What Is the Jobs Victoria Employment Network?
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Jobs Victoria Employment Network Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Jobs Victoria Employment Network? Jobs Victoria Employment Network (JVEN) is a program that will provide additional resources in communities across Victoria to assist unemployed people into work. The focus will be on assistance to jobseekers who are disadvantaged in the labour market. The program will support job growth across the State and assist Victorians take up these new job opportunities.
Why is the JVEN program necessary? The University of Melbourne found in its Review of Victoria’s employment programs that they were fragmented, lacked scale and coverage, and were not coordinated. This has left many Victorians who are disadvantaged in the labour market with little or no assistance to gain employment. It was also found that Commonwealth employment services were not effective for some disadvantaged jobseekers who have complex vocational and non-vocational barriers to employment. The review found that there is a role for the Victorian Government in the delivery of employment assistance, particularly to disadvantaged jobseekers who are not well-serviced by Commonwealth programs.
When will the JVEN operate? JVEN is expected to commence from August 2016. JVEN will need to complete by 31 May 2020.
Organisational eligibility
What type of organisations are eligible to apply to operate JVEN? To be eligible for funding under the JVEN, organisations must be an incorporated body/association with an Australian Business Number (ABN), have a significant organisational presence in Victoria and have sufficient dedicated resources to manage the proposed services.
Applications are encouraged from organisations with appropriate experience in supporting unemployed Victorians into work. However, organisations with contracts to deliver employment assistance under the Commonwealth’s jobactive program will only be considered for funding in areas outside the Employment Region/s for which they have a jobactive contract. For example, if an organisation is funded to deliver jobactive services in the Barwon region, they may only be considered for delivery of JVEN outside the Barwon region. Why are you encouraging applications from consortia? Applications from consortia of organisations are strongly encouraged. Consortium proposals have the potential to meet the needs of different cohorts of jobseekers across a region, and can also bring a depth of skills and experience. However, consortium applications need to identify a ‘lead organisation’ with whom the department will contract.
Are Skills and Job Centres and Work and Learning Centres eligible to apply for funding under JVEN? Agencies funded by the state government are eligible for funding under JVEN as long as they can demonstrate that their proposal does not duplicate existing services.
Our Skills and Jobs Centre conducts industry engagement. Will this duplicate what the Workforce Specialists will do in JVEN? The Jobs Victoria Workforce Specialists will be working with employers who have vacancies and labour needs. Part of this engagement is likely to relate to the need for skills training, and the JV Workforce Specialists will work collaboratively with Skills and Jobs Centres to avoid duplication.
Are employers eligible to apply for this funding? Yes, employers can apply for funding under JVEN. Proposals will need to meet all the selection criteria e.g. demonstrating experience of employment service delivery to disadvantaged jobseekers. They will also need to demonstrate that their proposal will deliver services to jobseekers beyond their normal business operations and recruitment activities.
JVEN and jobactive
How can jobactive providers be involved in the JVEN program? jobactive providers are encouraged to work collaboratively with JVEN providers to complement employment assistance to clients who are registered with jobactive but would benefit from additional support through JVEN. Protocols for referral of clients between JVEN and jobactive, and for complementary service delivery, will be developed. jobactive organisations that deliver other services (e.g. training) may be subcontracted by a JVEN provider for these other services (see below).
Can jobactive providers be members of a JVEN consortium led by another organisation? Organisations with contracts to deliver employment assistance under the Commonwealth’s jobactive program will only be considered for JVEN funding in areas outside the Employment Region for which they have a jobactive contract. This applies whether the organisation is applying as a stand-alone organisation or as a member of a consortium.
2 of 14 However, a JVEN provider can purchase services from an organisation which has a jobactive contract, where the services purchased are not employment placement activities (e.g. education and training services or settlement services). This proposed delivery model should be described in the JVEN application, clearly explaining how the services to be delivered are separate from the jobactive services provided by that organisation. We may require that sub-contracting arrangements are reflected in the funding agreement between the department and the JVEN provider. These arrangements would be subject to normal audit processes. In summary, the involvement of organisations that have a contract with the Commonwealth to deliver jobactive services is limited to: Provision of employment placement services in regions outside their jobactive delivery region/s Provision of services that are delivered independent of their jobactive/employment services functions – such as education, training or settlement services – in any location.
Can organisations that deliver services for a jobactive provider on a sub- contracted basis apply for JVEN funding? For example, the organisation is delivering employment case management and post-placement support for a particular group of clients such as young people. Organisations that deliver some component of jobactive services on a sub- contracted basis for a jobactive provider will be able to apply for JVEN funding, whether in their own right or as a consortium member. However, the applications will need to clearly describe how the JVEN services will be additional to the jobactive services.
Are Disability Employment Services (DES) considered in the same way as jobactive? DES services are not excluded from applying for JVEN. However, they will need to demonstrate that their proposed JVEN services would not duplicate existing DES services.
Why are jobactive providers ineligible to apply for JVEN funding but organisations delivering other employment services are eligible? JVEN has been designed to provide additional and complementary services to disadvantaged jobseekers in Victoria. An important aspect of the JVEN is that it will not duplicate Commonwealth-funded or other existing services to Victorian jobseekers. jobactive providers are ineligible to apply for JVEN funding because of the difficulty in establishing clearly that the JVEN funding is not duplicating or replacing jobactive assistance.
3 of 14 jobactive is the largest and most comprehensive employment service in Victoria, delivering services to a broad range of unemployed people including young people, single parents, retrenched workers and older jobseekers. Most jobactive clients are in receipt of income support and are referred by Centrelink, but others participate voluntarily. It is therefore more difficult to clearly delineate jobactive services from other employment services. DEDJTR would be unable to establish the additional services to jobseekers using JVEN funding. By contrast, Disability Employment Services and Transition to Work services are more narrowly defined (e.g. for people with temporary or permanent disabilities and young people aged 15-21 years).
However, all organisations applying for funding under JVEN will need to demonstrate clearly how their proposal is additional and complementary of existing services.
Will there be a referral process for jobactive clients to participate in JVEN? If yes, will a financial contribution from the jobactive provider be required and will both the jobactive and JVEN provider be able to claim an employment outcome for the participant? The Employment team will work with the Commonwealth Department of Employment to develop a referral process and protocols for collaborative service delivery by JVEN and Commonwealth employment services. Successful JVEN providers will be advised about these arrangements before commencement of services.
The Program Guidelines state the JVEN will not duplicate existing services but clients of jobactive services will be eligible for support under JVEN if they have complex barriers to employment. How will duplication of services be avoided? Jobseekers who are clients of jobactive (Streams B or C) or other Commonwealth services will only be able to access the JVEN if they are referred by another Victorian Government funded service (e.g. a DHHS program or Corrections service) or are part of a priority target group such as disengaged young people from culturally diverse communities.
Duplication of services will be avoided because organisations will only refer a jobactive client to JVEN after they have make an assessment of their client’s needs and concluded that they will benefit from additional services through JVEN. Further, JVEN providers will be encouraged to liaise with the client’s jobactive case manager to develop a complementary service delivery plan.
4 of 14 Work For The Dole Activities? An organisation has a contract for the delivery of Work for the Dole Coordinator Services in Western Melbourne Region. From the Federal government’s perspective they are considered a ‘jobactive’ although they do not work with job seekers. They work with hosts and the jobactives in Western Melbourne Region to identify, organise and support the delivery of work for the dole activities.
In terms of JVEN is the organisation considered a ‘jobactive’ thus impacting on their ability to submit an application?
The department does not consider organisations delivering work for the dole activities to be Jobactive.
What are the priority target groups? Priority target groups are groups of Victorians who are identified as having particular labour market barriers that require additional assistance but may not be currently engaged with other programs. Disengaged young people from culturally diverse communities in Melbourne have been identified as one such group. Additional funding has been provided through the Department of Premier and Cabinet to deliver additional assistance to this target group.
Jobseeker eligibility Who will be eligible for assistance under JVEN? The program will provide assistance to Victorian jobseekers who are either long-term unemployed (six months plus) or at risk of long-term unemployment and lack adequate support through other services. The following jobseekers will be eligible for assistance: Unemployed people who face labour market disadvantage and need assistance to gain employment but are ineligible for full Commonwealth employment services (i.e. people who are only able to access jobactive services as a volunteer). This will generally be people who are unemployed but not in receipt of income support payments; and
Disadvantaged jobseekers who are eligible for full Commonwealth job services but have complex barriers to employment and are either referred by other State Government services (e.g. youth justice clients, young people in out-of-home care) or are designated as a priority target group.
What about people who are registered as ‘volunteers’ with jobactive and are only eligible for Stream A services for a short time? Jobseekers who are ineligible for full services through jobactive, but are registered as volunteers can access JVEN services without a referral from another service as long as they otherwise meet the program eligibility – that is, they are have either been unemployed for six months or more, or are at risk of long-term unemployment without additional assistance.
5 of 14 Is the JVEN program voluntary or mandatory for participants? As the JVEN program is a State Government initiative, participant involvement in the program is completely voluntary.
Can jobseekers from border areas but resident in NSW or South Australia be assisted under the program? No, JVEN clients must be resident in Victoria.
JVEN services
Transportation to and from work can be a barrier for a jobseeker to gain employment, is there funding available within JVEN to assist with this? If you identify that transport is an issue for jobseekers to gain employment then we would encourage you to include this in your application. JVEN funding is not prescriptive and can be used in various ways to address barriers as long as it leads to a sustainable employment outcome for the clients.
Will there be a referral process for participants who access other state government services to enter JVEN? Yes we will be working with other agencies and departments to develop appropriate referral protocols. Successful JVEN providers will be advised about these arrangements before commencement of services.
Can providers advertise and promote their services? Yes, we will encourage providers to advertise and promote their services to potential participants. We will be requiring providers to use Jobs Victoria marketing and promotional material.
Can JVEN services include work experience as part of work preparation? Yes, work experience placements may be used to help jobseekers to increase their work-readiness where the placement complies with Australian industrial legislation and occupational health and safety legislation, is covered by appropriate insurance cover and does not displace existing employees.
Clients who are also jobactive clients may be able to access a work experience placement through their jobactive provider under the Commonwealth’s National Work Experience programme.
6 of 14 What are the incentives for employers to be involved in JVEN? The JVEN program will bring employers and jobseekers together by understanding what employer needs are, and then supporting jobseekers to become work-ready and meet those needs. We encourage providers to utilise the Back to Work Scheme as a financial incentive for employers to hire long-term unemployed or disadvantaged jobseekers. More details are available at www.vic.gov.au/backtowork.
Am I able to make an application which involves working with long term unemployed people or disadvantaged job-seekers to establish their own businesses and to be self-employed? No. There are other programs and resources available to help people establish small businesses.
Client funds to assist with barriers – can this include assistance with child care so clients can easily participate within the program and also attend training, work experience and initial work placement? Client funds to assist with barriers could include child care for a short duration such as described above. Is there a maximum period a client can participate within the program? There is no maximum period a client can participate within a program. It is expected that some participants will have more barriers than others and will need more assistance and support than others.
Links with other programs
How do you envisage the program working with other programs including the department’s integrated business and industry development? The government is investing funds into industry and infrastructure. The Jobs Victoria Workforce Specialists will work with other parts of the government to identify job opportunities arising from infrastructure projects, investment proposals and other business support activities.
Application and assessment
There appear to be a number of stages to the application. Can we print a copy to view outside of the formal application? Yes. Once you begin the application there will be a ‘view as PDF’ link on the page that can be printed.
How many organisations will be funded in Round 1? We do not have a specific number of JVEN services in mind.
7 of 14 When will you open Round 2 of funding? We don’t have a date for the second round of funding as yet, but potentially will use a future funding round/s to fill any gaps in providing services to the targeted cohorts and to geographic locations.
What will not be funded by JVEN? The guidelines list items that will not be funded, such as capital works/improvements and retrospective services.
Can an organisation submit more than one application? Yes.
Would you look at a proposal that requests highly targeted, specific funding? Yes. It is envisaged that the Jobs Victoria Employment Network will include both highly targeted and more broad-based (multi-target group) employment services.
Is there an opportunity for placed based applications based on local networks, and can the department assist with this? Yes, we will welcome place based applications. Our Workforce Specialists can assist applicants to link with other local organisations if they are interested in developing a consortium.
How will you ensure that JVEN services are assisting the most disadvantaged jobseekers rather than those who are easier to place? The JVEN model is a flexible one. Providers are encouraged to target services to disadvantaged jobseekers and to tailor their assistance to address the barriers to employment faced by clients. It is expected that funding sought will reflect the resources required to achieve employment outcomes for the target clients. Therefore it is likely that services will be funded at different levels, reflecting the different intensity and/or duration of employment assistance required to achieve an outcome. For example, services to recently retrenched workers who have work skills but need assistance to find new opportunities may be funded at a lower level than assistance to recently arrived refugees who require skills development and significant personal support.
Whilst the program notes unemployed CALD with specific reference to refugees and asylum seekers, will it also support skilled migrants? Yes, skilled migrants may also be assisted if they fit the eligibility criteria of 6 months unemployed or at risk of long-term unemployment without assistance.
Are there pre-determined regions for the JVEN Program and will it have a geographical spread across the state? There are no pre-determined regions or boundaries for JVEN. At the second assessment stage all applications will be assessed as a package. At this stage we will be looking to ensure that the JVEN program has geographical spread across Victoria.
8 of 14 Given that first round applications are due by 20 June, it will be difficult to obtain written confirmation of employer and partner commitment to a JVEN proposal. Do we have to have this evidence? Evidence of support from employers and other delivery partners will be required prior to enable assessment of proposals. However, the department will accept ‘in principle’ expressions of support that provide details of the nature of the support and involvement in the proposed which can be confirmed during the assessment process.
Given the flexibility in the provision of JVEN services, how will the department decide suitability and value for money? All applications will be assessed against the selection criteria, including value for money. It is expected that funding provided for services will vary to reflect the assistance required to achieve employment outcomes for different groups of jobseekers.
Is there a funding ratio system? No, JVEN provides funding for service delivery. There is no requirement for organisations to make a contribution towards the services, however, we will be looking for complementarity of other services and value for money.
How does the payment structure take into account organisations with limited resources? The payment structure is designed to balance the need for resources up front with us providing 25% to commence service delivery. Funding Agreement milestone payments will be negotiated individually with each organisation.
Is there is a word limit for the sections? It doesn’t appear that a word limit has been specified? Only the question What are you going to do? has a 200 word limit. All other section do not have a word limit. There is also a facility for applicants to attach documents to the application if you wish to provide more information or wish to provide detailed information around activities such as planning, time frame etc.
An organisation is intending to apply for a program that will address the needs of jobseekers from culturally diverse communities including refugees and asylum seekers, along with jobseekers with disability, youth justice clients, and young people in and out of home care. Because they are looking to address the needs of multicultural communities (alongside other cohorts) does this make their application a Specialist Multicultural Services Application. If not – define what a Specialist Multicultural Services Application would be? There is no need for applicants to determine whether the application falls under the "specialist multicultural services' category or not. Applicants should submit a proposal outlining which job seekers they want to assist, the nature of the assistance and how they will achieve employment outcomes. The department will assess proposals on their merits.
9 of 14 For the supporting information – what are the ‘internal management accounts’? Internal management accounts are your organisation's current income and expenditure accounts, which may not yet have been audited for your annual general meeting. This information is required by our finance area to ensure the department has the most up to date financial information on organisations applying for funding.
How many ‘partnership letters’ from employers should an organisation supply? Four to six partnership letters from employers would be acceptable.
Regarding references from previous funding employers – is this just to be a contact name and number; or a formal written reference? If to be a formal reference – how many letters should be provided? A formal written reference is preferred, however if this is not available we will accept contact names and telephone numbers. Two to three references would be a suitable number.
What outcomes is the government aiming for in aggregate in each year of the program? The programs target for 2015-2016 is 350 sustainable employment outcomes. The targets for the following years are yet to be determined, but it is expected that thousands of jobseekers will be assisted over the four year program.
For consortia, do you allow: a. Head tenderer/sub-contractor ?; and / or b. Multi party contracts where each member of the consortium has a contract with the department ? The department will only enter into one contract with the 'head tenderer' applicant. It will be up to this organisation to advise us of subcontract or partnership arrangements made between themselves and other organisations. The organisation applying must advise us of their consortium partners in their application.
Are you allowed to include costs for a vehicle within the budget, if the need for transport within the region can be argued? You may lease vehicles if transport is required to assist JVEN clients or to provide services across a Region. You may not purchase vehicles.
10 of 14 List all relevant present and past funding and attach references:
Is this only funding received in Victoria? or Nationally?
Is this only government funding? Please provide information on relevant funding (i.e. relating to employment assistance) including national funding from government sources and funding from philanthropic or other sources.
In regards to supporting documentation when working in a partnership are you just requesting the reports of the lead organisation, or of the partner organisation also? Financial documents are only required from the lead organisation, all other supporting documentation may be augmented by information from the partner organisations, e.g. previous funding and references; employer / industry support.
We are LEAD organisation in a consortium with two other partners. Do we need to provide the following for all partners, or just ourselves as Lead organisation? 1. Annual Report and audited financial accounts for last two years. 2. Most recent copy of the internal management accounts.
For questions 1 and 2, the lead organisation only is required to submit annual reports and audited financial accounts for the last two years plus the most recent copy of internal management accounts. The reason for this, is that we will be entering into an agreement with only the lead organisation.
3. References from past funding providers.
If you are applying as a consortia then references from past funding providers for all partners would be preferred but is not essential. It is essential that the lead organisation supply this information.
Employment outcomes
11 of 14 The guidelines state that funding will be linked to achievement of 26-week employment outcomes. What is meant by an ‘employment outcome’ and what evidence will be required to claim these outcomes? A 26-week employment outcome is defined as paid employment sustained for at least 30 hours per week for at least 26 weeks in a 30 week period. Part-time employment outcomes (of 15-29 hours per week) will be accepted where part-time employment meets the needs of a particular jobseeker (e.g. a parent with childcare responsibilities) or a particular employer/industry.
The following evidence of the sustained employment will be required: Payslip/s that show 26 weeks of employment a letter or email from the employer confirming the employment details (hours, duration, position) where the employer is not the same entity as the service provider/grantee. Where the grantee/service provider is also the employer (e.g. a labour hire company) payslips or copies of invoices to host employers with employee details will be required.
Can JVEN clients be placed into jobs located in other states (e.g. in NSW and South Australia close to the border with Victoria)? Yes.
How will the program accommodate jobseekers who can only work part-time, for example because of family responsibilities or disability? JVEN services will aim to place jobseekers into employment that meets their needs, for some jobseekers this will be part-time employment. The JVEN program also aims to meet employers needs and it is acknowledged that local labour force vacancies may only be in part-time positions, for example in industry sectors such as hospitality.
Will part time employment outcomes be paid at a lower rate? No. Part time employment outcomes (15-29 hours per week over 26 weeks) are acceptable outcomes under JVEN where they meet the needs of the jobseekers or because the industry/employer only offers part time employment. There will be no financial penalty for achievement of a part time employment outcome.
You mentioned that JVEN has a target to place 350 jobseekers into employment by June 2017. Is this an indicator of the overall target? 350 is a small percentage of the overall number of people that JVEN hopes to place into sustainable employment. This figure just represented the number we are committed to assisting into 26 weeks of employment by the end of June 2017. Over the four years of the program JVEN will assist thousands of unemployed Victorians into employment.
12 of 14 How flexible will the Department be in negotiating payment terms? Whilst the program is very much developed on sound thinking in order to address those experience disadvantage, the proposed milestones could see JVEN providers registering clients that may be easier to place, rather than really focusing and supporting on those with multiple levels of disadvantage which may take longer. If an application is recommended for funding, the department will negotiate the funding agreement with the successful provider to ensure that grant funds and milestones are achievable. 25 per cent of the total recommended funding is payable once the funding agreement is signed.
What is GEMS? The Global Engagement Management System (GEMS) is the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR) management system that records investment activities, grant programs and client engagement.
All successful JVEN providers will be given a free license to access GEMS through a cloud-based partner portal and record participant information and activity details (including attachments) for the funding period.
GEMS will act as an administrative management system for providers and will have the ability to record: Participant information (registration, address, mobile phone details, demographic, education etc.) Participant activity (mentoring, post-placement support, appointment details etc.) Participant employment activity (employer, hours, position details etc. )
Providers will only have access to their own information, however it is likely there will be a social media field allowing the department to post updates and regular information to all providers. Information will need to be constantly updated in GEMS so the department can approve milestone payments to all providers.
All successful JVEN providers will be trained how to access and use GEMS, and the department will offer individual support by their DEDJTR Contract Manager.
13 of 14 How will the contract be managed? The Employment Team will proactively manage milestones through: Negotiation with providers in regards to their milestones and the Funding Agreement. Will encourage providers to set achievable dates. GEMS Reports that will indicate when milestones are due so we can be proactive about preventing variations, ensuring that we are in contact with the provider and checking their progress through GEMS. Reminder notices sent to providers through email, chatter/community portal. Claims can be raised in the system 60 days after milestone date without variation. Qualitative progress reports submitted to provide details on whether the provider believes there are any issues in meeting their outcomes. Administrative Variation: Informal variation that can be submitted and approved by the Employment Team. Change of dates, splitting of milestones, or altering milestone components within the contracted term. Contractual Variation: Will need to be a formal variation approved by whomever has Delegation of Authority. Alteration to funding – reducing or increasing funds, pro-rata of payments. Extending milestones outside of the contracted term.
Employment Programs Review Is the review of Victorian employment programs mentioned in the program guidelines available for applicants to read? Unfortunately the Employment Programs review is not available at this time. However the key findings were that there is a role for the Victorian government to complement Commonwealth services, especially for highly disadvantaged jobseekers, that effective services to this group requires support that addresses both vocational and non-vocational barriers to employment, and that there is a need for better coordination of state employment services.
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