Speech Speaker Time Duties 1 Proposition – 1st 8  Define motion Speaker minutes  Model (if needed)  2 or 3 major arguments supporting the motion  Preview new argument for second speech 2 Opposition – 1st 8  Accept or dispute definition Speaker minutes  Refute proposition’s major arguments  Present 1-2 major arguments opposing the motion  Preview new argument for second speech 3 Proposition – 8  Rebuild original proposition 2nd Speaker minutes arguments  Attack new opposition arguments  Present new argument supporting the motion 4 Opposition – 2nd 8  Rebuild original opposition Speaker minutes arguments  Attack new proposition arguments  Present new argument opposing the motion 5 Proposition – 3rd 8  Rebuild proposition arguments Speaker minutes  Refute opposition arguments 6 Opposition – 3rd 8  Rebuild opposition arguments Speaker minutes  Refute proposition arguments 7 Opposition – 4  Summarize the debate from the Summary minutes perspective of the opposition (given by 1st of 2nd speaker) 8 Proposition – 4  Summarize the debate from the Summary minutes perspective of the proposition (given by 1st of 2nd speaker) Points of information offered by other side between minutes 2 & 7, none in summary. Each speaker should take at least two points of information. No preparation time between speeches.