El Centro College

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El Centro College


INSTRUCTOR: Deva Arumugam DIVISION OFFICE: A341 (Leave written work or messages for my mailbox here.) TELEPHONE: (214) 860-2247 (emergencies only, please) EMAIL: [email protected] VENUE: MTWR TEXT: Jumpstart: A Workbook for Writers with Readings, Clouse; ISBN: 0072414707

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course introduces the writing process. Course topics include practice in generating ideas, writing and rewriting, making improvements, and correcting mistakes. A learning lab is available to provide additional assistance.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of the course, you will be able to 1. write with greater confidence

2. recognize that writing is a process that involves inventing, drafting, and editing

3. use the elements of the writing process appropriately

4. value writing as a way to learn, record, communicate and understand

5. formulate a topic sentence for a paragraph and clearly state it

6. generate support for a topic sentence

7. organize ideas into separate paragraphs, which are arranged in a logical sequence

8. write for a variety of audiences and purposes (i.e., narration, description, exemplification)

9. write a minimum of 6 graded essays (at least two paragraphs each) of 200 to 400 words

10. read and identify main ideas and supporting details in a variety of reading selections

11. develop a greater understanding of cultural diversity through cross-cultural reading selections

12. read different resources, including newspaper and magazine articles, textbook essays, etc. to obtain ideas for writing

13. use dictionary/thesaurus/computer software programs designed to assist writers

c:\\fall.985\williams.985 1 14. distinguish fact from opinion in his/her own writing and in the writing of others (e.g., newspaper and magazine articles, textbook readings, and the like)

15. distinguish between general and specific ideas and details

16. recognize different points of view and evaluate certain ideas as to their logical consistency and truthfulness

COURSE OUTLINE: A. The Writing Process C. Grammar Improvement generating ideas run-ons drafting fragments revising subj-verb agreement editing consistent tense pronoun usage

B. Paragraph D. Specific Skills stating the main idea sentence skills unity punctuation mechanics word use modifiers



1) Essays 50% 2) Homework/Lab 20% 3) Reading Journals 10% 4) Summaries 10% 5) Quizzes 10%

COURSE REQUIREMENTS AND EVALUATION POLICY: 1. You will be required to complete six graded writing assignments of 200 to 400 words in at least two paragraphs. Each paper will reflect the stages of the writing process: inventing, drafting, rewriting, and editing/proofing. Essays will not be accepted late. Drafts will not be accepted late.

2. Assignments will not receive a grade until they have been through all four writing stages. The instructor is solely responsible for deciding when an assignment has been satisfactorily completed.

3. In order to develop the habit of thinking on paper, you will keep a reading journal. For each assigned reading (5 in all), you will write a MINIMUM OF 100 WORDS. In these entries, you may comment on the reading in any way you choose. Keep your entries in your binder/notebook and bring your binder/notebook to class everyday so that I can check your entries regularly.

4. I reserve the right to give additional quizzes--announced or unannounced--as needed.

c:\\fall.985\williams.985 2 5. Your final course grade will reflect your performance on the six essays, quizzes, completion of the journal, and the MCE. [NOTE: To pass the course, you must not only pass the classroom work but also the MCE.]

PAPER FORMAT: Drafts may be handwritten in ink (black or blue) or typed and should follow appropriate conventions. Paragraphs should be indented five spaces (do not skip extra lines between paragraphs), and you must write on every other line (or double-space if typing). Write on one side of the paper only. *Drafts and Essays will not be accepted late*

THE MINIMAL COMPETENCY EXAM (MCE): The MCE will be given on . Retakes will be given on . The exam is taken by all DWRI 090 students and graded by El Centro English faculty. In order to pass DWRI 090, you must pass both your classroom work and the MCE. More information about the exam will be forthcoming.

ATTENDANCE POLICY: You may not miss more than six class hours, whether those absences are excused or unexcused. Three tardies of 14 or fewer minutes constitute one absence, while any tardy of 15 or more minutes counts as an absence.

TSI INFORMATION: If you are enrolled in a developmental or ESOL class because you failed a section of an approved assessment test, you are expected to attend and participate in the course. If you do not attend, you will be solely responsible for any financial aid obligations that you may have incurred There will be no excused absences. Attendance may also be affected by your being tardy to class.

NOTIFICATION OF ABSENCE DUE TO RELIGIOUS HOLY DAY: If observance of a religious holy day will result in a class absence, you must notify me in writing no later than the 15th calendar day after the first class meeting. You will be required to make up any missed work.

ACADEMIC ETHICS STATEMENT “Any violation of the Student Code of Conduct (as printed in the El Centro College Catalog and available at http://www.dcccd.edu/cat9899/conduct.htm) will be penalized accordingly. All matters of academic dishonesty (plagiarism, collusion, fabrication, cheating, etc) will result in a failing grade for the assignment in question. All violations will be forwarded to the proper college authorities for review. The college may, at its discretion, impose additional penalties on the student including academic probation, suspension, or expulsion. ANY form of disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.

FINANCIAL AID STATEMENT: Students who are receiving any form of financial aid should check with the Financial Aid Office prior to withdrawing from classes. Withdrawals may affect your eligibility to receive further aid and could cause you to be in a position of repayment for the current semester. Students who fail to attend or participate after the drop date are also subject to this policy.

DROP POLICY: c:\\fall.985\williams.985 3 If you are unable to complete the course or courses for which you have registered, it is your responsibility to withdraw formally from the course. You need to speak with and obtain the signature of the course instructor to drop the course. If the instructor is not available, a counselor, advisor, or dean may sign the drop form. Failure to drop will result in a performance grade, usually a grade of "F." THE LAST DAY TO DROP FOR FALL SEMESTER IS April 12th.

CLASSROOM FORMAT: This is a course in writing and thinking, so participation in class discussion is vital. There is no such thing as a dumb question (unless, of course, you nod off and want to talk about things we covered while you were snoozing). El Centro is a place for learning, and you cannot learn without questioning, so please ask away. Don't be afraid of being wrong: making mistakes is fundamental to learning, and this class will value all comments and observations as representations of speakers' efforts to use and improve their minds. Given the importance of the spirit of inquiry and discussion, we will encourage it in our class by treating each other as colleagues, demonstrating respect for each other in all classroom discourse, and showing interest in each other's ideas. We will, then, all be courteous to each other. Part of what this means is that no one should bring ringing or beeping electronic devices.

CHILDREN IN CLASS AND UNACCOMPANIED CHILDREN POLICY: The institution strives to protect an environment most conducive to teaching and learning for all enrolled students. Minor children may not be brought to classrooms, labs, testing areas or study areas of the college. This practice is disruptive to the learning process. Children who are taking part in organized, scheduled activities or who are enrolled in specific classes are welcomed. For reasons of security and child welfare, the college will not permit unattended children to be left anywhere on the premises. Students/parents who have problems with childcare should visit the advisement/counseling center of the Adult Resource Center to receive referrals to childcare services in the area.

CONFERENCES: I cannot urge you strongly enough to consult with me as frequently as you need or want to. I am always happy to look at your drafts or worksheets, and I care about your success as a writer and as a person.

THE LEARNING CENTER: The Learning Center, located in the middle of the third floor in the A building, is a wonderful resource with a variety of resources to assist you. We will make a brief tour so that you will know what is available and how to use the resources.

COURSE CALENDAR: To allow us to adjust our schedule to the pace of the class, I will give you monthly course calendars. These calendars will detail all assignments and due dates.

DISABILITY ACCOMMODATIONS: Any student who may need accommodations due to a disability should contact the Disability Services Office, Room A110, phone (214) 860-2411.


c:\\fall.985\williams.985 4 The instructor reserves the right to modify dates, class presentations, testing and assignment due dates if unforeseen circumstances cause such an adjustment. Students will be notified of changes in writing.

Please note that El Centro College policy does not allow eating, drinking, or smoking in classrooms.

c:\\fall.985\williams.985 5 DWRI 090: COURSE CALENDER SPRING 2007

Day One

Diagnostic Test Introduction to the course Essay Writing Summary Writing Journal Writing

c:\\fall.985\williams.985 6

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