Our Ref: JA/JG/Btspru
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Anstey Parish Council Meeting
You are summoned to attend the Meeting of Anstey Parish Council which will be held at the Jubilee Hall, Stadon Road, Anstey LE7 7AY on Tuesday 2nd February 2016 at 7.30 pm at which your attendance is required
Wednesday 27th January 2016.
TO ALL MEMBERS OF ANSTEY PARISH COUNCIL: Martin Broomhead (Chairman), Deborah Taylor (Vice-Chairman), Nigel Aston, Vicky Ball, Emma Bown, Ian Grogan, Melissa Hadfield, Mandy Jordan, Glyn McAllister, Roger Peat, Andrew Nickolls, Brian Rowlinson, John Sutherington, Chris Tunaley.
1. PUBLIC RECESS To receive representation from the Public on items on the agenda.
2. APOLOGIES To receive apologies for absence and to consider whether to approve reasons given.
3. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS PECUNIARY AND NON-PECUNIARY To receive declarations of Interest on agenda items.
4. MINUTES To approve and sign the minutes from the meeting of the 12th January 2015. (Appendix A)
5. CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS To receive Chairman’s announcements, if any.
6. PLANNING To consider the following planning applications, plus any received since issuing of the agenda.
(a) Application number: P/16/0022/2 Proposal: Erection of two detached dwellings Location: 165 Gynsill Close, Anstey LE7 7AN
(b) To receive a letter from Charnwood Borough Council re: planning appeal. (Appendix AA) Site Address: Woodside Business Park
7. FINANCE (a) To CONSIDER the expenditure for training - Councillor Broomhead (Appendix B) (b) To CONSIDER the expenditure for Safer Surfacing on small climbing frame at the recreation ground play park. (Appendix C) (c) To CONSIDER the expenditure for Electrical work for the Jubilee Hall (Appendix D) 8. EVENTS COMMITTEE To receive the minutes of the Events Committee Meeting held on the 26th January 2016. (Appendix E)
A copy of the Draft Neighbourhood Plan can be found at http://www.thurcastonandcropston.com/ndp/
Consultation of the Draft Thurcaston & Cropston Neighbourhood Plan will begin on the 11th January 2016 for a period of 6 weeks until 21st February.
All those who live, work or carry on business in the neighbourhood area of Thurcaston & Cropston as well as all statutory consultees are encouraged to look at this Draft Plan and provide constructive feedback during this 6 week period.
10. STREET LIGHTING (Appendix G) At the consultation meeting with Anstey Parish Council regarding the street lighting energy saving scheme we agreed to undertake a review of the part-night lighting scheme 1 year after its implementation. As the Street Lighting Efficiency Savings Project is drawing to a close and with the imminent roll-out of LED street lights across the county we would like to know if you have any observations to make regarding the part-night lighting of the street lights in your parish.
Both national and our own studies have shown the following: Crime – Studies carried out have shown no increase in crime during part-night operation. Road Traffic Collisions – There is no evidence to suggest an increase in RTC’s in Leicestershire.
Further information on the implemented scheme are available at http://www.leics.gov.uk/lighting together with other useful information concerning the changes to street lighting in Leicestershire.
11. MEMBERS REPORTS To receive reports from Councillors on meetings they have attended as Parish Council Representatives.
13. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS To consider any items for a future meeting agenda
14. EXEMPT ITEM To consider entering into a confidential session due to the Staffing item that needed to be discussed.
15. STAFFING COMMITTEE To receive the Minutes of the Staffing Committee meeting held on the 26th January 2016. (Appendix H) The Public and Press are most welcome to attend all meetings of the Parish Council