Soaring Society of America

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Soaring Society of America

Soaring Society of America Minutes of the Board of Director’s Meeting Holiday Inn Express, Rosemont, IL January 23, 2009

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Umphres at 8:35 a.m.

Attending: Dezzutti, Black-Nixon, Kellett, Tyler, McLaughlin, Northcraft, Coggins, Umphres, McDaniel, Brickner. Directors at Large: Peter Smith, Gaffney, Compton, Weck, O’Callaghan, Sorenson, Pixton. Honorary Director B.S. Smith Seated = 19, 7 for quorum. Affirmation for Bylaws Change = 13 required.

Absent: Minner, Fisher.

Guests: Judy Blalack, Penn Smith, David Newill, Kathy McLaughlin, Frank Whiteley, Rich Carlson, Anne Mongiovi, Gene Franklin, Dave Stanley, later Jim Short.

1.0 Welcome and Opening Remarks 1.1. Introduction of New Directors Burt Compton and Chris O’Callaghan were welcomed as At-Large Directors. 2.0 Consent Agenda 2.1 Approval of Past Minutes Feb. 15/16 2008, Board of Directors meeting, corrected (Aug 12, 2008, Executive Committee conference call) (Sep 26, 2008, Executive Committee conference call) (Sep 27, 2008, Board of Directors meeting) (Oct 21, 2008, Executive Committee conference call) (Dec 2, 2008, Executive Committee conference call) (Jan 6, 2009, Executive Committee conference call) (2008 Excom Completed Action Items) (Jan 20, 2009, Executive Committee meeting)

The Chair removed two items from the consent agenda: Sept 27, 2008 Board of Directors, and Jan 20, 2009 Executive Committee minutes.

Motion to approve the consent agenda by Dezzutti, second Black-Nixon, motion carries.

Motion to approve Sept 27, 2008 Board Minutes by Dezzutti, Black-Nixon second. Sorenson / Black Nixon moved to amend said minutes for Item 8.4.2. as follows:

Beginning in 2008, any excess funds collected from the Basic Sanction Fee revenue portion of the Contest Sanction Fees will be determined and made available for spending on contest-related equipment or activities as directed by the Rules Committee. “Excess funds” will be computed as the Basic Sanction Fee revenues minus the SSA “hard” costs related to contests and minus $3500 for SSA “soft” costs related to contest administration. Amendment carries.

Dezzutti moves to amend Item 9. Burt Compton was elected for a three-year term as Safety Foundation Trustee. Brickner seconds. Amendment carries.

Minutes of September 27, 2008 Board meeting were approved as amended.

3.0 Chairman’s Report Umphres presumes we have all read submitted materials, offers his thanks the outgoing Chair for her help in the transition. Umphres has invited two previous Chairs to act as advisors to 2009 ExComm meetings, Black-Nixon and Carswell.

4.0 Office Administrator’s Report – Layton will speak on 2010 Convention later in meeting.

5.0 Treasurer’s Report – David Pixton 5.1 Adoption of 2009 Budget Reports a surplus of $89k for 2008. Changes are due to balance sheet cleanup. Paid off Foundation loan early, saving $17k in interest and opening cash flow. Position is healthy due to generosity of members and Matching Gift Challenge. Staff making cost controls is a significant factor in income for 2008.

Changes from preliminary September review of budget are a reflection of lower membership. Next year includes $5000 for costs associated with a WGC 2012 Bid. Pixton moves to adopt the 2009 Budget as presented. Dezzutti second. Kellett asked if FAST Program costs can be extracted to evaluate participation. Newill and Blalack feel FAST is a positive program. Directors were requested by Umphres to keep Directors mail contacts updated personally at Please make a personal account to receive inbound email for timely receipt of Board communications.

Northcraft asked about Barron Hilton Cup (BHC) expenses and our percentage of handling fees. Pixton shows BHC in Administration fees income, booked as a different line item. Blalack noted we receive six percent for processing fees. No BHC in 2008 meant there were few transactions.

Weck inquired about the income line for 2008 Convention. Pixton replied the convention income timing crosses fiscal years due to prepaid registrations versus the timing of expenses paid. Motion to approve the 2009 Budget carries.

6.0 Committee reports 6.1 Chairman Umphres Committees 6.1.1. Future Restructuring Task Force 6.1.2 Growth and Development Committee Report – Newill outgoing Committee chair. Incoming chairman is Bill Daniels of Colorado. 6.1.3. Clubs & Chapter Committee Report – Penn Smith assisted a 501c3 formation during 2008.

6.2 First Vice Chair Tyler’s Committees 6.2.1. Awards Committee Report 6.2.2. Naming and Memorials Committee Report 6.2.3. Trophy Committee Report

6.2.4. Contest Committee Report Rules Committee Report Draft Rules for 2009 – action item

Sorenson moves to adopt changes for 2009 contest season as in attached document version 6.6. Jan 2009, and the following change in Appendix B Approved flight recorders for National contests: Ilec SN 10, and Clear Nav. Tyler to second. Motion carries.

Sorenson moves, Compton seconds, to approve Parowan, Utah, as the site for 2010 Sports Class Nationals. Competition Director and Contest Manager will be the Minners. Caesar Creek is a possible site for 18-Meter Nationals. . Motion carries.

Sorenson reports the Committee recommends no retirement of Contest numbers as his report on the subject from the Wichita Board meeting. This policy will be relayed to Brian Milner, who initially raised the inquiry,

6.2.5. US Team Committee Report WGC 2008 US Team Expenses Robertson Expense Calculation 6.2.6. OLC Committee Report Tyler reports there will be a German process for payment and smiley faces for 2009. Action Item for ExComm in February to follow up.

6.3 . Vice Chair Dezzutti’s Committees 6.3.1. Electronic Communications Committee Report Our domain name for Gliding has no current editor. The Board would entertain a volunteer to the position. The domain runs through 2012.

6.3.2. Editorial Advisory Board Report Email from committee chair was not in Blue books. Committee needs a written description of Committee’s duties. Sense of the Board was that committee members need to provide technical review for submissions, respond quickly for the Editor’s requests, and to seek submissions to Soaring.

Pixton, McLaughlin seeing improvement in content, with room to grow. Umphres feels we still need proofreading improvement, maybe hire help. Carlson and the SSF need to receive Training & Safety articles, and five people participate in those reviews.

6.3.3. Publicity Committee Report The Committee was published in Epilot AOPA on 1/23/09 and getting good circulation as 7000-15k may read the article. Kellett inquired about news releases on ABC-Brionze Badges – How many have been published? Layton to research and report effectiveness.

6.3.4. Youth Committee & Youth Grants - no report.

6.4. Vice Chair Brickner’s Committees 6.4.1. Master Cross-Country Instructor Program 6.4.2. Affiliates & Divisions Reports - Brickner Changed Benefits Listing was attached from ExComm meeting. Combination report – ESA, VSA, WSPA, 1-26 Association, Freedom’s Wings, World Class Soaring Assoc. Affiliates: Southwest Soaring Museum Brickner noted the vitality of the respective groups. They appreciated contact from SSA to A&Ds.

6.4.3. COBM Committee Report 6.4.5. FAI Committee Report – no perceived problems in Badge filings. 6.4.5. State Governors and Recordkeepers Committee Report Thanks to Whiteley for re-energizing, initiating Governors appointments renewals. Directors need to affirm effective Governors in place, empowered and renewing has had effect of motivating refreshed activity. Recordkeeper’s checklist for record approval process is under way.

6.4.6. Nominating Committee Report – Northcraft is no longer Chairman.

6.5. Mr. Pixton’s Committees 6.5.1. Budget & Finance Committee Report 6.5.2. Administration Committee Report 6.5.3. Group Insurance Committee Report – Costello AIG situation has improved. Insurance companies under AIG were not involved, but AIG wishes to retain insurance companies as assets. Last two years the group plan is having improved loss records, thankfully. Costello has served 25 years as Broker-of-record. The Board expressed their thanks to Costello for his service.

6.5.4. Volunteer Development Committee Report – Umphres reviews the need for new blood in service positions, Minner relinquishes chair for personal health.

6.5.5. Weather Resources Task Force – Developing services and links on SSA web site. SSF conducts a 1 hour session in FIRC on weather links.

6.6. Mr. Northcraft’s Committees 6.6.1. Governmental Liaison Committee Report Parachute repack 180-day cycle became a rule in November. Re-opened ADS-B NPRM for additional comments, allowing 30 days review for 200 page document. BS Smith responded again. How will FAA deal with airframe orphans? Northcraft will talk to FAA for an informal reading. Northcraft expects little policy change as a result of Presidential change. Directors are reminded to direct inquires by media on transponders to the Hobbs office.

6.6.2. Representation Committee Report -- B.S. Smith Describes ADS-B systems for in-out systems and VFR systems. Out signals are once per second on your airframe. NextGen proposal will be requiring both TXP and ADS-B system. AOPA is fighting against dual equipment system. The FAA has no backup for radar surveillance, but want an ADS-B backup system for multi-lateration system, still discussing LORAN for this duty. BS Smith requests VFR standards for ADS-B, and gliders are currently still exempted from ADS-B systems in the proposal. Aviation Week reports on EASA large a/craft security regulations. Roland Stueck – EASA going hog-wild on regulations on ALL airframes. No dates of change of ADS-B implementation regarding NextGen. UAT test taking place in some 2009 contests for proving concept of VFR ADS- B low power systems.

6.6.3. Technical Committee Report 6.6.4. IGC Committee Report - Mozer

6.7. Regional Director Reports 6.7.1. Region 1 & 3 - none 6.7.2. Region 2 & 4 6.7.3. Region 5 6.7.4. Region 6 6.7.5. Region 7 6.7.6. Region 8 6.7.7. Region 9 6.7.8. Region 10 6.7.9. Region 11 6.7.10. Region 12

The Chairman thanks Region 6, 7, 9, 11 for the quality of their reports. He noted several recurring themes in some of the reports, most notably airspace concerns. Cleveland and Dallas are facing Class B expansion. Local sites bear the burden of input and communications on changes, but SSA is a technical resource. Loss of sites and membership loss have to be dealt with locally.

Sorenson inquires as to support to clubs on growing the sport? Umphres will address this in the General Members Meeting. Gaffney in November led forum by Air Sports Groups on membership, Pixton attended.

7.0 Soaring Safety Foundation Report - Carlson Flight Instructor Revalidation Clinics for 2009 offer 4 repeat and 3 new locations. Largest single clinic had 42 attendees. Compton reminds the Board that all programs occur as a result of local requests to present. Compton asks Board members to renew push to members to call on the free services – Site Surveys and Safety Seminars.

The meeting recessed at 10:00 a.m. and reconvened at 10:22 a.m.

8.0 SSA Foundation Report – Peter Brown, Penn Smith The SSA Foundation Trustee meeting is following the General Member Meeting, all members are welcome. Investments are down in valuation. Six months work was invested on the Sunflower project. The SSAF proposes for future donations, requesting a written commitment up front before negotiations progress deeply. Overall our devaluation was minimal thanks to a diversified conservative program.

Brickner moves to recess SSA Board meeting. Northcraft second. Carries.

The Chair reconvened the SSA Board meeting at 10:32 a.m. The Chair reports that during recess, the SSA Foundation elected John Lubon and Penn Smith as Trustees for three-year terms.

9.0 SSA Strategic Plan – Umphres 9.1. Proposed Adoption of Strategic Plan Brickner moves to approve proposed Strategic Plan, McLaughlin second. Motion carries. Kellett notes a 12,000 membership goal, with 11,700 at year end 2008. Weck asks, ‘where does 2009 budget address growth programs?’ $10k is set aside in Committee work line entries for 2009. Newill notes this is a substantial increase in commitment. O’Callaghan remarks on the sea change in AOPA for leveraging public outreach dollars. AOPA is not marketing for members, but for making new pilots

10.0 Other New Business 10.1 Sunflower Airport Update – Tyler Tyler met in December in Charleston, 3 – 4 hour meeting with Mr. Seed The proposed additional conditions for donation were untenable and were rejected by the ExComm after that meeting. As a result, it is the expectation that the gift will not be made. The Chairman noted that considerable effort was invested by the Sunflower Committee, in spite of which, it looked like the transaction would not be concluded.

10.2 Bid for 2012 World Gliding Championship – Tyler

Huffstutler withdrew as Contest Manager. Linda Murray was recruited. Murray will present to the IGC for SSA on March 6-7. Australians are also bidding for the combined 15M and Open Class event. If SSA wins the bid, SSA owns the event and will require an Organizing Committee

10.3 Bylaws Change: SSA Committees

Pixton moves Dezzutti seconds to adopt the resolution and approve the Committees Bylaw Change as presented. The new text of the Bylaws change is as follows:


SECTION 1 - There shall be committees, subcommittees and task forces (none of which shall have delegated executive power in the manner set out in Article V, Section 2 of these Bylaws), the members of which may be Directors, Officers or other members of the Society. Such committees, subcommittees and task forces shall be established and terminated, and the members thereof appointed and removed, by the Chair at any time or from time to time. The foregoing powers of establishment, termination, appointment and removal granted to the Chair shall be subject to the general powers of the Board of Directors at any time to override the exercise of any such power.

15 voted to approve, Chair abstains. Motion carries.

10.4 Bylaws Change: Regional Directors Pixton moves , P Smith seconds to approve the Regional Director Bylaw change as presented. The new text of the Bylaws change is as follows:

Article IV,Section 1A of the Bylaws of the Society, Subsections (2), (3) Paragraph (f), and (4)

(2) Effective Immediately. Effective as of January 23,2009 on the last day of the meeting which adopted this Section 1A, the Regional Director positions in Regions 5, 11 and 12 vacant at that time shall be cancelled and cease to exist, so that Regions 5, 11 and 12 shall then and thereafter have only one Regional Director position, and consequent upon such cancellation the number of Regional Director places shall thereupon be 17. (3) Effective in 2009. Effective as of January 1, 2009, except as otherwise hereinafter specifically provided – (f) Consequent upon the cancellation of Regional Director positions pursuant to paragraphs (a) to (e) inclusive of this Subsection (4), the number of Regional Director places shall thereupon be to 12. (4) Effective in 2010. Effective as of January 1, 2010, except as otherwise hereinafter specifically provided – (a) Region 10 shall then and thereafter have one Regional Director position; and in the period prior to January 1, 2010, no election shall be held in Region 10 to fill the remaining Regional Director position in respect of any period after December 31, 2009, without prejudice to the authority of the Directors to fill a vacancy in Region 10 pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 of this Article IV for the period to December 31, 2009. (b) Consequent upon the cancellation of Regional Director positions pursuant to paragraph (a) of this Subsection (5), the number of Regional Directors shall thereupon be 11.

15 votes to approve. Chair abstains. Motion carries.

10.5 2010 SSA Convention - Layton Layton reports 80,000 sq. ft. of exhibit space. Double Tree hotel will turn over the entire building turned to this event. The restaurant is interior to the hotel. Layton wants the sense of the Board regarding including other air sports. Following Board discussion, consensus was that 2010 is an SSA Convention, at which we welcome all air sports to have a presence. January 28 – 30th, 2010 in Little Rock, AR.

10.6 Resolutions to honor US Air 1549 Flight Crew Umphres welcomes discussion of actions to acknowledge the flight. Brickner moves to approve as proposed and award a one-year membership and apply consideration to the future agenda. Tyler second. Six to approve. 8 opposed. Motion fails. Sorenson moves, Dezzutti seconds to approve resolutions and add the gift of Life SSA Memberships for the two pilots.

To approve: 11. Abstentions: Weck, Umphres. Opposed: Brickner, McLaughlin. Motion carries.

Other Competent Business:

McDaniel – Awards Committee comment on 2008 Barringer Trophy to Henry Retting who flew 780 km with no ridge or mountain wave or western thermals out of Florida, to almost Atlanta, GA. His flight saw only a 6300 msl high point.

11.0 Date and Place of Fall Meeting 2009 Brickner moves, Black-Nixon seconds to hold the meeting September 12, 2009 in Dallas metro area, with plans for the NSM Barnaby Lecture. Motion carries.

Director Dezzutti moves, second Compton, to adjourn at 11:30 a.m. Motion carries.

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