Distribution List:  ONLY Expired Subs/Winbacks w/ no active paid subs From: Strategic Forecasting, Inc ([email protected]) Subject: Final Reminder - Regain Your Access to Stratfor for 50% OFF Regular Rates

Header: Get ready for Q4/2006. Regain Your Access to Stratfor – Just In Time for the Q4/2006 Quarterly Forecast! Last day to Save 50% OFF Regular Rates>

Body Dear Stratfor Subscriber,

This is the last day when you can take advantage of the special re-activation offer for 50% OFF regular rates!

Since you’ve been a subscriber in the past, we’d like to extend you an invitation back into our exclusive intelligence community for half the price of a new subscription.

For only $199/year or $19.95/month you can enjoy the full benefits of Stratfor Premium, plus all the new features recently added, such as:

 Global Market Briefs  Special Reports  Daily Audio Podcasts  Member-Only Discussion Forums

For less than the price of your morning paper, you’ll have intelligence at your fingertips 24/7 every day of the year! Also, if you hurry, you’ll be just in time for the upcoming release of our Q4/2006 Quarterly Forecast, FREE to current Stratfor Premium subscribers.

We have created an exclusive page on our website where you can sign up right now to lock in these special rates. To sign up or learn more now, please visit [ add url here ] today!

If you would like to subscribe over the phone, our Customer Service Department is ready to assist you at 1-877-9STRAT4, Monday through Friday, between 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. Central Time. Please mention “Former Subscriber” in order to take advantage of these special rates.

We look forward to welcoming you back to Stratfor.

Best regards, Your Team at, Strategic Forecasting, Inc.


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