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Form: RF-S1

Sections 1 – 5 to be completed by Applicants Sections 6 – 10 to be completed by Connected Communities

Stage 1


Applicants Name:


Asset number:

Single Point of Contact (SPOC):

Ref. No.:

Office Use: Date From: By: Received: Date Sent: To: By:

To be completed & returned within 8 weeks of receipt to: [email protected] Date From: By: Received:

CAT Request – reviewed November 2017 V15 This is an asset transfer request made under Part 5 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015


Information about the community transfer body (CTB) Section 1 making the request, including information about the Page 3-5 asset and type of request What Skills / Knowledge / Experience does the Section 2 Page 6 organisation have?

How will the proposal contribute to the local priorities set Section 3 Page 7 out by the NAC Community Planning Partnership

Section 4 Business & Development Plan Page 8

Section 5 Supporting Documentation Page 9

Sections 6 – 9 to be completed by NAC Staff

Section 6 How will the Community Benefit from the Proposal Page 10

What resources do the group / organisation have access Section 7 Page 11 to?

Section 8 Achievable / Criteria Page 11-12

Section 9 Scoring & Evaluation Mechanism Page 13

Section 10 Final Assessment for Committee Appraisal Page 14

CAT Request – reviewed November 2017 V15 Page 2 SECTION 1 - Information about the request

To help ‘speed up the process’, North Ayrshire Council recommends that applicants (community transfer/controlled body) wishing to apply for an asset made under Part 5 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 complete this request form.

1.1 Please provide details of the community transfer/controlled body making the request a) Name of Organisation b) Address of Organisation

c) Contact Details – Telephone Number Email Address We agree that correspondence in relation to this asset transfer request may be sent by email to the email address given above (Please tick to indicate agreement) Organisation Officers details: (to answer questions on the application, e.g. secretary) d) Main Contact: Full Name & Position in the Organisation e) Contact Details – Home address, telephone number, email. (person who will accept responsibility in Law for the application on behalf of the f) Legally responsible contact: organisation) Full Name & Position in the Organisation g) Contact Details – Home address, telephone number, email.

1.2 Structure and purpose of the organisation a) What type of organisation are you, i.e. a community transfer body? Must either be a “community controlled” body or a body “designated” by the Scottish Ministers. See NAC Guidance Pack - Section 4.3 b) Please confirm that you have a written formal constitution, Yes Copy enclosed governance document or set of rules. If No, do you require support to gain this? No Support required c) How many people are involved in Management committee your organisation? Paid full-time staff

Paid part-time staff

Volunteers d) When was the organisation established?

CAT Request – reviewed November 2017 V15 Page 3 e) What is the purpose and main activities of your organisation?

f) Does your organisation have previous experience of managing an asset? If yes please provide details

1.3 Please specify the asset (building or land) you are interested in a) Name of Asset b) Address (or Grid Reference) of Asset. Please

attach Map if available. Grid Ref: Map Attached d) Type of transfer you are interested in (transfer of ownership, lease or other rights). e) If ownership, what terms do you wish to Please attach note re any negotiate? Please detail what you are willing other terms & conditions. to pay. f) If leasing, what length of lease is required, Length of Lease: Please attach note re any any other terms and conditions? Please detail other terms & conditions. what you are willing to pay. i) Is the request for other rights? Please specify the nature and extent of the rights sought. j) Please specify any other terms or conditions applicable to the request. Do you propose to make any payment for If yes, how much are you prepared to No these rights? Yes pay? l) Is there any other organisation affected by the ownership of the asset? Add details including in relation to existing ownership/ leasehold arrangements/ current lessees/ other contractual arrangements or any funding associated with the asset where conditions on its use or ownership may apply.

1.4 Funding a) Please briefly outline how it is proposed that the transfer of ownership/lease and proposed use of the asset are to be funded. b) A Business Plan with a 3 year cash flow statement is beneficial for information purposes. Do you have one? If No, would you require support to prepare one? c) A Business Plan will be required before a final decision is made. Business Plan attached (if available)

CAT Request – reviewed November 2017 V15 Page 4 1.5 Please tell us below (or using no more than one side of A4 paper):

A. Why are you interested in this asset?

B. What do you want the asset for?

C. What benefits will this bring to the local community?

D. Please describe the level and nature of support for the request from the local community? (i.e. evidence from public meetings, community surveys, info on total number of people in the community, etc.)

E. Are you aware of any restrictions on the use or development of the asset, please explain how your project will comply with these. Restrictions might include environmental, heritage site building status, controls on contaminated land or common good land.

F. Impact on existing use – what negative consequences (if any) may occur if your request is agreed to? How would you propose to minimise these? You should consider any potential negative consequences for the local economy, environment, or any group of people, and explain how you could reduce these.

CAT Request – reviewed November 2017 V15 Page 5 SECTION 2 - What skills / knowledge / experience does the organisation have in the following:

Skills (please refer to guidance pack section 4.3 and Doc. BP-1 Business Proposal Template available on the website) Yes No Describe community/community-asset-transfer.aspx a) Management / Governance

b) Financial Management

c) Marketing

d) Community Engagement

e) Partnership Working

f) Managing Assets

g) Human Resources

h) Business Planning

i) Securing Funding, e.g. Grants

CAT Request – reviewed November 2017 V15 Page 6 SECTION 3 - How will the proposal contribute to the local priorities set out by the NAC Community Planning Partnership

1. A Working North Ayrshire 2. A Healthier North Ayrshire 3. A Safer North Ayrshire 4. A Thriving North Ayrshire

Detail here A) Describe what North Ayrshire Local Outcomes Improvement Plan priorities your proposal will contribute to:

A Working North Ayrshire To have created the most improved economy in Scotland by 2026.

A Healthier North Ayrshire All people who live in North Ayrshire are able to have a safe, healthy and active life.

A Safer North Ayrshire North Ayrshire is a safer place to live, residents feel safer and communities are empowered.

A Thriving North Ayrshire We want you to have the best start in life and for North Ayrshire to be the best place in Scotland to grow up.

Detail here B) Describe how the proposal will benefit the wider Community, for example:

1. Accessible by all members of the community

2. Maintain an existing service or activity in the local community

3. Create a new service or activity in the local community

4. Wider community benefits

5. Create opportunities for local organisations to work together

6. Financial investment into the area (e.g. through grants unavailable to the Council)

7. Opportunities for developing local enterprise.

CAT Request – reviewed November 2017 V15 Page 7 SECTION 4 - Business & Development Plan (please refer to Finance and Business documents: BP-I&E 3 Year Income & Expenditure and Doc. BP-1 Business Proposal Template available on the website) https://www.north- 4.1 Briefly describe how you propose to fund:  the price or rent you are prepared to pay  any revenue or capital costs  any overheads  any redevelopment or ongoing maintenance  the costs of your activities

4.2 Please identify all proposed income and investment, i.e.:  All proposed grants or loan applications  Any donations you expect to receive

This information will be used as part of the assessment by NAC Community Asset Transfer team.

CAT Request – reviewed November 2017 V15 Page 8 SECTION 5 - SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION MUST BE INCLUDED (if applicable)

Yes/ No Copy of constitution/governance document or set of rules (see Section 1.2b) Yes/ No/ N/A Any maps, drawings or description of the asset/land requested Yes/ No/ N/A Note of any terms and conditions that are to apply to the request Yes/ No/ N/A Copy of Community Consultation / Engagement activities Yes/ No/ N/A Evidence of community support Yes/ No/ N/A Evidence of Funding Secured Yes/ No/ N/A Business Plan with 3 years projected cash flow statement (see Section 1.4b and Section 4) Yes/ No/ N/A Last 3 years independently verified reports/accounts Yes/ No/ N/A 12 months bank statements Yes/ No/ N/A Equalities Policy / Statement Yes/ No/ N/A Child Protection / Protecting Vulnerable Groups Policy Yes/ No/ N/A Health and Safety Policy / Health and Safety at Work Act Policy Yes/ No/ N/A Letters of Support or References Other policies e.g. Training policy, Volunteer policy, proper Employment practices, wages and Yes/ No/ N/A conditions of service of employees and purchasing policies. Yes/ No/ N/A Insurance – PLI / Buildings / Contents / Employers, etc.

Signatures of the community transfer/controlled body making the request

Signature 1 Name

Position Date

Signature 2 Name

Position Date

OFFICER ASSESSMENT Progress to Evaluation Rejected (Reason) Defer (Reason)

Officer Signature and Date:

CAT Request – reviewed November 2017 V15 Page 9 THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS (6 – 10) TO BE COMPLETED BY NAC STAFF


Yes / Community Benefits Detailed Information No Is the proposal accessible to all members of the community?

Will the proposal create a new service, activity or protect an existing service/provision in the local community?

Will the proposal have wider community benefits – use of resources?

Will the proposal create opportunities for local organisations to work together?

Will the proposal bring additional economic/financial investment into the area (e.g. through grants unavailable to current owners / new employment opportunity)?

Is the asset suitable and/or sufficient for its proposed use? Add details, including whether the asset complies with the Disability Discrimination Act.

How will the proposal promote equity and reduce poverty?

CAT Request – reviewed November 2017 V15 Page 10 SECTION 7 - WHAT RESOURCES DO THE GROUP / ORGANISATION HAVE ACCESS TO? Yes / Resources Current Proposed Capital Revenue No Financial (Own) e.g. fundraising Financial (Grant Sources) People (Numbers /Membership) Capital Revenue e.g. regular letting income

SECTION 8 - ACHIEVABLE / CRITERIA (Refer to Section 9 for scoring guidance) Community Development Team Evaluation Best Value Theme Information Required Score A clear plan for achieving the intended outcomes, ideally showing links Vision and to local or national priorities. Members of the community transfer body Leadership would also show that they have the relevant skills and experience to deliver the intended objectives. Effective The detail of any partnerships in place to help ensure successful delivery of the intended benefits. Community support is vital and can be shown Partnerships through a variety of metrics such as surveys, consultations or ballots.

Governance and An outline to illustrate that the appropriate structures and policies are in Accountability place to help ensure success in the longer-term. Explain how the body‘s current and future resources will be used as part of a medium to long term plan (5-10 years). This could include the Use of Resources numbers of employees or volunteers and the maintenance of any asset. This could also include the funding requirements of the group and the sources of funding already in place. Outline the way in which a community transfer body will be able to Performance monitor the achievement of its objectives, whether that be recording volunteers time or the amount of benefit achieved as part of the Management overarching vision. To demonstrate openness and transparency it will be important to report performance to the community.

There are five broad principles of sustainability: 1. Strong leadership – Promote good governance 2. Continuous improvement – Evaluate, learn and improve Sustainability 3. Financial stability – Live within your means 4. Ensures equity – Be fair to all 5. Embrace diversity – Celebrate and foster ethnic, cultural, economic and biological diversity.

The community transfer body should establish that the different groups within the community have had their needs taken into account. Any Equality request should include where a proposal may lead to a reduction in inequalities of outcome from socio-economic disadvantage.


Best Value Vision and Leadership Themes (CD Team) Effective Partnerships

Governance and Accountability

Use of Resources

Performance Management


Equality Risk Ranking Total Up to 14 Low; 15-27 Med; 28+ High Robustness Assessment of organisation in of Business relation to: Plan  Viability of business plan (Business  Detailed, cost proposals Team)  Amount of capital funding for project (secured, conditional, speculative)  Amount of revenue funding for project (secured, conditional, speculative)  Professional team / support Delivery Programme Risk Ranking Total Up to 14 Low; 15-27 Med; 28+ High






ESTATES / LEGAL Final Comments


Decision Support Reject Defer Completed by: (Further info Date: required)

Any Conditions:

CAT Request – reviewed November 2017 V15 Page 12 SECTION 9 - SCORING & EVALUATION MECHANISM

The following evaluation tool is used to assess asset transfer proposals by community and voluntary sector (COMMUNITY) organisations. It may also be used to evaluate proposals for shorter term leases to COMMUNITY organisations. The tool may be adapted on a case by case basis as appropriate. The tool is used at Stage 2 of the asset transfer process to broadly evaluate the suitability of the proposal. Scores should be applied as follows. Evidence Overview Score

Governance and financial arrangements are strong and sustainable. Very Best Value characteristics are evidenced and contained throughout the strong overall approach. Related projected benefits are very robust and 1 demonstrate value for money: suitability, effectiveness, prudence, quality, value and the avoidance of error and other waste. Governance and financial arrangements are sound and sustainable. Best Value characteristics are in evidence in the proposal. Related Strong 2 projected benefits are demonstrated well and represent value for money. Governance and financial arrangements are in place and acceptable. Best Value characteristics have been considered as part of the Moderate 3 proposal. Related projected benefits are acceptable and could lead to value for money. Governance and financial arrangements are weak. Best Value characteristics are not well demonstrated in the proposal. Related Weak 4 projected benefits are not based on robust information and demonstrates questionable value for money. Governance and financial arrangements are poor. There is little evidence of Best Value characteristics in the proposal. Related Poor 5 projected benefits are ill defined and/or unrealistic and do not demonstrate value for money.

CAT Request – reviewed November 2017 V15 Page 13 SECTION 10 - FINAL ASSESSMENT FOR COMMITTEE APPRAISAL Committee Report Name

Cabinet Date

Status of Asset (as Per Asset Register) (Estates)

Current Use (Community Development Team)


Asset Transfer Applicant

Proposed Terms Of Decision And Feedback Given To Applicant regarding terms agreed Transfer Ownership / (Estates)

Leasehold Market Value / Decision And Feedback Given To Applicant regarding terms agreed Discounted (Estates)

Final Score And Recommendation (Community Development Team) Completed By

Date Completed

Date of Review By Asset Management Group

Cabinet Date


Decision And Feedback Given To Applicant Date:

CAT Request – reviewed November 2017 V15 Page 14

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