PilgrimsPilgrims WayWay Congregational & Methodist Church

Minister: Rev Nicola Vidamour Telephone: 020 8548 4945 [email protected] Nicola’s day off each week is Friday. Church Office: 020 8552 5030 e-mail: [email protected] Visit our Website @ http://www.pilgrimsway.org Newsletter for week beginning 2nd April 2017

Worship Today 10:30am Revd Nicola Vidamour – All-Age Worship 6.30pm Clement Armah Dates for Your Diary Wed 5th April 11am-12 noon Holy Communion in the Chapel Wed 5th April 2:00pm Wednesday Fellowship – Lent Course Wed 5th April 7:15pm Lent Course – St. Mary’s - Norman Road Pastoral Care If you know of anyone who would like a pastoral visit, please let Nicola, or one of the Elders or the church office know. See Nicola’s and the Church telephone numbers above. Prayer Requests The Elders are available to pray with you after the service today and also pray during the week for any needs and concerns which have been brought to them. Text for the Week – “You are precious and honourable in my sight, and I love”.....Isaiah 43:4

After Worship, We are invited to place prayer requests on TEA & COFFEE the board near the main door. These in Myrtle Hall. Join us – requests are taken to our Wednesday it’s free morning prayer meeting. Nearly New Sale Nearly New Sale is closed....as agreed at our Church meeting. Ecumenical Lent Course Final Session – Wednesday 5th April - 2:00pm at Pilgrims Way and 7:15pm at St. Mary Magdalene Parish Room (nursery entrance on Norman Road) No Flowers in Church during Lent There will be no flowers inside the Church during Lent period.

Wednesday Fellowship This year in response to the Lent Course we shall be collecting small change for the Bible Society. This is an organisation which works in over 200 countries to supply Bibles in many languages. They are appealing for funds to supply Bibles in Arabic to Syrian refugees in Germany. If you would like to help or want to know more please speak to Gillian. Curry, Coffee, Cake Café & The next Curry Café will be held on Saturday, April 29th. We encourage more people to get involved and we welcome voluntary donations to buy ingredients - make a donation to Eric/Dorothy. Doors open at 11am until 2pm. All funds raised are used to support the church. Weekly Offertory Last Sunday’s Church Offertory amount to £477.49, total offering for19th -£383.16 - Church Anniversary gift offering has increased to £1794.13 - Curry Café and Table top sale raised £290.31 for the church- thank you. Sunday Morning Service CDs The Worship Service is recorded and CDs are available after the service. Please contact Paul. Please give notices to Mary King. All submissions to be received before Wednesday evening for inclusion in the next issue. Leave a message or e-mail: [email protected]

Take Time To Be Holy

A hymn by – William D. Longstaff Take time to be holy, speak oft with thy Lord; Abide in Him always, and feed on His Word. Make friends of God’s children, help those who are weak, Forgetting in nothing His blessing to seek.

Take time to be holy, the world rushes on; Spend much time in secret, with Jesus alone. By looking to Jesus, like Him thou shalt be; Thy friends in thy conduct His likeness shall see.

Take time to be holy, let Him be thy Guide; And run not before Him, whatever betide. In joy or in sorrow, still follow the Lord, And, looking to Jesus, still trust in His Word.

Take time to be holy, be calm in thy soul, Each thought and each motive beneath His control. Thus led by His Spirit to fountains of love, Thou soon shalt be fitted for service above.

Leviticus 19:2 - Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy.

Daily Bible Readings Enduring Love Psalm Sun 2nd John 11 v 1-45 130 Mon 3rd Song of Solomon 2 v 1-17 132 Tue 4th Song of Solomon 3 v 1-5 133 Wed 5th Song of Solomon 5 v 2-8 134 Thurs 6th Song of Solomon 7 v 10-13 135 v 1-17 Fri 7th Song of Solomon 8 v 1-4 135 v 8-21 Sat 8th Song of Solomon 8 v 5b-7 136 v 1-9 Sunday Worship Next Week 9th April 2017 10:30am Mr Fred Joseph –Palm Sunday 6:30pm Revd Nicola Vidamour Rotas for next Week 9th April 2017 Vestry a.m. - Rosetta Vestry p.m. - Gillian Elder - Dorothy Welcome - ? Door/Books - Chris & Geoff E Flowers - No Flowers – Lent period Coffee - Eric, Mike & Mary K Organ am - No-one available Organ pm - Sue Readers - Thelma J & Chidima Sunday Collection Cashiers - Olu & Sue S For Our Prayers Margaret Kyei At home recovering from surgery Briony and family Briony is now at home but is very unwell & bedridden Anna & Helena Both in their nineties – frail and living with dementia Raymond Health continues to improve Terence Baptist In his nineties and paralysed. Graham and Kerina In need of healing Unemployed people seeking work All those suffering from cancer All those who are housebound or in Care Homes Those receiving ongoing medical treatment or awaiting/ receiving/recovering from surgery All those finding life stressful The situations in Iraq/Afghanistan/Syria/Israel/Gaza/Sudan/Nigeria Churches/Christians throughout the world.