Respiratory Care Therapist Program
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Respiratory Care Therapist Program RSPT 2230: Examination Preparation Summer 2009
Instructor: Melissa D. Dearing, BS, RRT-NPS
Credit: 2 Credit Hour
Prerequisites: Departmental Approval
Course Description: Comprehensive review for selected respiratory care credentialing examinations. Test matrices and exam content areas for selected exams will be presented.
Learning Outcomes: Explain the matrices and content area of selected exams; demonstrate the ability to use a computerized testing format; and employ test taking skills.
The student will demonstrate the ability to answer and discuss Entry Level examination type questions.
The student will demonstrate the ability to answer and discuss Written RRT examination level questions.
The student will demonstrate the ability to answer and discuss RRT Clinical Simulation type problems.
The student will be able to evaluate and critically think in the examination setting.
The student will understand the preparation required to prepare for credentialing examinations.
The student will successfully complete the Entry Level CRT assessment examination with a passing score of 75.
The student will successfully complete the Written RRT assessment examination with a passing score of 70.
The student will successfully complete the Clinical Simulation assessment examination with a passing score of 70 in the Information Gathering and 70 in the Decision Making portions of the examination.
Course Structure: Didactic and laboratory
Course Level: Advanced
Textbooks: Required: Persing, G., (2004). Respiratory care exam review (2nd ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier Saunders. ISBN Number 0-721-606709-X.
Sills, R. A., (2006). Advanced respiratory therapist exam guide (3rd ed.). St. Louis: Mosby Elsevier. ISBN Number 0-323-02825-X.
Optional Textbook: Sills, R. A., (2004). Entry level respiratory therapist exam guide (4th ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby. ISBN Number 0-323-02824-1.
SCANS: The Secretary’s commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) has identified (1) reading, (2) writing, (3) mathematics, (4) speaking and listening, (5) thinking skills, (6) personal qualities, (7) workplace competencies, and (8) basic use of computers as Competencies required to enter employment. 1. The student will demonstrate a working knowledge of SCANS competency 1 (reading). Performance will be satisfactory if the student successfully: a. Demonstrates the ability to read and comprehend written examination questions. 2. The student will demonstrate a working knowledge of SCANS competency 2 (writing). Performance will be satisfactory if the student successfully: a. Demonstrates the ability to write a comprehensive essay response on homework assignments. 3. The student will demonstrate a working knowledge of SCANS competency 3 (mathematics). Performance will be satisfactory if the student successfully: a. Performs physiologic calculations b. Explains physiologic calculations c. Applies physiologic calculations 4. The student will demonstrate a working knowledge of SCANS competency 4 (speaking and listening). Performance will be satisfactory if the student successfully: a. Contributes to classroom discussions with a professional manner 5. The student will demonstrate a working knowledge of SCANS competency 5 (thinking skills). Performance will be satisfactory if the student successfully: a. Evaluates patient assessment data. b. Demonstrates problem solving skills in clinical scenarios c. Demonstrates decision-making skills in clinical scenarios 6. The student will demonstrate a working knowledge of SCANS competency 6 (personal qualities). Performance will be satisfactory if the student successfully: a. Interacts professionally with other students in the classroom b. Interacts professionally with faculty 7. The student will demonstrate a working knowledge of SCANS competency 7 (workplace competencies). Performance will be satisfactory if the student successfully: a. Completes and delivers assignments in a timely manner b. Is punctual and prepared for the days lesson 8. The student will demonstrate a working knowledge of SCANS competency 8 (basic use of computers). Performance will be satisfactory if the student successfully: a. Participates in computerized practice examinations during lab b. Passes the AMP examination series via the web: includes the Entry Level, Written RRT and Clinical Simulation examinations
Required Material: Three AMP (Applied Measurement Professionals, Inc.) computerized examinations MUST be taken and successfully completed to pass this course. These three examinations are: Entry Level Assessment (based on the written CRT Exam) ($ 40.00) Registry Level Assessment (based on the written RRT Exam) ($ 40.00) Clinical Level Assessment (based on the Registry Clinical Simulation Exam) ($ 60.00) The purchase of all three AMP exams is discounted to a total cost of $ 125.00 and MUST be Paid in Full by June 2, 2009. Payment is made at the Kingwood College Business Office. Students must keep their receipt so the instructor can make a photocopy of it.
NOTE: 1. Failure to promptly pay for these exams will result in an automatic course drop. 2. A failed examination (lower then cut score) must be repeated until passed with a maximum attempt of 3 tries. Any repeated examination must be repurchased at the student’s expense ($ 40.00/40.00/60.00 each). 3. Passage of all examinations is required prior to completion of this course. 4. Repeat AMP Exams must be attempted on the students own time. 5. Repeat AMP Exams may be repeated only twice (see Grading).
Attendance: Students are expected to attend all class, lab, and clinical sessions unless they are officially excused. An official absence is granted when such absence is caused by official participation in a college activity and the instructor is informed in advance. All other absences are unofficial. Absences caused by unavoidable conditions, such as illness, should be reported to the instructor by the start of class (281-312- 1596).
Absences: Absences will impact the final average with the first absence counting one [-1%] point, the second absence two [-2%] points, the third absence five [-5%] points, and each absence following with an additional ten [-10%] point reduction.
Tardy: Each tardy will result in the deduction of 0.33% from the final grade average for this course. A “tardy” is inclusive of leaving class less than thirty minutes before dismissal, as well as taking leave during class or labs for longer than a reasonable amount of time.
Tardies of more than thirty minutes will be considered a half-day absence. These will be deducted as 0.5% from the final grade average for this course. Leaving a class/lab early or for extended periods will be calculated as a tardy or absence, depending on the amount of time missed.
No test missed may be made up. Per program guidelines, no grades will be dropped in the computation of the final grade for this course.
Students shall not schedule conference times with other faculty or councilors during class time. Any class time missed due to ‘appointments’ with councilors or other faculty will not be treated any differently from other types of tardy or absences.
Leave of Absence is NOT given in this program. Withdrawal is required. Student may not drop this class without consultation with the instructor.
Policies and Procedures: Students may find the following information in the Respiratory Care Student Handbook. - Withdrawal policy - Attendance policy - Grading scale The Respiratory Care Therapist Program practices a non-discriminatory admissions policy with respect to race, color, creed, sex, age, or national origin.
Other Materials: Any textbook in CRT or RRT examination preparation will be beneficial for this course. Recommended: ($14.95/month; unlimited questions) (150 questions/ $ 30.00)
Calendar: June 2 First day of class June 2 All AMP Exams are paid deadline June 23 Entry Level AMP Exam June 24 Last Day to drop and receive a “W” July 14 WRE AMP Exam July 28 CSE AMP Exam August 11 Final Examination
Class Schedule & Room: Tuesday 1700 - 2200 Lecture HSB 113 Lab HSB 117
Homework: The weekly homework assignment is instrumental in preparing the student for their NBRC examinations. The other purpose for this homework is to condition the student to answering board level examination questions. Practice and review increases the level of success.
Notebook: The notebook will consist of a spiral (college ruled) notebook. The purpose of this notebook is for the student to construct a study/review document to serve as a recall instrument prior to the student taking an advanced level exam such as the AMP series or their boards. It is imperative that some organized methodology for recording formulas, conversions, Rules of Thumb, definitions, etc., be easily available for review, thus the document construction project. The notebook will be checked daily for completion. Every class day there must be a full page of notes, outlines, formulas or any other thing that you have learned while studying over the past week. This page must be full to receive full credit for the day. If you forget the notebook a grade of (0) will be given for the notebook grade for that day. The average of the 11 days of class will be taken and that will consist of 10% of your grade. Quizzes: Weekly timed pop quizzes will be given. These quizzes will be based generally on lecture, homework and RC program material previously covered. Quizzes will count a maximum of 10 % towards the final course grade. Missed quizzes can not be made up.
The quizzes will consist of multiple-choice questions. Each quiz will be timed for 70 seconds times the number of questions tested. All students will begin at the same time and turn their test papers over when ordered to do so. Unanswered questions will be graded as incorrect.
Class Participation: Students are expected to use course class time effectively. Class participation shall include but is not limited to the following: Students are expected to be on-time, perform diligent study during class time, ask the instructor questions and take only regular class breaks. The professor must be notified of an individual’s class scheduling conflict and the professor will reassign the student. Compliance will earn 1.18% of the total grade for this course for each of 11 days (13% total).
Drinks & Food: It is college policy that consumption of food and drink is NOT permitted within any campus computer lab. Also, under no condition will food or drink be allowed around nor near the computer consoles. These items must be sealed and stored in the students back pack or purse, or placed at the doorway to the lab. Compliance with this policy is considered part of the “class participation” grading portion of this course.
Test Taking: Prior to taking an exam or quiz, all books, papers, food, drinks and personal items must be removed from desk tops. Also, students will sit at opposite ends of tables. No calculators will be allowed during test taking in this course.
Academic Integrity (from NHMCCD Catalogue): Lone Star College System is committed to a high standard of academic integrity among its faculty and students. In becoming a part of the Lone Star College System academic community, students are responsible for honesty and independent effort. Failure to uphold these standards includes, but is not limited to, the following: plagiarizing written work or projects, cheating on exams or assignments, collusion among students on an exam or project without specific permission from the instructor, or misrepresentation of credentials or prerequisites when registering for a course. Cheating includes looking at or copying from another student's exam, communicating or receiving answers during an exam, having another person take an exam or complete a project or assignment for you, using unauthorized notes, texts, or other materials into class with you for an exam, or obtaining or distributing an unauthorized copy of an exam or any part of an exam. Plagiarism means the unauthorized use of another's writings without proper documentation and includes copying material from another source without clear documentation of the source or submitting a paper, report, project, or care plan that someone else has prepared. Collusion is inappropriately collaborating on assignments designed to be completed independently. These definitions are not exhaustive.
When there is clear evidence of cheating, plagiarism, collusion, or misrepresentation, disciplinary action may be taken, including but not limited to: the student's presenting an oral defense, resubmitting the assignment in question, receiving a zero or an F on the assignment, or being withdrawn from the course or expelled.
Semester Schedule: Week# Date Subject 1 June 2 All AMP paid receipts in by today Read syllabus & give a course overview
Class Discussion/Review: - Importance of a personal Study & Review Guide Outline: includes- formulas, rules of thumb, facts, conversions, definitions, etc., etc. - Persing Chapters 1-17 Timed Quiz # 1: Persing Chapters 1-7 (10 questions) - Short review of answers to follow Timed Quiz #2: Persing Chapters 8-17 (20 questions) Homework: -Take & study Pre-Tests and also answer Post-Chapter Study Questions for Persing chapters # 1-17; pp.1-184 - Review areas of weakness - Continue construction of personal Study & Review Guide Notebook - Complete Persing Entry Level Cert. Practice Exam; pp. 185-199 Hint: record answers for future progress check Answers/Explanations pp.200-209 - Begin Persing; Entry Level Cert. Exam CD; (record ans. for progress ck.)
2 June 9 Class Discussion/Review - Persing; Entry Level Certification Exam: Practice Test; pp.185-199 - Persing; Entry Level Cert. Exam CD (CD) Timed Quiz # 3: Persing; Entry Level Certification Exam: Practice Test (20/140 questions) - Quiz # 3 discussed Homework: - Continue personal Study & Review Guide Notebook by: * Re-review Persing Entry Level Cert. Practice Exam; (record ans. for progress ck.) * Re-review Persing Certification Level Exam (CD); (record ans. for progress ck.) * Optional; Review Sills; Entry Level: Self-Study Questions chap. 1-17; pp. 1-343 * Optional; Review Sills; CRT Self-Evaluation Exam (CD)
3 June 16 Class Discussion/Review - Persing; Advanced Practitioner Written Reg. Exam: Practice Test; pp. 210-221 - Persing; Advanced Practitioner Written Reg. Exam; CD Timed Quiz # 4: Persing; Adv. Practitioner Written Reg Exam: Pract. Test (20/100 questions) - Quiz # 4 discussed Homework - (Hint: DO NOT REST! ONE EXAM is SCHEDULED NEXT WEEK!): - Continue personal Study & Review Guide Notebook by (and firm up knowledge base): * Review Persing Entry Level Cert. Practice Exam; (record ans. for progress ck.) * Complete Persing Certification Level Exam (CD); (record ans. for progress ck.) * Optional; Review Sills; Entry Level: Self-Study Questions ch. 1-17; pp. 1-343 * Optional; Review Sills; CRT Self-Evaluation Exam (CD) * Review Persing; Adv. Practitioner WRE: Practice Test; pp. 210-221 * Persing; Advanced Practitioner Written Reg. Exam (WRE); CD
4 June 23 AMP Entry Level (CRT) Examination Assessment (3 hours) Class Discussion/Review of AMP Entry Level Examination Homework- (Hint: DO NOT REST! TWO MORE EXAMS are SCHEDULED!): - Continue constructing Study/Review Guide Notebook by using Persing/Sills workbooks & CD’s by: * Re-review Persing; Advanced Practitioners WRE: Practice Test; pp. 210-221 (re-record ans. for progress ck.) * Re-take Persing; Advanced Practitioners WRE (CD) (record ans. for progress ck.) * Review Sills; Adv. RT Ex. Guide: Self-Study Questions Ch. 1-18; pp. 1-466 * Review Sills; Advanced RT Exam Guide: WRE on CD
5 June 30 Class Discussion/Review - Persing; Advanced Practitioner Written Reg. Exam; CD - Sills: Adv. RT Exam Guide chapters 1-18; Self-Study Questions - Sills: Advanced RT Exam Guide: WRE (CD) Timed Quiz # 5: Persing; Adv. Practitioner WRE: Practice Test (20/100 questions) - Quiz # 5 discussed Homework: - Continue personal Study/Review Guide Notebook by: * Re-review Sills; Adv. RT Exam Guide chapters 1-18; Self-Study Questions * Re-take Sills: WRE (CD) (re-record ans. for progress ck.)
6 July 7 Class Discussion/Review - Final Class Review before AMP WRE Assessment - Persing; Advanced Practitioner Written Reg. Exam; CD - Sills: Adv. RT Exam Guide chapters 1-18; Self-Study Questions - Sills: WRE (CD) Timed Quiz # 6: Sills; Adv. RT Ex. Guide: Self-Study Questions; (20 questions) - Quiz # 6 discussed Timed Quiz # 7: Persing/Sills: WRE open questions) - Quiz # 7 discussed - Lecture - Critical Skills in Taking CSE: The Methodology IG and DM - Persing CD: CSE #'s 9 & 4. Class performs # 10
Homework: - Continue personal Study/Review Guide Notebook by: * Re-review Sills; Adv. RT Exam Guide chapters 1-18; Self-Study Questions * Re-take Sills WRE (CD) (re-record ans. for progress ck.) * Re-take Persing; Advanced Practitioners WRE (CD) (record ans. for progress ck.)
7 July 14 AMP WRE (Written Registry Examination) Assessment (2 hours) Discussion/Review - Persing RRT Clinical Simulation CD Exam (1-3, 5-8) Homework - (Hint: DO NOT REST! ONE MORE EXAM is SCHEDULED!): - Continue personal Study/Review Guide Notebook by: * Review Persing CD: CSE Scenarios # 1-10 * Review Sills CD: CSE Scenarios # 1-10
8 July 21 Discussion/Review - Sills; Clinical Simulation Exam (CSE) # 1-10 - Lindsey-Jones Clinical Simulation Exams (1-28) Timed Quiz # 8: Persing CD: CSE Scenarios one from #'s 1-10) - Quiz # 8 discussed Homework - (Hint: DO NOT REST! ONE MORE EXAM is SCHEDULED!): - Continue personal Study/Review Guide Notebook by: * Re-review Persing CD: CSE Scenarios # 1-10 * Re-review Sills CD: CSE Scenarios # 1-10 * Review (in RT classroom) Lindsey-Jones Clinical Simulation Exams (1-28)
9 July 28 Discussion/Review - Lindsey-Jones Clinical Simulation Exams (1-28) Timed Quiz # 9 – Sills CD: CSE Scenarios one from #'s 1-10 - Quiz # 9 discussed Timed Quiz # 10 – Lindsey-Jones CSE Scenarios: one from #'s 1-28) - Quiz # 10 discussed
Homework - (Hint: DO NOT REST! ONE MORE EXAM is SCHEDULED!): - Continue personal Study/Review Guide Notebook by: * Re-review Persing CD: CSE Scenarios # 1-10 * Re-review Sills CD: CSE Scenarios # 1-10 * Review (in RT classroom) Lindsey-Jones Clinical Simulation Exams (1-28) * Study personal Study/Review Guide Outline * Review Persing WRE CD * Review Sills WRE CD
10 August 4 AMP RRT Clinical Simulation Exam (4 hours) - Review for Final
11 August 11 All unsuccessful AMP assessments must be retaken by this date Final grade will be taken on Notebook Review and any Questions Bring study materials from Kettering
The above semester schedule is tentative
Grading: Professional classroom participation will comprise 13% of the final grade averaging for this course. Quizzes will be weighted equally, averaged and comprise 10% of of the final course grade. All three AMP examinations attempted will be weighted equally, averaged and count as 67% of the final grade averaging. Absences and lateness will be deducted according to the attendance policy.
In other words, the final grade will be based on the following example: Course Participation 13% Quizzes 10% Average of all AMP Exams (1st Attempt) 67% Notebook 10% Perfect Attendance with no Lateness - 0% Final Course Grade 100%
Passing each AMP examination on the first try, achieving good punctuality & attendance, demonstrating good class participation plus doing well on all quizzes will result in an "A" for this course. A "B" will be the maximum grade possible if a repeat AMP examination is required. A "I" or “Incomplete” will be given to any student not passing all three AMP examinations by August 13, 2009. If an "I" is given, the maximum grade received will be a “C” upon passing all AMP exams.
Students will be given only two opportunities to repeat a failed AMP examination. Any Student unable to pass any of the three AMP exams in three tries, will receive an "F" in this course and this course must be repeated.
A letter grade will be awarded following the guide below. A = 90 - 100 B = 80 - 89 C = 75 - 79 D = 70 – 74 F = 69 and below
A minimum final grade of "C" must be earned in this course in order to complete the Respiratory Care Therapist Program.
Cell Phones & Pagers: Students are required to turn off cell phones and pagers during class time. If an emergency situation exists and only with instructor approval, these devices may be placed in “vibrate” mode. However, leaving the classroom to answer an emergency call MUST be an infrequent occurrence.
Disability Support Services: Any student who needs any type of services because of a disability must meet with LeeAnn Coulson before they will be approved for accommodations. LeeAnn’s office is located in the Student Fine Arts Building – Room 116 (Counseling and Advising Office).
Course Drop: Students are required to talk with their instructor before attempting to drop this or any other respiratory care course.
Online Syllabus Students will go to Lone Star College home page. Enter “Melissa Dearing” at the top in “search” and click “go.” Click on “Faculty and Staff.” Click on “Web Site” under “Melissa Dearing” Click on “RSPT 2230” under “Courses I teach in the Summer.” ACKNOWLEDGMENT
I have reviewed the course document for RSPT 2230: Examination Preparation. By signing, I indicate my understanding and willingness to comply with these regulations and requirements.
Student Printed Name: ______
Student Signature: ______
Date: ______