Ex 3:1-8A, 13-15 1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12 Lk 13:1-9 (30), Or, for Year A, Ex 17:3-7 Rom 5:1-2
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MARCH 3, 2013 “ Do you think that because these Galileans suffered in this THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT way they were greater sinners than all the other Galileans? EX 3:1-8A, 13-15 1 COR 10:1-6, 10-12 LK 13:1-9 (30), OR, FOR YEAR A, By no means! But I tell you, if you do not repent, you will all EX 17:3-7 ROM 5:1-2, 5-8 JN 4:5-42 OR 4:5-15, 19B-26, 39A, 40-42 (28) perish as they did.” Luke 13:2-3
We humans have struggled endlessly with the relationship of suffering and sin. Job’s friends kept insisting he must have done something wrong to deserve his torments.
When a major hurricane snapped a row of huge trees in my son’s rural yard, they fell away from their house trailer, not on top of it. So many people said: “God was really with you in “ Moses was tending the flock of his father-in-law Jethro, the that storm.” But does that mean God was not with the family priest of Midian. Leading the flock across the desert, he came to down the street who lost everything? That they were punished Horeb, the mountain of God. There an angel of the Lord appeared to him in fire flaming out of a bush. As he looked on, he was for some guilt? “By no means!” Jesus said. God is with us in surprised to see that the bush though on fire, was not disaster as well as in deliverance. consumed…. God called out to him from the bush, ‘Moses, Moses!’ He answered ‘Here I am.’ God said, ‘Come no nearer! Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place where you stand Jesus then exhorts us to repent or we will perish. When we sin is holy ground.” we turn away from God. Repentance is turning back around. Atoning. My favorite understanding of atonement is not—as I A memorable encounter of Moses. The place, a mountain, where God understood it as a child—paying God back for being bad. It is makes His presence known at Sinai Moriah, Horeb. A curious sign, a “at-one-ment.” An opening to God, right here and now. We burning bush, like the eternal flame in Washington or Paris. A voice, will not be exempt from suffering, but we will be held in love. similar to the Transfiguration or at the Jordan. We will not perish.
A message and mission is entrusted to him, telling the people of Israel of God’s concern as he witnessed their oppression and heard their Practice—Reflect on your experience of God’s presence in plea. Who is sending me, Moses asked, and the Lord revealed His hard times in your life. name ‘Yahweh.’ That is ‘Tell them I AM sent me to you.’ Prayer--- God, help me to be aware that I am one with you Sometimes we are mesmerized by the burning flame of a candle, or the quiet crackling of a log in a fire place. Our eyes become fixed on today, no matter what happens. them. In a quiet moment we realize too that we, this Lent, are living sacred moments and standing on holy ground. School News
We need not ascend a mountain or cross a desert to discover the Lord’s concern for us as He witnesses our needs and listens to our The Academy of St. Joseph extends a warm invite to our pleas for help. Lent is our retreat from the world to gather our spiritual parishioners to join us for our upcoming Open House on forces; to confront what is not holy, what is evil, what is not of God. Tuesday, March 5th.
Continuing our journey we discover His presence in prayer, service, in th others. Reading a Lenten reflection booklet, opening the scriptures We currently have 90 students in Pre K to 5 Grade. We are each day, responding by righting the wrongs in our life and world, accepting applications for the 2013-2014 academic year. We allows Lent 2013 to have real meaning. will be adding a Sixth Grade in the upcoming school year.
HIS WORD TODAY by Rev. William J. Reilly Please contact the school office if you have any questions about placements for the 2013-14 academic year (212-243- 5420). OUR COLLECTION
The collection for February 24th was $6340. Thank you. We encourage you to enroll via the Parish Pay website https://www.parishpay.com/ and click on the St. Joseph West Village CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES COLLECTION link. Use the paperless way to help our ministry. Next week, our parish will take up The Catholic Relief Here is a breakdown of our collection from last Sunday’s collection. Please do your best to be as generous as you can. Services Collection. This Collection supports six Catholic 5:30 Mass $627 9:00 Mass $2264 agencies that touch more than 100 million lives around the 11:30 Mass $1792 6:00 Mass $1435 world. The funds from this Collection help provide food to the Fuel $222 hungry, welcome and support to displaced refugees, and Please send your announcements and events to be included in advocacy for the voiceless. How will you help? Next week, the bbulletin to: communications @washingtonsquarecatholic.org please give generously to The Catholic Relief Services Collection and Jesus in disguise. Pain Is Not Punishment Dear Friends, I have had knee replacement surgery on March 1st Saturday, March 2 Mi 7:14-15, 18-20 Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 (235) and as a result will be in rehabilitation for several 12:10 PM Angelo & Carl Conetta weeks. Any speculation that I have left the parish to 5:30 PM Jennifer Alexander Sunday, March 3 get married (I am too old), or to find a better parish Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15 1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12 Lk 13:1-9 (30) (there is none!) or whatever, can be put to rest! 9:00 AM Roman Nikiporenok 11:30 AM Eugenia Sharapova . 6:00 PM Rachel D’Avino I am counting on your prayers during these days Monday, March 4 Saint Casimir ahead. The next time you see me I will be dancing! 2 Kgs 5:1-15b, Lk 4:24-30 (237) 12:10 PM Dr. Monica Lack 5:15 PM Sincerely, Tuesday, March 5 Dn 3:25, 34-43 Mt 18:21-35 (238) Fr. John 12:10 PM Dr. Monica Lack 5:15 PM The Cardinal’s Annual Appeal Wednesday, March 6 Dt 4:1, 5-9 Mt. 5:17-19 (239) 12:10 PM Aileen Corcoran-living The Cardinal’s Appeal is an annual fund that covers the 5:15 PM operating costs of the Archdiocese. These operation Thursday, March 7 Saints Perpetua and Felicity Jer 7:23-28 Lk 11:14-23 (240) costs include; Support for Needy Schools and Parishes, 12:10 PM Laura Payeur Academic and Spiritual Formation, Retired Priests and 5:15 PM Religious, Preparing our Clergy, Works of Charity and Friday, March 8 Saint John of God Hos 14:2-10 Mk 12:28-34 (241) Specialized Services. The needs of our own parish are 12:10 PM Laurence & Gertrude Nelson not lessened by the economic crisis…they are increased! 5:15 PM The Cardinal’s Appeal helps our Catholic institutions to Saturday, March 9 Saint Frances of Rome Hos 6:1-6 Lk 18:9-14 (242) care for the elderly, feed the hungry, teach the children 12:10 PM William Jordan-living the truth of our faith, support our beautiful church, 5:30 PM Boris Lorwin educate our future priests and support our retired religious. MONTHLY PARISH ACTIVITIES Sunday Children’s Religious 10:00 AM Casserly What is special about this year’s appeal is Cardinal Studies Dolan’s reminder to us, that sharing the gifts God has 10:00 AM Scripture Discussion Library given us binds us together as a community and a parish. Roman Forum 2:30 PM Casserly He reminds us that Stewardship is the idea that God has Lectures 7:00 PM Casserly/R Grad Law given us these gifts and it is our responsibility to share ectory those gifts with others through our time, talents and Monday treasures. 6:30 PM Centering Prayer Church Tuesday We understand as Christians that Lent is a time which involves great commitment to personal change, and Wednesday resolving to live a more responsible and humane life. Catholic 6:30 PM Korean Catholic Center at Therefore, this Lent, I invite you to prayerfully consider Students NYU your time, your talents and your treasures. Consider 1st Floor Lenten Confirmation 7:30 PM Back what it would mean to you to share these gifts. As you Class Parlor consider your gifts and thanksgiving, please realize that Thursday you are not alone in this effort. To date our Parish has 6:30 PM 1st /mo Pax Christi Bd Mtg PCMNY 7:00 PM Newman Club received $16,800 in pledges from 21 donors. Our goal is Catholic Center at 7:00 PM YATCH Club for $70,000. It is through your good will and compassion, NYU Young Adults your prayer and generosity that we all gather to share our 1st Floor- love and prayer here at Saint Joseph’s. 7:00PM Scripture Study Back Parlor Friday SAVE THE DATE 6:00 PM 1st/mo Novena/ Sacred Heart Church
Saturday On Sunday, March 17th after the 11:30 Mass, we will 10:00-3:00 PM Soup Kitchen Casserly have a celebration of both St. Patrick’s Day and St. 12:30 PM 1st/mo Blessing of the Sick Church Joseph’s Day. Please plan on coming! 6:00 PM Alcoholics Anonymous Casserly