National Association of Extension 4-H Agents
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National Association of Extension 4-H Agents Spring Board Minutes March 1-3, 2011 Amended 09/01/2011
Attendance: Lori Bledsoe, Eric Otte, Earl McAlexander, Debbie Nistler, Marcus Boston, Tracy Behnken, Shawn Tiede, Craig Presar, Brian Luckey, Warren Crawford, Scott Nash, Hilton Waits, Nancy Hegland, Melissa Henry, Lena Mallory, Catherine Webster, Kia Harries, Judy Butterfield, Martha Maddox, Anita Hall, Allan Vyhnalek, Vernon Waldren, Bill Heltemes, Christine Price, Cheryl Varnadoe, Theresa Ferrari, Minnie Taylor, Linda Aldridge, Dale Pracht.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011 Call to Order: Lori Bledsoe called the meeting to order at 8:30 am.
Vernon Waldren welcomed everyone to Omaha and briefed on the conference.
Operating Principles: Lori discussed the operating principles for the meeting.
October 23-34 Pre-Conference Board Minutes: Earl McAlexander moved to approve the minutes from the October 23-24, 2010, Board meeting as amended. Nancy Hegland seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
October 27 Post-Conference Board Minutes: Lena Mallory moved to approve the minutes from the October 27, 2010, Board meeting as amended. Minnie Taylor seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
October 28 Board Minutes: Hilton Waits moved to approve the minutes from the October 28, 2010, Board meeting as amended. Minnie Taylor seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
Parliamentary Procedure – Eric Otte Eric Otte reviewed parliamentary procedure for the meeting, as well as how to use the consent calendar and recommendations.
Board Development – Hilton Waits and Melissa Henry
Questions & Answers for NAE4-HA Liaisons: Executive Director – Jody Rosen Jody announced that her company, The Association Source, LLC, has been accepted into membership in the AMC Institute, a professional organization of association management companies. She said that an AMC must meet a certain level of professional standards and ethical practices to qualify for membership. Discussion took place about the logistics of the partner program, and Jody thanked the 2011 conference team for agreeing to incorporate the program into this year’s conference. JCEP – Lori Bledsoe, Debbie Nistler, Earl McAlexander Lori reported that JCEP has two board meetings a year, one in spring and one in summer. There is a new representative to JCEP from NIFA, William Hoffman. Lori further reported that the JCEP board travels to other associations’ national meetings. PILD – Lori Bledsoe for Karen Hatch Gagne and Chris Anderson – Lori reported that NAE4-HA needs someone to replace Karen as a liaison to PILD. Her term is up. She reported that PILD registration early-bird is March 7. Must book hotel before you register.
1 JOE – By phone, Joseph provided highlights of the Journal of Extension, including his role as liaison to the board. State Program Leaders – Kirk Astroth was not present, but had provided a written report prior to the meeting.
Lori announced that The Association Source (TAS) will be the Conference Management Company for the 2014 Conference. TAS also will be taking over daily bookkeeping for conference financial accounts. There was further discussion about 2014 conference bids. A call for bids will go out soon.
Regional Directors at JCEP The regional directors reviewed questions that were asked of them at the JCEP meeting. Discussion ensued about how best to come up with a list of tenure reviewers. Further review of this will be done by the VP for Research, Evaluations & Programs. Discussion ensued on the “member benefits” webinar that the RDs did at JCEP. It will be posted on the NAE4-HA web site.
The VP teams dispersed for team meetings.
2011 NAE4-HA Conference – the conference team provided a tour of the hotel and convention center facilities.
Roundtable Discussions Finance and Operations Discussions focused on: 2014 Conference MOUs What to do when a board member does not fulfill his/her duties Marketing and Outreach Discussions focused on: Branding/Marketing Marketing of 4-H Stories Book
Announcements – Jody Rosen announced that everyone should meet in the hotel lobby at 6:00 pm to go to dinner.
With no further business, the meeting recessed at 5:15 pm
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Lori Bledsoe re-convened the meeting at 8:00 a.m.
4-H National Headquarters – Amy McCune Amy reported that two formerly vacant positions at Headquarters have now been filled. She said that there have been updates to name and emblem usage, and Headquarters is putting together a webinar through eXtension on grasping the main issues of name and emblem. She further discussed the tax exemption status of state 4-H programs and said that Headquarters has been communicating with state leaders via regular e-mails, webinars, and the web site (via the policy link). She said that 25 states are currently in good standing with the IRS.
National 4-H Council – Lori Bledsoe reported for Maggie Bergin Lori reviewed the printed report for National 4-H Council.
2 Lori reviewed items that had been discussed during Tuesday’s meeting. She said that the VP for Professional Development has been charged with looking at how future conferences are planned. At pre- conference board meeting in October, the team will provide recommendations for conference items that can be outsourced.
Roundtable Discussions Professional Development Discussions focused on: Poster session consistency in format Recruiting seminar presenters from outside organizations.
Research, Evaluation, and Programs Discussions focused on: The number of task forces in place and whether they are needed. The discussion also visited the bylaws regarding task forces.
Member Services Discussions focused on: Findings from the Member Survey – What can we apply? Who wants to submit to News & Views? Do we need a rotation? Fostering new members/member communication
Regional Directors Discussions focused on: Ways to energize business meetings and whether to continue with door prizes Also discussed was how to change the policy regarding how auction money is spent
President’s Council Roundtable Discussions focused on: Galaxy 2013 – What do we have to have for NAE4-HA? What can we not live without for NAE4-HA? What did you like about Galaxy III? What could have been better/different?
There was discussion about Galaxy 2013 in Pittsburgh. There will be a president’s suite at each hotel. There will be an awards program for each association. NAE4-HA needs general committee meetings (min. 4.5 hours) that start after first business meeting. There should be regional opportunity by associations. It was recommended that the spring board meeting be held at the Galaxy site. NAE4-HA needs exhibit space for partners. Lori reported that NAE4-HA will have seven board seminars. She further stated that proceeds of Galaxy are distributed as such: First 15% to JCEP, 25% to host state, 30% to the six associations, and then 30% split to associations based on members attending.
PILD – Lori solicited for recommendations for someone to fill a two-year term on the committee. His/her proximity to Washington DC may want to be considered. Business Meetings – Discussion took place on what is needed and what can be omitted. Organizational Stewardship – Earl discussed status of nominations as contained in his written report.
2012 Conference Team – Judy Butterfield and Martha Maddox reviewed the conference’s preliminary agenda.
3 Sponsorship National 4-H Collegiate Conference – Lori Bledsoe reported that NAE4-HA will be a sponsor of the National 4-H Collegiate Conference, which is being held in Georgia.
VP Team Presentations
Member Services – Kia Harries discussed the awards process and said that things are on target.
Marketing & Outreach – Linda Aldridge reported that her team discussed putting together a brochure on the “ROI” of being a member of NAE4-HA and attending conferences. The partner program will be further developed to provide reasons for donating, where the money goes, etc. A long-range goal is to hold regularly-scheduled monthly lunch webinars.
Professional Development – Christy Price reported that her team discussed ways to mesh committee meetings with seminars and how to make poster presentations more consistent.
Finance & Operations – Lena Mallory reported that her team discussed how to best use future conference hotel commissions.
Regional Directors – Nancy Hegland reported that her team discussed how to best engage members at business meetings. They also discussed highlighting committees before the conference , and during the conference business meetings, would like to highlight an award winner. They would like to hold “Daily Member Celebrations.” She concluded by saying that the regional directors are setting up state visits.
Research, Evaluations & Programs – Theresa Ferrari reported that her team discussed the number of program committee task forces. She said that, since they are a taskforce (for limited time period/purpose), they are not part of the bylaws. She reported that task forces can only be created or dissolved by the programs committee. Theresa reported on the Journal of Youth Development, stating that the editorial group is trying to find an academic publisher. They had narrowed it down to one, who is not willing to do it at this time; to make it beneficial to them, they require $75,000 to get started.
With no further business, the meeting recessed at 5:05 pm
Thursday, March 3, 2011 Lori Bledsoe reconvened the meeting at 8:40 a.m.
Eric Otte reviewed the procedures for the Consent Calendar and Recommendations.
CONSENT CALENDER 1. The Public Relations and Information Committee moves to approve price change of “4-H Stories from the Heart” Book to: Case of 12 at $12/each Case of 24 at $11/each Case of 36 at $10/each Individual retail price per book at 4-H Mall of no more than $21.95
4 2. The Research, Evaluations, & Programs Team moves to amend the Bylaws by changing Article II, Section 10, A, Number 5 to read: A. Standing Committees—Open Member Participation: 1. Diversity 2. Member Recognition 3. Policy and Resolutions 4. Professional Development 5. Programs & Competencies 6. Public Relations and Information 7. Research & Evaluation
3. The VP of Finance & Operations moves to amend the Bylaws by changing Article II, Section 10, Part G to read: G. Official Publication: NEWS & VIEWS shall be the official publication for the Corporation. The Journal of Youth Development published by NAE4-HA as a sanctioned referred periodical of the corporation. The Journal of Extension published by Extension Journal Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, shall be an official sanctioned referred periodical of the corporation. The association reserves the right to affiliate and partner with other juried journals. 4. The VP of Finance & Operations moves that the Board review and update “Position Descriptions” for your respective leadership positions. Descriptions are to be submitted by 6/30/11 to the VP of Finance & Operations (Lena Mallory) via e-mail. 5. The VP of Finance & Operations moves that the Board establish one credit card processing account for NAE4-HA rather than establishing a new one each year for conference. This would allow NAE4-HA to accept credit card payments for not only conference fees, but 4-H stories, etc. 6. The VP of Finance & Operations moves to amend the Bylaws by changing Article II, Sections 4 and 7 to read: Section 4. Annual Meeting: The Annual Meeting of the members of the Corporation shall be held either within or without outside the State of Maryland at a time and place determined by the Board of Trustees for the purpose of electing Trustees and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. Section 7. Special Meeting: Special meeting of the members, other than those regulated by statute, may be held either within or without outside the State of Maryland and may be called at any time by the President or Secretary on receipt of the written request of one- third of the member of the Corporation. Only the business stated in the notice may be conducted at special meetings. 7. The VP of Finance & Operations moves to change policy so that pre-board travel stipends for eligible board members be increased from $135/day to $175/day for a total of $350. 8. The VP of Finance & Operations moves amend the Bylaws by changing Article II, Section 7, to read: Section 7. Special Meeting: Special meeting of the members, other than those regulated by statute, may be held either within or without the State of Maryland and may be called at any time by the President or Secretary any member of the President’s Council on receipt of the written request of one-third of the member of the Corporation. Only the business stated in the notice may be conducted at special meetings.
5 9. The VP of Finance & Operations moves that with implementation of NAE4-HA’s Partner Program, all awards, seminar, program, etc. sponsorships be coordinated through the Executive Director. 10. The VP of Research, Evaluations & Programs moves to add the Editor, Journal of Youth Development, to a Board position. PULLED. 11. The President’s Council moves to require the general session of committee meetings not meet until after the opening business meeting. PULLED. 12. The President’s Council moves that all contracts signed over $5,000 must be reviewed by the President and the Executive Director, beginning with 2012 Conference. PULLED. Motion: Earl McAlexander moved to accept the consent calendar. Second: Debbie Nistler Vote: Passed Unanimously
RECOMMENDATIONS 1. From the Executive Director to Member Services: Add language to the membership handbook that membership does not need to be consecutive for renewal status and life membership does not require prior membership and is also left to the states. 2. From the VP Finance & Operations to Organizational Stewardship: Board of Trustees “Position Descriptions” become a part of Candidate/Leadership paperwork including signatures. 3. From the VP Finance & Operations to the Policy & Resolutions Committee: Develop policy related to deadlines when outgoing Board of Trustees are to have follow-up with incoming members and surrender any working/historical documents/files. 4. From the VP Finance & Operations to the Policy & Resolutions Committee: Work on wording for Bylaws, Article III, Section 14, to add in steps for “removal.” For example: Step 1 – verbal; Step 2 – written; and Step 3 – called meeting. Have prepared for 2011 pre-conference board meeting. 5. From the State Relations Team to the President: We request time during business meetings to highlight specialty award winners (working with member recognition) or regional directors would read a two minute brief about the program. 15-20 minutes each meeting. We would also like to do a Daily Member Celebration – asking for up to eight members to come on state; answer a question, and receive a token of appreciation, 5-10 minutes – 3 meetings. Explore ways to promote commit work prior to conference. 6. From Melissa Henry to the VP of Professional Development and Team: To start 2014 (earlier if possible) to have committee meetings immediately following the business meetings at National Conferences – this will allow a better transition between the two and have the business of the association conducted in the same session and would allow better promotion of committees. 7. From the VP Finance & Operations to the Policy & Resolutions Committee: Prepare for 2011 pre- conference board meeting, develop wording to address voting qualification of Board of Trustees if board transition is held prior to installation of the incoming members. 8. From the VP Finance & Operations to the Policy & Resolutions Committee and Board: Consider amending Bylaws, Article III, Section 4 to read as follows, or some type of wording so we can avoid another impromptu meeting like in 2010: Section 4. Annual Meetings: Immediately Within 30 days after the close of each Annual Meeting of members, the Board of Trustees shall hold its Annual Meeting for the purpose of organization and transaction of other business.
6 9. From the VP Finance & Operations to the Policy & Resolutions Committee: To prepare wording for a policy/guidelines on NAE4-HA Board, committees, task forces, etc. entering into collaborations w/other organizations. 10. President’s Council to Research, Evalutions & Programs Team: The Journal of Youth Development to provide specs needed to develop the necessary features for JYD (i.e., search function, separate web pages, etc.)
Motion: Melissa Henry moved to accept recommendations. Second: Minnie Taylor seconded the motion. Vote: Passed unanimously.
DISCUSSION OF PULLED ITEMS #10. The VP of Research, Evaluations & Programs moves to add the Editor, Journal of Youth Development, to a Board position. PULLED. Discussion: Clarifications were discussed and questions were answered. Motion: Eric Otte Second: Brian Luckey Vote: 1 in favor, 25 against, motion failed.
#11. The President’s Council moves to require the general session of committee meetings not meet until after the opening business meeting. PULLED. Discussion: Clarifications were discussed and questions were answered. Motion: Eric Otte Second: Debbie Nistler Vote: Motion failed unanimously
#12. The President’s Council moves that all contracts signed over $5,000 must be reviewed by the President and the Executive Director, beginning with 2012 Conference. PULLED. Motion: Hilton Waits Second: Tracy Behnken Discussion: Clarifications were discussed and questions were answered.
Motion: Lena Mallory moves to amend the motion to read:
All association contracts signed over $5,000 must be reviewed by the President and the Executive Director, beginning 3/3/2011 with 2012 Conference.
Second: Scott Nash Vote: passed unanimously
The amended motion was called for a vote, and it passed unanimously.
Board Development – Task Number Game
7 Strategic Planning for 2011-2012 – Lori Bledsoe revisited the association’s strategic goals. Lori reported that she is working on a letter to the membership. Discussion ensued about what the association is doing to advocate for the youth development profession. Some responses are that Marketing & Outreach is putting together a brochure on ROI, JOE (and job bank), JYD, leadership opportunities for members through board/committees.
Also discussed was that NAE4-HA elevates the quality of Youth Development through scholarship, research, and practice via JOE, JYD, Awards, Presentations,
Housekeeping items – Discussed were board travel reimbursement procedures. Also discussed was the cost of Internet and Health Club usage at the Hilton Omaha.
Brian Luckey moved that further exploration be conducted for Bylaw consistency for News & Views, JOE, and JYD . Lena Mallory seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
Lori Bledsoe announced that the next board meeting is September 1, either via teleconference or computer, at 11:30 am Eastern Time.
There being no further business, Tracy Behnken moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:05 am. Nancy Hegland seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
Meeting minutes submitted respectfully by.
Jody B. Rosen Executive Director