How to Find the Perfect Property Avatar Major Market Domination


o Always save a copy of the original file so that if you make a mistake you can always go back and start over. Also you will need to go back to the original spreadsheet after we have determined our PPA.

o All Sorts will be from A to Z unless other wise noted.

o You will always be using the CUSTOM SORT feature and make sure to ALWAYS highlight the entire spreadsheet and make sure to check off “my list has headers” when sorting.

o You can click on the pictures to view them in a larger format

o Our three key sorts will be done the same exact way and you will copy and paste each sort into their respective work sheets INITIAL FORMATTING 1. Format the Original Sheet a. HIGHLIGHT the entire spreadsheet by clicking the top left directly to the left of “Column A” b. WIDEN the spreadsheet by going to Format and select “Auto Fit Column Width” from the drop down c. FREEZE TOP ROW by going to clicking the LAYOUT TAB and then the button all the way to the right d. CREATE EXTRA WORKSHEETS by clicking the little “+” button at the bottom left of the spreadsheet and create 3 additional work sheets. i. Tax Assess ii. Sqftg iii. Year Built e. SORT THE SPREADSHEET for Owner Label 1 and eliminate records such as FNMA, FHA, or Developers of Subdivisions and DELETE those records 3 Key Sorts (Tax Assess, Sqftg, Year Built) We will be using the same exact sort method for all of the variables. 1)Total Assessed Value 2) Square Footage 3) Year Built Copy and Paste the data from each sort into their respective worksheets after each sort (DO NOT CUT AND PASTE) Sort for Tax Assessed Value

Break the data into blocks of 50,000 (example 1 to 50,000, 50,000 to 100,000 and 100,000 to 150,000). You can highlight the records with different colors to make it easier to delineate. Note which block has the most or similar amounts of data. For a hypothetical example: 1 to 50,000 has 290 and 50,000 to 100,000 has 345 and 100,000 to 150,000 has 320 and 150,000 to 200,000 only has 100 records. From this we can delineate that the records we want to target are 150,000 and below.

Sort for Square Footage

Break the data into blocks of 500 and use the same method as before to determine the blocks that have the most or similar amounts of data. For example 1-500, 500- 1000,1000-1500 etc.

Sort for Year Built

Break the data into blocks of 25 years and use the same method as before to determine the blocks that have the most or similar amounts of data. For example 1900-1925, 1925-1950, 1950-1975. Final Determination of the Perfect Property Avatar Note the targeted range for each key variable. This will determine what your perfect property avatar is. For example, Our target properties would be tax assessed for 100,000 to 150,000, have 1000-1500 sqft and 1950-1975.

These are the properties we will target when we build our list for motivated sellers.