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Curriculum Vitae – Dr Dee Pinto


Proposed role in the project: Expert 3 (Cat 2) – Communication and Advocacy

Family Name: Pinto

First Name: Dalila – preferred name Dee

Date of Birth: 28 March 1947

Nationality: South African

Civil Status: Married (two adult sons)

Education: INSTITUTION DEGREE(S) OR DIPLOMA(S) OBTAINED: (DATE FROM - DATE TO) Witwatersrand University 1981 – 1985 PhD ‘Communication skills for a university education’ Witwatersrand University 1970 – 1971 MSc (in comparative animal behaviour) Witwatersrand University 1969 BSc (Hons) Witwatersrand University 1998 – 1999 B A (Hons)

Language Skills: 5 = fluent (home language); 1 = basic knowledge LANGUAGE READING SPEAKING WRITING English 5 5 5 Portuguese 4 4 4 Afrikaans 3 2 2

Other Skills: Qualitative and action research; workshop facilitation; computer skills, curriculum development, presentation skills, very strong language and communications skills, team work.

Present Position: Freelance consultant (for the past 5 years)

Contact Detail: Physical address: 13 Kildare Ave, Parkview, Johannesburg 2193 Postal Address: 13 Kildare Ave, Parkview, Johannesburg 2193 Tel: (011) 646-9899 / (082) 893-6824 / Fax: (011) 486-0227 E-Mail: [email protected] / Homepage: n/a

1 Curriculum Vitae – Dr Dee Pinto

Previous positions (summary work history)

Country Organisation Date from - Position Held Date to South Africa Consultancy work for 2001 - 2006 Education and Training and SADC various Clients – refer Consultant Region following section: Professional experience Media and Publications Consultant South Africa Wits University 1992 - 2001 Academic Development Tutor and Advisor

IT Advisor: Teaching and Learning South Africa Khanya College and 1987 - 1992 Learning Skills Tutor, Education Information Educational Advisor Centre South Africa Wits University + Anglo 1978 - 1984 Communication Skills Tutor American (joint project) South Africa SABC and JWT Advertising 1973 - 1977 TV Production Assistant South Africa Wits University 1970 - 1973 Graduate Lab Assistant

Key Qualifications and Skills: (relevant to this project)

o Specialist language (English) and communications skills (PhD study and lecturing / tutoring experience in these fields at university level for a total of 15 years).

o Extensive experience in the education and training field – from undertaking training needs assessments and skills audits, design of learning programmes, curriculum development, materials design and development, learning techniques through to programme presentation (10 years experience at college and university level in preparing numerous programmes and curricula).

o Wide knowledge of publishing principles and practical experience in the development and/or editing of books, publications, manuals, promotional and advocacy documentation (for numerous clients such as GTZ, MacMillan Publishers, Heinemann Publishers, the SA Institute for Distance Learning, etc. – over the past 5 years as consultant and earlier Academic Development Advisor at Wits University)

o Good working knowledge and understanding of the CSO / NGO / CBO sector in South Africa and the beneficiary communities to be served by such organisations.

o Strong research and information management skills (gathering, organising, synthesising and presenting information).

2 Curriculum Vitae – Dr Dee Pinto

Professional Experience

Date from - Date Location Company Position Description to 2006 Angola Molteno Project and Education and training Further advocacy work Angolan educators on Maskew Miller Longman consultant the Molteno Project Publishers South Africa Consultant facilitator and Continued consultations on the process of LISOF1 curriculum adviser curriculum reform; facilitated staff workshops (private secondary college) South Africa GTZ Consultant re Publication Edited documents on SETA performance Development scorecard and guidelines 2005 Angola Molteno Project and Education and Training Working with Angolan educators – advocacy Maskew Miller Longman consultant for Molteno Project Publishers South Africa GTZ Consultant: Publication Edited two booklets (on Skills Plans and development Scarce & Critical Skills, respectively) South Africa / MacMillan Publishers Consultant : Materials Edited/re-wrote educational General Science Botswana (Botswana) reviewer and editor textbook for Botswana South Africa / MacMillan Publishers (for Author: Education materials. Wrote Learner book and educator manual on Mozambique Mozambique) Natural Sciences [Grade 5] (Portuguese) South Africa LISOF Consultant: Facilitator and Advised on process of curriculum reform; curriculum adviser facilitated staff workshops (private secondary college) 2004 Mozambique Higher education consultant Continued consultations relating to Distance Ministry of Education and Education in Mozambique UEM2

South Africa Heinemann Publishers Author: Education materials. Senior author of a resource book on assessment for educators

Mozambique Consultant: Curriculum Consultations (in SA and Mozambique) on a S.A.I.D.E.3 design & staff development training programme for Distance Education practitioners in Mozambique.

1 London International School of Fashion 2 University of Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo 3 South African Institute for Distance Education

3 Curriculum Vitae – Dr Dee Pinto

Wrote learner book and educator manual on 2004 contd South Africa / MacMillan Publishers (for Author: Education materials. Visual Education [Grade 5] (Portuguese) Mozambique Mozambique) Advised on the evaluation of materials, training South Africa The National Community- Consultant : Programme and support offered to paralegals in South based Paralegal evaluator Africa Association Assisted with translation (into Portuguese) and 2003 South Africa Awareness Publishing Materials development adaptation of a series of books on HIV/AIDS consultant and translator for young readers Consultations relating to Distance Education Mozambique Ministry of Education and Higher education consultant in Mozambique; also establishing UEM Polytechnics in Mozambique Structured and edited booklets: “Creating a South Africa GTZ Consultant: Publication skills programme in the informal sector: Books development 1 and 2” Wrote Learner book and educator manual on South Africa MacMillan Publishers (for Author: Education materials. Visual Education [Grade 7] (Portuguese) Mozambique) Consulted on a series of teaching modules South Africa Naledi 3D Adviser on multi-media incorporating virtual reality modeling as part of educational materials a computer-assisted learning project Consultant with the brief of writing a training 2002 South Africa Nelson Mandela Consultant: Training and manual for the Nelson Mandela household Foundation publication development staff Consultant facilitator of a joint workshop Mozambique Witwatersrand University Consultant: Facilitator and between the Geology Depts of both and UEM report-writer institutions. Wrote the report. Reviewed and evaluated educational texts (for South Africa Heinemann Publishers Materials evaluator schools in SA and also Mozambique). and MacMillan Publ Assisted in development of research protocols South Africa Witwatersrand Health Consultant: Protocol Consortium development Wrote two educator manuals and guides on South Africa MacMillan Publishers (for Author: Education materials. Visual Education at Primary level (Portuguese) Mozambique)

4 Curriculum Vitae – Dr Dee Pinto

UEM and Ministry of Curriculum development Facilitated a curriculum workshop 2001 Mozambique Education consultant Faculty of Humanities Consultantt: Publication Macro-edited a resource booklet for South Africa development university teaching staff on the subject of (Wits University) referencing skills and plagiarism RADMASTE Materials evaluation consultant On-site evaluation of science micro-kits South Africa (Wits University) SABC Education (TV) Consultant editor. Macro-edited an evaluation of a TV South Africa programme Joint Education Trust Materials evaluation consultant Evaluated a series of textbooks South Africa University of the Consultant: Publication Produced proceedings of a mini-conference South Africa Witwatersrand (WITS) development University of the Academic development Curriculum development, materials design, 1992 - 2001 South Africa Witwatersrand (WITS) advisor, IT advisor: teaching contextualising language and learning skills and learning into science studies, curriculum development to incorporate IT into courses, programme evaluation. Khanya College and Worked with DET students and educators to 1987 - 1992 South Africa Learning skills tutor, Education Information develop communication and life skills for Educational advisor Center successful teaching and learning. University of the Communication skills tutor Developed and taught English language 1978 - 1984 South Africa Witwatersrand (WITS) and other communications skills courses for (the then) DET students enrolled in a bridging programme to university. South Africa SA Broadcasting Production assistant in TV General assistance in preparation of TV 1973 - 1977 Corporation and JWT broadcasts productions. Advertising University of the Graduate Lab Assitant Research assistant in a comparative 1970 - 1973 South Africa Witwatersrand (WITS) behaviour laboratory.

5 Publications) BOOKS Pinto, D & Dison, L (1999) ‘Learning materials in the OBE classroom: A teacher’s guide to their design and use’. Johannesburg; Maskew Miller Longman.

Pinto, D (2002) ‘O meu talento’ (Visual Education at Junior Primary level) - Teacher manual [in Portuguese for Moçambique] – Johannesburg; MacMillan Publishers

Pinto, D (2002) ‘O meu talento’ (Visual Education at Senior Primary level) - Teacher manual [in Portuguese for Moçambique] – Johannesburg; MacMillan Publishers

Pinto, D and Dison, L (2003) ‘Effective Assessment: A Step-by-Step Guide for Teachers [Intermediate Phase]’ Johannesburg; Heinemann Publishers.

Pinto, D (2003) Visual Education (Art education) for Grade 7 in Moçambique: a student book and a teacher’s guide in Portuguese for MacMillan Publishers.

Pinto, D (2003) [Ed] ‘An innovative approach for skills development in the social sector and informal economy’. GTZ and Department of Labour.

Pinto, D (2003) [Ed] ‘Creating a skills programme in the informal sector’ GTZ and Department of Labour.

Pinto, D and Dison, L (2005) ‘Effective Assessment: A Step-by-Step Guide for Teachers [Senior Phase]’ Johannesburg; Heinemann Publishers.

Pinto, D (2004) Visual Education (Art education) for Grade 5 in Moçambique: student book [in Portuguese]; Johannesburg: MacMillan Publishers.

Pinto, D (2004) Visual Education (Art education) for Grade 5 in Moçambique: teacher manual [in Portuguese]; Johannesburg: MacMillan Publishers.

CHAPTER OF A BOOK Dison, L & Pinto, D (2000) ‘Developing materials for active learning’. In Improving Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Johannesburg, Witwatersrand University Press: pp 167 - 202.

JOURNAL ARTICLES Dison, L & Pinto, D (1995) ‘Collaboratively developed discipline-based materials for academic development practice’. S.A. Journal of Higher Education, Vol 9 (2): 160 - 164

Lammas, R & Pinto, D (1995) ‘Communicating chorography, talking topography: new frontiers in teaching language and geography’. Academic Development, Vol 1 (2): 169 - 178.

Moelwyn-Hughes, JT & Pinto, D (1988) ‘Towards Relevant Academic Staff Development Programmes: Analysing the Needs of Newly Appointed Staff’. S.A. Journal of Higher Education, Vol 2 (1): 83 - 91

Osberg, D; Pinto, D; Docherty, S & Still, C (1998) ‘Promoting high quality teaching and learning through sharing academic resources’. S.A. Journal of Higher Education, Vol 12 (1): 141 - 148 Curriculum Vitae – Dr Dee Pinto

Pinto, D (2000) ‘Power relations in the Portuguese translation of Alan Paton’s Life for a life’ Language Matters Vol 31 : 130 – 154 . Pretoria; University of South Africa. PAPERS PRESENTED AND CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS

Conference Title of paper

1993 SAAAD4 CONFERENCE Changing conceptions of materials development at Wits University of the Western University. Cape Dison, L & Pinto, D

1993 15th CONVENTION : Federation of Natural Science Science needs skilled workers and Mathematics Education Pinto, D; Rollnick, M and White, M Association of S Africa University of the Orange Free State 1994 SAAAD CONFERENCE 1) How can we help students to think visually? (poster University of Natal, Durban presentation) Klein, G & Pinto, D

2) Collaboration creates new learning opportunities in the College of Science, University of the Witwatersrand Lammas, D & Pinto, D

3) When does first-order change become second-order change? AD practice in Social Work I at Wits, and some innovations in departmental practice. Pinto, D & Meyer, J

4) Incorporating language skills in science teaching Pinto, D & Rutherford, M 1994 SAARMSE5 CONFERENCE Academic skills for College of Science chemistry (Wits) University of Durban- Pinto, D; Rollnick, R & White, M Westville 1995 SAAAD CONFERENCE Alternative method to teaching ‘first year’ Geology - the Technikon Free State College of Science approach. (poster presentation). Bloemfontein Drennan, G & Pinto, D Alternative methods to teaching ‘first year’ geology - the 1996 30TH IINTERNATIONAL College of Science approach”. . GEOLOGICAL CONGRESS Drennan, G.R & Pinto, D Beijing, China 1996 5th NAT’L CLESOL6 CONFERENCE Incorporating language skills in science teaching Waikato, New Zealand Pinto, D 1996 SAAAD CONFERENCE Effective Communication for teaching and learning in University of the Fort Hare, Science and Technology (workshop) Eastern Cape Goodier, C; Inglis, M; Kaunda, L and Pinto, D

4 South African Association for Academic Development 5 Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics and Science Education 6 Community Languages and English Speakers of Other Languages

7 Curriculum Vitae – Dr Dee Pinto

1996 SAARMSE CONFERENCE University of the Pedagogical beliefs and classroom practice North, Pietersburg Pinto, D & Magadla, L 1996 UEM7 GEOLOGY DEPT Alternative methods to teaching ‘first year’ geology - the Staff Workshop College of Science approach Maputo, Mozambique Pinto, D

1997 SAAAD CONFERENCE Promoting high quality teaching and learning through Broederstroom sharing academic resources Osberg, D; Pinto, D; Docherty, S & Still, C

1997 2nd INT’L CONFERENCE: A vision for expanding the College of Science (Poster GEOSCIENCE EDUCATN presentation) Hawaii Drennan, G & Pinto, D 1997 SAARMSE CONFERENCE ‘Do I really want to be here?’ The role that affective factors Univ of the Witwatersrand, play in student performance in the College of Science, Wits Jhb University Pinto, D; White, M & Green, G 1998 SAARMSE CONFERENCE Effective Communication for teaching and learning in UNISA, Pretoria Science and Technology (workshop) Goodier, C; Inglis, M; Kaunda, L and Pinto, D 2000 3rd INT’L CONFERENCE: Introductory Geology map-work - Overcoming difficulties GEOSCIENCE EDUCATN with 3-D and 4-D visualization. Sydney, Australia Gibson, RL; Drennan, GR and Pinto, D 2000 SAALA8 Conference Evaluating the impact of curricular materials on student UWC/Stellenbosch learning. University Pinto, D & Dison, L 2000 SAARMSE CONFERENCE Overcoming difficulties with 2-D and 3-D visualization: University of Port Elizabeth Introductory Geology Map-work at Wits University. Pinto, D; Drennan, G and Gibson, R 2003 ICHEd CONFERENCE “Teaching and learning in Higher Education: New trends (International Conference and innovations” in Higher Education) University of Aveiro, Portugal [Attended, did not present a paper] 2004 7th INT’L CONF. ON Using virtual reality to train operators for lathes and milling MODERN INDUSTRIAL machines TRAINING van der Merwe, DF and Pinto, D Chingquing, China; October (Conference Proceedings pp 19 – 22) 2004

7 University of Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo 8 Southern African Association for Applied Linguistics


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