3. Fill in the Bubbles Associated with Name and Naid!

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3. Fill in the Bubbles Associated with Name and Naid!

BIOL 111 Exam 3 Spring 2003

BIOLOGY 111 – Spring 2003 3rd Lecture Examination


THEN: 4. Read each question carefully! 5. Consider all possible answers, and mark the one best answer on the answer sheet. 6. Use only a #2 pencil! Erase stray marks and wrong answers completely. 7. Budget your time – don’t get hung up on one question. 8. Raise your hand if you have any questions. 9. Use these test pages – not the answer sheet – for calculations, doodling, etc. 10. Keep your answer sheet covered! 11. If you finish early, go back over the test and check your answers. 12. Turn in the answer sheet before you leave.

40 Multiple Choice questions, worth 1 point each

TOTAL = 40 questions = 40 points

GOOD LUCK! BIOL 111 Exam 3 Spring 2003 Name Key Green (Correct answers in bold)

1. In a particular environment, there are no obvious survival differences among individuals with dark hair and individuals with light hair. The term that best describes this situation is A. neutral variation. B. natural selection. C. random mating. D. random selection.

2. Which of the following concepts was presented in the BBC Video entitled "Blue Planet: The Deep?" A. all deep sea organisms produce light. B. no life exists at the bottom of the ocean. C. there often is an evolutionary arms race between predators and prey. D. animals that live in the darkness of the deep do not have eyes.

3. Which of the following would be considered truth. A. recognizing a pattern where a pattern exists. B. not recognizing a pattern where a pattern exists. C. recognizing a pattern where no pattern exists. D. statement made by an authority.

4. A mountain range served as a barrier to gene flow between two populations of a freshwater snail species for thousands of years. If the two populations could not interbreed successfully after being brought together, this would be an example of A. stabilizing selection B. natural selection C. speciation D. static populations

5. What is biodiversity? A. diversity of proteins in a population. B. another name for biology. C. diversity of alleles in an individual. D. all the forms of life on the planet Earth.

6. Which of the following is the scientific name of the human species? A. Hominidae B. Canis familiaris C. Maxocephalus geniusi D. Homo erectus E. Homo sapiens

7. In which era did Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, and Rhamphorynchus live? A. Palaeozoic B. Mesozoic C. Cenozoic D. Paleolithic

8. Aristotle is associated with which of the following ideas? A. deductive reasoning. B. the scientific method C. an individual's use of a body part causes it to further evolve D. evolution BIOL 111 Exam 3 Spring 2003 9. Which of the following ideas was advanced by Francis Bacon? A. the more strong a belief, the more likely it is true. B. what is already established and believed to be true, may not be true. C. perception is reality. D. we can never know truth.

10. Establishing general principles from observations of nature is called A. inductive reasoning. B. truth C. deductive reasoning D. appeal to authority

11. Which of the following choices lists taxonomic categories in correct order from lowest (lower category, includes fewest species) to highest ( higher category, includes most species)? A. family; genus; class; order; phylum B. genus; family; class; order; phylum C. genus; family; order; class; phylum D. genus; phylum; family; order; class

12. Which of the following is true for a biological species? A. there is restricted gene flow between species. B. there are some barriers to gene flow between species. C. there is random mating between species D. alleles cannot be shared between species.

13. Which of the following processes adds new alleles to the gene pool for a species? A. crossing over between genes B. gene flow C. mutation D. sexual reproduction

14. Individual organisms are different from one another due to? A. allele variation among individuals. B. unique sets of genes for each individual. C. effects of the cytoplasm. D. entropy.

15. Natural selection A. favors the individuals that are most fit under current conditions. B. always limits variation. C. always favors the strongest individual D. increases the fitness of the current generation.

16. Which of the following are the main ideas that Darwin advanced in his works? A. species change over time B. living species have arisen from earlier life forms C. humans arose by a different mechanism than did other species D. the Earth is approximately 6000 years old and unchanging E. both a and b

17. Thirty people are assigned to colonize Mars. Because of the distance and expense of getting there, no other humans visit Mars for 200 years. Any changes in the gene pool observed after 200 years are due to BIOL 111 Exam 3 Spring 2003 A. mutation pressure. B. a founder effect C. polymorphism D. gene flow

18. Insects belong to which kingdom? A. Protista B. Animalia C. Plantae D. Monera E. Fungi

19. Which of the following could not be a barrier to gene flow between populations? A. geographic features such as oceans, rivers, and mountain ranges B. distance. C. dispersal of young D. sterility of hybrid offspring (e.g. mule)

20. An elk herd is observed over many generations. Most of the full-grown bull elk have antlers of nearly the same size, although a few have antlers that are significantly larger or smaller than this average size. The average antler size remains constant over the generations. Which of the following effects probably accounts for this situation? A. directional selection B. a bottlenecking effect that resulted in low genetic diversity C. a high rate of gene flow D. stabilizing selection

21. Organisms capable of photosynthesis are called A. heterotrophs B. chemotrophs. C. allelotrophs. D. autotrophs.

22. Which of the following is not a cause of genetic change over time (note: read the answers carefully)? A. natural selection. B. bottleneck effect. C. mutation. D. random mating. E. gene flow.

23. Which of the following lists the correct names of the three domain classification system? A. Monera, Protista, Animalia B. Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya C. Monera, Plantae, Fungi D. Arthropoda, Molluska, Echinodermata

24. Which of the following is not true for the kingdom Monera? A. some species from this kingdom are spirochetes. B. some species from this kingdom are bacilli. C. some species from this kingdom have vascular tissue. D. all species from this kingdom are prokaryotes. BIOL 111 Exam 3 Spring 2003 25. Which of the following is not true for arthropods? A. all arthropods undergo complete metamorphosis. B. all arthropods have jointed appendages. C. all arthropods have an exoskeleton D. all arthropods are eukaryotes. BIOL 111 Exam 3 Spring 2003 26. Which of the following is true for Chordata? A. all chordates have a vertebral column. B. all chordates have hair. C. all chordates have a dorsal, hollow nerve cord. D. all chordates have a notochord throughout their life.

27. Which of the following has bilateral symmetry? A. sponge B. grasshopper C. jelly fish D. bristle cone pine

28. What is the major advantage of the amniotic egg over other types of eggs. A. it contains an embryo. B. it enables a species to reproduce. C. it is small, so parents can have many more offspring than otherwise possible. D. it enables reproduction to occur away from water.

29. Which term below includes all of the others in the list? (for example, the term animal includes all bony fish, but bony fish does not include all animals) A. vascular plant. B. angiosperm. C. gymnosperm. D. fern. E. seed plant.

30. Two fungi that belong to the same order must also belong to the same A. family. B. genus. C. species. D. class.

31. Which of the following are adaptations that plants have for living on land? A. vascular tissue and nuclei. B. cuticle and stomata. C. flowers and leaves. D. chlorophyll and mitochondria.

32. Which of the following is correctly paired with its source? A. antibiotics--yeast B. penicillin—cnidarians C. morphine—poppy D. ethanol—algae

33. What factor or factors below make an individual what it is? A. what it eats. B. clothes. C. genes and environment. D. metabolic processes. BIOL 111 Exam 3 Spring 2003 34. Which of the following is true about the system used to classify living organisms? A. the classification system is a hierarchy of taxa. B. the classification system is based on genetic relatedness when known. C. the classification system is based on similarity among species. D. the classification system is based on ancestry when known E. all of the above.

35. An allele is A. a functional unit of DNA that codes for a protein. B. an amino acid. C. the fundamental structure of DNA. D. a product of genes and the environment. E. an individual that is not fit for its environment.

36. Which of the following eras is often called the "Age of Reptiles"? A. Cenozoic B. Permian C. Paleozoic D. Mesozoic

37. According to our current classification system, lions are grouped more closely with house cats than with elephants because A. elephants do not have a common ancestor with lions and cats. B. the common ancestor for elephants and lions existed in the Cenozoic era. C. the common ancestor that includes all three species existed longer ago than the common ancestor for cats and lions. D. the common ancestor for elephants, lions and cats existed in the Mesozoic Era. E. elephants are reptiles.

38. Which of the following organisms belong to the kingdom Protista? A. bacteria B. fungi C. cyanobacteria D. single-celled organisms E. plants

39. Which of the is true of the scientific method? A. it is the inductive method of reasoning. B. it is the deductive method of reasoning. C. in includes both inductive and deductive reasoning. D. it is based on appeal to authority.

40. A biological species is defined as a A. group of organisms that are physically similar and that share a high proportion of genes. B. population or group of populations whose members have the potential to interbreed and produce fertile offspring. C. group of physically indistinguishable organisms. D. group of organisms that share an ancestor-descendant sequence. BIOL 111 Exam 3 Spring 2003

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