7:00 American Heritage Girls Caroling
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Tuesday December 1, 2015 7:00 American Heritage Girls Caroling The American Heritage Girls is a Christian-based Scouting-like organization. The organization has more than 20,000 members with troops in 48 states. The troop will carol in the Library and A-Wing Hall.
Wednesday December 2, 2015 7:00 Advent Study Colonial Room Christ Church United Methodist Church will provide an Advent study. The curriculum they will be using is “Travel the Highways of Advent” by Stan Purdum.
Thursday December 3, 2015 2:00 Shaffer Fun Dancers Multipurpose Room This senior tap dancing troupe performs rhythm tap dances with style and glamour. Their enthusiasm and sparkling energy is contagious. The group’s leader is Helen Shaffer.
Thursday December 3, 2015 2:00 Holy Communion Colonial Room St. John’s priest, The Rev. Marquita L. Hutchens, will bring The Holy Communion to Edgewood Summit on the first Thursday of the month except for October. Other area Episcopal priests may take turns leading the service, as well. Thursday December 3, 2015 6:15 St. Albans Festival of Lights (*) Meet in Lobby Thousands of lights have been strung all about the Saint Albans City Park in displays, figurines and animated wonders. The gas fee is $7.00. Call the Lifestyle Department at (304) 347-1955 or (304) 347-1942 to reserve your seat on the bus.
Friday December 4, 2015 11:00 UC Health Promotion Poster Presentations Colonial Room The University of Charleston School of Pharmacy will present various health topics. They will have posters on display.
Saturday December 5, 2015 10:00 a.m. -2:00 p.m. Santa's Workshop Library, Card Room, Multipurpose Room, A-Wing Hall and B-Wing Hall Santa’s Workshop is the place to find one-of-a-kind treasures. Wide assortment of gifts and crafts for the holiday season such as: Wood Crafts, Blankets, Jewelry, Photography, Handmade purses, Paintings, and much more! Entertainment provided by Bill Bryan. Bring your grandkids and they can visit with Santa! Invite your friends and family to this great event! For more information contact the Lifestyle Department at (304) 347-1955 or (304) 347-1942.
Saturday December 5, 2015 7:15 WV Symphony Pops Series (*) Multipurpose Room Hear your favorite holiday music complete with the special touches and unique arrangements only Maestro Cooper and the WVSO can provide. Always a favorite, Home for the Holidays is an unforgettable celebration of the season. Tickets sell out fast for this annual favorite! Call the Clay Center at (304) 561-3500. The gas fee is $7.00. Call the Lifestyle Department to sign up at (304) 347-1955 or (304) 347-1942.
Sunday December 6, 2015 3:00 Holiday Recital Multipurpose Room Melinda Morris from the Pied Piper will bring ten of her students to perform. Students will play the violin and piano.
Monday December 7, 2015 1:00 Monthly Birthday Party Multipurpose Room Join us as we celebrate those who have a December birthday. Come out and wish them a happy birthday. Enjoy some cake and punch! Hope to see you there!
Tuesday December 8, 2015 11:00 UPS Store Package Pick Up Library Get your packages out early! The UPS Store will bring boxes, peanuts, and other packaging items. So bring your Christmas gifts and items down to be shipped. Prices vary according to the size of the box and shipping.
Tuesday December 8, 2015 7:00 Dr. J & The Ultrasounds Multipurpose Room Dr. J and The Ultrasounds is a voluntary singing group made up of members from the community and the hospital at CAMC. They sing for patients and those who may need a little cheer during the holidays. They emphasize the spiritual nature of the holiday, but also sing some fun secular numbers, as well. They sing in a choral style and sometimes have a solo singer or poetry mixed in the program. It usually lasts about 45-60 minutes. They have gone to the Hubbard House, the Men’s Shelter, the mall, senior housing settings, and various churches over the last 15-20 years. Their group desires to be a blessing at the two major holiday seasons of Christmas and Easter.
Wednesday December 9, 2015 10:00 Men’s Bull Session Colonial Room This event is held twice monthly on Wednesday mornings gathering in the Colonial Room where men can congregate to chat and dirnk a cup of coffee.
Wednesday December 9, 2015 7:00 Advent Study Colonial Room Christ Church United Methodist Church will provide an Advent study. The curriculum they will use is “Travel the Highways of Advent” by Stan Purdum.
Thursday December 10, 2015 3:00 “Jesus, Through the Heart of Mary” by Susie Wilson Multipurpose Room Susie Wilson will present, “Jesus, Through the Heart of Mary.” It is a docu- drama, similar to how she presented Mary Todd Lincoln. As the character of Mary, mother of Jesus, she will act out part of it and dialogue part of the presentation to the audience. She has researched and designed Mary’s outfit to be as close to the historical time period as possible. She also researched many of the traditions in order to present some of the more vague scenes that are mentioned in the Bible. Susie has studied all of the scripture in the Bible that pertains to Mary and has developed the story by acting out parts and sharing what others may have told her about her son’s activities. All of it is based on scripture and research about the customs in those days. The story begins with the angel telling Mary she is going to miraculously conceive and continues through to Jesus’s crucifixion and resurrection. Susie simply uses biblical scripture and a mother’s heart to tell Jesus’s story through his mother, Mary. The presentation is about 45 minutes long. Thursday December 10, 2015 7:00 Craig Hinchman Trio Multipurpose Room The Craig Hinchman Trio (Craig Hinchman, piano; Martha Craig Hinchman, flute; Ed Pauley, guitar) will present a musical program of songs from the '50s and variety of old-time favorites you can sing-a-long to. Craig is a native of Charleston and found his passion for music at an early age. Craig became the Music Director and Organist at Canaan United Methodist Church in 2010.
Friday December 11, 2015 10:00 Ladies Chit Chat Library This event is held twice monthly on Friday mornings, gathering in the Library where ladies can congregate to chit chat and sip a cup of tea.
Saturday December 12, 2015 2:00 Christ United Methodist Church Carolers Carolers from Christ United Methodist Church will sing in the Multipurpose Room.
Saturday December 12, 2015 3:00 Kanawha Kordsmen Perform Multipurpose Room Enjoy the barbershop harmony of the Kanawha Kordsmen. Monday December 14, 2015 9:00 Men's Breakfast (*) IL Dining Room Enjoy a wonderful breakfast and special concert. Greg Faber, Maintenance/Security/Grounds/Transportation Director will discuss his role and how Edgewood Summit has evolved through the last 20 years. Call the Lifestyle Department to reserve your seat at (304) 347-1955 or (304) 347- 1942.
Monday December 14, 2015 7:15 Trinity Lutheran Bell Ringers Multipurpose Room The Hand Bell Choir has been active for over 30 years, with several of the original members still ringing. They have performed in a number of civic events as well as ringing for numerous services at Trinity. The hand bell choir uses many different techniques of ringing and sometimes uses the choir chimes. The bell ringers add an extra dimension to worship.
Tuesday December 15, 2015 2:00 Laughter Yoga Multipurpose Room Join Janice Prince for Laughter Yoga! Each laughter exercise ends with a rhythmic clap and chant: "Ho-ho, ha-ha-ha! Ho-ho, ha-ha-ha! Ho-ho, ha-ha- ha -- yay!" The exercises and the cackles of laughter move on through scenarios for example: The Superbowl, including both laughing cheerleaders, quarterbacks and the coach pacing the sidelines. Exercises are interspersed with gentle stretching.
The laughter yoga motto is no pain, no pain. So you do nothing that you are not comfortable with. If you stretch the right make sure you stretch the left. Janice encourages you to breathe from your diaphragm because most of the health benefit from laughter yoga is by getting good fresh oxygen into your body. Laughter yoga was developed by an Indian doctor, Madan Kataria, in the late 1990s and has become a worldwide phenomenon.
Tuesday December 15, 2015 7:00 First Presbyterian Harp Players Multipurpose Room First Presbyterian Church Lyres Club is a group of folk harp players who offer their gifts in worship and as an outreach to the community.
Wednesday December 16, 2015 10:00 Bible Center School “Island Christmas” Multipurpose Room Bible Center School will present to you their Christmas Program “Island Christmas.
Wednesday December 16, 2015 7:00 Canaan Chancel Choir Multipurpose Room Chancel Choir will sing some of the songs from their Cantata.
Wednesday December 16, 2015 7:00 Advent Study Colonial Room Christ Church United Methodist Church will provide an Advent study. The curriculum they will use is “Travel the Highways of Advent” by Stan Purdum. Thursday December 17, 2015 2:00 Golden Lakettes Perform Multipurpose Room The Golden Lakettes formed in 2007 and number about 11 ladies. This dance troupe might be well north of 40, but you wouldn’t know it by the sassy way they throw feathered boas around their necks. These energetic ladies have an eagerness to perform and spread good cheer. The group’s founder is Christina Lake, who owned Lake’s School of Dance for 40 years in Nitro.
Thursday December 17, 2015 7:30 Shriners Gold Band Performs IL Dining Room The musical program will feature holiday songs, standards, and a few hymns. Donations will also be accepted.
Friday December 18, 2015 2:00 White Elephant Christmas Party Colonial Room What is a "White Elephant" gift? It is a gift you received in the past that is still in the box, in the back corner of your closet, and underneath a stack of clothes. Traditionally, a "White Elephant" is something lying around the house that you don't want (some horridly ugly item that someone gave you as a gift or some other item unwanted for some reason). OR If you actually liked everything your Uncle Fester has given you, then you can purchase something $5 or less. It should be in new or good condition.
You may have wondered what you were going to do with this gift, since you didn’t have the heart to throw it out. Now, you have finally found a purpose for this gift . . . give it to one of your fellow residents. Who knows, what is one person’s junk is another person’s treasure! How can I participate? Each participant should bring a wrapped gift. Do not put your name on it; it is not a requirement that you fess up to the gift you bring. How does the "White Elephant" gift exchange work? 1. Everyone puts the gift they brought under the Christmas tree. 2. Each person draws a number. 3. In order of the numbers drawn, each person chooses a gift. Choose a gift from the wrapped ones and open it for all to see. Enjoy! Additional gifts will be provided to those who may forget their gift. Punch and other festive snacks will also be available. Friday December 18, 2015 5:30 Baptist Temple Carolers Carolers from Baptist Temple will carol in the IL & AL Dining Rooms
Friday December 18, 2015 7:00 Bible Center Choir Multipurpose Room Bible Center’s adult Choir will bring you music from their upcoming Cantata.
Sunday December 20, 2015 4:15 United Disciples of Christ Carolers Carolers from United Disciples of Christ will carol in the Library.
Sunday December 20, 2015 5:15 Bream Memorial Presbyterian Carolers Carolers from Bream Memorial Church will carol in the Library. Monday December 21, 2015 7:00 Mountain Jewels Quartet Multipurpose Room The Mountain Jewels formed in 1998. The quartet sings with a barbershop harmony. Peggy Wolpert is the leader of the quartet. Peggy has been singing with Sweet Adeline -“The Almost Heaven Chorus” since 1994.
Wednesday December 23, 2015 10:00 Men’s Bull Session Colonial Room This event is held twice monthly on Wednesday mornings gathering in the Colonial Room where men can congregate to chat and drink a cup of coffee.
Wednesday December 23, 2015 11:00 Special Pre-Christmas Eve Service Multipurpose Room Monty Brown with St. Marks United Methodist Church will hold a special Pre-Christmas Eve Service. Everyone is welcome.
Wednesday December 23, 2015 7:00 Advent Study Colonial Room Christ Church United Methodist Church will provide an Advent study. The curriculum they will use is “Travel the Highways of Advent” by Stan Purdum.
Thursday December 31, 2015 3:00 Now Generation Orchestra Multipurpose Room Dick Stockton, Musician with Now Generation Orchestra will bring his four piece band to set the mood for the evening. Join him as you dance into the evening with some of your favorite songs.
Thursday December 31, 2015 9-12 After Six Multipurpose Room The “After Six” band (formerly known as Little Big Band Trio) will play a combination of holiday music, big band, and swing music.
Activity Transportation
All trips require advance registration through the Lifestyle Department and a 48 hour notice of resident cancellation to avoid paying the trip fee. Edgewood Summit will provide a 48 hour notice to Residents if a trip has been cancelled. If Edgewood Summit cancels the trip, Residents are responsible for securing his/her own transportation and ticket refund, if applicable. Residents who require supportive services with activities of daily living (mobility, transfers, etc. must be accompanied on all trips by someone who can assist with those needs. You may utilize a friend, family member, caregiver or arrange for an escort through assisted living. Advance arrangements & Additional escort fee are required. The trip fee will apply to both the resident and person accompanying the resident. Departure time for trips is set. However, return time is flexible due to unexpected delays.