Art Foundations Final Review

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Art Foundations Final Review

Art Foundations Final Review- Miss Stevenson, 6th & 8th period, 1st Semester, 2014

Our final will consist of matching, fill-in-the-blank, short answer, labeling, multiple choice, and some answers that will be given in the form of drawing. ALL of the following will be included on the final. If you know all of the following, you will do well. Nothing that is not on this review sheet will be on the final. In other words, I am giving you ALL of the answers. Study & know these sheets & you will do fine.

For the final, you will need to know the following…

1.) Be able to label the 12 colors of the color wheel, in order.

2.) Know the 5 kinds of lines. Be able to draw and label examples of each. Horizontal, Vertical, Diagonal, Curved, Zigzag

3.) Know what feelings each of the 5 kinds of lines expresses. Horizontal- This type of line is parallel to the earth and suggests a feeling of rest or repose Vertical- These lines communicate a sense of height because they are perpendicular to the earth. Diagonal- These types of lines are sloped, and convey a feeling of instability, tension and excitement Curved- These lines express activity. The more shallow they are, the calmer the feeling. Zigzag- These lines create confusion. They are extremely active and may evoke feelings of excitement or nervousness

4.) What are the 5 major ways in which lines can vary? Length, width, texture, direction, and degree of curve

5.) What is one point perspective? When an artist establishes a horizon line and creates one vanishing point on it where all points converge.

6.) What is a vanishing point? The point where parallel lines appear to come together

7.) What is a horizon line? The line that separates the ground from the sky in an artwork

8.) What is a geometric shape? The shapes from math that can be seen in man-made items and architecture 9.) What is an organic/free form shape? The shapes in nature, which can be free-flowing or irregular, and don’t have any sharp edges

10.)What is the difference between a shape and a form? Shapes are 2-dimensional and forms are 3-dimensional.

11.)Be able to identify the geometric forms.

12.)Be able to identify organic forms.

13.)What is positive space? Be able to identify the positive space of a simple drawing. The area where the object is located in a work of art. It is the shapes & forms in a work of art.

14.)What is negative space? Be able to identify the negative space of a simple drawing. The area around the objects in a work of art, often the background

15.)What is a hue? A single color of the color spectrum

16.)Know the colors in the color spectrum, in order. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet

17.) What are the 3 primary colors? Why are they important? Red, yellow, blue, and these colors can only be bought; you cannot mix them, with these colors it is possible to mix every other color on the color wheel

18.) What are the 3 secondary colors? How are they made? Orange, green, violet. They are made by mixing two primary colors together. R+Y=O R+B=V Y+B=G

19.) What are the INTERMEDIATE (TERTIARY) colors? How are they made?- R-O, Y-O, Y-G, B-G, B-V, R-V; Made by mixing a primary color with its’ secondary color

20.) What are complimentary colors? Be able to identify different sets of complimentary colors. The colors that are across from each other on the color wheel

21.)What happens if you mix a color with its complement? A hue can be dulled and its’ intensity will be lowered

22.) What are the warm colors? What kind of feeling do they give to artwork? R,O,Y; They give feelings of energy and excitement to artwork

23.) What are the cool colors? What kind of feeling do they give to artwork? G,B,V; They give feelings of calmness, peacefulness, and relaxation

24.) What are split complementary colors? Be able to identify sets of 3 split complementary colors. a hue plus the colors on either side of its complement

25.)What are ANALOGOUS COLORS? Be able to identify groups of analogous colors Colors that are directly next together on the color wheel, used in a group

26.)What is a monochromatic color scheme?

When an artist uses only one color in an artwork, but adds black to it or white to the color to make different values of the color

27.)What are the neutral colors?

Black, Gray and white

28.) How would you make a color of paint lighter? How would you make a darker shade of a color of paint? Adding white to a color of paint makes it lighter. Adding black to a color of paint makes it darker.

29.)What is tint? A light version of a color made by adding white

30.)What is a shade? A dark version of a color made by adding black to it

31.) With reference to the elements of art, what is value? How is value created on an object?

The lights and darks of a piece of art

32.) Be able to create a simple value scale.

33.) What is the design principle that illustrates a large difference between different things? Contrast

34.) What is the design principle that helps create a feeling of stability in an artwork through equal visual weight? Balance

35.) When an artist uses multiple art elements in an artwork to create interest, it is said they are following the design principle of ______. Variety

36.)Know the difference between symmetrical and asymmetrical balance. Symmetry- A form of balance where the 2 halves of a composition are identical, mirror images of each other Asymmetry- When an artist creates a balance of unlike objects in a composition

37.)Be able to create an example of hatching, crosshatching, and stippling 38.)Be able to list the seven elements of art.

Line, shape, form, color, value, texture, space

39.)Be able to identify the vanishing point and horizon line in a simple drawing.

40.)Be able to create a contour line drawing using the correct technique.

41.)Be able to create a drawing using 1 point perspective.

42.)Be able to compare and contrast artworks in a well written paragraph (topic sentence, supporting details, closing sentence).

43.)Be able to identify art elements in artwork and explain what you see in a well written paragraph (topic sentence, supporting details, closing sentence).

44.)Know the difference between a contour line drawing and a blind contour line drawing. A contour line drawing shows the outline of an object and the details within the object. A blind contour drawing is when an artist produces a contour line drawing, but without looking.

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