Mimoco, Inc. 119 Braintree St. #106 +1.617.783.1100 tel. Boston, MA 02134 +1.617.783.1122 fax USA www.mimoco.com Thank you for applying for a wholesale account with Mimoco, the MIMOBOT Company!

If you wish to carry MIMOBOT® designer USB flash drives in your store, please provide the following requested information IN FULL* so we can set up your account in our system .

*please note - only completed applications will be reviewed – all fields are required.

Company Name Company Website

Contact Information Primary Contact e-mail Office Phone Mobile Phone Accounting Contact e-mail Office Phone Mobile Phone

Billing [Street address and zip code must match provided credit card information exactly.]** Telephone

Street address 1 Street address 2 City State / Province Zip / Postal Code


**Fill in all lines. If a field is inapplicable, write N/A.

Exact Shipping Address [Company Name / ATTN need to be accurate and shippable via UPS] Name/ATTN

Street address Street address City State / Province Zip / Postal Code



General Year Established

Tax ID # Mimoco, Inc. 119 Braintree St. #106 +1.617.783.1100 tel. Boston, MA 02134 +1.617.783.1122 fax USA www.mimoco.com Collect Ship Acct/Carrier*** ***If applicable Number of Employees

Number of Locations

Country(s) of Operation

Sales Outlet/Channel Y/N Brick & Mortar (Physical Location)

Internet only (E-commerce Business)

Physical Location + E-tail Business

Retail Chain/ Franchise

Do you sell on Amazon/eBay?

Other (please specify)

Business Description Top 5 Products/Brands sold / # of years that your Company has sold said products/brands:

Distributors you buy from [include URLs/specific products]:

Store description [Include images, press articles, etc as separate attachments]:

Tradeshows/Expos that you currently attend/purchase from: [name of show / URL]:

Customer description (demographics/psychographics):

Examples of marketing strategy [PR, in-store events, signage POP, etc]: Mimoco, Inc. 119 Braintree St. #106 +1.617.783.1100 tel. Boston, MA 02134 +1.617.783.1122 fax USA www.mimoco.com

Online & Social Media URLs (provide full links)** Twitter

Facebook Pinterest Instagram





**Fill in all lines. If a field is inapplicable, write N/A.

Conditional Acknowledgements By my signature below I hereby acknowledge and confirm that:

1. All information provided is accurate. 2. Mimoco has a zero tolerance policy for sales of Mimoco products on Amazon.com. I will not market or sell Mimoco’s products on Amazon.com.


