Rufforth with Knapton Parish Council

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Rufforth with Knapton Parish Council


Present: Councillor Anne Powell Councillor Jane Wright Councillor Helen Butterworth Councillor Keith Clarke Councillor Andrew Mate Councillor John Flynn Councillor Helen Beeley Councillor Deborah Smitten In Attendance: 1 members of the public, Ward Councillor Ian Gillies and Mrs S Warden (Clerk)

067 Public Comments: None

068 Election of Chairman Cllr Flynne proposed Cllr Anne Powell and this nomination was seconded by Cllr Deborah Smitten. All were in agreement.

069 Apologies and reason for absence: Ward Councillor Chris Steward

070 Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (not previously declared): None

071 Election of vice-chairman Cllr Anne Powell proposed Cllr Helen Butterworth, Cllr Jane Wright seconded and all agreed.

072 Election of Representatives: John Hawkins Trust: Roger Lee and Celia Galloway YLCA: Cllr Mrs Powell and Cllr Mate Harewood Whin Liaison meetings: Cllrs Mrs Butterworth, Mate and Mrs Powell together with Peter Rollings, Cllr Jane Wright and Nick Murray from the Neighbourhood Plan Group. Cycle Track: Cllrs Mrs Butterworth, Flynn and Clarke Archiving: The Clerk Burial Ground: Cllrs Mrs Butterworth and the Clerk Rufforth Pond and Sand Dykes: Cllr Jane Wright Neighbourhood Watch: Malcolm Coward for Rufforth and Cllr Deborah Smitten would look to see if there was any interest in Knapton Ward Team Meetings: Cllr Mrs Powell and another Knapton Recreational Field: Cllr Clarke

073 Minutes of Parish Council meeting held on 11 April 2016: These were proposed as a true record by Cllr Mate and seconded by Cllr Flynn. The minutes were agreed and signed as a true record.

074 Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 11 April 2016: These were noted.

075 Neighbourhood Plan: Peter Rollings reported that Andrew Towlerton had been appointed as their consultant but on a limited brief. Most of the past month had been taken up with the Yorwaste Planning Application and specifically the required alterations to the site entrance. Peter Rollings and Cllr Mrs Powell had been invited to a meeting with Meldgaard, who have the contract for dealing with the Bottom Ash from Allerton Park. They explained the process and listened to concerns. This will be followed up by a wider meeting with members of the parish council and Neighbourhood Planning Group. Yorwaste are not yet committed and any planning application would be submitted by Meldgaard. A meeting had been held with CYC to agree other things needing to be done prior to pre- submission consultation stage and to receive an update on the new draft Local Plan. There will be an opportunity to walk the Parish with officers responsible when it comes to clearly defining the Green Belt. The Neighbourhood Plan is being written up and as it is done it will be reviewed by the consultant. Policies have been defined and endorsed by the parish council. Any editing of these will not affect R&KPC 9.05.16 1 the principles of the policies. The Village Design Plan has been strengthened into a Plan Design policy and a Green Infrastructure Policy has been written to protect green spaces accessible to the public. There will be a section covering “Aspirations”, these will be issues that are not planning policies but are important to the services, facilities and quality of our community life. Two small scale residential development sites have been identified in Rufforth, one behind the primary school for approximately 28 houses predominantly 2, 3 and small 4 bed houses with a pedestrian access to the rear of the school, The other at the end of Milestone Avenue with a total of 9 properties, 3 cottage/town house type,2x 3 bed detached houses and 4 bungalows. In both cases attenuation tanks or similar will ensure no additional pressure on the drainage system and adequate off road parking provided. The outcome of the current planning application in Knapton is awaited before making any decisions here. A limited expansion of Northminster Business Park is proposed and expansion of existing businesses in the Parish will be supported if within their current site footprint. Despite much work still to be done the aim is to go out for consultation in the Summer.

076 Ward Councillors Comments and Reports: Cllr Gillies reported that Cllr Steward had had a mini stroke and was standing down as leader of the council and would be unable to drive for 4 – 6 weeks. Bus subsidies were being cut but this wouldn’t affect the parish as our service is subsidised by North Yorkshire. Barry Otley had been trying to get in touch with Yorwaste re. the cycle path. Back Lane, Knapton’s surface was very bad. Cllr Gillies said that roads are rated 1 – 5. 1 being good. The 5s are then rated in order of importance i.e. whether a major route or on a bus route. The B1224 at the entrance to Harewood Whin was in the process of being resurfaced whilst the meeting was taking place. The Parish Council wished Cllr Steward a speedy recovery.

077 Clerks Report:  The clerk had spoken to Jim Cavanagh about the tree stump in the ditch at Sand Dykes. Following work to the pond, a tree was dead in across the pond after its roots ending up standing in water. The Clerk would email Jim about this.  The Clerk had emailed Yorwaste re. the skips on the bund and had been assured that whilst they had remained there longer than expected they would soon be removed.  According to Ben Potter (CYC Road Safety) the removal of the chicanes can be put into the Neighbourhood Plan

078 Planning Matters: Yorwaste: Peter Rollings and Cllr Mrs Powell were registered to speak at the planning committee meeting on Thursday 12 May. There were no objections from councillors to the proposed extension to Class 1 at Rufforth Primary School.

079 Finance: Monthly report a) The following Invoices for Payment were agreed: Clerk’s Salary + burial fees £257.69 Council Insurance to Aon £624.05 D Bush Grass Cutting £526.00 R Turner Electrical for installation defibrillator £180.00 Cllr H Butterworth for leaflet printing NBG £75.00 Cycle Path Planning Application fee £97.50 b) Payments Received: 1st instalment of Precept £4,200 Bank Interest £1.40

R&KPC 9.05.16 2 It was agreed to pay £100 for the VETS system once the Clerk had received an invoice and to pay Cllr Mrs Butterworth’s petrol expenses to Skipton on behalf of the Natural Burial Ground. c) Bank Mandate: It was agreed that Cllrs Helen Butterworth, Anne Powell, Jane Wright and John Flynn would be signatories on the account and Tim Haward and Colin Valentine be taken off as signatories.

Burial Grounds: There had been no burials since the last meeting. Cllr Mrs Butterworth and the Clerk were going to take a table at Wetherby Library on 19 May to show pictures and talk about the Natural Burial Ground during the Library’s “Death Week”.

Projects on Parish Council Land: a) Sand Dykes Area: Cllr Mrs Wright reported that there were now more trees leaning and lots needed taking out and that she would see if it was possible to get Yorventure money to do it. b) Rufforth Pond: The Clerk was to contact Jim Cavanagh about the tree in the pond c) Parish Garden: nothing to report d) Knapton Recreational Field: David Meigh had agreed to CYC cutting the grass 10 times during the season but it had not yet been cut and was getting very long. The Clerk would email David. It was agreed that Knapton Recreational Field, the allotments in both villages and the burial grounds needed to be put into the Neighbourhood Plan as designated Open Space.

080 Annual Return for the Financial Year ending 31 March 2016: The Annual Governance Statement 2015/2016 was read out and agreed and signed.

081 Annual Return for the Financial Year ending 31 March 2016: The Annual Accounting Statements 2015/2016 and the bank reconciliation for the year ending 31 March 2016 were agreed and signed.

082 Internal Auditor: It was agreed that James Mackman be our auditor for the year 2015/2016.

083 Correspondence: None

084 Communications: updates were received on the following: Web Site: this was up to date Newsletter: Cllr Mrs Powell asked for items to put into the next newsletter

085 Cycle Track: Cllr. Mrs Butterworth reported that Nick Squire would only give the council 2 meters so the path joining Rufforth village to the start of the cycle track will not be part of the cycle track network. Cllr Mrs Butterworth is putting in for planning and getting 4 quotes. Once planning has been approved the application can go into Yorventure for a grant.

086 The VETS System: It was agreed that the Parish Council could not support or take on the second line.

087 Representatives’ Reports: The following reports were received: a) Rural West York Team Meeting: the next meeting is on 23 May at Skelton b) York Branch Yorkshire Local Councils Association: 2 June at New Earswick c) Yorwaste Liaison Group: the next meeting will take place on 7 June at 3pm.

088 Minor Matters and Items for the Next Agenda: Road repairs are to go on the next agenda Cllr Deborah Smitten will see if the Post Office will repaint Knapton Post Box R&KPC 9.05.16 3 Next agenda: Dog walkers and trees in hedges. The Clerk will write to the Gliding Club to ask them if they can remove the mound of soil from the PROW alongside the runway (this currently means there is no disabled access) otherwise the PROW Officer at CYC will have to be contacted.

089 Date of next meeting: Monday 6 June 2015 in Rufforth Village Hall starting at 7.30 p.m. Cllr Mrs Powell thanked all for attending and closed the meeting at 9.40 pm

______Chairman ______Date

Mrs Stephanie Warden, Parish Clerk: Tel: 738751 Email: [email protected]

R&KPC 9.05.16 4

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