3139 Computer Science

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3139 Computer Science

MTAG Minutes September 15, 2015 Page 1 MTAG Monthly Meeting September 15, 2015 3:00-4:30 pm 3139 Computer Science

1. Motion to approve the meeting minutes for August 18, 2015 minutes were approved.

2. CIO/COO Updates (Bruce Maas/John Krogman)  COO Updates (John Krogman) o At 83% of campus has migrated to o365. o Those who have not migrated to o365 will eventually be forced to migrate over to o365. . All questions or concerns about migrating over to o365 should be sent to the helpdesk or send them to John Krogman if needed.

 Mentoring and IT Connects (Brandon Benier/Brenda Spychalla) o Suggestion on branding the name of UW-IT Connects . These are initatives sponsored by the CIO Office. . Goal was to pull together a program to bring together DoIT and a decentralized IT group. . Provides different leadership opportunities. . Includes: Information Technology Leadership Conference, the IT Mentoring Program, ITLP- Forum, Tuesday Leadership Breakfast, and The Women in IT.  Suggestions for members these varies groups should be sent to Brenda Spychalla by the end of September o UW-IT Mentoring Program . The idea of this program was created as part of the on boarding process that will provide new employees to have mentors to have someone they can share and get feedback on their ideas. . Sara Tate is the Chair of this program. . The goal is to go live in September. . Nominations for mentees should be sent to Brenda or Amy by the end of September.

3. Skype Business Pilot (Eric Alborn)  Summary from last May on the unification platform pilot choose Microsoft Link aka Skype for Business.  Three goals with the pilot: o 1. To see if Skype for Business would be viable replacement for current our current telephone system. 2. To see if there are savings in switching. 3. To enhance life safety.  There are currently 500 users participating in the pilot. o Users consist of CALS, Letter and Science, Graduate School, Research Animal Procedures Center, School of Medicine and Public Health, Laboratory Animal Resources, UWPD, School of Business, DoIT (primarily at Help Desk and Tech Stores). o 73% of 426 users surveyed were satisfied with product. o Highest services used on Skype for Business is voice audio sessions. o Pilot has shown the conference usage is high. o The cost of this product to the University of Wisconsin-Madison has not been drafted as of now. o A goal is set to complete the infrastructure between October-December of 2015 o Another goal is to focus on finalizing policies for the pilot around October-December of 2015. o Once policies are fully drafted, the policies will be presented to MTAG before being finalized. o Phase two goal is to have 3,000 users using Skype for Business in Phase II targeted to begin January 2016. . MTAG Minutes September 15, 2015 Page 2 o There have been some use of the Skype for Business off of campus. o Phase three will be to integrate product to the rest of the campus. o The Sentrex contract ends in January 2016 and there have been implications that the price point of this product could increase. o The Skype for Business is being piloted to insure that the university is getting the lowest price value, while have the product meet the full needs of the university.

4. CCI Updates (Steve Krogull/Bob Turner)  There is a need to communicate around campus the importance in being proactive in preventing security breaches.  There is a project underway with Engineering and L&S to screen these systems to see if there is any evidence that their systems being compromised.  Security will be structured into the price model of CCI  The need for a price forum is for the people on campus to have knowledge of CCI, so they are versed enough to ask questions and feedback.  CCI is drafted around 5 year project plan based on replacement cycles.  The Handout for the Dean Council is a summary of what was presented to the Provost and Vice Chancellor Bazzell.  The CCI Questions handout on CCI is a number of questions asked that have been asked about CCI and the response to these questions.  Handout provides what CCI is and what it provides and the why it is import to have on campus.  Pricing will be based onsize of serversThe goal is to have prices that are comparable or less than amazon.  Bucky Backup will price for onetime usage will be based on the size of storage.  The price of CCI will very on the services needed for the device. o The price of the CCI is comparable to other universities.  There will be a draft on Security baseline created for users to understand if there server will meet security needs.  The Operational Governance group will help form the policies around CCI - details still being determined.  The CCI Virtualization Provisioning Process – Workflow handout stable  Drafts the process of getting CCI integrated on campus.  Shared hosting fits into CCI; however, CCI are not counting into their server charges.

5. PI Portal (Nick Tincher)  PI Portal was created to simplify users to one direct link to view research administration, compliance, and user training information.  Users can go to their research administrator if they have any questions or problems.  Feedback is being collected through [email protected] or there is a feedback portal through the PI link.  Utilizing WISDM and WISPER data and transcribing that information into the PI Portal.  More information available at https://research.wisc.edu/researchers/pi-portal/ or https://my.research.wisc.edu.

6. EITDM Updates (Amy Gee)  The Service Management Group will convene for the first time in September o The group needs a way to standardize cost effort for centralized and decentralized IT o MTAG has agreed to empower the SMG to come up with a solution MTAG Minutes September 15, 2015 Page 3

7. Additions (Meloney Linder)  Future agenda topics and/or question on topics please send to Meloney Linder.

Meeting adjourned 4:32pm Attendance:

Colleges and Schools Nicholas Tincher, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research & Education Meloney Linder, Business (Chair) Charlene Krembs, CALS Alan Ng, Continuing Studies Brenda Spychalla, Education Rob Kohlhepp, Engineering Eric Giefer, Law (Vice-Chair) David Towers, Medicine & Public Health Bruno Browning, L&S Andy Arnold, L&S Sara Nagreen, Math Mike Pitterle, Pharmacy

General Jason Fishbain, Office of the CIO Phil Hull, Enrollment Management Lee Konrad, GLS John Krogman, DoIT Don Nelson, Office of the CIO Jeff Shokler, Academic Advising Bruce Maas, CIO

Other Attendees Ching-tzu Chiem, DoIT/ADI/PMO Eric Alborn, DoIT-Network Services Jeanne Skul, DoIT WS Steve Krogull, DoIT Bob Turner, CISO Chris Hopp, DoIT Amy Gee, Office of the CIO Karen Hanson, DoIT-PMO Cliff Cunningham, Engineering Kevin Cherek, AIMS

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