Training and Learning Opportunities
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Training and Learning Opportunities Islington Carers Hub Tel: 0800 085 1141 or 020 7561 5517 [email protected]
There are many opportunities for learning in Islington that can help you in your caring role. These could be specific skills such as moving someone safely or improving your computer skills, through to a recreational course as a break from your caring role.
We publish details about training courses and workshops through our newsletters and email bulletins. Our support groups also often have guest speakers on a range of topics such as caring for someone with a long-term health condition or managing finances. Please contact us to register and join our mailing list to make sure you receive the latest information.
If your caring role includes using equipment or specific medical techniques you should be shown how to use these by a health professional. This should also be addressed during assessments for both yourself as a carer and the person needing help.
Remember you can talk about how work and study is affected by your caring role during your carer’s assessment too.
Please see our other factsheets, Assessments for the person you care for and Carers Assessments for more information.
You can contact Islington Carers Hub for help and advice if you have training needs you feel have not been addressed.
Islington Council’s Learning and Development Team offers free training for carers on a range of subjects from Moving and Handling through to Safeguarding. Contact Islington Carers Hub for a list of current courses. Or to find out more please contact the Learning and Development Team at the Council on 020 7527 7441 or email training- [email protected] Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust runs a Recovery College. All of the courses provided at the college are free and are designed to contribute towards wellbeing and recovery. People who share experiences of mental health or physical health challenges teach on the courses with the intention of inspiring hope and embodying the principles of recovery.
The courses vary in length from a couple of hours to a full 9am-3.30pm study day. Courses are held in venues around Islington and Camden.
For more information and a prospectus, contact the Recovery College on 020 3317 6904 or [email protected].
Or, if you are interested in being part of the Recovery College, either as a tutor or supporting the development of courses, please contact [email protected]
Fit Money is run by Islington Citizens Advice Bureau on behalf of a partnership of Islington organisations. Fit Money aims to achieve a real change in how confident people in social housing feel about money, budgeting and dealing with debt. It offers tools and activities aimed at giving you more control over your money and budget, and helping you to achieve a healthy bank balance. They run a variety of FREE workshops and activities including:
Tailor made one-to-one support Tenancy support for all new tenants Workshops to help you budget, save and understand credit Contact Islington Carers Hub to find out more or phone Fit Money on 020 7288 7681 or 020 7288 7680.
Islington Mind offers courses in peer counselling, independent living and Mental Health First Aid, among others. For more information contact them on 020 3301 9850 or [email protected].
Centre 404 run a number of workshops for carers throughout the year. These are available for family carers who would like to learn more about carers’ rights, rights of the individuals you care for, welfare benefits and planning for the future. Currently free for carers living in Islington and Camden. Call 020 7697 1336 for more information. Expert Patients Programme
The Expert Patients Programme (EPP) is a free six-week course for anyone living with one or more long term health conditions such as asthma, chronic fatigue, COPD, depression, diabetes, heart disease, MS, Parkinson’s disease, HIV, ME, on-going back pain etc. The course is designed to help people gain greater confidence in their ability to control symptoms and find new ways to reduce the effects their condition has on their life.
The Expert Patients Programme also runs a Carers’ Self-Management Programme. This is a free course for those who care for someone with a health condition or who is disabled, and whose own health has been affected in any way e.g. stress, anxiety, back pain, low mood. It runs for 6 weeks with one 2 ½ hour session each week.
Call 020 7527 1189 / 020 7527 1209 or email: [email protected]
You can find out about specific conditions by visiting NHS Choices at
There are also many charities working with specific conditions that produce information such as Parkinson UK or the Alzheimer’s Society. If you do not have access to the internet you can call us at Islington Carers Hub and we can help you find the right organisation.
Islington Council’s Adult Community Learning Team offers courses in venues across Islington. Courses are free for Islington residents or parents with children in Islington schools. You must be 19 or over, unemployed, or low waged and receiving benefits to qualify.
Courses include:
Computer and ICT
Preparing for work and personal development
Family learning
English/literacy, maths and dyslexia support
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
Hairdressing and beauty therapy
Health and social care Childcare, youth work, play work and teaching assistants
Counselling and advice and guidance
Business, accounting and retail.
Tel: 020 7527 5782 or email [email protected]
Other Learning and Development Opportunities for Carers
There will be other opportunities throughout the year to take part in training. ICH runs workshops from time to time as do many other voluntary organisations. To find out more please sign up for our newsletter and e-bulletins.
Further & Higher Education
City and Islington College is the further education college in the borough of Islington, offering academic and vocational courses at a wide range of levels to anyone aged 16 or over. If you are on a low-income benefit, you may be able to pay reduced or no fees for many of their courses. Contact them for more information.
Tel: 020 7700 9200 email: [email protected] web:
If you are thinking about studying at a college or university is always worth contacting the Student Advice service to ask about help with fees as they may have a discretionary fund. You can also tell them that you are a carer as there may be extra help or flexibility available to help you balance studying and caring.
This is one of a range of factsheets provided by Islington Carers Hub. The details are correct as of March 2015. Please contact us with any changes or suggestions for addtions.
Tel: 0800 085 1141 or 020 7561 5517, Email: [email protected] Islington Carers Hub is part of Carers UK working in partnership with Islington Council. We provide advice support and information to carers in Islington. For more information on carers’ rights and news you can also visit the Carers UK website