Management Consulting Projects (Mgmt 5792)
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CLARK UNIVERSITY Exhibit C Graduate School of Management Syllabus MANAGEMENT CONSULTING PROJECTS (MGMT 5792) Professors John Rainey & Michael Holbrook Fall, 2005
Office: 5 Maywood Place
Telephone: Work: (508) 793-7615 Fax: (508) 793-8890 Home: (508) 366-4234 (Mr. Rainey) Home: (978) 464-5572 (Mr. Holbrook) E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]
Scheduled Classes: Wednesday 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
This course provides students with an opportunity to work as consultants operating in a real time environment. As such, this course will be run as a professional consulting firm. Students are required to abide by the CODE of ETHICS. Professors Rainey and Holbrook will serve as the Managing Partners of the firm. Clients are critical to the success of any consulting firm. They determine whether the consultants have done a satisfactory job or not, whether they would hire the consultants for future assignments, and whether they will recommend the firm to other companies. It is critical that these assignments are properly planned, well managed and clients receive the deliverables they expect. Communications with both the client and the managing director can only help to ensure the success of the firm and your specific assignment.
The Objective is to provide second year MBA students an opportunity to work with businesses as outside consultants. Students will work directly with the owners or managers of the business. Students and the business owner agree on the scope of the project and deliverables expected by the business owners at the completion of the project. Student teams will plan the project, execute the plan, adjust the plan as required, and complete the project in a professional, timely manner. As consultants, students will also maintain effective administrative records throughout the project. All MBA Competencies will to be used and improved upon in this course. However, written and oral communications; data gathering, analysis and interpretation; critical and creative thinking, and decision making; cooperative/teamwork/people skills; and motivation and working under pressure skills will be of particular importance in this course. Page Two COURSE MEETINGS
Students are expected to schedule their meetings in an effective manner. The meeting time for the course has been scheduled on Wednesdays from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Students are not allowed to take other classes Wednesday evenings. This time has been set aside to ensure that all group members have a convenient regular meeting time. If, however a group decides to meet on a different schedule, and all members agree, a letter to Professor Rainey or Holbrook, signed by all team members, will be required.
Team meetings with Professors Rainey or Holbrook will be scheduled every two weeks (at a minimum) to review the consulting assignments. These meetings will be scheduled after 4:30 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.
Meetings with clients will be at mutually convenient times. It is expected that Consulting teams will maintain a close relationship with the client. Students are expected to meet with the client a minimum of every two weeks to review progress and findings.
The following steps will be completed as part of each project. I. Selection of consulting teams and assignments. II. Initial scope meeting with client and managing partner (i.e., Professor Rainey or Holbrook). III. Scope letter agreement among client, consulting team and Managing director. IV. Consulting steps, assignments and time schedules. V. Biweekly meetings with the clients. VI. Biweekly progress reports to managing director. VII. Time reports by consulting teams. VIII. Change of scope letters (if necessary). IX. Final consulting report. X. Presentation to the client and managing director. XI. Project Exhibit and Distinguished Project Award Nomination Paper GRADING
The following is a breakdown of the factors that will be used to determine student grades. All members of the consulting team will normally be given the same grade. However, if a peer group evaluation indicates that a student contributed substantially more or less than other team members an appropriate grade adjustment will be made.
Managing client relationship 20% Planning and administration 20% Final consulting report and presentation 60%
Client input will influence all areas of the assignment. Attached is a sample evaluation form that the client and student groups should use to assess team performance on an ongoing basis.
As business owners, most of our clients are not on an academic schedule. All consulting assignments require completion by the end of the semester. However, this does not preclude teams from completing their assignments earlier. Good planning, execution and communication are critical to meeting agreed deadlines.
This mission of Clark University’s Graduate School of Management (GSOM) is to prepare student to become outstanding leaders and managers Through a high quality education experience, In a diverse and reflective community of learners, Lead by a faculty actively involved in research in their fields and in service to their communities and professions. Building upon a solid foundation of theoretical knowledge and contemporary management practice, GSOM works to instill in its student the professional confidence to challenge assumptions and questions conventional wisdom. GSOM graduates, prepared in this way, become creative decision makers, capable of making significant contributions to their domestic and global professional environments, and of working toward the improvement of their societies.
Distinguished Management Consulting Projects Award
Each semester one project will be selected as “The Distinguished Consulting Project”. Each student team will prepare a two-page nomination paper on why their project should be selected and an exhibit highlighting their project. Each spring the award selections will be announced at the Annual Awards Reception which will feature all project exhibits with the student teams manning their booth in a “Trade Show Exhibit” format. All nomination papers and the exhibit must be submitted before the Student Team will be given a grade.