Basic Skills Self Assessment
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Basic Skills Self Assessment Planning Matrix 2007 - 2012 Section A: Organizational and Administrative Practices
Please state your college’s Long-Term Goals (5 yrs.) for Section A (Organizational and Administrative Practices) and develop a related Action Plan for the next year (1 yr.) Include planned actions that require new funds and those that will not rely on new funds; also, reference the related effective practice(s), identify targeted completion dates, and identify persons responsible for each activity.
Long-Term Goals (5 yrs.) for Section A:
Establish an organizational structure which supports innovation and accountability, which incorporates foundational skills development into all aspects of the campus culture, and which coordinates support college-wide for basic skills.
Action Plan for Section A: Academic Year 2007-08 (please specify year) District: LACCD ___ College: LA City College
Date for Projected Planned Action Effective Practice and Strategy Measure Responsibility I. Integrate foundational skills into the fabric of college culture through planning and budgeting for basic skills: A.2 A clearly articulated mission based on a Summer 2008 SGC Planning Committee; a.Integrate basic skills more clearly into the College shared, overarching philosophy drives the Educational Planning Strategic Plan and into Educational Master Plan. developmental education program. Clearly Committee b.Initiate basic skills grant development capacity - hire a specified goals & objectives are established Institutional Effectiveness grant developer for basic skills for developmental courses and programs. SFP Director c. Assess the effectiveness of each of the basic skills A.1.4 Developmental education is adequately projects. Use formative assessment after the first funded and staffed. semester of a project to help inform whether or not the A.1.5 Institutional commitment is reflected in project should be funded for the next year; use the level of comprehensiveness & the extent summative assessment after that. to which developmental education is integrated into the institution. d.Establish an administrative position that will coordinate A.3 The developmental education program is and integrate support for foundational skills college-wide centralized or highly coordinated. II. Integrate foundational skills into the fabric of college A.1.5 Institutional commitment is reflected in culture through campus-wide communication and dialog: the level of comprehensiveness & extent to Summer 2008 Academic Senate a.Emphasize basic skills issues at flex, with increasing levelwhich developmental ed. is integrated into President of information and involvement each year. the institution Academic Affairs b.Establish basic skills subcommittee of EPC or other A.3.1 A clear institutional decision exists campus structure. regarding the structure of developmental
11/01/07 c. Break out budget to reflect approximate amount spent education (centralized or decentralized, but on basic skills highly coordinated). d.Establish formal mechanisms to support communication A.3.4 and A.3.5 Formal mechanisms exist to about basic skills facilitate communication. e. Publicize and support the services of the Writing Center, A.3.3 A designated budget allocation exists Pi Shoppe, Learning Skills Center and other support for developmental education. services III. Curricular Excellence: a.Enforce Pre/co-requisites electronically, including A.4.2 Students are advised & encouraged to Summer 2009 Academic Affairs assessment of English and Math skills and placement into enroll only in college-level courses consistent appropriate courses with their basic skills preparation. b.Enhance collaborative learning practices through linked A.5.1 Course-related learning assistance Summer 2008 class and lab, for example for Math 115/100, through the (e.g., supplemental instruction, course-based use of linked, supervised study lab; include counseling tutoring) exists. workshops to support the linked labs.
______Signature, Chief Executive Officer Date Signature, Academic Senate President Date
11/01/07 Basic Skills Self Assessment Planning Matrix 2007 - 2012
Section B: Program Components
Please state your college’s Long-Term Goals (5 yrs.) for Section B (Program Components) and develop a related Action Plan for the next year (1 yr.) Include planned actions that require new funds and those that will not rely on new funds; also, reference the related effective practice(s), identify targeted completion dates, and identify persons responsible for each activity.
Long-Term Goals (5 yrs.) for Section B:
Enhance the conditions that promote learning by expanding college programs and support services including assessment, placement, orientation services, student educational plan development and enforcing pre/co-requisites.
Action Plan for Section B: Academic Year 2007-08 (please specify year) District: LACCD ___ College: LA City College
Date for Projected Planned Action Effective Practice and Strategy Measure Responsibility I. Enhance conditions for enrollment and learning a. Expand assessment and placement B.1 Orientation, assessment, and Summer 2008 Matriculation b. Expand orientation placement are mandatory for all new Coordinator c. Pre/co-requisite enforcement students. Summer 2009 Academic Affairs
d. Focused support and services for students on probation D.3.3 Timely interventions occur with Summer 2008 Student Services students to address emotional, social, or non-academic obstacles that arise, and to prevent student attrition resulting from such circumstances. D.9.2 Faculty and advising staff provide early intervention and support to students experiencing academic and/or personal difficulties.
e. Validation of cut scores and placement into English, ESL and Math B.1.5 Diverse institutional stakeholders Summer 2008 Institutional Research/ courses; focused collaboration with English/ESL and Math departments engage in routine review of the English/ESL and Math in reviewing effectiveness of assessment and placement relationship between assessment Departments instruments and student success in courses. II. Upgrade Assessment Process and Center B.1.2 and B.1.2 Mandatory assessment Spring 2008 Matriculation and placement exists. Coordinator
11/01/07 III. Provide specialized and systematic counseling services to basic skills B.3.1 A proactive counseling/ advising Summer 2008 Dean, Student students and departments. structure that includes intensive Retention a. Provide counseling to basic skills students during their first semester. monitoring and advising serves students b. Develop education plans for each basic skills student. placed into developmental education c. Provide career counseling to all basic skills students, including courses. assessments related to career development. B.3.3 Counseling staff are specifically d. Integrate career counseling with the student education plan trained to address the academic, social, development. and emotional needs of developmental e. Expand assessments available for exploring career interests and education students. abilities. f. Hire counselor(s) with particular expertise in the needs of basic skills students. IV. Enhance Orientation: Counseling, a. Offer orientation sessions targeted to basic skills students and include B.1.4 Expanded pre-enrollment activities Summer 2008 Academic departments, Counselors, and faculty from English/ESL, Math, Learning Skills and OSS. exist for students placed into Non-credit program b. Offer in-class orientation for non-credit students. developmental education courses. c. Integrate non-credit students into credit orientation
______Signature, Chief Executive Officer Date Signature, Academic Senate President Date
11/01/07 Basic Skills Self Assessment Planning Matrix 2007 - 2012
Section C: Faculty and Staff Development
Please state your college’s Long-Term Goals (5 yrs.) for Section C (Faculty and Staff Development) and develop a related Action Plan for the next year (1 yr.) Include planned actions that require new funds and those that will not rely on new funds; also, reference the related effective practice(s), identify targeted completion dates, and identify persons responsible for each activity.
Long-Term Goals (5 yrs.) for Section C:
To fully integrate Faculty and Staff Development with the Teaching Learning Center and other services that support basic skills.
To enhance the function of the integrated Center to promote learner-centered instruction.
Action Plan for Section C: Academic Year 2007-08 (please specify year) District: LACCD ___ College: LA City College
Date for Projected Planned Action Effective Practice and Strategy Measure Responsibility I. Expand membership of the Staff Development C.2.1 Developmental education faculty are involved in the Summer 2008 Staff Development Committee. design, planning, and implementation of staff development coordinator a. Include faculty representing basic skills, activities related to developmental education. including faculty from Learning Skills, ESL, Math and Noncredit. b.Explore instituting a subcommittee composed of basic skills faculty. II. Establish an “academy” that includes a series of C.2 The faculty play a primary role in needs assessment, Summer 2008 Staff Development workshops, seminars, sharing best practices for planning, and implementation of staff development coordinator basic skills. programs and activities. a. Hire coordinator to design, implement, and C.3.2 Developmental education staff development activities conduct on-going programs and conduct are not based around “one-shot” workshops; rather, staff ongoing evaluation of this academy. development activities are comprehensive and ongoing. b.Include assessment workshops led by counselors and faculty in basic skills areas. III. Provide input into revised Strategic Master Plan to C.1 Administrators support and encourage faculty development Summer 2008 Academic Affairs ensure that the mission and goals include basic skills. in basic skills, and the improvement of teaching and learning is a.Create and promote activities that specifically connected to the institutional mission. provide training in basic skills as indicated in C.3.2.1 Staff development activities are widely attended and mission and college goals. viewed as valuable by developmental education faculty and b. Solicit input from faculty and staff for activities staff. that they consider valuable.
11/01/07 IV. Provide training for the faculty and staff that C.4 Staff development opportunities are flexible, varied, and Summer 2008 Staff Development specifically focuses on issues relative to basic skills responsive to developmental needs of individual coordinator students. faculty, diverse student populations, and coordinated a.Support faculty and staff participation in Basic programs/services. Skills training. b.Provide in-house workshops led by staff/faculty that focus on basic skills and diversity. V. Coordinate Staff Development and the Teaching- C.3 Staff development programs are structured and Summer 2008 Academic Affairs Learning Center more closely. Enhance the function: appropriately supported to sustain them as ongoing efforts a.To provide outreach to full-time and hourly related to institutional goals for the improvement of teaching instructors related to enhancing the reading, and learning. writing and math content of their classes. b.Staff the Center with faculty who have expertise in basic skills instruction.
______Signature, Chief Executive Officer Date Signature, Academic Senate President Date
Basic Skills Self Assessment
11/01/07 Planning Matrix 2007 - 2012
Section D: Instructional Practice
Please state your college’s Long-Term Goals (5 yrs.) for Section D (Instructional Practices) and develop a related Action Plan for the next year (1 yr.) Include planned actions that require new funds and those that will not rely on new funds; also, reference the related effective practice(s), identify targeted completion dates, and identify persons responsible for each activity.
Long-Term Goals (5 yrs.) for Section D:
Establish an integrated, cohesive curriculum based on learner-centered instructional practices that infuses foundational skills for learning college-wide.
Action Plan for Section D: Academic Year: 2007-08 (please specify year) District: LACCD ___ College: LA City College
Date for Projected Planned Action Effective Practice and Strategy Measure Responsibility I. Training: D.1 Sound principles of learning theory are applied Summer Staff a. More tutor training in the design and delivery of courses in the 2008 Development b. Basic skills training for faculty developmental program. c. Instructional Skills Workshop – trainer with small group of cross- curriculum faculty; could be done at the new faculty academy; take 3-4 D.10.6 All tutors receive formal training in both full days of time; maybe get salary enhancement credit. subject matter and effective pedagogy for the d. Departments could incorporate quick ideas about instructional discipline. techniques into their dept meetings, and do this at each meeting e. Faculty workshops to enhance curricular coordination within course levels and across course levels. II. Curriculum Development: D.2 Curricula and practices that have proven to be Summer English, Math and a. Develop curriculum that connects reading, writing and the writing centereffective in specific disciplines are employed. 2008 Learning Skills more cohesively and meaningfully. D.2.4 Developmental courses/programs implement Departments b. Math across the curriculum effective curricula and practices for development of study skills. III. Curriculum Standards: a. Through departmental dialog, develop & adopt learning rubrics & D.7.1 Developmental education course entry/exit Summer Academic Affairs standards at the discipline level so that students who pass one course standards are regularly reviewed and revised as 2008 are prepared to succeed in the next course level. needed. b. Coordinate course content so that faculty within a course level (for D.9.1 Mechanisms exist to frequently and example, English 21) present more consistent course content and so that consistently provide course performance feedback to course content is coordinated across levels. students.
11/01/07 c. In the English/ESL department, include more faculty in the Departmental Final. d. Enforce pre/co-requisites Summer Academic Affairs, e. Improve the early alert system 2009 Counseling f. Use SLO assessments as basis for learning improvement in programs All departments and programs IV. Learning Support Services English / ESL a. Writing Center: D.2.1 Developmental courses/programs implement Summer Department Expand the services of the Writing Center effective curricula and practices for English (e.g., 2008 Improve the Writing Center curriculum. reading/writing integration, writing across the b. Pi Shoppe: curriculum, and use of writing labs). Enhance and publicize services of the Pi Shoppe c. Learning Skills Center D.2.2 Developmental courses/programs implement d. OSS effective curricula and practices for mathematics Mathematics (e.g., addressing environmental factors, problem- Department based learning, small group instruction, contextual e. Supplemental Instruction: Expand Supplemental Instruction to English learning, appropriate use of technology, and learningSummer 21 and 28, Math 112, 113, 114, 115 labs). 2008 f. Student Mentorship Program: A program that employs mentors for new students to help them succeed in their first semester. D.10.3 Various learning support services provide Student Services g. Noncredit Learning active learning experiences (e.g., Supplemental Coordinator h. Speech Lab/Clinic Instruction, workshops, and study groups). Faculty on reassigned time V. Learning Community Concepts: D.2.1 Developmental courses/programs implement a. Paired classes: develop new ways to schedule paired classes; develop effective curricula and practices for English (e.g., Pilot Fall Academic First-Year Academies with more inclusive and coherent schedules. reading/writing integration, writing across the 2007; departments curriculum, and use of writing labs). Assess D.6.1 Instructors in developmental education coursesSummer b. First Year Experience: Develop a learning community for first year assess, employ and incorporate a variety of active 2008 college students coming directly from high school learning strategies (e.g., student engagement, Summer collaborative learning, learning communities, 2008 supplemental instruction, and service learning). D.10.3 Various learning support services provide active learning experiences (e.g., Supplemental Instruction, workshops, and study groups). c. Learning Skills Bridge Program
VI. IDWG/Counseling connection: Identify at least one counselor to work D.9.2 Faculty and advising staff provide early Summer Counseling/IDWGs with each IDWG. intervention and support to students experiencing 2008 academic and/or personal difficulties. D.10.4 A formal referral system exists between academic and student support services.
11/01/07 ______Signature, Chief Executive Officer Date Signature, Academic Senate President Date