The Language of Science s1

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The Language of Science s1

The Language of Science

Science contains a language all its own. Actually, science vocabulary is a hodge-podge of roots, prefixes, and suffixes put together to describe events, body parts, or functions, etc. observed by individuals studying the process. Below you will find a list of the more common prefixes and suffixes and their meanings. If one can learn their meaning(s), they will be well on their way to understanding the vast vocabulary of science. The shaded words below will be on your first quiz. Those not shaded will be on your second quiz. Those with an asterisk (*) will be on both.

Prefix Meaning Prefix Meaning Suffix Meaning a- or an- not or non epi- above -cyst- bladder, pouch angio- vessel oste- bone -som- body *endo- inside, inner *poly- many -gen; -gine producer; former aero- needing O2 or air pneumo- lungs, air -algia pain *anti- against coel- hollow -aceous of or pertaining to arthro- joint, jointed nephro- kidney *-derm skin, layer *auto- self *exo- outer, external -itis inflammation *bio- relating to life gastro- stomach *-ology study of chloro- green hemo- blood -meter measurement meso- middle hetero- different -osis condition cyto- cell homo- same -phase stage geo- pertaining to macro- large -pod foot earth brachi- having arms multi- consisting of -stasis stationary many units condition pseudo- false photo- light -lysis to break sapr- rotten pre- before *-synthesis to build or make sclera- hard lipo- pertaining to fat -phyll leaf erythro- red cephal- head -sis condition or state corp- body gymno- naked -tom cut or slice *macro- large foli- leaf -phyte Plant andro- masculine, man toxico- poison -cide Killing audi- hear chromo- color -flex Bend caud- tail pleur- lung -saccharide sugar hepat- liver sept- partition or seven *-micro- small myo- muscle neuro- nerve -phore Bearer oscu- mouth myriad- many -ped feet, foot

Using the above chart, determine the meaning of the following scientific words.

1. arthritis 6. autophage

2. abiotic 7. gastritis

3. micronucleus 8. geology

4. polycystic 9. scleraderm

5. liposuction 10. cytology

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