21St Century Instructional Guide for Career Technical Education s7

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21St Century Instructional Guide for Career Technical Education s7

21st Century Instructional Guide for Career Technical Education

Blueprint Reading Engineering and Technical Cluster Suggested Elective for Drafting

Title: Blueprint Reading (WEVIS 1661)

Standard Number: The History of Mechanical Services Systems ET.S.BLUE.1 Students will  examine the purpose of blueprints.  examine the components of blueprints. Essential How are blueprints used in industry? Questions: What is the primary function/use of blueprints? Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: ET.O.BLUE.1.1 examine the function and use of various Research different types of drawings types of drawings.  Architectural o Residential o Commercial  Mechanical  Civil  Schematics o Electrical/Electronics o Hydraulics o Piping  Structural ET.O.BLUE.1.2 examine the alphabet of lines. Identify blueprint line types  Visible/object lines  Hidden lines  Center lines  Cutting plane lines/section lines  Utility lines  Phantom lines ET.O.BLUE.1.3 differentiate between notes and Notes and specifications specifications.  Local 1  General ET.O.BLUE.1.4 examine information from title block, Title Block-Common information may include: revision block, release block, and tolerance  Title of drawing block.  Date  Company  Scale  Drawn by  Checked by  Approved by  Revision number Revision Block  Number/letter  Date  Description/change Release Block (may or may not be separate from title block)  Checked by  Approved by Tolerance Block  Precision of linear and angular measurements  Surface finishes ET.O.BLUE.1.5 write a bill of materials/parts list for a given Bill of materials/parts list drawing.  Part identification name  Part identification number  Quantity  Size  Description  Standard parts Standard Number Symbols ET.S.BLUE.2 Students will examine the use of symbols in blueprints. Essential What is the purpose of blueprint symbols? Questions: Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: ET.O.BLUE.2.1 recognize drawing symbols. Drawing symbols are specific to industry such as  Welding 2  Machining  Civil  Electrical  Architectural  Mechanical  Schematics Legend specific symbols for blueprint ET.O.BLUE.2.2 recognize common blueprint abbreviations. Examples of Common Abbreviations  TYP-typical  NTS- not to scale  R-radius  DIA-diameter  CHAM-chamfer Visit http://draftsperson.net/index.php? title=Acronyms_and_Abbreviations_in_Engineering

ET.O.BLUE.2.3 make working copies of original drawings. Print blueprint Standard Number: Student Organization Participation ET.S.BLUE.3 Students will participate in a local student organization. Essential How can a student organization better prepare me to work in a global society? Questions: Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: ET.O.BLUE.3.1 assess the purpose and goals of student Encourage formation of a school chapter in local student organizations. organization such as Skills, USA and/or TSA. ET.O.BLUE.3.2 demonstrate leadership skills through Encourage membership in local student organization participation in student organization such as Skills, USA and/or TSA. activities such as meetings, programs, projects and competitions. ET.O.BLUE.3.3 evaluate the benefits and responsibilities of Encourage attendance and competition at local, state, participation in student, professional and and national Skills, USA and/or TSA conferences. civic organizations as an adult. 21st Century Skills Learning Skills & Technology Tools Teaching Strategies Evidence of Success Culminating Activity Information and 21C.O.9- Student recognizes Student accesses various Students produce a 3 Communication 12.1.LS1 information needed for search engines utilizing presentation with hyperlinks Skills: problem solving, can advanced search and cited sources which efficiently browse, search and parameters to obtain outlines information utilized navigate online to access information to solve to solve a problem relevant information, problem. evaluates information based Engineering related or on credibility, social, professional organization economic, political and/or sites offer more ‘industry ethical issues, and presents reliant’ information. findings clearly and persuasively using a range of Students should not rely technology tools and media. on sites which do not contain verified information i.e. Wikipedia

Verify information by checking numerous sources. 21C.O.9- Student creates information Students work as a team Completed oral presentation 12.1.LS3 using advanced skills of on a project which utilizing digital media and analysis, synthesis and requires identifying a written documentation evaluation and shares this design problem or need tracking project progress information through a variety in their school or of oral, written and multimedia community, researching communications that target possible solutions, academic, professional and analyzing data, technical audiences and determining solutions, purposes. developing drawings and presenting ideas to appropriate responsible parties for consideration 21C.O.9- Student makes informed Students are assigned a Selection of best resource 12.1.TT1 choices among available project which requires advanced technology collaboration of all team systems, resources and members. Students are services (e.g., global to determine the most 4 positioning software, graphing efficient tools available calculators, personal digital which will allow them to assistants, web casting, communicate and share online collaboration tools) for information completing curriculum assignments and projects and for managing and communicating personal/professional information. 21C.O.9- Student routinely applies Students will utilize Completed assignments 12.1.TT2 keyboarding skills, computer software on a keyboarding shortcut routine basis to complete techniques, and mouse skills assignments. with facility, speed and accuracy. 21C.O.9- Student uses audio, video, Students are to design Use of presentation for Open 12.1.TT4 pictures, clip art, moviemaker continuously playing House or Introduction of programs, webpage design electronic presentation Course to Upcoming software, electronic which highlights the Students documents and other files to drafting courses using collaborate for the creation of sample drawings electronic products that assignments, electronic inform multiple audiences syllabus, images of both inside and outside the students working in the school environment. classroom and an appropriate audio selection playing in the background 21C.O.9- Student uses advanced Create a spreadsheet Correct total of the cost of 12.1.TT6 features and utilities of which lists the material, materials or tools spreadsheet software, (e.g., quantity and cost of formulas, filters, pivot tables, materials or tools. Insert pivot charts, macros, formulas which calculate conditional formatting), to the total cost by perform calculations and to multiplying the quantity 5 organize, analyze and report by the cost of each item. data. Insert formula which calculates the sales tax which would be added 21C.O.9- Student uses advanced Students are to design Use of presentation for Open 12.1.TT7 features and utilities of continuously playing House or Introduction of presentation software (e.g., electronic presentation Course to Upcoming slide transitions, master which highlights the Students slides, narrations and timings, drafting courses using creating web-enabled sample drawings presentations, creating a non- assignments, electronic linear presentation) to syllabus, images of communicate ideas to students working in the multiple audiences. classroom and an appropriate audio selection playing in the background 21C.O.9- Student uses advanced Students to go to an Receipt of email 12.1.TT9 telecommunication tools (e.g., interactive website or email, video conferencing, other applicable website, interactive websites, submit a question to a newsgroups, video phones, forum and forward the chats) to create collaborative answer via email to a projects that are relevant to fellow student and real world situations and instructor contribute to the communication process among various groups. 21C.O.9- Student implements various Student accesses various Students produce a 12.1.TT10 Internet search techniques search engines utilizing presentation with hyperlinks (e.g., Boolean searches, advanced search and cited sources which meta-searches, web bots) to parameters to obtain outlines information utilized gather information; student information to solve to solve a problem evaluates the information for problem. validity, appropriateness, Engineering related or content, bias, currency, and professional organization 6 usefulness. sites offer more ‘industry reliant’ information. Students should not rely on sites which do not contain verified information i.e. Wikipedia Verify information by checking numerous sources. Thinking and 21C.O.9- Student engages in a critical Students make a revision Correct revision block Reasoning Skills: 12.2.LS1 thinking process that supports to a design information synthesis and conducts evaluation using complex criteria. 21C.O.9- Student draws conclusions Utilize portable drafting Use of equipment 12.2.LS2 from a variety of data sources equipment to analyze and interpret systems. 21C.O.9- Student visualizes the Individual design projects Students accomplish design 12.2.LS4 connection between utilizing available materials seemingly unrelated ideas and independently produces solutions that are fresh, unique, original and well developed. Student shows capacity for originality, concentration, commitment to completion, and persistence to develop unique and cogent products.

7 21C.O.9- Student collaborates with Expert guest speakers Questions and answers 12.2.TT2 peers, experts, and others to contribute to a content-related knowledge base by using technology to compile, synthesize, produce, and disseminate information, models, and other creative works. 21C.O.9- Student uses multiple Take a picture of Picture 12.2.TT3 electronic sources of changes compared to information and multiple blueprint. technology tools and resource tools (e.g., digital cameras, Utilize laser measuring Obtain accurate graphing calculators, probes, devices measurements mp3 players, handheld devices, other emerging Utilize digital Obtain accurate technologies, simulations, calipers/micrometers measurements models, browsers, word processing, authoring tools, spreadsheets, databases) to collaborate with others, to formulate a hypothesis, to solve problems, make decisions, and present and justify the solutions. 21C.O.9- Student uses technology tools 12.2.TT4 and multiple media sources to analyze a real-world problem, design and implement a process to assess the information, and chart and evaluate progress toward the solution. Personal and 21C.O.9- Student remains composed Assign a group activity in Students compare the

8 Workplace Skills: 12.3.LS1 and focused, even under which a student is evaluations with the stress, willingly aligns his/her selected as the project information recorded on the personal goals to the goals of manager and must video. others when appropriate, produce a preliminary approaches conflict from win- design in an unrealistic win perspective, and derives time period. personal satisfaction from Video tape each group. achieving group goals. Using team member evaluation forms, have each team member evaluate the team leader and the team leader each team member 21C.O.9- Student independently Assign students complex Student professionally 12.3.LS2 considers multiple topics to present as presented topic by various perspectives and can student teachers to the methods attaining universal represent a problem in more class. Instruct students understanding than one way, quickly and to utilize any technology calmly changes focus and or required methods. goals as the situation requires, and actively seeks Teacher is to challenge innovations (e.g. technology) student to utilize multiple that will enhance his/her presentation methods to work. overcome the teacher’s implied lack of understanding of the topic presented.

21C.O.9- Student demonstrates Students are to engage in Student acquires knowledge 12.3.LS3 ownership of his/her learning individualized, self-paced and skill required by by setting goals, monitoring learning by working effectively resolving and adjusting performance, through a tutorial of a difficulties gaining confidence extending learning, using new piece of software to attempt similar task 9 what he/she has learned to adapt to new situations, and displaying perseverance and commitment to continued learning. 21C.O.9- Student demonstrates ethical Present scenarios which Students display ethical, 12.3.LS4 behavior and works require choices involving responsible behavior responsibly and personal ethics and work collaboratively with others in ethics the context of the school and the larger community, and Students debate what is he/she demonstrates civic the ethically correct responsibility through course of action. engagement in public discourse and participation in service learning. 21C.O.9- Student exhibits positive Students will participate SkillsUSA or TSA meeting 12.3.LS5 leadership through in SkillsUSA or TSA and minutes interpersonal and problem- become a chapter or solving skills that contribute to state officer or serve as Class work achieving the goal. He/she chairpersons of helps others stay focused, committees. Students will distributes tasks and work cooperatively in the responsibilities effectively, classroom taking and monitors group progress leadership roles. toward the goal without undermining the efforts of others. 21C.O.9- Student maintains a strong Student selects a project Student completes project 12.3.LS6 focus on the larger project of at least a month in and reports on adjustments goal and frames appropriate duration, determines which were required to meet questions and planning scope of work and the project deadline processes around goal. Prior projects schedule to beginning work, student timeline using project reflects upon possible management software or courses of action and their a spreadsheet. The 10 likely consequences; sets student sets intervals to objectives related to the evaluate progress. larger goal; and establishes benchmarks for monitoring progress. While working on the project, student adjusts time and resources to allow for completion of a quality product. 21C.O.9- Student protects software, Student signs usage Student demonstrates proper 12.3.TT1 hardware and network agreement use resources from viruses, vandalism, and unauthorized use and employs proper techniques to access, use and shut down technology equipment. 21C.O.9- Student works collaboratively Working as a team, Students to copy & paste the 12.3.TT2 to acquire information from students are to research URL for the most valuable electronic resources, a term utilized in their source and the least conducts online research, and course; determine which applicable source in an evaluates information as to sources provide electronic document and validity, appropriateness, applicable information for print it usefulness, the word as it is used in comprehensiveness and bias. drafting courses

11 21C.O.9- Student evaluates current 12.3.TT3 trends in information technology, discusses the potential social, ethical, political, and economic impact of these technologies, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of widespread use and reliance on technology in the workplace and society. 21C.O.9- Student adheres to Students will sign and Ethical use of technology 12.3.TT4 acceptable use policy and adhere to a school-wide displays ethical behaviors acceptable use policy. related to acceptable use of information and communication technology (e.g., privacy, security, copyright, file-sharing, plagiarism); student predicts the possible cost and effects of unethical use of technology (e.g., consumer fraud, intrusion, spamming, virus settling, hacking) on culture and society; student identifies the methodologies that individuals and businesses can employ to protect the integrity of technology systems.

12 21C.O.9- Student models ethical Students will sign and Ethical use of technology 12.3.TT5 behavior relating to security, adhere to a school-wide and information in their privacy, computer etiquette, acceptable use policy. academic and personal passwords and personal experiences information and demonstrates Students will research the an understanding of copyright cost to companies and by citing sources of individuals of ‘stolen’ data copyrighted materials in and the legal consequences papers, projects and multi- of obtaining and utilizing media presentations. Student illegally acquired materials advocates for legal and ethical behaviors among peers, family, and community regarding the use of technology and information. 21C.O.9- Student evaluates and Student researches their Student submits 12.3.TT6 applies technology tools for dream CAD station, specifications and price of research, information determines components, workstation analysis, problem-solving, price of workstation, and content learning, decision availability making, and lifelong learning. 21C.O.9- Student protects his/her Students to remove any Search student’s name 12.3.TT7 identity online and in email data which is publicly and report information and/or websites, limits the accessible that might allow found distribution of personal identity theft to occur information/pictures, and evaluates the authenticity of emails that solicit personal information. Student identifies the methodologies that individuals and businesses can employ to protect the integrity of technology systems.

13 21C.O.9- Student uses technology to Students utilize web search Student successfully 12.3.TT8 seek strategies and engines to locate information locates needed information to address limits information in their own knowledge. Learning Skills & Technology Tools Teaching Strategies Evidence of Success Culminating Activity Entrepreneurial Student understands the Students take available on- Results from self-quizzes Skills: personal traits/behaviors line quizzes to learn their associated with successful entrepreneurial aptitudes entrepreneurial performance. such as: http://www.bizmove.com/oth er/quiz.htm

Student understands Students will utilize computer Completed assignments concepts and procedures software and hardware to needed for basic computer complete assignments. operations. Student understands Students will interview Interviews/reports concepts and strategies draftspersons to learn how needed for career exploration, their career paths developed. development and growth. Culminating Assessment: Culminating End of Concentration Performance Evaluation Assessment: Students will participate in TSA’s competitive events: Architectural Model, Computer aided Design 2D, Architecture and Computer Aided Design Animation, Architecture, Technical Sketching and Application, Leadership Development Contests: Career Comparisons, Written and Oral Chapter Team, Extemporaneous Presentation, and Prepared Presentation

Students will participate in SkillsUSA’s competitive events: Architectural Drafting, Leadership Development Contests: Action Skills, American Spirit, Chapter Business Procedure, Chapter Display, Community Service, Extemporaneous Speaking, Job Interview, Job skill Demonstration A, Job Skill Demonstration B, Occupational Health and Safety, Opening and Closing Ceremonies, Outstanding Chapter, Prepared Speech, Promotional Bulletin Board, and Quiz Bowl 14 Links and Other Resources Links and Other Related Websites: Resources: Pathways to Success http://careertech.k12.wv.us/pathwaystosuccess/

U.S. Department of Labor in the 21st Century http://www.dol.gov/

Advanced Distributed Learning www.adlnet.org

America's Career InfoNet www.acinet.org

America's Job Bank www.ajb.org

America's Service Locator www.servicelocator.org

CareerOneStop www.careeronestop.org

Employment & Training Administration www.doleta.gov

The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) http://www.jan.wvu.edu

Monthly Labor Review Online: Labor Force Archives http://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/indexL.htm#Labor force

Occupational Information Network www.doleta.gov/programs/onet

15 Office of Disability Employment Policy www.dol.gov/odep

Career Voyages http://www.careervoyages.gov/index.cfm

Workforce West Virginia https://www.workforcewv.org/

West Virginia Earn A Degree Graduate Early (EDGE) http://www.wvtechprep.wvnet.edu/edge.htm

West Virginia Career and Technical Education http://careertech.k12.wv.us/

Related Books:

Basic Technical Drawing, 8th Edition (2004) Spencer, Dygdon, & Novak, McGraw Hill/Glencoe ISBN: 978-0-07-845748-7

Drafting & Design, 7th Edition (2008) Kicklighter & Brown, Goodheart-Willcox ISBN: 978-1-59070-903-0

Engineering Drawing and Design, 7th Edition (2008) Jensen, Helsel, & Short, McGraw Hill (Higher Educ.) ISBN-13: 9780073521510

Engineering Drawing and Design, 4th Edition (2007) Madsen, Madsen, & Turpin, Thompson/Delmar Learning ISBN-13: 978-1-4180-2987-6

Exploring Drafting, 10th Edition (2007) Walker & Mathis, Goodheart-Willcox ISBN-13: 978-1-59070-575-9

16 Contacts Contacts: CTE Teachers: See CTE Directory Cluster Coordinator: Kathy Gillman, [email protected] OCTI Assistant Executive Director and EOCTST Coordinator: Donna Burge-Tetrick OCTI Executive Director: Gene Coulson


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