‘I could defiantly get used to this’ thought James as he woke up to the morning sun in his window. For the second time in a row, he awoke to see a sinfully beautiful lady in his arms, though he was much more comfortable this time around. He took the time to look upon his beauty, moving an errant strand a black hair out of her face. ‘She seems so peaceful while sleeping. Hard to imagine there’s nothing she’d like more than me tied up and gagged at her mercy. Thank GOD I was finally able to get her to recognize me as the leader of our small group. I don’t think I have the energy to be that forceful all the time. Sucks that it had to be that way, but it is for the best if we’re gonna be traveling together for any amount of time’ He just laid there for another couple minutes, content at just looking at her. Glancing over at the clock, he decided that it was time to get up. ‘Hmm, how should I wake her? I don’t want to just shake her awake, but anything too… interesting could lead to an early morning taming. Not that that would be bad, but we got stuff to do today. Hmm, what to do, what to do?’ He eventually decided to settle for the clique, but always reliable, morning kiss. He leaned towards, and captured her lips in an innocent kiss, that ended up not so innocent. Awoken suddenly, Valentine snaked her hand behind his head and pressed him into the kiss. His eyes widened for a second, but he decided she deserved this after yesterday. He bit down on her bottom lip a little harder then necessary, knowing her ways by now. She moaned loudly at this and her other hand started reaching into his boxers. He grabbed her hand to stop her, causing her to whimper slightly. Backing away from the kiss he said, “I know, I hate to do this to you, but we have stuff to do today. Later, I promise you’ll get the taming you deserve.” She nodded in understanding, though still disappointed. He got up from bed and stretched, joints popping loudly. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, thinking about what he needed to do today. ‘K, after breakfast I should start training her some more, especially working out some more strategies with that whip of hers. Though it won’t work on anything much larger or stronger than her, it’s perfect for nearly any humanoid. Combined with the poison she creates, it’d be easy to beat someone with a simple combo of entangling and letting the poison do the work.’ As he was in thought, he wondered around his room, hand on chin. At the same time, Valentine was sitting on the edge of the bed, watching her master pace back and forth. She thought back on what had happened the last two days, and how much her life had changed. She had been jumping through the treetops, in search of food and maybe a little fun, when she misjudged the strength of one of the branches and fell almost 30 feet to the ground, hitting several branches on the way down, gaining a really nasty cut on her head and probably some broken ribs. How she managed to hold onto her whip was a mystery to her. She was slipping in and out of consciousness when she felt a rock hit her hard in the side. Soon afterwards a figure followed behind it. It looked at her before tearing threw a bag it had with it. Not finding what it wanted it ripped some cloth off itself and tied it to her wound, but did little to stem the bleeding. She saw its mouth moving but through her haze she couldn’t make anything out, but when a red and white ball appeared in its hand, she understood what it meant. She couldn’t remember much else after that, until she was released from the ball. In front of her was her savior. 5’11 in blue jeans and a torn grey shirt, he wasn’t much to look at, but she didn’t care that the moment. She had gone far too long without a proper taming and her mind was slipping into feralness. He gave her and apple and as she was eating it, she was imagining what she would do to him. Finishing the apple, she tied him up, then she get him all hot and bothered while causing him the delicious pain she loved so much. She was half way through when it all went wrong. He had somehow managed to get free of his bindings and even was able to tie her up as well. She was angry that she wasn’t the one in control, but the look he gave her…it almost made her want to be controlled. After that he proceeded to play her body like a drum, finding out how much pain turned her on, teasing her with his fingers, then taking her roughly while she just hung there helpless. For being the one always in control, the loss of it turned her on greatly. After it was all over he asked her what she thought. Her mind half gone from taming shock, she looked at him in a new light. Where once was an average young boy, with nothing special about him was a firm and dominating man that knew how to bring her to heel. Calling him Master, a term appropriate for one who could tame her, she fell blissfully asleep. When she awoke, she was shortly brought to his house, but she could care less about his parents, all she wanted was more of her Master. She didn’t like that he didn’t let her at the object of her desire; she vowed he’d bend to her will, that one instance earlier not enough to entirely break her to his will. She tried to force herself onto him in his bedroom, but again he managed to take control again, leaving her hot and flustered. She lost confidence in her abilities to control him until she got him to feed her. The food was so-so, but she hadn’t eaten in awhile, and having him feeding her made it all the sweeter. She chuckled inwardly as she watched him do the dishes, having someone that acted so dominate doing something so menial tickled her greatly. Afterwards he took her outside to see what she could do. She took this as an opportunity to show him that with her abilities, she could take him whenever _she_ wanted. She had started moving in on him after taking care of the three stones, but he turned her down, but no matter, when he was distracted he would be hers. She saw that he was lost in thought after seeing her Poison Lash, and took the opportunity. She whipped her weapon at him, but was surprised when he caught it. She thought that the poison coating the whip would weaken him, but he had a surprisingly strong constitution to it. He jerked her whip with strength she didn’t know he had, and tied her up for the second time that day. He harshly scolded her, tightening the whip around her wrist, the sharp thorns digging through her gloves and into her skin. The sense of loss of all control, the sweet pain coursing through her, and his dominating presence caused her to lose all control and she cried out in pleasure. But that wasn’t what affected her most, that honor belong to what he said to afterwards. He looked at her with kind, loving eyes that spoke to her soul. He stated that he hated harming her; he’d rather be gentle and tender. He even said that he’d relinquish control if she listened, and what awed her, was that he meant it. To someone like her, who was always in the dominate role, to willing give that up to someone else boggled her mind. It was then that she decided that she’d be with him always, and obey him always. Though that didn’t mean she couldn’t be naughty now and again. At that she smirked as she saw her Master enter the shower. He did say he’d tamer her later, but never say how _much_ later. James thoughts at the time ranged widely, from tactics in a fight, to conditioning for his pokegirl and himself ‘I really should’ve listen to dad about those weights’ to what pokegirls he should actively look for to add to his harem. Done thinking, he decided it was time for a shower; he was still dirty from all the activity last night, all the dirt and grime still in his bed was evidence of that. He entered the bathroom as he undressed. Throwing his boxers haphazardly on the floor, he stepped into the shower and turned up the heat. He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he failed to notice the door open and close again. Valentine quietly stepped into the bathroom, taking a second to admire her master’s body. It wasn’t the best thing in the world, but it didn’t matter to her. She was far more attracted to his personality, which made her look at him in a more forgiving light. She quietly slipped out of her leather clothing, which surprisingly had remained clean throughout all of this. James was steadily lathering up his hair when he felt a pair of dainty arms rap around his chest and two soft globes press firmly against his back. “I thought I said we’d do this later Val,” he said in a slightly irritated voice. “Yes you did Master, but you never did say how much later. Besides, you yourself said that you disliked leaving me wanting, and why fight something you know you enjoy very much. I already told you I’ll obey whatever you say, that I just want you to be happy with me, but I also want you to be happy. So let me make you happy.” She whispered seductively into his ear. James’s eyebrows shot up high into his hairline. That had been the longest and most coherent sentence she had ever said to date, but it made sense as to why. First she was feral, and after that she was in tamer shock. After that she seemed to just want to seduce and control him, making her actions speak louder than her words. Then after their confrontation during training, she finally acknowledge him as the dominate one. He did say that she could be aggressive if she listened to him, so of course she would try to make him allow her to do something using her words. He sighed in defeat, her offer was far too tempting to resist. Her hands were roaming over his body, gently stroking his chest and stomach, leaving rivers of fire in their wake. Resigned to his fate, he caressed her arm, signaling his readiness. Val’s face broke into a wide smirk, as she moved around to his front. She captured his lips in a tender kiss. This session of taming would be more about love than dominance, both of them content to make it filled with something more than aggression. His hands traced her generous curves, resting on her ample behind, squeezing it. Val moaned into his mouth, her hands moving their way down his body until they came upon the object she had so desperately wanted in her grasp for the last two days. Holding it firmly in her hands, she began to stroke it gently. James couldn’t believe how good her hands felt. Before they felt like silk when clad in her leather gloves, but now, he felt as if her skin where rapped in clouds at their softness. Wanting to return the feeling, he placed one hand onto her breast, kneading it firmly. Val hummed in contentment as he rolled her nipple between his fingers, then gasped in pleasure as he pinched it harshly. Valentine loved how accepting her Master was of her nature. Only the worst of men enjoyed causing woman pain, and he himself said he disliked doing this to her, but he did it anyway because she loved it. Val felt her love and loyalty for her master grow even deeper at this. She was truly blessed the day that branch broke. Val increased the stroking of his member until her hands were a blur. James’s eyes rolled back into his head at the feeling, and soon couldn’t hold back anymore. With a moan of pleasure, he released his essence into her hands. She continued with a few more pumps to make sure she got it all out of him. She brought her hands up to her face before the water could wash it all away. She licked her fingers clean of the substance as she saw her Master fall on his behind, legs giving out from under him from the pleasure. James looked up at his Domina in mute awe. He couldn’t believe that she could make him feel so good without some sort of sick pain during it. He gazed up at her, her hair plastered to the sides of her face, for once not looking like a controlling mistress, but his Valentine, someone who would be with him always. ‘She’s earned a treat for that one’ he thought quietly to himself. Instead of returning to his feet, he simply kneeled in front of her. He gripped her behind and brought her towards his face. Her womanhood inches from his face, he took a long whiff of it. He couldn’t quiet place the smell, it was a mixture of fresh leather and grass. He took a tentative lick of her outer lips, causing her to breathe in sharply. He took another lick with another gasp in response, to which he decided to dive in. His tongue explored her depths in earnest, licking her inner walls with fervor. He felt strong fingers grip his hair tightly, showing no signs of letting go any time soon. His tongue brushed over a small nub in the front, causing her to give a violent shudder. Seeing this, he attacked the nub relentlessly. After only a few minutes of this, Val gave a loud squeal of pleasure and smashed his face hard into her womanhood as she exploded over his face. James could only get a few licks of the sticky fluid off his face before the water washed it away, but he enjoyed savoring the sweet, tangy taste of it again. It was Valentine’s turn to collapse to the floor after an orgasm, her legs buckling as she fell into James’s lap. For a bit they just sat there under the showerhead, James sitting back on his haunches with Val’s legs wrapped tightly around his waist, hugging him with her head on his shoulder. James was content in just taking in the sent of her, when he felt his hardness return to him. Val noticed it too, because when he started to rub it between her cheeks she moaned lustfully into his ear. Pulling her head back to gaze into her eyes, he kissed her while lifting her up slightly to align her with his member. He released his grip suddenly and she plunged down onto him, earning him a loud scream into his mouth. He lifted her up again slowly, withdrawing himself from her, and then letting her down again even slower than before. He continued this for another five minutes before she began to beg him to go faster, to which he obliged her. Putting his back into it, he starting pumping into her with gusto. Her legs wrapped around him even tighter than before, and her nails began to dig into his back, leaving long red marks. After ten minutes of continued thrusting, James felt Val’s walls clamp painfully around him. With a loud moan that was music to his ears, she came on him. The sound and feeling of her was enough to put him over the edge. With a few more pumps, he released his essence into her. Afterwards they sat there at the bottom of the shower, panting loudly, until James finally got his wits about him again. He thanked God that his shower had a lot of hot water in it, though he doubted they would’ve noticed if ice water had been shooting at them, so engrossed were they in their love making. Thinking that they had spent enough time in the shower, he helped Val up and walked her out of it. He helped her dry herself off, paying close attention to her womanly assets, to which she hummed in appreciation. She gave him a loving kiss on the lips as payment, and walked out of the bathroom with leather cloths in hand to get dressed. He himself quickly dried off and, after brushing his teeth, joined her in his bedroom. James saw her lying on his bed, eyes closed, with a wide, satisfied smile on her face. He couldn’t help but chuckle at that; she was right, he really did enjoy it. He was able to appreciate it a whole lot more now without someone being tied up in one way or another. He dressed swiftly in slacks and a t-shirt, telling Val to follow him downstairs for breakfast. He arrived in the kitchen to see his mother and father sitting at the table with large smirks on their faces. “It seems you’ve had an interesting morning honey, though we were confused at the lack of whipping noises coming from your room,” said his mother with a mischievous gleam in her eyes. James just sighed at this, his mother would never change. Before he had a chance to answer her, Val came up from behind and wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his shoulder with a content sigh. James’s father quirked an eyebrow at the sight of this, from what the stories said Domina was notoriously difficult to tame or get them to obey you. They would constantly try to bend you to their will, and even seasoned tamers had difficulty with them. And here was his son, a boy who had never brought home a girl or tried out for any sport team, somehow managing to get this girl to completely submit to him in less than two days. ‘Maybe he is finally coming out of his shell and becoming a man.’ He felt himself be filled with pride at his son’s accomplishment. James gave her hand a little squeeze and untangled himself from her arms. He grabbed himself some food for himself and Val and they ate together in comfortable silence. After he was done he looked at his father and said “Hey Dad, do you think I can use your weights for some training?” His father got a wide grin on his face at this. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for you to ask me that. Go ahead and use everything I’ve got, just don’t push yourself too much. If you work too hard you’ll do more harm than good.” James nodded at the statement and led Val down to the basement. Inside his father’s training room was exercise equipment aplenty. From benches, to punching bags, to free weights, it had everything someone would need to get a decent work out. James knew he would never be the physical specimen like his father, but he had to get in better shape if he was going to keep up with his pokegirls. And when capturing feral pokegirls he couldn’t always count on that his girls would take all the hits, and when push came to shove, he’d make a good distraction in a fight. For the next week, James and Val trained hard in the forest and in his father’s weight room. James concentrated more being able to run faster and being more flexible, resigned to his fate as a decoy in a fight knowing that, unless you were like his father, getting in a straight fight with most pokegirls was tantamount to suicide. That didn’t stop him from benching some weights every now and again though. Val, on the other hand, was working on her arm and leg strength to help increase the effectiveness of her whip. She was also getting very good at her precision with it, as well as using it in unusual ways. In a light sparring match that consisted of Val trying to ensnare James while he did his damnedest not to get hit with those needle point thorns, she lashed her whip out widely at him. He avoided it easily, but what he didn’t expect was that she was aiming for a nearby branch. With a strong tug of the whip, it broke off and came careening at his head. Not being prepared from an attack from behind, it cracked him across his head hard enough to make him see spots. Loosing all sense of self for a second, he wasn’t able to prevent Valentine to wrapping him up snuggly in her whip that had suddenly lost all its thorns for some reason. When he saw the lecherous grin on her face, he understood why. He nodded his consent, knowing that this time she’d be in control of this taming session; she was almost giddy at the thought. Afterwards she lay on top of his naked, bruised, and slightly bloody body with a full blown grin across her face; some drool coming out the sides, so pleased was she in their session. James wasn’t as happy as she was, but he was getting used to it and started to enjoy it to a small degree. ‘At least things will never get dull around here’ he thought to himself. It had been a week since he passed his test, when he remembered that he was still owed a pokegirl from the Pokecenter. At first he thought he just might pass on it, but logic dictated that free pokegirls were hard to come by, and another girl could help Val with some of her more…violent sexual urges. He placed her in her pokeball as he made his way to the pokecenter. Walking through the automatic doors he walked up to the Nurse Joy managing the desk. With a small smile he said “Hello, I was told to come back in a week to get a starter pokegirl.” The Nurse Joy nodded at that and started to enter his information into the computer. “Sir, according to this, you already have a pokegirl in your harem, so I don’t think you require a starter pokegirl.” She said after looking back up from the screen. “Well, the rules state that all tamers who pass their exams are issued a starter pokegirl, and since I captured mine after the test without the help of a girl, had there been enough girls to go around, I would already have two instead of one. Besides, it’s not like there is another test in a week. The next one is in two months.” The Nurse Joy looked a little irked at being talked down to by a new tamer, but she had to concede the issue; everything he had said had made sense. With a small humph, she walked into the storage room. She returned with a ball in hand, a small smile on her face that looked a little too innocent. “Enjoy your new pokegirl Sir, have a nice day,” she said, handing him the ball. He was slightly confused by this, but shrugged it off. Had he looked back at her before he left, he would’ve seen an evil looking grin on the nurse’s face. He walked is way back to his house, when he noticed the clearing where he first met his Domina. Figuring the symbolism was appropriate, he made his was to it. Looking at the ball in his hand, he threw it in front of him, wondering what he had received. First thing he noticed from the form from the red light was her long purple hair that reached down to her lower back. She had slitted yellow eyes that gazed at him with lack of interest. Her slender arms were crossed over her chest, accentuating her modest b-cup breast. She had a thin waist that tapered off to her modest hips. She stood there, her long, sinewy tailed coiled in a tight pile under her, propping up her torso. His eyes bugged out at this. ‘Oh that bitch! Who the hell gives a NAGA to a male tamer?!’ He yelled out in his mind. He slapped his forehead in frustration; his job just got a whole lot harder.