Course Policy Statement-School Year 2017-18

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Course Policy Statement-School Year 2017-18

✚ JMJ Mary Star of the Sea High School Geometry: Mr. A. Mendoza Course Policy Statement-School Year 2017-18

Course Overview: This course is designed in line with the California Common Core State Standards for Geometry found at / (pp. 69-76). For the Geometry course, instructional time will focus on six critical areas in order to: (1) establish criteria for congruence of triangles based on rigid motions; (2) establish criteria for similarity of triangles based on dilations and proportional reasoning; (3) informally develop explanations of circumference, area, and volume formulas; (4) apply the Pythagorean Theorem to the coordinate plane; (5) prove basic geometric theorems; and (6) extend work with probability started in the middle grades. Course-specific vocabulary and two- and three-dimensional figures are also included in our course of study. Students will apply many of the skills they developed in Algebra I to the mastery of these concepts. The text as well as class activities help guide students to master these standards and be better prepared to succeed in their higher-level math classes.

Course Requirements: Students are asked to participate in the different activities and assessments for successful completion of this course. Students will be expected to keep up with regular reading assignments, maintain a class notebook for the entire term, and complete the varying assignments and assessments that are part of the course. All work, including collaborative and individual projects should reflect high school-level effort and meet criteria outlined in any teacher-assigned rubric. Each student is expected to bring the following materials every day to class: 1. Course text: Holt McDougal. Larson’s Geometry: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 2012. 2. A small binder or a notebook with folder pockets with the following sections labeled: class notes, returned work, and formative review. 3. Several graphite pencils (standard or mechanical), a pen for making corrections (alternate color), a highlighting pen (thin), and several color pencils. 4. A small protractor and compass (without sharp point) 5. TI-84 or better graphing calculator (These should be stored in lockers when not used in class.)

In addition, the following resources will be a regular part of the course: 1. Assignments and assessments will be given from websites including:,, and specific links will be on the class web page. 2. The Mary Star of the Sea High School web site, under the class homework menu, will include assignments, due dates, test dates, links, attachments and other important information for the class. 3. Students will, on occasion, need other standard school supplies (like scissors and glue) for geometric constructions and models. Students will be given advanced notice before they will be required in class.

Expected School-wide Learning Results (ESLRs): In this course, the school's ESLRs will be addressed through attention to the goals of Catholicism, Curriculum, Character and Community as stated in the Mary Star of the Sea High School Mission Statement. Some of the areas specific to this class are to:  Participate in class prayer  Know the impact of the Church on modern history  Respect one another  Work to one’s fullest abilities in all academic endeavors  Demonstrate academic integrity

Attendance: Per the Mary Star of the Sea High School Student-Parent Handbook (page 28), all school policies regarding excused/unexcused tardies and absences will be enforced. Students are expected to attend class daily, arriving on time for each period. Students not seated in their assigned seats when the final late bell rings are considered late and will be sent to the Attendance Office for an admit slip. Students who miss several days of class should make an attempt via e-mail or the school web site to keep up with assigned work, if they are able to. The policy for submitting late work can be found below.

Grading: Students’ grades will be computed in compliance with the Mary Star of the Sea High School grading scale (see Student-Parent Handbook p.30), based on the student’s percentage of total points received during the grading period. The semester grade will be inclusive of all points accumulated during the semester as well as the final semester exam, which will be comprehensive.

Students will receive points for the following types of assignments:  Homework and/or written assignments (see below for how homework will be collected)  Individual and/or group projects and presentations  Quizzes, which may be unannounced  Chapter (one or two) and unit tests

 Semester final exams (cumulative for the semester)

Grades are calculated based on the following weighted categories via the PowerSchool grade book: Tests and quizzes 38% Classwork and homework 20% Research assignments, essays and group projects 20% Participation 10% Semester exam (not to exceed 20% per school policy) 12 % Tests: Students will be tested generally at the end of one to two chapters and/or unit of study. Tests are announced at least four days in advance and will be comprised of questions that involve calculations, course vocabulary, proofs and properties. Tests may be taken in the form of multiple-choice tests as well as tests where students will have to show how they came to their answer.

Students who miss a test due to an excused absence are expected to make up the test within a three-day window. Test make-up should be arranged with the teacher and can be done before or after school. Only due to extended illnesses, special schedules with short periods, or special class activities will other arrangements be made for the student to take the test as soon as appropriate. Any student who misses an announced test due to an unexcused absence may not be permitted to make up the test and will receive no credit.

Homework, Other Written assignments, and Long-Term Assignment Policies:  All work must be in compliance with Standards for Written Work as presented in the Student-Parent Handbook (page 31).  All homework assignments are due when they are checked in class. Homework turned in late will be given a maximum of 50% credit. Students can expect to average 2-3 homework assignments per week. Homework assignments are always found on the homework section of the class web page. Credit for homework is given on a homework check sheet in groups of five. Students have until the homework check sheet is collected to make up homework. A copy of the homework check sheet can be found on the class web page.  For all other written work such as study guides, constructions, and worksheets, late work is defined as work turned in at any time after the assignment is initially collected, and will be deducted up to 20% off the grade issued. No late work will be accepted for full credit except in the case of a verified excused absence (as described in the Student-Parent Handbook page 28). All late work must be submitted no less than one week before the end of the quarter. Grades are final at the end of each semester exam.  Long-term assignments are assignments that are usually given over one week’s time or longer to complete. They may include group assignments, research projects, etc. that require significant time to complete outside of class and may require several drafts, parts or sections, after school conferencing/tutoring or ongoing work. Long- term assignments due on the specified date unless the student has a verified excused absence. The same late work policy applies to these types of assignments as other written work.  Inferior work or work which does not comply with appropriate standards will receive lesser credit, whether turned in on time or late. Resubmission will be considered on a case-by-case basis at the request of the student.  An academic detention may be assigned when work is not completed to the teacher’s satisfaction or is not turned in on the assigned due date. It is at the teacher’s discretion to assign an academic detention and work completed due to an academic detention will be graded as late work (Student-parent handbook page 31 and 32).

Participation Points: Students will be given several opportunities every week to earn participation points. This will include individual and group opportunities. It is in each student’s best interest to strive to receive full participation credit each quarter to assist in the successful completion of this course.

Tutoring: Per school policy, tutoring is available after school Monday through Thursday from 7:30 AM to 7:55AM and from 2:30-3:00PM. Students in need of tutoring should speak with the teacher as soon as they detect a difficulty in grasping the course material or assignment. Parent(s)/guardian(s) may be contacted and students may be requested by the teacher to attend tutoring regularly. Parents can set up a tutoring schedule with the instructor via e-mail, telephone call to the school, or pre-scheduled conference.

Use of School Computers and the Internet: Several times during the year the students will access the Internet on the school library computers for projects, review, and testing. The school’s guidelines for computer and Internet use will be strictly enforced. Students should regularly check their PowerSchool account to make sure they are up to date with assignments and to be aware of their academic standing in the class (see page 32 of the Student-Parent Handbook).

Students who have not received parent/guardian permission to access the school’s computers or the Internet while at school will be given alternative assignments during the class periods designated for computer access. Those students are responsible for completing each of the computer/internet projects outside of school time, including appropriate research for group projects.

Academic Integrity and Cheating All students are expected to be honest and respectful in regards to the work they turn in and the effort they give in class. Students who are involved in cheating, lying, plagiarism, or doing another’s work will be reprimanded according to the cheating policy described on page 32 of the parent-student handbook.

Contacting the teacher Students who need to schedule a meeting with the teacher should do so before or after school. Parents who wish to contact the teacher should send e-mail correspondence to [email protected] or may leave a voicemail at (800) 991-5907 x04 Please keep a copy of the course policy statement for reference throughout the year. It is also available for download on the school web site www. . Parents and students are encouraged to subscribe to all their teachers’ web pages via the school web site.

Mary Star of the Sea High School Geometry: Mr. A. Mendoza Course Policy Statement-School Year 2017-18


We have thoroughly read the class policy statement. We the undersigned understand the information that is presented and will adhere to all policies as stated.

Student name: Student Signature: Date:

Parent name: Parent Signature: Date:

Preferred method of contact (circle which): e-mail OR phone

E-mail address:

Phone number:

Please sign and return this paper to Mr. Mendoza by the end of August. Have a great year!

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