Kansas Teachers of the Year (Ktoy)

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Kansas Teachers of the Year (Ktoy)



ARTICLE I – NAME This organization shall be known as the Kansas Teachers of the Year (KTOY).


2.1 Eligibility of Members

Eligible members will include: (a) members of the Kansas Teachers of the Year team members (KTOY) designated by the Board of Directors of the Kansas Foundation for Excellence in Education; and (b) Honorary members or Lifetime members nominated and voted in by the membership.

Current members will include all eligible members who completed the registration and paid dues, and the honorary members.

2.2 Types of Membership. 2. 21 Kansas Teacher of the Year (KTOY) Members. Any person who has been recognized as a member of the Kansas Teacher of the Year team by the Board of Directors of the Kansas Foundation for Excellence in Education is eligible for membership in the KTOY organization and designated as a KTOY Member. Any eligible persons may elect to become a member through the submission of the appropriate registration and payment of required dues of $25 per year with retired members having dues of $15 per year. KTOY members shall have full governance and voting rights and chair committees.

2.22 Honorary Members. The Executive Committee will nominate and membership will vote to name any individual an Honorary Member and such Honorary Member will be a lifetime member and shall not be required to register or pay dues. Honorary Members will have the full rights of membership excluding participation in the governance of the organization, as those rights are currently defined for KTOY Members of the organization. An Honorary Member who is a KTOY shall have full governance and voting rights.

2.3 Privileges of Members. All current members will have the opportunities to a. Be included in all membership communications concerning the organization. b. Have access to the full resources of the organization. c. Serve on committees of the organization. d. Participate in activities to further the KTOY organization’s mission. e. Represent and/or speak on behalf of the organization as requested by the President observing policies and procedures defined by the organization. f. Participate in discussions online, meetings, and at the annual meeting. g. Actively support and promote the purposes of the organization.

2.4 Voting Rights.

2.41 Voting. Any KTOY Member who has completed registration and paid dues shall be considered a member in good standing and shall have the right to vote on such matters as are submitted to them for a vote. Each KTOY Member shall be entitled to one vote on any matter put before the KTOY Members for a vote. KTOY Members may make motions and enter into discussions during the meetings, vote as to any matter before the members, and/or submit their name for consideration as an officer.

Approved 11-22-2014 2.42 Amendments to the Bylaws. A KTOY Member in good standing may propose and vote on amendments to and revisions of the Bylaws. A proposal for an amendment may be considered at the annual meeting if such written proposal is submitted to the President 45 days prior to the annual meeting. KTOY Members will be notified by electronic mail at least fifteen (15) days prior to the annual meeting and such notification shall contain the written proposal of the amendment. The proposed amendments will pass with the majority of votes of those members in good standing at the annual meeting.

2.43 Election of Officers. Election of officers will be held at the annual meeting by a majority of KTOY Members present. New officers will be installed at the end of the annual meeting.

2.5 Meetings. 2.51 Bi-Annual Meetings. The annual meeting of the Members shall be held in conjunction with the KTOY Annual Banquet. The second meeting will occur in June with date/location concurrent with Ed Camp and will meet during two sessions during the day.

2.52 Special Meetings. A special meeting of the Members may be held when requested by the President. KTOY Members shall be entitled to vote electronically on any business. The majority of votes submitted at the meeting and counted with those submitted electronically will determine passage.

2.53 Electronic Meetings. Any regular meetings or special meetings of the Members may be conducted electronically, either in lieu of or as an extension of an in-person meeting. Electronic meetings may include net meetings, webinars, chat rooms, conference calls, or any other electronic medium. Participating in a meeting by such means constitutes presence in person at the meeting.

2.54 Place of Meetings. Meetings may be held at any place specified by the President.

2.55 In lieu of meetings, the President may prepare documents explaining positions or actions of KTOY for approval to the membership for an electronic vote to meet “Just-in-Time” impact of KTOY. The majority of votes will determine action.

2.56 Notice of Meetings. Electronic notice stating the place, date, and hour of any Member meeting shall be communicated electronically to each member stating the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called no fewer than five days before the date of the meeting.

2.6 Dues. The Executive Committee shall propose dues followed by approval by the majority of the voting members in attendance at the annual meeting. Currently dues for each member will equal $25 for active teachers and $15 for retired teachers per year. Dues will be waived for one year for the current KTOY Finalists and the current Kansas Teacher of the Year.


3.1 Officers. The elected officers of KTOY shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.

3.2 Election. The officers will be elected at the annual meeting. Elections of all officers shall be by an affirmative vote of the majority of the Members. All officers will serve a two-year term. The president will serve no more than 2 consecutive terms.

3.3 President. The President’s duties will be to:  Serve as the official spokesperson for the KTOY organization. [Type text] [Type text] [Type text]  Preside at the annual meeting and other meetings of the organization.  Arrange and preside at the Executive Committee meetings.  Appoint chairpersons of standing committees and ad hoc committees.  Communicate with officers and committee chairpersons on a regular basis.  Contribute to the newsletter and approve communications.  Maintain records and documents for the organization.  Prepare an annual report to be presented to the members.  Attend or designate a representative to attend the annual NNSTOY conference with KTOY applying a $500 stipend to cover costs

3.4 Vice-President. The Vice-President’s duties will be to:  Preside over meetings in the absence of the President.  Serve on the Executive Committee.  Develop and maintain a registration process for membership.  Compile membership information and gather contact and biographical information about members as needed through a variety of means.  In conjunction with the Secretary, use a variety of means to gather contact and biographical information about members and potential members and maintain a permanent list of all Teachers of the Year, Finalists, and Honorary Members including names, year selected, addresses, email, phone, school, city, National Finalists and as needed.

3.5 Secretary The Secretary duties will be to:  Serve on the Executive Committee.  Keep accurate minutes and notes of major points discussed and all votes during all Member meetings (annual meeting, special meetings, and electronic meetings).  Send a rough draft of the minutes to the Board for approval 30 days prior to the annual meeting.  In conjunction with the Vice President, use a variety of means to gather contact and biographical information about members and potential members and maintain a permanent list of all Teachers of the Year, Finalists, and Honorary Members including names, year selected, addresses, email, phone, school, city, National Finalists and as needed.  Give a report on the minutes for all meetings in the year at the annual meeting.

3.6 Treasurer The Treasurer’s duties will be to:  Maintain a full and accurate account of receipts and disbursements in spreadsheets that belong to the KTOY organization.  Deposit all monies in the KTOY accounts.  Make payments approved by the President.  Maintain records of members who have and have not paid dues.  Send dues reminders to members electronically.  Communicate with the Vice-President and Secretary the records of membership

3.7 Good Faith. The Officers shall act in good faith while executing their duties and shall consult and cooperate with the Executive Committee (Officers and Chairpersons of Committees).


Approved 11-22-2014 4.1 Committees. The President may designate from among KTOY Members one or more committees, each committee to consist of no fewer than three (3) members. The Chairperson shall select and appoint the committee members. The President shall serve as ex officio member of all committees. The Chairperson will submit recommendations to the President and to KTOY Members for discussion and approval through communications and at the annual meeting. However, a committee may not by itself approve action that requires Membership approval.

4.2 Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the Officers and Chairpersons of each standing committee. The President will arrange electronic or face-to-face meetings as needed to share information and determine priorities, plans, and actions of the KTOY organization.

4.3 Standing Committees. The purpose of these committees will be as follows:

4.31 Bylaws Committee. To provide ongoing review and evaluation of the Bylaws and make proposed amendments to the Bylaws for membership vote at the annual meeting. 4.32 Communication/Technology Committee. To identify and train members in appropriate means for communication through online meetings, gathering information, registration, newsletters, website, and actions identified by the Executive Committee and membership votes. 4.33 Membership Committee chaired by the Vice-President. To (a) develop and maintain a registration system, (b) identify and implement ways to recruit KTOYs and Finalists who are not current, (c) maintain accurate records of KTOYs and Finalists, and (d) make recommendations to the Executive Committee for actions for further development of membership.

ARTICLE V – PROCEDURES KTOY membership (KTOY Members and Honorary Members) will follow these procedures:

5.1 Fiscal Year The fiscal year shall be July 1 through June 30 inclusive. 5.2 Accounting 5.21 The President and Treasurer will each be able to sign checks for expenditures with receipts. The President will examine receipts and approve check requests from all officers and chairpersons prior to purchase. The Treasurer will write checks for requests approved by the President. 5.22 The President and Treasurer will carry out financial transactions for the organization. They will sign signature cards so that in the event one officer cannot fulfill responsibilities; the other will be able to sign. 5.23 The Treasurer will submit a quarterly report (or when requested by the President) of expenditures and assets with receipts to the President and present the report at the annual meeting.

5.3 Policy Guidelines 5.31 The KTOY organization will not endorse political campaigns. 5.32 Individual KTOY Members may not use the name of KTOY for endorsement without submitting the proposal to the KTOY Executive Committee. 5.33 Membership contact lists may not be publicly released without permission of the members. Information may be shared with KTOY members, the National Network of State Teachers of the Year (NNSTOY) and the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE).

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