Zhil-Hajj the Sacred Month
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Zhil Hajj Newsletter – September 2015
Zhil-Hajj – The Sacred Month
The final month of the Islamic calendar i.e. Zhil-Hajj is one of the four sacred months of the year known as ‘Ash’hur-ul-Hurum’ – the sacred months. Zhil-Hajj is a very meaningful and valuable period of the year for all the Muslims in the world both on an individual and on a collective basis. It unites millions of people of different colours and races together under one single roof of the Holy Shrines. It is in this month that billions of Muslims demonstrate and exhibit their love for their only beloved Allah by performing ‘Qurbaani’ in His name. Yet, the early hours of the tenth of this month witnesses the entire global Muslim population on their knees in prostration to their only Deity, Allah in the name of Eid salaah.
Virtues of the first ten days of Zhil-Hajj
The first ten days of this month i.e. Tue 15 th Sept till Thu 24 th Sept are more virtuous and significant than the rest. In Suratul Fajr Allah has taken an oath by the first ten nights of Zhil-Hajj which clearly indicates their significance and sacredness. The first ten day period is an extremely invaluable time for the worship of Allah. The Holy Prophet (saw) is reported to have said, “No good deed performed on other days is superior in the sight of Allah than the ones performed during the first ten days of Zhil-Hajj.” The companions asked “not even Jihaad Oh Prophet of Allah (saw)?” He replied, “Not even Jihaad! Except for the one who went out with both his life and wealth but did not return with either of the two.” (Bukhari, 15:86) In another Hadeeth he (saw) is reported to have said, “The most beloved days of devotion in the sight of Allah are the first ten days of Zhil-Hajj. The fast of each of these days is equivalent (in reward) to the fast of the whole year and the worship of each night (during this period) is equal (in reward) to the worship of Laylatul Qadr.” (Tirmizhi) One more hadeeth states that “No other days are more beloved to Allah for good deeds than the first ten days of Zhil-Hajj. Therefore, during these days read Allahu Akbar, Alhamdulillah, Subhaanallah and Laa ilaaha illillah as frequently as possible.” (Tabrani)
The day of Arafah (Wed 23 rd Sept)
Although the entire first ten day period is holy and virtuous, nevertheless the ninth day known as the day of Arafah is the holiest of all. In Suratul Fajr as well as in Suratul Burooj Allah takes an oath by this day. This clearly shows its excellence and holiness. Our Nabi Muhammad (saw) has said, “There is no day in which Allah sets free more people from the Hell Fire than the day of Arafah. On this day Allah draws Himself nearer to the people and proudly exclaims, “What do my people want?” (Muslim)
He (saw) is also noted to have said, “Apart from the day of the battle of Badr Shaytaan has never been noticed as being more belittled, rejected, humiliated and furious as he is noticed on the day of Arafah. All this is because he witnesses the pouring rain of Allah’s mercy and His forgiveness for major sins.” (Muatta Imam Maalik)
Fasting on the day of Arafah
Although fasting for all first nine days is commendable and virtuous, nevertheless, the fasting on the ninth day in particular i.e. on the day of Arafah is exclusively virtuous. Prophet Muhammad (saw) has said, “Fasting on the day of Arafah will hopefully compensate for the sins of the past whole year as well for the forthcoming year.” (Muslim)
The days of Zhil-Hajj are very prominent days for the remembrance of Allah. The Almighty says in His Holy Book, “And remember Allah during these few days.” (2:203)
From the Fajr on the 9th Zhil-Hajj (Wed 23 rd Sept) till Asr on the 13th Zhil-Hajj (Sun 27 th Sept) i.e. 23 salaats in total, all Muslims; men and women, pilgrims and non pilgrims are expected to read the following Takbeer known as ‘Takbeer-ut-Tashreeq’, audibly immediately after each Fardh salaah.
(Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest, there is no god except Allah and Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest and all praise be to Allah)
Eid-ul-Adha (Thu 24 th Sept)
The tenth day of the month is the ‘Eid-ul-Adha’ day i.e. the spiritual celebration day of sacrifice. This is not merely a day of rejoicing material and physical festivities. Instead it is an extremely holy day of spiritual celebrations. It is a day of proving your love, adoration, submission and loyalty for your ultimate Master Allah. Allah has taken an oath in the Quraan specifically by the Fajr time of this day as well as generally by the entire day. Thus, all five daily salaats especially the Fajr salaah is a must!
This is a symbolic act of worship to earn the nearness of Allah as the word ‘Qurbaan’ itself means nearness. This involves sacrificing an animal in the name of Allah during specific days of Zhil-Hajj to demonstrate that all our potentials from physical to financial are readily available for Allah. The practice of Qurbaani also commemorates the sacrifices of our dear great grandfather Ibraheem (as).
Virtues of performing Qurbaani
When the companions enquired as to what sort of reward they should expect to reap on performing Qurbaani, the Prophet (saw) replied, “A reward on every hair of the animal.” He was further asked about doing Qurbaani of an animal with wool, for which he replied, “On every fibre of the wool there will be a reward.” Our Prophet (saw) has also stated that “The most beloved act of worship in the sight of Allah during the days of sacrifice is the Qurbaani.” For indeed on the day of Qiyamah the animal shall come with all its horns, hooves and hair (to intercede or to add to the weight on the scale of good deeds). And indeed it is an act of worship that becomes recognised and appreciated by Allah even before the blood hits the ground.
A warning for those who neglect Qurbaani
Despite his compassionate and kind nature, the Prophet (saw) has said, “Whosoever has the financial ability yet has no intention of performing Qurbaani must not come near our Eid salaah venue.”
Masaail Time
1) For those intending to do Qurbaani either locally or abroad, it is recommended for them to refrain from clipping their nails and shaving or trimming hair from any part of the body, from the beginning of the month of Zhil-Hajj till their Qurbaani has been performed. Rasoolullah (saw) has said, “when you see the moon of Zhil-Hajj and one has the intention of Qurbaani, then neither should he trim ( or shave) his hair nor should he clip his nails.” (Muslim)
2) Qurbaani is necessary upon all well to do adults; men and women (i.e. upon those who are eligible to pay Zakaah or Sadaqatul Fitr).
3) Qurbaani is not necessary on behalf of children whether they are rich or poor.
4) If a small animal such as a goat, sheep or ram is chosen for Qurbaani, then it can represent Qurbaani for one person only. If a large animal such as a cow, buffalo or a camel is chosen for Qurbaani, then it can represent for up to a maximum of seven people.
5) Qurbaani can be performed locally or abroad.
6) Qurbaani can only be performed any time from after Eid Salaah on the 10th of Zhil-Hajj (Thu 24th Sept) till sunset on the 12th of Zhil-Hajj (Sat 26th Sept), although the first day is the most preferred day.
7) Qurbaani meat can be enjoyed by everyone; rich and poor, family members and others.
8) If Qurbaani was missed for any reason in the past, then the only possible compensation is to pay the equivalent amount in cash to the poor.
9) Qurbaani can also be performed on behalf of the deceased as well as on behalf of our Nabi (saw).
10) Fast must not be kept on the 10th, 11th, 12th or 13th of Zhil-Hajj as this is not allowed.
Things to do during Zhil-Hajj
1) Refrain from clipping nails, trimming or shaving wanted or unwanted hair right from the very beginning of the month till your Qurbaani has been performed.
2) Perform all your salaats at least during this prominent time of the year. 3) Fast for as many days as possible from amongst the first nine days of the month. Otherwise, at least on the day of Arafah. Ideal opportunity for weight loss too! Remember the reward of each fast is as much as the reward of fasting for the whole year!
4) Spend as many nights as possible during the first ten day period in the worship of Allah. Remember, the reward of each night is as much as the reward of Laylatul Qadr!
5) As recommended by Allah and His Prophet (saw) keep your tongue moist with the zhikr of Allah during these important days.
6) Do not forget to recite Takbeer-ut-Tashreeq from the 9 th till the 13th Zhil-Hajj after every fardh salaah (For a total of 23 salaats).
7) Make arrangements for your Qurbaani before you are rendered unfit for attending the Eid salaah!
1) Arafah day will be spiritually celebrated on Wed 23rd Sept.
2) Eid-ul-Adha will be celebrated on Thu 24th Sept. (Please see Eid Salaah times below)
Masjid 1st 2nd
QUWWAT 7:15 AM 10:00 AM
SALAAM 7:20 AM 9:30 AM
QUBA 8:30 AM