election of parent governors raised at the last meeting is dealt with later in the meeting

4. Academies Website

Ian Porlock who has overall responsibility for the website came to the meeting with a link to the existing website. He explained that currently the website pulls in blogs automatically but that the content management system that controls the website is not that effective or appropriate and requires intervention from the original website design company and accompanying fees. It was felt by the meeting that website updating should be a regular routine part of most staff’s work at the academy given its central communication role as the first point of contact for most people.

Simon W asked who are the end users and it was confirmed that this isn’t just confined to parents, teachers and pupils but should include prospective new parents and pupils as well as prospective sponsors for additional academy funding

But the information on the website needs to be current and updated, which it isn’t. This is a priority project for the principal and school in general

Action JH/NG

The website needs to say what it does and to be fit for purpose

Action MT

Term dates for next year weren’t on the website at this meeting but details should have been sent out before you read these minutes.

Action Info All Parents

It was decided that those parents who have marketing and website experience could perhaps assist the Academy with a website planning meeting once the school confirms the mission statement for the site and a rough proposal for the development of the site. Kerry W and Steve C would chair and hopefully other parents will come to.

Action IP/KW/SC

5. Attachment Disorder

Mike T presented an excellent overview of how the academy works with children that have attachment disorder and how they manage pupils that are adopted, fostered or in the care system. This affects at least 13% of the pupil cohort and the presentation is attached as a separate document at the end of the minutes. All pupils should now have a care plan and parents can ask to see them if you haven’t already done so. This is especially important for pupils with attachment disorder and autism/aspergers syndrome Action MT/Info all parents

There is now an alert card pupils with autism can carry and the meeting felt some of the local police officers were very responsive to the cards use but others felt other officers and other public officials weren’t

Mike T felt v strongly that disorganised attachment needs to be properly planned –see presentation Action MT

6. Behaviour Watch

Steve Hobden as mentioned previously sent his apologies and will come to a future meeting to report on the academies new reporting system and answer any questions people may have- please come on Tuesday 13th Oct – 6.30pm

Action/Info All Parents

7. Governors feedback on issues discussed directly with the governors at the previous meeting- no matters arising specifically involved the governors

8. Update on parent governor vacancy

Jane Cross was elected as a parent governor alongside Ellie Preston-Gill. The Governors expect at least one parent governor to attend every Parent Forum meeting with any Governors available

Action PH/Info All Parents

9. Subjects to be added to the agenda for the next meeting

MT said he would look at other SEND conditions and report back Steve Hobden to Present Behaviour Watch

10. AOB

Jen S asked if Parents should sign in for the Parents Forum meetings and MT felt this should be done and visitors badges worn at all times

Action MT/Info all attendees

There was a discussion about hygiene and its application esp showers after PE etc but this is not a legal requirement in day state schools so the academy under most circumstances cant insist this is done.

K Wilson confirmed we now have approx. 50% of all parents email details for the Parents Forum to make contact and email these minutes. If you know of a parent who hasn’t contacted the school please confirm to Katherine Davies about permission.

11. Set dates for 2015 Action KW/SC

We are not able to do this yet as the Academy Term Dates have been confirmed yet but as soon as website is updated this will be done so all parents have much more advanced warning of all meetings as we are hoping that more parents are able to attend in the future especially among the parents of new day pupils.

The Next Meeting will take place on Tuesday 13 th October at 6.30 pm and is scheduled to last till 8pm. As usual tea and coffee is provided and sometimes delicious cakes made by the wonderful catering department at the school. If you are reading this as a new parent or indeed as a new prospective parent’s forum attendee please come along and join us as we want everybody to have a voice. If you would like to find out more please call our Chair Kerry Wilson on 01373 823797 or by email at [email protected]. Please do let him know what things you would like to talk about that will make the school a better place for your child and all the children.

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