Farmborough Parish Council
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Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Farmborough Parish Council held on Tuesday 10 May 2016 in the Memorial Hall at 7.30pm.
Present: Cllrs: Martin Carter in the Chair Malcolm Allen Adrian Davies Sally Davis Derek Gould Ray Langley Jean Rogers Janet Wilkes
Clerk: Trudi Gilbank
1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Phil Gray, Chris Pike & Adrian Williams
2. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: 1. Chairman: Martin Carter (Proposed by Sally Davis, seconded by Adrian Davies)
2. Vice-Chairman: Adrian Davies (Proposed by Sally Davis, seconded by Jean Rogers)
3. ELECTION OF SUB COMMITTEES: 1. Planning: Chair: Chris Pike (Proposed by Malcolm Allen, seconded by Ray Langley)
4. APPOINT REPRESENTATIVES: 1. Memorial Hall Committee: Sally Davis and Malcolm Allen. 2. Recreation Ground Committee: Martin Carter and Phil Gray
5. STANDING ORDERS were reviewed, amended and confirmed. The Parish Council consists of eleven members, four constituting a quorum, meeting on the second Tuesday of each month. It was confirmed that Councillors were willing to receive Parish Council communications via e-mail, with the exception of Derek Gould who will continue to receive hard copies.
6. CONTRACTS: 1. Clerks Contract – confirmed at Point 18 on the NJIC LCI Scale, at 10 hours per week. 2. Sweepers Contract – terms and conditions confirmed. Payment to remain at £7.50 per hour, above the minimum wage. As we are currently advertising for a new sweeper, terms and conditions will need to be reviewed.
7. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12 April 2016, were approved and signed. (Proposed by Jean Rogers, seconded by Ray Langley)
8. MATTERS ARISING not otherwise on the Agenda: None.
9. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Cllr Sally Davis stated that as both District and Parish Councillor, any views she expressed on planning matters would only be based on the information in front of the Parish Council.
10. PARISHIONERS MATTERS (3 minutes each): None
11. COMMUNITY SHOP a) The Shop Agreement and Lease were signed on behalf of the Parish Council (Trudi Gilbank. Parish Clerk), the Memorial Hall Committee (Sally Davis, Chair) and the Community Shop Committee (Mark Swabey, Chair). The Community Shop Committee hope the shop will be operational by April 2017. 12. FINANCE:
12.1 Council agreed to the signing off of the 2015/16 Statement of Accounts as prepared by the Clerk. (Proposed by Jean Rogers, seconded by Janet Wilkes)
12.2 Council considered and approved the Assets Register for 2016. (Proposed by Ray Langley, Seconded by Sally Davis)
12.3 Council received and approved the Risk Assessment for 2016, (Proposed by Sally Davis, seconded by Malcolm Allen)
12.4 The following payment were approved:
(a) Graham Dall (Sweeping/strimming) £307.50 (Proposed by Ray Langley, seconded by Jean Rogers)
12.5 The following Section 137 Grants were agreed to be paid in 2016/17:
Farmborough Memorial Hall £650 Farmborough Goodwill Club £150 All Saints Church, Farmborough £700 Farmborough Toddler Group £100 Farmborough Flower Show £100 Farmborough Cricket Club £300 Farmborough Sports & Social £600
(Proposed by Ray Langley, seconded by Adrian Davies)
12.6 Financial State at 05/05/2016:
Current Account £19,195.30 Savings Account £10.03
13. PLANNING BaNES Planning Department are no longer sending out hard copies of planning applications. All documentation is available online. This does make looking at applications problematic. Clerk to investigate purchase of a projector to view applications from laptop. Sally Davis to contact Marksbury Parish Council, who have recently purchased a projector.
a) Unoccupied Bath Road Garage, Bath Road, Farmborough – 16/01614/OUT – Outline application for re-development of the site to provide 4 No. terraced houses, including access, parking, landscaping and amenity provision. SUPPORT with comments, (Proposed Malcolm Allen, seconded Jean Rogers. 7 voted in favour)
b) Mandalay Cottage, Timsbury Road, Farmborough – 16/01813/FUL – Conversion of outbuilding to single residential unit. OBJECT in principle (Proposed Malcolm Allen, seconded Adrian Davies, 7 voted in favour)
c) Parcel 7259 Hayeswood Road, Timsbury, Bath – 16/01286/FUL – Conversion of existing agricultural building to residential (part retrospective). Revised plans/information received. The planning officer had confirmed no changes to the application therefore same response to be sent – OBJECT. d) 8 Rectory Close, Farmborough – 16/01982/FUL – Erection of double garage following demolition of 2no existing. OBJECT (Proposed Jean Rogers, seconded Adrian Davies, 7 voted in favour)
a) Willow Farm, Flatts Lane, Farmborough – 16/00125/FUL – Erection of single storey front extension (retrospective). PERMIT
b) The Coach House, Kingwell Hall, Hayeswood Road, Farmborough – 16/01000/FUL – Erection of ground floor garden room extension to west elevation and new side extensions to the north and south elevations, plus associated internal alterations and landscape work. PERMIT
c) Farmborough Vc Primary School, The Street, Farmborough – 16/01035/REG03 – Erection of classroom extension, hall store, boiler room and associated landscaping. PERMIT
13.3 OTHER PLANNING (referrals, enforcement, appeals etc):
Request from Lynn Parfitt, Street Naming & Numbering Officer from BaNES regarding the Residential development of fourteen dwellings on former Depot site off Bath Road, Farmborough by Ken Biggs, Developers, The developers have proposed Tilley Park, Tilley Green or Conygre Park none of which are considered suitable, due to potential confusion with similar names already within the village. The Parish Council suggested Herbert’s Yard or Cold Bath Close, which will be submitted.
14. RECREATION GROUND/PAVILION/PLAY AREA MATTERS: Matt Knight will carry out the removal of the old surface and re-turfing in September. A bin was not included in the original quotation. Concern was expressed about the condition of the Recreation Ground, in particular the drainage. The bottom ditch remains full of water. It is going to need a working party, and a ditch to be dug all the way through. Concern was raised over the waste not being regularly collected and rubbish bags left from Cricket teas being broken open and rubbish being strewn across the Recreation Ground. Clerk to follow up with BaNES over waste collection.
15. HIGHWAYS/RIGHTS OF WAY/ALLOTMENT MATTERS: Ongoing problems with Old Lane, and now parking on the pavements and on the A39. This needs to be chased up, along with one-way proposals. Speed indicator being installed on Timsbury Road next week and some recent figures Have been sent to Martin Carter, including one vehicle recorded travelling at 63mph.
16. REPORTS BY COUNCILLORS/CLERK: Malcolm Allen – Knightstone have taken on the new, social housing and Lavender Grove Is now being called Brookside. Sally Davis – Broken down car on the A39 needs reporting to the police. Planning need To be chased up for an update on the enforcement for Heath Cottage. Work being done on her own property is permitted development and therefore does not need to go to committee. Jean Rogers – concerned people are using the Recreation Ground for golf practice, which is banned. We need to keep an eye on this. Martin Carter – condition of the road surface in Brookside and the Street, following the development. We need to chase up Highways over this and other road problems. Also concerns over correct ground levels for the Old Lane development. Difficult to observe until building starts. It is being watched.
17. CORRESPONDENCE/COMMUNICATION: a) Letter received from Julian Botteley, Pickwick, Hobbs Wall requesting the Parish Council maintain the Boundary Stones, installed to mark the millennium, and request BaNES replace the village signs and footpath markers. Clerk to look into getting Boundary Stones cleaned and ask BaNES about replacing signs etc,
Meeting concluded at 10pm.