Violent Crime Tasking Group

13th June, 2003


Insp. Smith, PS Castleton, Chief Insp. Pearcey, Ms. Smith, Mr. Hardy, Mr. Wright, Mr. Carlisle Mr. Fortune, Mr. Mernagh, Mr. Dunnett, Mr. Andain

Apologies were received from Ms. Plympton, Mr. Lucas, Ms. Beanlands, Mr. Nichols, Mr. Peerless, Mr. Patience, Mr. Lewis.

1. Notes from Previous Meeting

Verbal assaults are not included in the A & E figures which are provided but Mark Dunnett can provide these if required as he does collate them. .

Mark Dunnett stated that more detail should be recorded in the location field and also the alcohol related field.

Jonathon Wright circulated categories. In respect of staff arrests in A & E the meeting would like to know the outcome of those persons arrested. Jean Smith agreed to send through details.

Chief Inspector Pearcey will look at Microbeat Officer for the hospital area to have a closer working relationship with Mark Dunnett’s team.

To fully understand the stats, certain members of the group have been invited to view how the triage nurse inputs the details.

Tony Mernagh stated that there is a perception that nothing is done by the Police and partner agencies in respect of violent crime. He suggested that the minutes of this meeting be posted onto the Council Website and also that of Safer Streets. This was agreed by the group. An article will also be going in the Argus regards Jean Smith’s appointment as Violent Crime Reduction Officer.

Action: Jean Smith to arrange for the minutes to be posted on the websites. Action: Minute taker to produce minutes within one week of meeting. Action: Mark Dunnett to explore possibility of minutes going on his website. Action: Dates of next meeting to be published.

2. Media and Publicity for Summer Period Update

Publicity was going out next week advertising Jean's post. ‘Smile you are on CCTV’ posters were going to be circulated to City Centre Clubs and Pubs. Internal marketing was also needed. A one off campaign to be considered for City news.

3. Progress of LPSA Action Plan

Jean Smith had produced a secondary action plan document with a traffic light system to make things easier to focus on. The main document will still continue to hold all the updates but the secondary document will be used to tie people into the Actions.

There was then a proposal to work through the Action Plan which was agreed. Page 3

Purchase and installation re CCTV Stations. This was changed to Green as all the work was in hand and should be completed by September.

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ASBO Co-ordinators meeting. A discussion took place as to whether a meeting should be held to discuss violent crime ASBOs. It was agreed that Jean should attend the next general ASBO meeting at 10 am on 18th July at the Wellesbourne Centre. This action was now changed to green

Action: Jean Smith to link in with next ASBO meeting.

There was still a lot of pre ASBO work to be done as there was still a lack of understanding.

Action: Jean Smith to lead on this.

Street Drinking Ban - this includes the RSCH. Mark Dunnett sought clarification as to whether the Security Guards had the power to remove drink from persons. It was suggested that a sign be displayed in A & E which indicated that drink may be removed from persons – but not be specific as to by whom. MD said he would consider this.

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A target of 40 test purchases had been set - this had not been achieved in the period to March 2003, however 18 had already been carried out this year. (A problem has occurred with the use of youngsters). Approval was being sought to use Police Cadets

Action: Lisa Pearcey to endeavour to clarify this and to link in with Ray Moore

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As a result of research and negotiations with the bus company late night buses are already provided - these leave at 1.10 and 2.25am covering North, East and West and 1.00am & 2.30am to Haywards Heath. The bus companies keep very good records of how well used these buses are. Information posters have been provided which will go up in clubs and pubs in the City Centre. The bus company are prepare to provide extra buses if necessary. In July 2004 a 5 am finish for Clubs is anticipated and Jean Smith has conveyed this info to the Bus Company.

It was suggested that Brighton Centre be approached so that posters can be displayed there. A discussion took place and it was agreed to do this incrementally.

Mark Dunnett asked that he be provided with posters. Jean Smith suggested he speak with the bus company who would provide a bespoke poster for the Hospital as the routes and times would be different from info supplied on posters for West Street.

An amount of money had been set aside for underwriting the buses. If this proved successful then this money could be used elsewhere.

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Still a fair bit of work to be carried out in relation to the City Centre Safe Pub/Club Watch with the Licensees Forum and the status of these actions should be changed to amber. Page 15

Measure of success. Named individual John Patience linked to areas.

Safe in the City website not yet containing information on prevention of alcohol-related crime. This should be Amber

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Workplace Violence issue - this was deferred to next meeting. Need Health and Safety Officers from Brighton and Hove Council

The next piece of work will including looking at the master document and the new document and putting in targets.

4. Stats

There is 1 months data from April. The outcome for 2002/2003 is below target but there was an increase in A & E. The meeting needed to look at what has been done and the results.

5. Repeat Offenders Update

Jonathon Wright explained that he had checked through some 1700 records to identified repeat offenders and it would appear that these are very low. Most commit other crimes.

Licensees Forum - by way of the radio network and Retail Crime Initiative if a person who is subject to an ASBO attempts to enter a club in an area where they are excluded then they would be able to refuse them entry and also report the incident as a breach.

Alcohol related crime - statistics are not at present reliable. The police carried out a project for six months which indicated if a crime was alcohol related, but this was info collation was stopped a few months ago as the check box on the reporting system was needed for another project. It was agreed this information was invaluable and the info should be collated. Ch Insp Pearcey would take this point forward with a view to re- instating the box on crime reports.

Action: Lisa Pearcey to speak with IMC re projects box.

7. Any Other Business

Funding - there were monies available. The group would need to consider bids so that money will be spent by the end of the year.

A discussion took place and the various activities within the Action plan were divided up for the group members to deal with and return to meeting

1. High Profile message, commitment and partnership - Jean Smith and Peter Castleton

2. Effective enforcement and investigation - Lisa Pearcey

3. Underage drinking - Tim Nicholls 4. Managing public environment, planning and licensing - Peter Hardy

6. Education and diversion into treatment - Mark Dunnett

7. Diversion of problem drinker into treatment - Mark Dunnett

8. Development of policies and practices for 6. And 7. - Mark Dunnett

9. Reduce violent crime induced by drugs - Mark Dunnett

10. Tackle non-alcohol or drug related violence - Mark Dunnett

Jean Smith informed the meeting that she had negotiated the garland lights to be turned on during the early hours on the seafront in between West Street and Palace Pier. She was advised by the Council that should the lights be needed permanently there would be a cost implication. The meeting agreed in principle to fund this. However, Jonathon Fortune did not believe that there would be a cost and agreed to check this out.

Action: Jonathan Fortune would investigate and update Jean before the next meeting.