County Court of the State of Oregon s2

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County Court of the State of Oregon s2



JANUARY 18, 2012 Pursuant to notice made to the newspaper of general circulation throughout Grant County, the radio station in Grant County and e-mail distribution list, a regular meeting of the County Court was held at the County Courthouse in Canyon City OR.

9:00 am -- Call to Order. Present were Judge Mark R. Webb, Commissioners Scott W. Myers and Boyd Britton, Secretary Mary Ferrioli, Pastor Eric Bortell, and Treasurer Kathy Smith. A Pledge of Allegiance was given to the United States flag. The invocation was given by Pastor Bortell.

PROGRAM. MSP: Webb/Myers -- to accept the program with the addition of a tax refund order and appointment of Wolf Depredation Advisory Committee members.

ANNOUNCEMENTS. Webb would attend a Sustainability Board meeting in Portland Friday and may attend an Addictions and Mental Health meeting in Salem tomorrow. Webb and Britton would be traveling to Corvallis Monday to participate in a round table discussion with two classes at the School of Forestry. Webb was planning to attend a meeting with George Meredith in Ontario at State Representative Cliff Bentz’ office next Wednesday afternoon.

Myers said Commission on Children and Families Director interviews occurred last Wednesday and a hiring recommendation is being made today. He planned to meet with Treasurer Smith and Juvenile / Parole & Probation Director Boethin this afternoon about the budget and transitioning for Boethin’s retirement.

Britton reported on his participation in a multi-county conference call and an adjunct Oregon Cattlemen’s Association meeting about dealing with state agencies and Oregon Natural Desert Association. He also reported on a Farm Bureau meeting that he attended on January 16. Britton was to attend a Shooting Sports meeting tonight. He asked the Secretary for a copy of the Bear Creek Shooting Range agreement and a non-employee accident report form.

9:15 am – Assessor Lane Burton entered.

TAX REFUND ORDER. Assessor Lane Burton presented the court with Order 12-01 Refunding Real Property Taxes 2011 to The Bible Fellowship of Monument in the amount of $1,015.35. Burton said they were sent a tax bill since they had not submitted a religious exemption form. First time filers are allowed to file up to December 31, 2011. The $200.00 penalty was not being refunded.

MINUTES. MSP: Webb/Myers -- to approve the January 11 minutes as amended.

FAIRGROUNDS. The court reviewed and signed Use of Facilities Agreements for the following activities: Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation use of Pavilion and kitchen on April 28,

MINUTES OF THE GRANT COUNTY COURT JANUARY 18, 2012 APPROVED 1 Whiskey Gulch Gang use of outdoor arena on July 21, and Grant County Piecemakers use of the Pavilion and Keerins Hall on September 7, 8 & 9. MSP: Britton/Myers -- to authorize Judge Webb’s signature on Use of Facilities Agreements with Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Whiskey Gulch Gang, and Grant County Piecemakers.

BUDGET RESOLUTION. All court members reviewed and signed Resolution 12-05 Appropriating Unexpected Grant Funds to the Sheriff Patrols Fund in the amount of $5,000 for a grant received from the Oregon State Snowmobile Association for snowmobile trail patrols by the Sheriff.

9:30 am – Sally Bartlett, Brenda Percy, Debby McClellan, and Kathy Smith entered

WOLF DEPREDATION COMPENSATION AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE GRANT PROGRAM. Commissioner Britton reported that the Wolf Depredation Advisory Committee, associated with The Wolf Depredation Compensation and Financial Assistance Program (OAR 603-01900015) needs to be up and running so the county is eligible to apply to the Oregon Department of Agriculture for funding available from the Oregon Wolf Management Compensation and Proactive Trust Fund. Britton had previously spoken with the Stock Growers Association and Grant County Farm Bureau and they recommended appointing Pat Holliday and Alec Oliver to serve in the owner / manager positions. He said he also visited with some local citizens and learned that George Meredith and James Driscoll were interested in serving in the wolf conservation / coexistence positions. MSP: Britton/Myers -- to appoint Alec Oliver, Pat Holliday, George Meredith and James Driscoll to The Wolf Depredation Advisory Committee. MSP: Myers/Webb – to appoint Britton to serve as County Commissioner on this committee. The Court Secretary pointed out that a resolution would be needed to form the committee and appoint the members. She planned to present the resolution for signature next week.

PER DIEM. Webb presented his proposed changes to county policy for meals reimbursement. Clerk Brenda Percy, Deputy-Clerk Bookkeeper Debby McClellan, Treasurer Kathy Smith, and Economic Development Coordinator Sally Bartlett were present for the discussion. Bartlett had been doing some research on this subject, at the court’s request. She understood the proposed change would maintain the current reimbursement policy, but provide more latitude. Bartlett noted that business dinners normally run more than $17. Current reimbursement amounts are $10 for breakfast and lunch and $17 for dinner with 20% gratuity per meal. Webb proposed that employees not be bound by individual meal amounts, as long as total expenses do not exceed $40 for the day, with specific amounts of $8 for breakfast, $12 for lunch, and $20 for dinner with 15% gratuity. He said at times he prefers to spend a little for lunch and have the county pay the full cost for dinner, and thought granting this latitude to employees was fair and consistent with the county’s responsibility to be fiscally prudent. Webb wanted to be able to spend the entire $40 however he wants on food. He proposed up to $40 per day, minus amounts specified for meals an employee would reasonably be expected to have at home if returning the same day -- breakfast and/or dinner and these would not be reimbursed. Webb also wanted to see some in- county work-related meals reimbursed from receipts provided at county per diem rates.

MINUTES OF THE GRANT COUNTY COURT JANUARY 18, 2012 APPROVED 2 Percy was concerned about making sure employees know and understand any policy change. She felt more accountability on the travel voucher may be beneficial for those who travel a lot.

Webb felt traveling is an additional burden for employees whose jobs require them to travel a lot. He thought this is one way the county can show they respect and value what the individual is doing, without incurring additional cost for salary. He believed it would give the employee some more latitude in their travel day.

Treasurer Kathy Smith believed more money would be spent with the policy change. She didn’t want to see breakfast go back to $8 because $10 seems more reasonable for a restaurant. Smith wondered why each meal amount could not be increased versus giving the full amount for the day. She suggested changing meal amounts to $10 for breakfast and lunch and / $20 dinner.

Percy, Myers and Smith clarified that the policy would now allow snacking all through the day. Webb asked, if the county was going to incur the cost anyway, why wouldn’t some latitude be allowed? Percy suggested that the policy discourage any kind of “grocery shopping.” Webb felt the policy could never be written in the kind of detail that’s needed to control everything that employees may do. Percy suggested that language be included that requires employees to be prudent with meal purchases.

9:50 am – Assessor Lane Burton entered

Britton suggested going to $40 per diem with receipts required. He added that Debby McClellan would let the court know if there is any problem with purchases. McClellan felt Department Heads should take more responsibility with claims for reimbursement. Myers felt it was a matter of trust, and if we can’t trust our employees – that would show up. He said we could always go back to the current policy if it isn’t working. Myers has never turned in a reimbursement claim for travel to out-of-county meetings. He hoped it doesn’t go to $40 per day. Assessor Lane Burton said he like the proposal, but didn’t know how meals included in the conference registration fee would be handled. Webb thought any meal covered by a registration fee wouldn’t be reimbursed. Burton talked about Harney County policy that allows “reasonable” meal reimbursements.

9:55 am – Sue Newstetter entered

MSP: Britton/Webb -- to go to $40 per day total per diem amount with receipts required. Myers voted no, he felt whatever amount we go to would be abused. Webb said he was frustrated the county is interested in protecting itself in other ways from abuse when it compromises the employees who are doing the work. Britton and Webb are traveling to Corvallis Monday, leaving in the early morning and returning late at night. Britton said the county would not see a reimbursement request from him. Webb felt the fact that Myers and Britton do not ask for reimbursement reflects a different job status. Myers said neither of their elected job descriptions lists travel as a requirement. He felt that travel is mostly by choice. Myers added that he coordinates his business purchases with his regular travels to attend county-related meetings.

Percy suggested having a Department Head meeting to discuss the policy change.

MINUTES OF THE GRANT COUNTY COURT JANUARY 18, 2012 APPROVED 3 TITLE 3. County Title 3 Coordinator Sue Newstetter reviewed and discussed a draft Personal Services Contract, Work Plan, Payment Schedule, and Approved Sub-Contractors List for the “Healthy Private Timberlands” project with Bill Dryden / Forest Resources Affairs, LLC. Newstetter explained that a lot of time was spent on developing these documents and they have been adjusted since the “scoping” meeting occurred last fall. Reductions were made in project deliverables and project tasks in the areas of communications and Forest Service meetings, bringing the total budget down to under $70,000. Newstetter asked for permission to prepare these documents for signature. She said this would be paid from funds remaining in “old” Title 3. There was an allowance for amending the contract as needed. Newstetter clarified with Britton that only private timberlands were the subject of the study. He hoped to address the poor condition of public lands and their impact on private lands. Webb said he’d sign the contract, but stated he wouldn’t be involved in the decision. Britton commended Mr. Dryden for putting together a good proposal and Newstetter for staying committed to this process. MSP: Britton/Myers – to adopt the contract with Forest Resources Affair, LLC. Webb voted No. Newstetter said she would have the agreement signed by Mr. Dryden and then set up the next meeting (including the selection committee) to define terms.

10:25 am – Glenn Palmer entered.

Newstetter presented the 2011 Title 3 Project Submissions and Certification Letter for the court’s review and signature. MSP: Webb/Myers – to allow Judge Webb to sign the certification letter. Newstetter reported that she’s met with Irene Jerome on the Community Wildfire Plans and this Spring they’ll identify all projects for the 45-day comment period so new Title 3 funds are committed. She said there is a little over $1 Million, so some good work can get done.

10:28 am -- Steve McGuire and Terry Farrell entered

AUDIT / Sheriff. Sheriff Glenn Palmer asked to have concerns identified in the financial audit discussed in open session. Sgt. Steve McGuire and Treasurer Kathy Smith were present. McGuire said he had a good phone conversation with the auditor this morning about documentation of receipts for expenditures in the Commissary Fund. It appears there had been some lack of communication about questions with receipts for some purchases. McGuire said another concern was about clear authorization for some purchases. The accounting software does not categorize purchases, so McGuire would add supplemental identification that authorizes purchases. Palmer explained that in the past the auditor had approached the Sheriff’s office directly about questions, but this time that did not happen. Smith didn’t know why they had not pursued answers to questions during the audit process, because that is done with other departments. Smith added that individual auditors for each department can change from year to year. Webb thought was simply a miscommunication rather than a substantial issue. McGuire agreed, noting that he’s been keeping the books the same way over the past several years without any issues.

AUDIT / Justice Court. Justice of the Peace Terry Farrell agreed to discuss concerns identified in the financial audit in open session. Treasurer Kathy Smith was present. Webb said he is aware the Justice Court Clerk is behind with her work. Farrell said that issues were being addressed and he is becoming more involved with helping out and would continue to find ways

MINUTES OF THE GRANT COUNTY COURT JANUARY 18, 2012 APPROVED 4 to help with office duties. Other discussion followed about ways in which both the JP and JP Clerk can be involved with financial accounting within the office. Smith stated that Farrell would need to know about the receipting and banking process and perform dual reviewing of funds to provide oversight.

Smith also talked about software programs that Chaves Consulting might have that are more appropriate for GASB accounting requirements – associated with Justice Court needs and managing fixed assets within the Clerk’s office. Smith planned to follow up with Chaves Consulting to address these issues so information the auditors are looking for can be provided more easily.

CCF DIRECTOR. Commissioner Myers reported that last week the selection committee recommended that Devin Moan be offered the CCF Director position. MSP: Webb/Britton – to hire Devin Moan as the Commission on Children and Families Director effective on or before January 26.

11: 45 am – Brenda Percy and Debby McClellan entered

CELL PHONES. Webb presented his proposed changes to county policy regarding cell phone use. Clerk Brenda Percy, Deputy-Clerk Bookkeeper Debby McClellan, and Treasurer Kathy Smith were present. Webb proposed to allow employees, who want to use their personal cell phones for county business, reimbursement for the monthly cost of the calling plan that “reasonably” best meets their work needs

McClellan reported that she asked county auditor Bob Armstrong about personal calls on a business cell phone or a personal cell phone used for business. He told her it wouldn’t be taxable to the employee either way and he didn’t see an issue. She explained current county cell phone policy and the plans that a few employees use. Discussion followed about establishing a fair amount for reimbursement at the county rate. McClellan said the auditor felt $20 would be a reasonable amount for reimbursement. Britton said that Harney County has a similar policy which reimburses employees $36 per month. Webb expected the proposal wouldn’t cost the county any more than it pays now. He didn’t want to carry two phones and he would like a data package so he can check his emails. Webb said other employees would like the same option and he didn’t think it would cost the county any more than it pays right now. The main issue -- what is the upper limit we’d be willing to pay and why, and whether to reimburse private cell phones for county business. Percy reported that current county rates are $32 for a basic plan and $55 for a data package. MSP: Webb/Britton – to allow reimbursement for personal cell phone use for county business at the current county rate of $32 and $55 depending on the type of plan. During discussion Myers thought there would be instances of abuse. He expressed concern about the total cost to the county. Percy said only a few employees need to use cell phones for county business. It was pointed out that any county employee using personal phones or computers are opening up their personal records for possible public inspection.

12:05 am -- Adjourned

Respectfully Submitted,

MINUTES OF THE GRANT COUNTY COURT JANUARY 18, 2012 APPROVED 5 Mary R. Ferrioli County Court Secretary


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