We Gather to Praise and Confess

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We Gather to Praise and Confess

Homecoming Sunday September 7, 2014 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time ( * Congregation please stand)

We Gather to Praise and Confess Prelude

* Call to Worship One: Jesus said, “Where two or more are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” All: And so we gather today in Christ’s name. One: We come to praise God, and to be renewed and strengthened in our faith. All: We come to remember God’s simple truth for us: in all things, may we love one another. One: Come, let us worship God.

* Opening Hymn “Our God Our Help In Ages Past” # 25

* Call to Confession * Prayer of Confession Lord of life and blessing, we profess to follow you no matter what the cost, but too often we shy away when we sense that others may disagree with our convictions, or question our beliefs. Too often we maintain silence, rather than speak the word of correction, when we hear others being stereotyped and their differences caricatured. Too often we imprison others with snap judgments and deep-seated prejudices, and in the process imprison ourselves by those very same things. Forgive us. May your healing grace transform us to live in ways worthy of Christ and his call to discipleship. Amen.

* Assurance of Pardon * The Gloria Patri # 759 Glory to the Creator, the Christ, the Holy Spirit, Three-in-One; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Hearing the Word

First Scripture Lesson Exodus 12: 1-14

Second Scripture Lesson Matthew 18: 15-20

* Statement of Faith A New Creed # 887

The Blessed Community Worship through Music Passing of the Peace and Announcements Children’s Message Proclaiming the Word 2 Sermon Hymn “Won’t You Let Me Be Your Servant?” # 539

Sermon Scripture Romans 12: 9-21

Sermon “All I Really Need to Know, I Learned from Paul”

3 Thanksgiving and Prayer

The Offering * The following to be sung to the Doxology # 779 Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Christ all creatures here below. Praise Holy Spirit evermore. One God, Triune, whom we adore. Amen.

* Prayer of Dedication of Gifts and Self Gracious and giving God, we are grateful that you love us – always and without condition. We offer these gifts that, through our common mission and ministry, we may participate in acts that spread to others, the love you have shared with us. Amen.

Communion Hymn “Here, O My Lord, I See You Face to Face” # 336 vs.1-3

The Celebration and Sharing of Holy Communion

The Congregation Prays Prayer requests – Pastoral Prayer – Silent Prayer – The Lord’s Prayer (In unison Debts/Debtors) – Choir Prayer Response

* Closing Hymn “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing” # 42

* Benediction and Postlude 4 Welcome to Ravenswood United Church of Christ! We want you to know, that no matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here. We ask our visitors to sign the guest book in the back of the church with your name, address and e-mail/phone so that we might acknowledge your visit with a card. All are welcome to join us after services, downstairs in the fellowship hall, for refreshments and conversation. Childcare is provided in the downstairs nursery for infants to age 5, and Sunday School is offered for children ages K-7th. Announcements  If our worship or community speak to your soul, consider becoming a member of our church. New member classes are forming now. See Pastor Jason for more information.  There are ample opportunities to serve the church in many ways; liturgist (reader of scripture), usher (pass out bulletins and collect offerings), acolyte (light the candles) and to provide refreshments. Sign up sheets are downstairs in the Fellowship Hall  We are delighted to welcome back the Ravenswood Choir to their loft. If you want to lift your voice in song for the glory of God (no experience required!) we’ve got a robe with your name on it! Practice is on Sunday mornings at 10 am. See Fred Conrad for more information.  Oktoberfest is scheduled for Sunday, October 19 from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm! Save the date on your calendars and please take some flyers or postcards to help spread the word. Signup sheets, raffle tickets and promotional materials are available downstairs in the Fellowship Hall. Calendar  September 7 – Homecoming Sunday Worship at 10:30 am. Start of Sunday School and Choir  September 14 – Worship at 10:30 am.  September 21 – Worship at 10:30 am. Benjamin Goldlust Baptism

5  October 4 – Community Renewal Society Annual Membership Assembly – Sat. 9am -12pm  October 19 – Oktoberfest! 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm. People of the Church Pastor Rev. Jason W. Coulter Organist Fred Conrad Ushers Bob Eichler and KarenStewards Lenore Waters & Paula Miller Murphy Liturgist Mary Kay Devine Refreshments Homecoming Sunday

Ravenswood United Church of Christ - 2050 W. Pensacola Chicago, IL 60618 www.ravenswooducc.org 773-549-5472 (office) [email protected]


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