Research and Teaching Interests 1

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Research and Teaching Interests 1



PERSONAL DATA...... 1 RESEARCH AND TEACHING INTERESTS...... 1 CURRENT POSITION...... 2 ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS...... 2 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE...... 2 Academic Research...... 2 Teaching and supervising Students...... 3 Courses Taught at AUB...... 3 Previous Teaching appointments...... 3 AUB Administrative Responsibilities...... 5 Research Grants...... 6 Organization of Workshops and International Conferences...... 6 Consultancy Experience...... 7 Board of Academic Journals...... 8 Previous Career in Engineering and Software Development...... 8 PUBLICATIONS...... 9 Books...... 9 Chapters in Edited Books...... 10 Articles in Refereed Journals...... 13 Articles in Non-Refereed Journals...... 15 Selected Newspaper articles...... 15 REPORTS AND WORKING PAPERS...... 16 RELEVANT VOLUNTARY ACTIVITIES...... 17 SELECTED CONFERENCES AND SEMINAR PAPERS...... 17 INFORMATION SYSTEM...... 25 MEMBERSHIP...... 25 LANGUAGES...... 26

PERSONAL DATA Email: [email protected]

Address: Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences American University of Beirut PO Box 11-0236 Riad El Solh, Beirut 1107 2020, Lebanon Phone: 00961-1350000 Univ. ext.: 3823/3820, home ext. 2757 Mobile: 0096-3414178 Fax: 00961-1739973

RESEARCH AND TEACHING INTERESTS Political sociology and economic sociology of the Palestinian diaspora and refugees; sociology of migration; transnationalism; civil society; elite formation; transitional justice. CURRENT POSITION

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From February 7, 2005: Associate professor of Sociology in American University of Beirut.


1994 Ph. D. in Sociology (new regime), Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales- Paris. Thesis on "Les ingénieurs en Syrie. Modernisation, technobureaucratie et identité", supervisor: Michel Wieviorka. First class with distinction (mention: Très Honorable) 1989 Master's degree (D.E.A.) "Sciences et Techniques dans l'Histoire, la Culture et l'Organisation des sociétés", University of Strasbourg. Thesis on "La formation des ingénieurs en Syrie et son adaptation aux besoins de la société", supervisor: Philippe Breton. 1987 B.A. Sociology, Damascus University, First class. 1984 B. SC. Civil Engineering, Damascus University, First class.


Academic Research 10/2000-1/ Director of Palestinian Refugee and Diaspora Centre, Shaml. 2005 Duties: administration of Shaml; coordinating of 6 research programs; fundraising of 15 projects; team leader of the research program “Sociology of the Palestinian Return Migration” 1/1998 – Associated Researcher at Muwatin (the Palestinian Institute for the Study of 2001 Democracy) conducting two researches: Team leader of Research project: ‘Donors, International organization and Local NGOs: Agenda Setting and Networking’ Participant of the joint project involving Muwatin and CMI (Bergen- Norway) to examine the Impact of Rent-Seeking and Corruption on State Formation in Palestine during the Oslo Interim Period. The three year project employed three external consultants and seven Palestinian economists and sociologists to produce a comprehensive edited volume on state formation in Palestine. 10/1998- Senior Researcher at the Centre d'études et de documentation économique 9/2000 juridique et sociale in Cairo (CEDEJ) (French research center) Duties: coordinator of two research programs: ‘Economic Sociology of the Palestinian Diaspora’ and ‘NGOs in the Arab World’.

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5/1998- Senior Researcher at Welfare Association in Jerusalem, coordinator of a 11/1998 survey and database on donors assistance to the Palestinian NGOs. 2/1995- Senior Researcher at the Centre d'études et de documentation économique 9/1997 juridique et sociale in Cairo (CEDEJ), team leader of the research program "Palestinian Economy in the Diaspora". 2/1991- Associated Researcher at GREMO (Groupe de Recherches et d'Etudes sur le 6/1994 Moyen-Orient), Maison de l'Orient Méditerranéen - CNRS, Lyon, France. 8/1984- Researcher in the Social Research Center in Damascus. Participation in the 9/1986 fieldworks and analysis of a research project on rural development.

Teaching and Graduate Supervision Courses Taught at AUB

All are 3 credits. SOAN 201 Introduction to Sociology: Spring 2005, Fall 2006, Summer 2006, Spring 2006, Fall 2007, Summer 2007, Spring 2008. SOAN 210 Social Research Methods: Spring 2005, Fall 2006, Fall 2007, Spring 2007. SOAN 211 Analysis of Social Data: Spring 2005, Spring 2006, Fall 2007. SOAN 240/324 Sociology of Law and Human Rights (Graduate and undergraduate course): Spring 2006. SOAN 232/324 Conflict Analysis and Resolution (for Graduates and undergraduates) Fall 2007. SOAN 240/324 Globalization and Migration (for Graduates and undergraduates) Spring 2007. SOAN 300 Graduate Research Methods (for Graduates) Spring 2007, Spring 2008. SOAN 245 Transitional Justice (for Graduates and undergraduates) Spring 2008.

Previous Teaching appointments

11/2004- 2/2005: University of Poitiers- France. Seminar in Diaspora and forced migration, Master 'Migrations Internationales et Relations Interethniques' - 1/1994-11/2004: Occasional visiting lecturer mainly in France (universities of Paris, Poitiers, Aix-en-Provence), in Palestinian Territories (Universities of Birzeit, al Quds and Al- Najah) and in Egypt (Cairo university). - 1996-1998: Supervised 9 French and Egyptian Master students associated with the CEDEJ. - 1999-2004: Supervised 5 Palestinian and foreigner Master students.

Below is a list of selected lectures and institutions:

October 23, University of Beir Zeit, Master Seminar on sociology. Lecture: “Methodology 2004 of Network Analysis”. (in Arabic)

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October 11, American University of Beirut : «Studying the Palestinian Diaspora: some 2004 Methodological Notes” June 12, IREMAM (Institut de Recherches et d’Etudes sur le Monde Arab et 2004 Musulman) in Aix-en-Provence (France), Master (DEA) seminar on diaspora. Lecture: ‘Sociology of Return Migration: the Palestinian Case’. (in French) January- Applied Research Institute of Jerusalem (ARIJ), course on methodology of February social science and data analysis using SPSS. 2004 June 30- University of Vienna, Summer Academic Seminar on Culture of Conflict. July 2, 2003 Lecture: “The Palestinian Diaspora during the Intifada. Right of Return and New Form of Mobilization without Radicalization”. 23 May Forced Migration and Refugee Studies (FMRS) in American University of 2003 Cairo, Seminar of Master. Lecture: ‘Sociology of Return’. March 2, International Migration, Spaces and Societies (Migrinter) in University 2003 Poitiers (France), Master (DEA) seminar on geography. Lecture: “Diaspora studies: comparative perspective”. (in French) June 1-3, Al Quds University, undergraduate seminar on ‘Gender Dynamic and 2002 Diaspora’. Lecture: ‘Impact of Palestinian exodus in 1948 on social transformation’. (in Arabic) January University of Beir Zeit, Master Seminar on sociology. Lecture: “Theories of 2002 the Social Movements” 26 April Ecole Normal Supérieur (Paris), undergraduate seminar on Géopolitique. 2001 Lecture: ‘Flux et réseaux de la diaspora palestinienne’. 23 March Forced Migration and Refugee Studies in American University of Cairo, 2001 Master Seminar. Lecture: ‘Rethinking the Palestinian Abroad as Diaspora’. 23 October Chaire Téléglobe Raoul-Dandurand en études stratégiques et diplomatiques 1998 (GRESMO), Université du Québec, Master seminar in peace process. Lecture: "Penser le rapport diaspora, centre. La contribution de la diaspora palestinienne à l'économie des Territoires". June 1998 University of Najah (Nablus), Seminar on sociology. Lecture: “Sociological Schools in France” 20 Beir Zeit University, Seminar on sociology. Lecture: “Theories of Ethnic December Entrepreneurship”. 1997 1 March MEAwards Research Program in Population and the Social Sciences and the 1997 Middle East Research Competition (MERC) (Cairo), Master Seminar on "Social Science in Egypt: Emerging Voices". Lecture: "The Image of Others, between Arabic and French Agendas". March 1995 University of Paris 8, Master (DEA) seminar in Sociology of Sciences: “Sociology of Scientific Professions”.

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February GREMO (Groupe de Recherches et d'Etudes sur le Moyen-Orient), Maison de 1995 l'Orient Méditerranéen, University of Lyon 2, Master (DEA) seminar on Middle East Studies. Lecture : «Economic Sociology of the Palestinian Diaspora ». June 1995 University of Damascus, Master Seminar on sociology. Lecture: “Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu”. March 1994 University of Paris 8, Master (DEA) seminar on Sociology of Sciences: “Engineers as Socio-professional Group” February GREMO (Groupe de Recherches et d'Etudes sur le Moyen-Orient), Maison de 1994 l'Orient Méditerranéen, University of Lyon 2, Master (DEA) seminar. Lecture: «Engineers as Socioprofessionnel Group in Syria and Egypt ». January University of Paris 8, Master (DEA) seminar on Sociology of Sciences: 1994 “Producing Engineers in Syria and in France: some epistemological notes”

PhD Supervision (Committee Member)

September 7, 2007: Nuhran Abu Jidi, Ph. D. Thesis: Urbicide: the Delibrate Destruction of City Identity; Towards Post-War Reconstruction the case of Nablus/Palestine. Department of Architecture, Urban Design and Regional Planning, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, , Belgium

MA Thesis Advisor

2008: Diana Farhood, “Family, Decisions and Happiness among Lebanese University Students”. To be defended in June 2008.

2008: Rima Rassi, “Transitional Justice and Conflict Resolution in Borj Barajne Refugee Camp”. To be defended in June 2008.

September 2007: Marina Krikorian, “The Multiples Belongings of Armenian Diaspora in Lebanon”, MA in Arab & Middle East Studies.

July 2006: Lilian Maria Chryssis, “The Construction of Palestinian Diasporic Identity in Massachusetts: Maintaining a National and Cultural Identity”, MA in Arab & Middle East Studies. To be defended in May 2007.

Curriculum Development

2006-7: Developing New Minor “Minor in Human Rights and Transitional Justice”. An interdisciplinary Minor of Social and Behavioral Sciences department in cooperation with Department of Political Science and Public Administration and Department of Philosophy.

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AUB Administrative Responsibilities

2006- Member of Research Committee of Faculty of Arts and Sciences. 2005 -2006 Chair of Conference Committee in Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS). 2005- Chair of Website Committee in SBS. 2007- Chair of Social Committee in SBS.

Research Grants 2004 Cooperation for Scientific and University Research (program of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs): ‘Modes of Entrepreneurship of Locals, Transmigrants and Return migrants in Palestinian Territories’ (coordinator and researcher of a 4-scolor research team) 2003 L’Institut des Sciences et des Techniques de l’Equipement et de l’Environnement pour le Développement (ISTED- France) : ‘Study of the rehabilitation of historical centers in Bethlehem and Hebron’. (Researcher of a 4-scolor research team) 2002 International Development Research Center (IDRC- Ottawa): ‘Critical Perspectives on the Absorption of Palestinian Refugees in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Israel’. (Team leader of a 8-scholar research group) 1999- Muwatin Center (Ramallah) and CMI (Bergen- Norway): ‘Impact of Rent-Seeking 2001 and Corruption on State Formation in Palestine during the Oslo Interim Period’. (Core member of a 9-scholor research group). 1996- International Development Research Center and Muwatin center: ‘Donors, 1998 International organization and Local NGOs: Agenda Setting and Networking’ (Team leader and researcher) 1995 Middle East Awards (Population Council and Ford Foundation): ‘Palestinian Return Migration’ 1995- European Commission and CEDEJ (Cairo): ‘Palestinian Economy in the Diaspora’ 1996 (team leader and researcher of a 6-scholor research group) 1995 Social Sciences and the Middle East Research Competition (MERC) (Ford Foundation -Cairo): “Palestinian Diaspora: Economy and Identity’ 1993 Ibn Khaldoun Center (Cairo): ‘Civil Society in Palestinian Territories’ 1992 CEDEJ (Cairo): ‘Palestinian Economy in Syria’ 1990- French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ph. D. Grant: ‘Les ingénieurs en Syrie. 1993 Modernisation, technobureaucratie et identité’

Organization of Workshops and International Conferences 29-30 August International Workshop: “Power, Governmentality, Resistance and State of 2008 Exception in the Arab World”. Organized by Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences-AUB, Association of Arab Sociology and Center for Arab Unity Studies. 7-9 September (With Are Knudsen, May Jayyusi and Jaber Suleiman) International 2007 workshop: “From Exodus to Exile: Palestinian Lives in the Levant”. CMI and Muwatin. Bergen. 16 - 20 (With Mohamed Kamel Dorai) Panel: "New Migrations and Transnational March 2005 Practices in the Middle East" in Sixth Mediterranean Social and Political

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Research (MSPR) Meeting. The Mediterranean Programme of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute, Florence (Italy). 20-21 April (With Adi Ophir) International Conference: “The Politics of 2004 Humanitarianism in the Occupied Territories” at The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute. 6-8 March (With Mohamed Kamel Dorai) International Conference: “Refugee 2004 Repatriation Process, Patterns and Mode of Transnationality a Comparative Perspective”, organized by Palestinian Diaspora and Refugee Center (Shaml) and International Migration, Spaces and Societies (Migrinter) (Poitiers - France). 11-13 July (With Eyal Benvenisti, Chaim Gans) International Conference: “Right of 2003 return and resolving Palestinian refugees issue”, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public and International Law, Heidelberg (Germany). 27 July 2002 Workshop ‘Donors, International NGOs, and Palestinian NGOs: Agendas and Networking’. Muwatin, The Palestinian Institute for the Study of Democracy, Ramallah. 12-14 June Research Study Group on “Palestinian return migration: Socio-economic 2001 and cultural approaches”, The MEAwards Program in Population and Social Sciences and The Palestinian Diaspora and Refugee Centre (Shaml), Ramallah. 29-31 (Coorganizer with Sarah Ben Néfissa) International Conference “NGOs and March 2000 Governance in the Arab World” MOST (UNESCO), CEDEJ, IRD, CEPS d'Al Ahram, Cairo. 2-4 July 1999 Panel "Modes de l'entrepreneuriat migrant arabe", Annual Meeting of the AFEMAM, Tours-France. 7-10 July International Conference “Palestinian expatriate business people”, MOPIC, 1998 Ramallah. 4 July 1996 (Co-organizer with Eberhard Kinle) Panel “Le capital obéissant ? entrepreneurs et Etats au Proche-Orient”, Annual Meeting of the AFEMAM, Aix-en-Provence- France.

Consultancy Experience 4/2004-5/2004 Consultant for UNICEF, conducting research on “protection of Palestinian refugee child in the region” for the UNRWA conference in Geneva June 2004. 2003-2004 Consultant for the EU in assessing and evaluation proposals on Democracy, governance and human rights from potential grantees from Pakistan, Nepal, India and Bangladesh.

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2004 Consultant for ESCAW, conducting research on “The role of Palestinian expatriates in the socio-economic rehabilitation and development of the occupied Palestinian territories (OPT)”. 7/1998-1/1999 Consultant for the Association of Palestinian Policy Research Institutions (Rabita) in Jerusalem. Designing and constitution of the database on Researchers in the field of the Palestinian issues. 7/1998-1/1999 Consultant for the Population Council (Cairo) Survey and database on research on population issues in Palestine. 3/1998 - Senior adviser and co-founder of PALESTA. PALESTA is a Palestinian 5/1998 Scientists and Technologists Abroad internet-based network, established to harness the scientific and technological knowledge of expatriate professionals for the benefit of development efforts in Palestine). Duties: Assisting in building awareness about PALESTA, Finalizing the design and plan of the database, Assisting in the scientific processing of feedback form expatriate scientists, Coordinating between the Database committee and "feedback managers" committee. 11/1997 - Consultant, Mission for the Ministry of Planning and International 3/1998 Cooperation through its Department of Expatriates Affairs- Ramallah, UNDP/TOKTEN Palestinian Program. November Consultant, Feasibility Study of the project entitled “Commercial 1997 Development of Historic Beit Sahour, West Bank, PGF Consultants- Canada. November Consultant, Royal Dutch Shell Group- Dubai- UAE. 1996 January 1995 Consultant, elaboration of its database on the "Transfer of Knowledge through Expatriate Nationals (TOKTEN), UNESCO- Paris.

Board of Academic Journals

2007- :Editor, Idafat, Arab Journal of Sociology, Association of Arab Sociology

2007-: Research Committee Member, Mustaqbal al-Arabi [Arab Future]. Beirut: Center of Arab Unity Studies. 2007-: Research Committee Member, Institute of Palestine Studies. 2007- : Advisory Board of Journal of Diaspora Studies. School of International Studies Jawaharlal Nehru University. New Delhi. 2006- :Correspondance for the Middle East, Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales. Poitiers (France): CNRS. 2005- :Advisory board of De l’autre côté, Paris. 2004- :Advisory board of Forced Migration Review, Oxford, UK.

Previous Career in Engineering and Software Development 12/1986-12/1987 Syrian Central Statistic Office- Damascus. Statistician and developer of software for statistics.

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2/1985-7/1986 Center of Scientific Studies & Researches- Damascus. Participation as an engineer in the realization of construction works.

PUBLICATIONS Books 2008, May (Ed.) Crossing borders, shifting boundaries: Palestinian Dilemmas. American University in Cairo Press.

2008, In Arabic: Crossing borders, shifting boundaries: Palestinian Return Migration. Beirut: Center of Arab Unity Studies. عبور الحدود وتبدل الحواجز. سوسيولوجيا العودة الفلسطينيةة. بيروت: مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية. 2007 (With Eyal Benvenisti and Chaim Gans) (Ed.) Israel and the Palestinian Refugees. Berlin: Springer and Max-Planck Institute. 510p.

2005 (with Linda Taber) Donors, International organizations, local NGOs. Emergence of the Palestinian Globalized Elite. Washington: Palestinian Studies Institute and Ramallah: Muwatin. in Arabic: 2006, Ramallah: Muwatin and Institute for Jerusalem Studies. 400 p. 2005 (with S. Ben néfissa, N. Abdel Fattah and C. Milani) (Eds.) NGOs and Governance in the Arab World. Issues, Problems and Case Studies. Cairo: American University of Cairo Press. In French: 2004, ONG et gouvernance dans le monde arabe. Paris: Karthala and CEDEJ. In Arabic: 2004. Cairo: Center of Political and Strategic Studies of Al Ahram 2002 (with Sarah Bennéfissa) (Eds.) Pouvoir et associations dans le monde arabe, Paris: CNRS. 2001 Hona wa honaq : nahwa tahlil lil ‘alaqa bin al-shatat al-falastini wa al markaz (Here and There: Towards an Analysis of the Relationship between the Palestinian Diaspora and the Center), Ramallah : Muwatin, Jerusalem : Institute of Jerusalem Studies (distribution Beirut : Institute of Palestine Studies) 1998 Business Directory of Palestinian in the Diaspora, Jerusalem: Biladi, (In English, French and Arabic). 1997 Entre Deux Mondes. Les hommes d’affaires palestiniens et la construction de l’entité palestinienne, Cairo : CEDEJ. 1997 La Syrie des ingénieurs. Perspective comparée avec l'Egypte, Paris : Karthala. 1996 Bayna ‘alamayn. Rijal al-a’mal al falastiniyyin fi al-shatat wa bina al qayan al falastini (Between Two Worlds: Palestinian Businessmen in the Diaspora and the Construction of a Palestinian Entity), two editions: Cairo, Dar al- Mostaqbal al-arabi, & Ramallah: Muwatin (Palestinian Institute for the Study

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of Democracy), January (in Arabic). 2007 Forthcoming (ed.) Palestinian Sociology of Return. American University in Cairo Press. Forthcoming (With Monique Hirschhorn and Elena Qleibo) Urbanism and Conflict. The Case of Hebron and Bethlehem. Paris: Harmattan.

Chapters in Edited Books 2008 “Palestinian Return Migration: Toward New Understanding”. S. Hanafi (Ed.) Crossing borders, shifting boundaries: Palestinian Return Migration. Beirut: Center of Arab Unity Studies. (in Arabic) 2008 “Virtual and Real Returns”. S. Hanafi (Ed.) Crossing borders, shifting boundaries: Palestinian Dilemmas. American University in Cairo Press. 2008, In Arabic: Beirut: Center of Arab Unity Studies. 2008 “Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanon: Laboratories of State-in-the-Making, Discipline and Islamist Radicalism”. Ronit Lentin (Ed.) Thinking Palestine. London: Z books. 2007 ‘Dancing tango during the Peacebuilding: Palestinian- Israeli People to People programs for Conflict Resolution’, Judy Kuriansky (ed) Beyond Bullets & Bombs. Grassroots Peacebuilding between Israelis and Palestinians. Westport, Connecticut, London: Praeger, pp. 69-80. 2007 (with R. Brooks, R. Khamaisi, A. Hidmi & Sh. Wa’ary) “IPCC Survey of Jerusalemite Perceptions of the Impact of the Wall on Everyday Life” . Robert Brooks (Ed.) The Wall. Fragmenting the Palestinian Fabric in Jerusalem. Jerusalem: International Peace and Cooperation Center, pp.137-151. 2007 “Social capital, transnational kinship and refugee repatriation process: some elements for a Palestinian sociology of return” Rex Brynen and Roula El-Rifai (Eds.) Palestinian Refugees. Challenges of Repatriation and Development. London: I.B. Tauris/IDRC, pp. 46-78. 2007 “The Sociology of Return: Palestinian Social Capital, Transitional Kinships and the Refugee Repatriation Process” in S. Hanafi E. Benvenisti and C. Gans (eds.) Israel and the Palestinian Refugees. USA: Springer, pp. 3-40. Some elements of this article were published in the book by Brynen and El-Rifai. 2007 “Palestinian Refugees, Citizenship and the Nation-State”. Françoise De Bel-Air (Ed.) Migration et politique au Moyen-Orient. Amman: IFPO, pp. 145-162. This is an Advanced version of the article published at PASSIA (2006). 2006 « Revenir dans les territoires : retournees, zones de souveraineté et crise de l’état- nation » Nadine Picaudou & Isabel Rivoal. (eds.) Retours en Palestine. Trajectories, role et expériences des returnees dans la société palestinienne après Oslo. Karthala, pp. 19-45.

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2006 (with Linda Taber) "The 'Women and Development' Discourse and Donor Intervention in Palestine". Ulrika Auga and Christina Von Braun (Eds.) Gender in Conflict. Berlin: LIT VERLAG, pp. 199-234. 2006 "Spacio-cide" in Philipp Misselwitz and Tim Rieniets (Eds.) City of Collision. Jerusalem and the Principles of Conflict Urbanism. Birkhäuser- Publishers for Architecture, pp. 93-101. This is a short version of the article that was published in Sorkin’s book. 2006 "Palestinian return migration. Lessons from the International Refugee Regime" in Michael Dumper (Ed.) Palestinian Refugee Repatriation. Global Perspective. Routledge. Pp. 273-287 2006 "Opening the Debate of the Right of Return" in by Joel Beinin and Rebecca L. Stein (Ed.) The Struggle for Sovereignty Palestine and Israel, 1993-2005. Stanford University Press. 2005 "Finding a Just Solution for Palestinian Refugee Problem. Toward an Extra- territorial Nation-States" in Mahdi Abdul Hadi (Ed.) Palestinian-Israel Impasse. Exploring Alternative Solutions to the Palestine-Israel Conflict. Jerusalem: PASSIA. pp. 187-204 2005 "Spacio-cide and bio-politics: Israeli colonial project. From 1947 to the Wall". Michael Sorkin (Ed.) Against the Wall. Israel’s Barrier to Peace. New York: The New Press. 2005 "Palestine: the social and political dimension of migration" in Philippe Fargues (Ed.) Mediterranean Migration. 2005 report. Florence: European University Institute. pp.251-261. 2005 "Diaspora with Fragile Center of Gravity: the Virtual Return of the Palestinian Communities", in Lisa Anteby-Yemini, William Berthomière and Gabriel Sheffer (Eds.) Les Diasporas. 2000 ans d'Histoire. Rennes (France): Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp. 225-245. 2005 “The impact of Social Capital on the Eventual Repatriation Process of Refugees. Study of Economic and Social Transnational Kinship Networks in Palestine/Israel”, in Ann Lesch and Ian Lustick (eds.) Exile & Return. Predicaments of Palestinians and Jews. University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 57-84. 2005 ‘Physical return, Virtual return. Palestinian Communities in Europe and the Homeland’, Abbas Shiblak (ed.) The Palestinian Communities in Europe. Issues of integration. Ramallah: Shaml and Institute for Jerusalem Studies. (In Arabic) 2004 (with Linda Tabar) “Donor Assistance, Rent-Seeking and Elite Formation.” Inge Amundsen, Mushtaq Husain Khan and George Giacaman (Ed.) State formation in Palestine: viability and governance during a social transformation. London/N.Y.: Routledge Curzon 250 p. 2004 ‘Rethinking the Palestinian abroad as diaspora. The Relationships between the Diaspora and the Palestinian Territories’, in André Levy and Alex Weingrod Diasporas and Holy Lands and Other Places. Standford University Press. 2004 " The Palestinian Diaspora during the Intifada. Right of Return and New Form of

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Mobilization without Radicalization" in Nitza Nachmias & Rami Goldstein (eds.) The politics of forced migration: A conceptual, operational and legal analysis. Baltimore: Publish America. 2004 “Humanitarian Movement and Humanizing the Political Conflict: the Case of the Second Intifada” in Arab Commission for Human Rights, Relief of Needed People. Paris: Editions Eurabe and Damascus: Al Ahali. (In Arabic) 2004 (With Linda Taber) “The Intifada and the Aid Industry: the Impact of New Liberal Agenda on the Palestinian NGOs” in Yasser Akawi, Gabriel Angelone and Lisa Nessan (Ed.) From Communal Strife to Global Struggle: Justice for the Palestinian People. Jerusalem: AIC. 2004 “Flexible Transnational Survival Practices of Palestinian Transmigrants/Returnees, and Inflexible State Policies: Crafting the Palestinian Extraterritorialized Nation State” in International Organization for Migration and League of Arab States (Ed.) Arab Migration in a Globalized World. Cairo: International Organization for Migration and League of Arab States pp. 299-253. 2003 (with Mohamed Kamel Dorai) “Des réfugiés avant le H.C.R.: les Palestiniens” in Michelle Guillon, Luc Legoux, Emmanuel Ma Mung L’asile politique dans l’immigration. Paris : L’Harmattan. 2003 ‘La diaspora palestinienne à l’heure de l’intifada : Droit de retour et nouvelle forme de mobilisation sans radicalisation’, in Alain Dieckhoff and Remy Leveau (ed.), Israéliens et Palestiniens. La guerre en partage, Paris : Balland, coll. "Voix et regards". 2002 ‘Les ONG palestiniennes et les bailleurs de fonds. Quelques éléments sur la formation d'un agenda’ in Sarah Bennéfissa et Sari Hanafi (ed.) Les associations dans le monde arabe. Pouvoir et politique, Paris: Edition CNRS. 2001 "Dubaï comme Carrefour du trafic humain. La communauté d'affaires palestinienne dans son insertion économique et sa marginalité sociale " in Roland Marchal (ed.), Dubai. Cité globale, Paris: CNRS. 2000 "Penser le rapport diaspora, centre. La contribution de la diaspora palestinienne à l'économie des Territoires", in Houchan Hassan-Yari (Ed.) Le processus de paix au Moyen-Orient, Paris: Harmattan. 1999 "The Image of Others, between Arabic and French Agendas", in Seteney Shamy & Linda Herrera (ed.), Social Science in Egypt: Emerging Voices, Cairo: AUC. 1999 "Investment by the Palestinian Diaspora in the manufacturing Sectors of the West Bank and Gaza Strip”, in ESCWA (ed.), Proceedings of the Expert Group Meeting on the Impact of the Peace Process on Selected Sectors, Amman: USCWA, p. 201- 26. 1997 "Capital désobéissant? Les hommes d'affaires palestiniens de la diaspora et la construction de l'entité palestinienne", in Riccardo Bocco, Blandine Destremau & Jean Honnoyer (ed.), Palestine, palestiniens. Territoire national, espaces communautaires, (Cahier du CERMOC n 17), Amman: CERMOC. 1996 (with Olivier Sanmartin) " Border Stories : Palestinians in Northern Sinai" in Sari

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Hanafi, Olivier Sanmartin & Abdel Qader Yassin (ed.) The Palestinians in Egypt and Northern Sinai, Ramallah: Palestinian Diaspora and Refugee Center, Shaml (in Arabic). (English version in 1995 "Les entrepreneurs palestiniens en Syrie" in Philippe Fargues and Louis Blin (ed.), Economie en Proche-Orient dans une perspective de paix, Paris: Maisonneuve. 1990 "La formation des ingénieurs en Syrie", in E. Longuenesse (ed.), Bâtisseurs et Bureaucrates - ingénieurs et société au Maghreb et au Moyen-Orient, Lyon : Maison de l'Orient. Forthc “Coupling Refugees Issues with Land Issue. Spatio-cide and Bio-politics in the oming Israeli Project” and “Sociology of the Palestinian Return” in S. Hanafi (ed.) Palestinian Sociology of Return. American University in Cairo Press.

Articles in Refereed Journals forthcoming (With Åge A. Tiltnes) “The Employability of Palestinian Professionals in Lebanon: Constraints and Transgression”. Knowledge Work and Society. Vol 5, n°1-2. Paris: Harmattan. 2007 “Kulturelle Differenz oder kulturelle Hegemonie?” (Cultural Differences or Cultural Hegemony?). Polylog. Zeitschrift Für Interkulturelles Philosophieren. Wien (Austria): Institute of Philosophy. No 17, pp. 25-39. 2006 (With Linda Tabar) "The New Palestinian Globalized Elite". Majallat al- Dirasat al-Filastiniyah (Arabic Quarterly of the Journal of Palestine Studies). Beirut: Institute for Palestine Studies. No 67, Summer, pp.73-95. (in Arabic) 2006 "Vivre dans le camp, vivre ailleurs : Les Palestiniens réfugiés en Egypte et dans les Territoires palestiniens" GEOGRAPHIES. Bulletin de l'Association des Géographes Français. Association de Géographes Français. Paris.

2006 "Spacio-cide and bio-politics: Israeli colonial project. From 1947 to the Wall". Naqd. Revue d'Etudes et de Critique Sociale. No 21, Fall 2005, Alger. (in Arabic)

2006 "Penser les Palestiniens de l'extérieur comme diaspora". De l'Autre Côté. Paris: La fabrique. pp. 42-56.

2005 Reshaping geography: Palestinian community networks in Europe and the new media. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, v31 (3), p581(18).

2005 (With Linda Tabar) "Les ONG Palestiniennes et la Palestine" in Outre-Terre- Revue Française de Géographie, Numéro 13 (Revue trimestrielle), Paris: Université de Marne-la-Vallée.

2005 "Civil Society in North-South Relations. The Case of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership". ORIENT, (Vol.46, No.3), Germany. 414-428

2005 (avec Linda Tabar) "Le rôle des ONG pendant le deuxième intifada" in Confluences Méditerranée. Paris: l'Harmattan. pp. 41-54.

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2005 "Being in Camp, Being Outside. Palestinian Refugees in Egypt and Palestinian Territories". pp. 83-96. Kolor. Journal on Moving Communities. Vol. 5:1. May. Brussels: Foyer and IMMRC.

2004 " Spatio-cide, réfugiés, crise de l’Etat-Nation. Vers un Etat palestinien Extraterritorialisé ", in Multitudes. No 18, Fall. Paris.

2004 “The Role of the NGOs: Scream if You Want to be Heard” in Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture, vol. 11, no 2. pp. 25-31.

2003 “Rethinking the Palestinians Abroad as a Diaspora: The Relationships Between the Diaspora and the Palestinian Territories”. International Social Science Review (HAGAR), Volume 4 :1-2.

2003 "L’impact du Capital Social sur le Processus de Rapatriement des Réfugiés. Une étude préliminaire des réseaux économiques et sociaux de parenté en Palestine et en Israël", in Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales. Poitiers (France): CNRS. Vol. 19: 3.

2003 (with Linda Taber) ‘The Intifada and the Aid Industry. The Impact of the New Liberal Agenda on the Palestinian NGOs’ in Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Chicago University Press.

2003 (with Linda Tabar) “Palestinian Human Rights Organizations and the Global Human Rights Agenda”, Palestine Israel Journal. Jerusalem 2001 “ La Diaspora palestinienne et la conversion des capitaux issus de la rente pétrolière" Tiers Monde, Paris, 2001, no 163, p. 623-643. 2000 "The Education of Engineers in Syria", in International Higher Education, The Boston College Center for International Higher Education, no 18, winter. 1999 "‘Mosahamat al-shatat al-falastini di al-istithmarat wa al-musa’adat al’insaniyya fi falastin (Palestinian Diaspora Contribution to Investment and Philanthropy in Palestine", Majalet al Dirassat Al Falastiniyya, no 40, December. (In Arabic) 1999 "Insertion économique et marginalité sociale des Palestiniens aux Emirats arabes", Les cahiers de l'Orient, Paris: CERPO, n 55, 3eme trimestre, p.133- 145. 1998 "Contribution de la diaspora palestinienne à l'économie des Territoires : investissement et philanthropie", in Maghreb-Machrek, no 161 novembre. (In English: 1997 "The Ideological Positions of Engineers in Syria" in International Sociology, London, Sage December 1997, Vol 12(4) p.457-473. 1997 ‘La mise en cause conjoncturelle de l’Occident dans les discours des ingénieurs syriens et égyptiens’, in Egypte- Monde arabe, Cairo: CEDEJ, no 30-31 2e & 3e trim. 1996 “‘Al falastiniyyen fi soria wa ‘amaliyyet al-salam” (The Palestinian refugees in

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Syria and the peace process)" in Al Dirassat al Falastiniyya, Beyrouth: Institute for Palestine Studies, n° 28, Autumn, pp. 85-103.. (In Arabic) 1996 (with Olivier Sanmartin) "Histoires de Frontières : les Palestiniens du Nord- Sinaï" in Maghreb-Machrek, Paris, La Documentation française, n° 151 janvier-mars. 1995 "Ingénieurs et ouverture économique en Syrie et en Egypte. Un groupe professionnel en quête d'identité", in Tiers-Monde, Paris, n° 143, July- September. 1994 "Le secteur privé industriel en Syrie" in Cahiers de l'IRMAC, Lyon, Institut de Recherches sur le Monde Arabe Contemporain, n° 3.

Articles in Non-Refereed Journals 2006 “Spacio-cide and bio-politics: Israeli colonial project. From 1947 to the Wall” Al Adab. No. 54 #10-11-12/2006. Beirut: Dar Al Adab. pp. 53-61. (In Arabic)

2006 (with Hossein Shahidi) "In Defense of Enlightenment". Cornerstone. Bethlehem: Sabeel.

2005 "Palestina. Fara dreptul de intoarcere nu exista solutie" lumeam. Romania. 2002 (with Linda Tabar) “NGOs, Elite Formation and the Second Intifada”, Between the Line, Jerusalem, October 2002, Vol. II #18. 2002 ‘Opening the Debate on the Right of Return’, Washington: Middle East Report, no 222, Spring. 2002 "Riconsiderare i Palestinesi all’estero come oggetto di diaspora”, Nuove Effemeridi. Rassegna trimestrale di cultura, Palermo (Italy), no 53, XIV, 2001/I. 2001 “A Moral Victory in Durban”, Palestine Report, Jerusalem: JMCC, 10 September, Vol. 8:14 2001 “Return: a sacred cow or dialogue”, Palestine Report, Jerusalem: JMCC, 21 November 2001. 1998 "The Palestinian community in the United Arab Emirates. Economic Integration and Social Segregation" in Shaml Newlettre, Ramallah, No 12, July. 1996 "Palestinian Businessmen in the Diaspora: Economic activities & investments in Palestinian territories" in Forum (Newsletter of the Economic Research Forum for the Arab Countries, Iran & Turkey), Cairo, Vol. III, n° 2, June. (In English et in Arabic) 1993 "L'image de l'Autre: colloque de l'Association arabe de Sociologie", in Maghreb- Machrek, Paris, La Documentation française, n° 140, April-June. (With E. Longuenesse)

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Selected Newspaper articles 2007 "The Nahr al-Bared camp as a space of exception". Dailystar. December 06. In Arabic: Alnahar” Beirut, December 09. 2007 “Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon: Laboratory of Islamic Radicalism” al-Akhbar. Beirut, August, 18. (in Arabic) 2007 “Lebanese refugee camps as space of exception” 2007 “Lebanese refugee camps as space of exception” Dailystar. Beirut, July 18. in Arabic: al-hayat. London, August, 12. 2007 “Academia, Aid and Politics”. Outlook. Beirut: AUB, March 22, p.3. 2007 “The politics of funding”. Al Ahram Weekly, 18 - 24 January, Issue No. 828. “Why did the Konrad-Adenauer Foundation Withdraw Refugee Conference Funding at the Last Minute?” The Electronic Intifada, 31 January, in 2006 “It Is a War Seeking the Abolition of Territory”. Outlook. Beirut: AUB, issue 4 volume XXXVI, October 31, p.3. 2004 ‘Why a 'right of return' is necessary’, Daily Star. Beirut. Thursday, October 07 2002 ‘Le mouvement associative in Territoires palestiniens’, Ici et Maintenant, Jérusalem : Consulat de France, novembre. 2001 “A Moral Victory in Durban”, London: Al Quds Al Arabi 11 September and Ramallah: Al Ayyam in 15 September. 2001 “Right of Return? What about the Right of Opening the subject for Discussion?” London: Al Quds Al Arabi 11 November and Ramallah: Al Ayyam in 9 November. (In Arabic) 2001 ‘Ici et là-bas. Vers une analyse de la relation entre la diaspora palestinienne et le centre’, in Ici et Maintenant, Jérusalem : Consulat de France, Septembre 2001. 2000 “The Palestinian refugees between the truth and five illusions”, Al Hayat, London, 17 February. (in Arabic) 1999 “The Economy of the Palestinians in Israel: a Palestinian economy or an Israeli one?”, Nazareth: Fasl Al Maqal, 23 Mars. (in Arabic) 1995 "Palestiniens de l'exil, réfugiés et hommes d'affaires", Libération, Paris, 25 March.

Interviews Conducted 2007 De Soto. Published in Journal of Palestine Studies (in Arabic)

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2007 Country report of Syria and Gulf countries for the “Study on National Research Systems. A Meta-Review.” UNESCO. 2002 Report on the ‘Destruction to Palestinian Institutions in Nablus and Other Cities (Except Ramallah), Caused by IDF Forces Between March 29 and April 21. 2002 (With Rema Hammami and Elizabeth Taylor) Destruction of Palestinian Institutions. Preliminary Report. April 13. 2000 “Les modes d’action des ONG palestiniennes. La problématique d’un mouvement social émergent ?”, Working Paper, CEDEJ, Cairo. 1999 “Profile of Donors Assistance to Palestinian NGOs: Survey and Database”, Welfare Association, Jerusalem. 1998 “Social Impact Assessment of Commercial Development of Historic Beit Sahour”, PGF Consultants- Canada. 1998 “Report on the survey and database of research on population issues in Palestine”, Population council, Cairo.


2007- present: Committee for the Reconstruction of Nahr al-Bared

1999- present: Institute of Jerusalem Studies, Ramallah (Board Member)

1998-present: Palestinian Diaspora and Refugee Center, Shaml, Ramallah (Board Member)

2004- present: Partners in Development for Research, Consulting and Training (PID), Cairo (Board Member)

SELECTED CONFERENCES AND SEMINAR PAPERS April 7-8 “Human Rights Watch and Addressing the Responsibility of Victims The Risk of Postmodern Non-politics”. International Workshop “Development, Cooperation and Migration”. University of Ravenna- Italy. March 28-30, “Camps in Lebanon as Space of Exception” paper presented at 2008 International Workshop “L’Urbanité des marges Réfugiés, migrants et relégués dans les villes du Proche-Orient” Organized by l'Institut Français du Proche-Orient (IFPO- Damascus), Migrinter (CNRS) and L’Institut de Recherche pour le Développement. IFPO – Damas January 7-10, “Human Rights Watch and Addressing the Responsibility of Victims 2008 The Risk of Postmodern Non-politics”. International Conference “Liberty and Justice: America and the Middle East”, Center for American Studies & Research (CASAR)-AUB.

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December 14- "Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanon. Laboratory of Indocile Identity 15, 2007 Formation”. Institute for Palestine Studies and Institut Français du Proche- Orient With Support from the French Foreign Ministry (CORUS Project) and the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences (AUB). December 7-10, “Spacio-cide and Israeli Bio-politics”. DI/VISIONS: Culture and Politics 2007 of the Middle East. HKW, Berlin. November 10- “Arab National Research Systems”. Symposium on the on Comparative 21, 2007 Analysis on National Research Systems. UNESCO. Paris. September 7-9, Keynote lecture: “Refugee camps in Lebanon: Laboratories of state-in-the- 2007 making, discipline, and Islamist radicalism”. International workshop: “From Exodus to Exile: Palestinian Lives in the Levant”. CMI and Muwatin. Bergen. May 26-27, “Remittance Flows to the Palestinian Territory”, International Workshop 2007 organized by The Institute for the Study of International Migration (ISIM) at Georgetown University. April 29, 2007 “The Emergence of the Globalized Elite”, lecture and signature of my book with L. Tabar The Emergence of the Palestinian Globalized Elite. Donors, International Organizations and Local NGOs. Book Faire, Tripoli. April 28, 2007 “Civil Society between Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and Neighborhood Policies: A View from the South”. First Euro-Mediterranean Youth Meeting. Organized by Euro-Med Non-Governmental Platform. Antilias, Beirut. April 1-3, 2007 "Palestinian Refugees camps" in regional workshop on Palestinian Refugees in Arab Region. Chatham House (The Royal Institute of International Affairs). Cyprus. March 20, 2007 "Palestinian Refugee Camps: Territory of Exception and Disciplinary Space". Organized by Center for Research on Population and Health - Faculty of Health Sciences. Room 309 - Van Dyck hall. March 9, 2007 “Spacio-cide and State of Exception in the Israeli Colonial practices”. Brown Bag presentation to Center of Behavioural Research, AUB. March 2, 2007 “Palestinian Professional employability in Lebanon”. International Meeting: Mapping Palestinian Refugee Employment. The Secretariat of the Follow-up Committee for Employability of Palestine Refugees in Lebanon (FCEP) and UNRWA, from 9:00, at the Crown Plaza, Hamra-Beirut. The title of the workshop on March 2, 2007 is: February 22-23, “Spacio-cide and bio-politics: The case of Palestinian-Israeli Conflict”. An 2007 international conference Law and Economic Development: Towards Constructive Engagement in the Middle East. Organised by the Faculty of Law and Criminology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel. February 3, « Palestine à l’heure du gouvernement de Hamas ». Plumes Rebelles, 2007 Salon du livre d’Amnesty International France 7e édition, Rennes January 28-29, “The NGOization, neoliberalism and the construction of a globalized elite 2007 in Palestine”. International Conference: The Economy and Economics of Palestine: Past, Present and Future. January 26-27, « Palestinian Refugee Camps. Disciplinary space, Territory of exception, 2007 and Locus of Resistance ». International workshop Nationalisme en Mutation et Espaces en Devenir. Le Cas Palestinien. January 22-24, “Remittance Flows to the Palestinian Territory. Figures and Forms”. 2007 International Seminar organized by the Euro-Mediterranean Consortium for Applied Research on International Migration (CARIM) on remittances

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and investments in origin countries of migrants. European University, Florence. December 7-9, “Donors Funding to the Research Agenda in the Arab East”. International 2007 Workshop: Research Dynamic in the Arab Region. Organized by French Institute of Research on Development (IRD) in the framework of the ESTIME Program (Evaluation of Scientific and Technological capabilities in Mediterranean countries). Lebanese University. November 29- UNESCO Forum on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge December 1, “The Social Sciences Research in Palestinian Territories. The Dilemmas of 2006 the Production of the Research Outside of the Universities”. Colloquium on Research and Higher Education Policy “Universities as Centers of Research and Knowledge Creation: An Endangered Species?”. Paris: UNESCO. November 25- “Palestinian Refugee Camps: Place out of the Place”. The International 26, 2007 Conference on the Palestinian Refugees: Conditions and Recent Developments. Al-Quds University. Jerusalem. November 15, “Crisis of Development in Palestinian territory and the International Aid 2006 System”. International Conference “Development in the Post conflict Areas”, organized Consultative Center for Documentation and Studies, Beirut. September 13 – “Reshaping Geography: Palestinian Community Networks in Europe and 15, 2006 the New Media”. International Conference: Connecting Europe and the Middle East: On Migrants and Simultaneity. Copenhagen, Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen and Department of Cultural Encounters, Roskilde University in cooperation with Images of the Middle East August 27- 30, "Danish Cartoon Controversy and Freedom of Expression? Cultural 2006 Difference or Cultural Hegemony" in German-Arabic Media Dialogue: The political instrumentalisation of cultural values –The media as victim and perpetrator. Organized by Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Neuhardenberg July, 23-30 "Spacio-cide and bio-politics: The case of Palestinian-Israeli Conflict", 2006 XVI ISA World Conference of Sociology, in Research Committee on Sociology of Migration RC31, Durban, South Africa. (Impossible to attend because of the war. Paper presented by the head of the panel) 23-30 July 2006 "Palestinian Refugees, Citizenship and the Nation-State", XVI ISA World Conference of Sociology, in Research Committee on Sociology of Migration RC31, Durban, South Africa. (Impossible to attend because of the war. Paper presented by the head of the panel) July 7-9, 2006 Discussant of a Panel on Migrations forcées et asile. Colloque international 1985 - 2005 : 20 ans de recherche sur les migrations internationales. Poitiers. June 8-10, 2006 "Palestinian Refugees, Citizenship and State. Towards the New Model of Nation-State" in Asylum in the South: Africa and Mediterranean Area. Organized by Institut de recherche pour le développement IRD (France). Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)

May 12-15, Consultation with the international community representatives in charge of 2006 the Arab-Israeli Peace Process. In "Prospects for a Two-State Solution: Implications for the Refugee Issue. Scenario-Building Exercise".

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Organized by Chatham House. Minster Lovell, UK

May 4, 2006 "Aid, NGOs and Professionalization. (Palestine & Egypt) in URPL660 – Development Aid in the MENA: Impacts on Cities & Spatial Planning.

March 10, 2006 "The Emergence of a Palestinian globalized Elite. Donors, International Organizations and Local NGOs" in The Brown Bag Series of The CAMES Department, AUB.

October 8, 2005 "Why the human rights International organizations do neglect the right of return?" in the conference The Palestinian Refugees: International Law, Human Rights Conventions, UN resolutions. Past - Present and Future Perspectives. Copenhagen, Denmark. September 23, "The Palestinians Refugees, Citizenship and Nation-states in the Middle- 2005 East" in the workshop Mouvements de réfugiés et migrations irrégulières au Moyen-Orient, Centre d'Etudes de Relations Internationales (CERI), Paris. September 16- "Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon" in consultation workshop on 18, 2005 Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon. Chatham House (The Royal Institute of International Affairs). Cyprus.

May 25– 26, "Palestinian economic and social transnational ties: some notes about 2005 gender and class stratification" in the international workshop Stratification Within Transnational Migrant Communities. Migrinter, University of Poitiers – France March 16 – 20, "The impact of Social Capital on the Eventual Repatriation Process of 2005 Refugees. Study of Economic and Social Transnational Kinship Networks in Palestine/Israel" in the Panel "New Migrations and Transnational Practices in the Middle East" in Sixth Mediterranean Social and Political Research (MSPR) Meeting. The Mediterranean Programme of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute, Florence (Italy). February 3, "Specio-cide, Bio-politics and resistance in Palestine/Israel", in 2005 Department of Visual Cultures, Goldsmiths College, London.

January 31, ‘ Réfugiés, diaspora et crise de l'Etat-nation’ in Séminaire ‘Palestine - 2005 Identités, citoyennetés, territoires’, Institut d’Etudes sur les Sociétés du Monde Musulman, Paris.

January 28, ‘Les réfugiés palestiniens dans les camps : un statut suspendu dans un 2005 espace d’exception’, in Atelier de réflexion ‘Territoires d’exil, les camps de réfugiés’, organisé par l’Association de Géographes Français et Migrinter, Université de Poitiers.

December 3, ‘Le Spatio-cide et l'Etat-Nation : le cas de la Palestine’ in séminaire 2004 "Frontières" de l'UMR LOUEST. Ecole Architecture Paris Val Seine.

November 19- ‘The impact of Social Capital on the Eventual Repatriation Process of 25, 2005 Refugees. Some Gender insights from a Study of Economic and Social Transnational Kinship Networks in Palestine/Israel’ in Association of

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Middle East Studies (MESA) Annual Meeting, San Francisco.

October 11, “Sociology of the Palestinian return migration: some methodological 2004 notes,” in bi-weekly ‘Brown Bag’ Sessions of the Center for Behavioral Research in American University of Beirut.

July 3-5, 2004 “Space-cide and bio-politics in the Israeli colonial practices”, in the 3d International Conference on “An End to Occupation. A just Peace in Israel-Palestine”, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium. June 9-12, 2004 “Palestinian return migration. Lessons from the International Refugee Regime”, paper presented in International Conference: “Transferring Best Practice: An international workshop on the comparative study of refugee return programmes with reference to the Palestinian context”, University of Exeter, UK.

12 May, 2004 “The Extra-Territorial Nation-State and the Question of Refugees” PASSIA Roundtable, Ramallah April 24, 2004 “Territories in Camps and Towns: the Palestinian Diaspora” in workshop Diasporas in Cairo: Transit Territory and the Transient Condition, organized by CEDEJ- FMRS/AUC.

March 6-8, “Space-cide and Refugees: Coupling land issues with Refugee issues”, 2004 International Conference: “Refugee Repatriation Process, Patterns and Mode of Transnationality a Comparative Perspective”, organized by Shaml center and International Migration, Spaces and Societies (Migrinter) (Poitiers - France).

November 21- (With Lena Jayyusi) “Oral History and Land Use” in Abu Lughod Institute 22, 2003 Conference “Between the Archival Forest and the Anecdotal Trees: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Palestinian Social History”, Birzeit University.

October 6 - 8, Participation on a Workshop, ‘The Palestinian Refugee Issues', organized 2003, by the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Centre for Lebanese Studies. Limassol (Cyprus).

August 29-31, “The Cultural Logic of Globalization”, in International Confererence 2003 “International Seminar on the Palestinian Struggle and Globalization”, organized by Alternative information Center, Bethlehem.

July 11-13, “Sociology and Right of Return”, in international conference “Right of 2003 return and resolving Palestinian refugees issue”, organized by Max- Planck-Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, Germany.

June 5-8, 2003 “Sociology of Palestinian Return Migration”, in “The Predicaments of Palestinians and Jews: the Meaning of Catastrophe, Historical Knowledge, and the Return of Exiles”, Conference organized by Solomon Asch Center for Study of Ethno-political Conflict. May 26-27, “Using network analysis in Transnational kinship ties in Palestinian

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2003 Territories and Israel" in International Seminar "Conceptualisation of Social Network in Migration: empirical production and Theoretical challenge", MIGRINTER, CNRS/MSHS, Poitiers. January 20, (with Salim Tamari) “Future of the Palestinian refugees: an open or closed 2003 file?”, lecture, organized jointly by Shaml and Muwatin centers (Ramallah).

January 8, 2003 “Humanitarian and Political Aspects of the Palestinian Condition”, in Panel discussion on “Catastrophes and human disasters in Palestinian Territories”, Shaml and the Alternative Information Center, at the Ambassador Hotel, East Jerusalem.

December 21 “The relationship between the Palestinian in Israel and the Palestinian 2002 abroad”, Second Conference of the Association of Palestinian Researchers in Israel. 20–24March, ‘Flexible Transnational Survival Practices of Palestinian. 2002 Transmigrants/Returnees, and Inflexible State Policies: Crafting the Palestinian Extra-territorialized Nation-State’, in Workshop II ‘Transnationalism, Gender and Generation: Views from the Middle East and North Africa’, at the Third Mediterranean Social and Political Research Meeting, Florence. 18-19 January “New Frontiers-New Horizons”, Euro-Mediterranean Conference on 2002 Migration, Refugees, Human Rights, Trieste (Italy). 14-16 February ‘Diaspora with fragile center of gravity. The virtual return of the 2002 Palestinian communities’, International Conference: Diasporas, organized by Migrintern/CNRS, MSHS, Poitiers, France. 19-22 ‘Human Rights Global Agenda and its Encounter with the Palestinian September 2001 Organizations Agenda’, in Regional Seminar « The Defense of Human Rights in the Euro-Mediterranean Region and the Issue of Funding Rights NGOs », Beirut. 3-4 July 2001 ‘Globalization without Regionalization. The paradoxical Effects of the political economy of the United Arab Emirates’, in Workshop on Globalization in the Gulf, University of Exeter. 13-14 June 2001 ‘Deconstructing the Diaspora Relationship to the Center. The Quest of a Palestinian Rothschild’, in Workshop: “Palestinian Return Migration: Socio-economic and Cultural Approaches”, organized by the Population Council and Shaml: Ramallah. 27 April 2001 ‘La construction sociale de l’identité palestinienne’, conference at the margin of the Exposition « Palestine » at Maison Robert Doisneau, Paris. 21–25 March ‘Reshaping the Geography: Palestinian Communities Networks in Europe 2001 and the New Media’, in Workshop ‘Muslim Networks and Transnational Communities in and Across Europe’, Second Mediterranean Social and Political Research Meeting, European University Institute, Florence. 2-4 February ‘Refugee Absorption Capacity in Palestinian Territories: The Misleading

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2001 of an Economistic Approach’, in the Second Conference of the Arab Human Rights organizations, organized by Cairo Center for the Study of Human Right, Rabat. 13 November ‘La seconde Intifada : est-elle celle de l’indépendance’, Lecture organized 2000 by Association Bien joué, Nantes, France. 10 November ‘La vie associative en Palestine et les organisations internationales 2000 Européennes: un partenariat manqué ?’, in workshop ‘Les Enjeux des échanges et du Développement de la vie Associative’, Conseil Régional du Côte d’Azure, Marseille. 30 October ‘The Second Intifada and the Palestinian Political Agenda’, lecture in 2000 Cairo Center for the Study of Human Right, Cairo. 8-9 September ‘The Social Sciences Research in Palestine. The dilemma of a Research 2000 field without researchers’ in Workshop ‘Middle East research Awards Program: Past Achievements and future prospects’, Population Council, Cairo. 24 August 2000 (with Linda Tabar) Session of sociological intervention and presentation of preliminary findings of the Research ‘The relationship between donors, INGOs and Palestinian NGOs (the constitution of agendas and the establishment of networks)’, Muwatin Center (Ramallah). 5-9 August ‘Dancing tango during the Peace process. The Palestinian- Israeli People- 2000 to-People program as a Mechanism of Conflict Resolution’, 18th General International Peace Research Association (IPRA) Conference, Tampere, Finland. 5-6 May 2000 "Physical return, Virtual Return. Palestinian Communities in Europe and the Homland’, lecture organized by Shaml (Ramallah) and Refugee Studies Center (Oxford), St. Antoine, Oxford. 22 - 26 March “Modes of entrepreneurship of the Palestinian Communities in Europe", in 2000 Workshop ‘The Palestinian refugees in Europe”, in Workshop VII "Migration in the South and East Mediterranean" to participate at the First Mediterranean Social and Political Research Meeting, organized by the Mediterranean Programme of the Robert Schuman Centre at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. 26-27 February ‘Capitaux et entrepreneurs palestiniens de retour. Une approche à partir des 2000 modes d’entreprenariat’, in Workshop ‘Le rôle des émigrés à l’étranger : Nouveaux entrepreneurs et nouveaux acteurs des villes du monde arabe’, Tours (France): URBAMA. 4 October 1999 “Les modes d’action des ONG palestiniennes. La problématique d’un mouvement social émergent ?”, in Workshop "La structuration des espaces d'action : saisir les protagonistes et les processus engagés dans la diffusion des normes et l'allocation des ressources", Cairo : CEDEJ. 3 June 1999 "Profile of Donor Assistance to Palestinian NGOs: Survey and Database", in Workshop "Palestinian NGOs and International Organizations: Development Priorities and Coordination", organized by the Welfare

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Association, YMCA, Jerusalem. 16 April 1999 "Population in transit. The Weak Diasporatization in the Palestinian Case", in Conference "Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: The Human Rights in Mediterranean Area", organized by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and the Réseau Euro-Méditerranéen des Droits de l’Homme and the Forum des Citoyens de la Méditerranée, Stuttgart, Germany. 15 March 1999 "Research and Society: some remarks from the findings of the survey on the population issues in Palestine", in seminar "Research and policy making in Palestine", organized by Association of Palestinian Policy Research Institutions (APPRI), Ramallah. 24/25 February "ONG palestiniennes et Nouvel Etat : équilibrage des faiblesses", in the 1999 Workshop "La structuration des espaces d'action : saisir les protagonistes et les processus engagés dans la diffusion des normes et l'allocation des ressources", Cairo : CEDEJ. 15 December "Research Profile on population issues in Palestine", in Workshop 1998 "International Population Agendas and Regional Responses", organized by MEAwards program, the Population Council, Cairo. 10 June 1998 "Palestinian Diaspora Contribution to Investment and Philanthropy in Palestine " Roundtable meeting organized by PASSIA, Jerusalem. 23-24 March ‘Classifying the Palestinians Abroad. Towards a Critique of the Supremacy 1998 of the Economic Factor’, in Warwick Refugee Conference, Organized by Warwick University, UK. 6 February 1998 "The Palestinian Abroad: Refugees, Diasporized, Economic Migrants", in Workshop 'Forced Migrations in the 20th Century: Context and Consequences' organized by European Institute University, Florence. 21-23 July 1997 "The Economy in the Middle-East: Very High Political Economy", in Expatriate Palestinian Businessmen Conference, organized by Department of Expatriate Affairs in the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, Gaza. 23-25 June 1997 "Industrial Investments of Palestinian businessmen in the Diaspora in Palestinian Territories", in Expert Group Meeting on "Impact of the Peace Process on Selected Sectors" organized by USCWA. 20-23 March "Self and Others within the Palestinian Diaspora: Capital and Capitals", in 1997 Conference "Globalization, Cities and Youth", organized by Population Council, Cairo. 15 January 1997 "Between Two Worlds: Palestinian Businessmen in the Diaspora and the Construction of a Palestinian Entity", lecture in Muwatin Center (Palestinian Institute for the Study of Democracy), Ramallah. (In Arabic) 8 January 1997 "Internationalization of the Palestinian Economy in the Diaspora", Lecture in Abdel Hamid Shouman Institute, Amman. (in Arabic) 7 January 1997 "Les entrepreneurs palestiniens de la diaspora et la construction de l'entité

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palestinienne", Lecture in French Research Center (CERMOC), Amman. 16 November "Frontières imagées et image des frontières chez la diaspora palestinienne", 1996 in the Conference "L'image de l'Autre dans le monde arabe". Arab Association of Sociology, Hamamet, Tunisia. 23 October "L'économie palestinienne de la diaspora", seminar of the CEDEJ. 1996 7 October 1996 "La mise en cause de la conjoncture politique. L'image de l'Occident chez les ingénieurs syriens et égyptiens", in the Conference La vision de l'Occident dans le monde arabe, Agnelli Foundation, Turin- Italy. 4 July 1996 "Entre deux mondes. Les hommes d'affaires palestiniens de la diaspora et l'Autorité palestinienne", in the Panel "Le capital obéissant ? entrepreneurs et Etats au Proche-Orient", AFEMAM Annuel meeting, Aix-en-Provence- France. 3 July 1996 ‘Les hommes d'affaires de la diaspora et les investissements en territoires palestiniens’. Panel "Territoires et espaces communautaires" (CERMOC/CEDEJ), AFEMAM Annuel meeting, Aix-en-Provence, France. 15 February "Palestinian businessmen in Egypt". Lecture. General Union of Palestinian 1996 Women in Egypt, Cairo. (In Arabic) 2-3 February "Disobedient Capital. Palestinian Business People in the Diaspora and the 1996 Palestinian National Authority", in Conference of the CERMOC “State of Research on Palestine”, Amman- Jordan. 5 mars 1996 "Palestinian Refugees: Which Future?", lecture in MERC (Middle East Research Competition), Cairo. (In Arabic)

INFORMATION SYSTEM - Experienced with SPSS and the linear regression analysis. - Strong experience in programming languages: Fortran and Visual Basic for the use of the social sciences. - Strong experience with Microsoft Word, Excel, ACCESS. - Designed, created and maintained databases, utilizing Microsoft ACCESS, on: 1- Palestinian Expatriate Businessmen and professionals, 2- (contribution with other IT experts) Palestinian Scientists and Technologists Abroad (PALESTA), 3- Import/export database and companies registration system for Palestinian Ministry of Economy 4- Database of research on population issues in Palestine (Population Council) 5- Database of Researchers on the Palestinian issues (Rabita Network, Jerusalem).

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MEMBERSHIP - International Association of Sociology - Association internationale des sociologues francophones - Association française des études sur le monde arabe et musulman (AFEMAM) - Arab Association of Sociology. - Lebanese Association of Sociology. - International Society for Third-Sector Research, Johns Hopkins University (ISTR) - Association of Middle East Studies (MESA) in USA

LANGUAGES Arabic, French, English.


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