Spring Garden Township Board of Commissioners Meeting
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President Fullmer announced that the Board of Commissioners met in Executive Session at 6:15 p.m. this evening to discuss personnel, real estate and potential litigation issues. Executive Session was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER The Spring Garden Township Board of Commissioners held its regular monthly meeting at the Township Municipal Building, 340 Tri Hill Road, York, PA on Wednesday December 9, 2015. President Fullmer called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
PERSONS PRESENT John M. Fullmer, Jr., President Gregory J. Maust, P.E., Township Manager Matthew R. Shorb, Vice-President Steven F. Smith, Public Works Supervisor Cara Beth Zortman, Commissioner Clifford Gordon, Codes Enforcement Officer Thomas I Warman, Commissioner Christine Y. Hartle, Recreation Director Eric M. Lehmayer, Commissioner George Swartz, Chief of Police Linda A. Keller, Director Community David M. Davidson, Jr., P.E., Engineer Development & Planning B.J. Treglia, C.S. Davidson, Inc Michelle K. Mullen, Fiscal Officer & Robert McCoy, Fire Chief, YAUFR Benefits Coordinator Steven M. Hovis, Esq. Solicitor There were 7 people in the audience.
A. COMMUNITY & SERVICE AWARD: There was one Community Service Award to be presented to a business within the Township that received recent recognition for their unique product. Chief Swartz reported that the business owner, because of workload and priorities to be met for the holidays was unable to attend the meeting to receive the award. The presentation will be rescheduled for another time in early 2016.
SERVICE AWARDS: Service awards were presented recognizing Elected Officials, Professional Advisors for the Zoning Hearing Board, and staff representing the Police Department, Recreation Department, Police Department and Public Works Department. President Fullmer presented the following awards with assistance from Manager Maust, Chief Swartz and Public Works Supervisor, Steve Smith: 1948 Elected Officials: Commissioner Eric M. Lehmayer 2014-2015 Board of Commissioners 20 years 1998-2014 Zoning Hearing Board 1995-1998 Planning Commission
Professional Advisors: David C. Keiter, Esq.* 1997-2015 Zoning Hearing Board Retirement
Codes: Clifford Gordon 2000-2015 15 years
Recreation: Christine Hartle 2005-2015 10 years
SPRING GARDEN TOWNSHIP BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING Minutes of December 9, 2015 Page 1 of 5 Police Department Rick Eisenhart* 1995-2015 20 years Alisha Graybill* 2000-2015 15 years Richard Morris, Jr. 2010-2015 5 years Tomas O’Brien* 2010-2015 5 years
Public Works Kerry Inman 1995-2015 20 years Matthew Yinger 2010-2015 5 years
*Recognized but not in attendance at the meeting
B. REQUESTS FOR PRESENTATION BY THE PUBLIC: There were no public presentation requests received for tonight’s meeting.
C. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: There were no public comments.
D. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion Shorb/ Lehmayer to approve the Minutes of the October 26, 2015 budget meeting, October 27, 2015 budget meeting, October 27, 2015 meeting continued to November 5, and the November 11, 2015 regular monthly meeting. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0.
E. ACCEPTANCE OF TREASURER’S REPORT: Motion Warman/ Lehmayer to accept the Treasurer’s Report. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0.
F. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS FOR PAYMENT: Motion Lehmayer/Shorb to approve the Warrants for Payment as presented. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0.
G. OPENING/ AWARD OF BIDS: There were no bids presented for Board consideration.
H. SUBDIVISION/ LAND DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR ACTION: There were no subdivision/land development plans to be considered as part of tonight’s meeting.
1. Status of Township Comprehensive Recreation Plan: Recreation Director, Christine Hartle reported there was not a big turnout for the second public meeting. The survey and follow-up responses were very successful. Work continues to complete the update to the Comprehensive Plan which is expected to be completed by the end of 2015.
2. Status of Municipal Complex & Upgraded Township Facilities. Manager Maust reported that Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc. (HRG) continues to work on the follow-up response to the State Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and specifically the technical risk assessment comments related to manganese. HRG continues to discuss the issue with the DEP staff with the hope that there will be consensus of how to satisfy the regulatory review comments by the end of January, 2016.
3. Consideration to amend the Township Zoning Ordinance to establish Zoning Permits.
SPRING GARDEN TOWNSHIP BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING Minutes of December 9, 2015 Page 2 of 5 Linda Keller reported that work continues on this project.
4. Motion Lehmayer/Warman to Approve the Update to the Spring Garden Township Employee Manual. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0
5. Approval of the Spring Garden Township Safety Manual. Manager Maust reported that a meeting was held with Commissioner Fullmer, Commissioner Shorb, Commissioner and representatives of the Safety Committee to review the proposed Safety Manual. There was consensus that the overall format of the manual should be revised to be specific to Spring Garden Township and a new “draft” manual will be prepared for Board consideration. Until such time as a new ”draft’ manual can be prepared and submitted for Board consideration, this topic will be removed from future agenda’s and will no longer be carried under Old Business.
6. Consideration to expand parking for the Township Administration Office, 558 S. Ogontz Street. Manger Maust stated the Zoning Hearing Board approved the 5 variance requests to provided expanded parking for the Township Administration Office. With Zoning Hearing Board approval, the project can proceed for further consideration to construct the expanded parking facilities as proposed. The project will be reviewed with the Board in the early spring of 2016 to discuss project funding. Part of the proposed project involves demolition of the former Tax Office and a determination needs to be made as to how to relocate and change procedures for records retention. Commissioner Lehmayer suggested that staff obtain quotes on getting all the documents scanned.
7. Motion Warman/Zortman to approve to advertise an Ordinance reducing the speed restrictions for portions of Summit Circle South, Summit Circle North, Wyndham Drive North & Wyndham Drive South. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0.
1. Motion Zortman/Lehmayer to approve the purchase of a desktop computer and printer for the Public Works Buildings & Grounds Crew Leader. The cost of the computer upgrade is to be within the budget established as part of capital purchase included in the 2016 General Fund Budget. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0.
2. Approve Resolution # 2015-09, Appointing the Township Treasurer for 2016 and Establishing Compensation for 2016. Motion Zortman/Lehmayer to approve Resolution #2015-09. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0.
3. Motion Warman/Shorb to approve the transfer of $ 80,000 from the General Fund to the Police Post-Retirement Health Fund for 2015. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0.
4. Approve Resolution # 2015-10; adopting the 2016 York Area United Fire & Rescue (YAUFAR) Budget. Motion Lehmayer/Warman to approve Resolution #2015-10. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0.
5. Approve Resolution # 2015-11, establishing Police Pension Contributions for 2016. Motion Warman/Lehmayer to approve. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes- 5, No-0.
SPRING GARDEN TOWNSHIP BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING Minutes of December 9, 2015 Page 3 of 5 6. Motion Zortman/Lehmayer to adopt Ordinance # 2015-07, Tax Levy for 2016. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0.
7. Adopt Ordinance # 2015-08, Spring Garden Township 2016 Budget. Motion Warman/Zortman to adopt Ordinance #2015-08. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0.
8. Approve Advertising of 2016 Township Meeting Dates. Motion Warman/Lehmayer to approve the 2016 Meeting Dates. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0.
9. Approve Resolution # 2015-12, amending the Spring Garden Township Construction and Material Specifications Manual. Motion Warman/Shorb to approve Resolution #2015-12. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0.
10. Approval of the Letter of Understanding (LOU) between the Pennsylvania State Police and Spring Garden Township Police Department for continued participation in the Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP). Motion Warman/Zortman to approve the LOU as presented. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0.
11. Consideration to establish General Fund and Sewer Fund Balance Policy and Guidelines for Allocation of Surplus Funds. Manager Maust asked for this to be removed from the agenda for tonight’s meeting and presented at a later time.
12. Approval of Stormwater Operation and Maintenance and Right-of-Way Agreement for 1300 Oakdale Drive, Andrew & Alyssa Shorb for new home construction. Motion Warman/ Zortman to approve. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-4, No-0. Commissioner Shorb Abstained.
K. ENGINEER’S REPORT B.J. Treglia requested signatures on Contracts 1 & 2 for the awarded 2015 Sanitary Sewer Maintenance Project.
L. SOLICITOR’S REPORT Attorney Hovis asked for clarification as to whether Stock & Leader should coordinate the advertising for the 2016 Township Meeting Dates. Attorney Hovis was asked to do the advertising for the Township.
M. POLICE CHIEF’S REPORT Motion Warman/Zortman for approval to have Chief Swartz make offers to candidates for hiring a new officer to fill the vacancy created by the voluntary termination of employment of Robert Lehman. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0.
N. FIRE CHIEF’S REPORT Chief McCoy stated he will be changing the regularly scheduled meeting date for YAUFAR to Thursday, December 17, 2015. . O. PUBLIC WORKS SUPERVISOR’S REPORT Steve Smith reported leaf collection is almost done . P. RECREATION DIRECTOR’S REPORT Christine reported changing Breakfast with Santa to Valley View in increased attendance with a turnout of over 200 children.
Q. ZONING OFFICER’S REPORT Linda stated she had a land development plan for Penn State to be signed by the Commissioners. R. CODES ENFORCEMENT OFFICER’S REPORT Cliff had no comments.
S. MANAGER’S REPORT Manager Maust stated the holiday luncheon is Friday, December 18 and thanked staff and the Board for the hard work and support provided this past year.
With no further business to transact, Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Gregory J. Maust, P.E. Township Manager/Secretary