______2008/SOM3/SCCP/002attE Agenda Item: 3(i)

Communication Strategy and Tier Stakeholder List

Purpose: Consideration Submitted by: Australia

Second Sub-Committee on Customs Procedures Meeting Cusco, Peru 14-17 August 2008 Single Window Working Group Phase 2 - Communication Strategy and Tier 2 List

The APEC Sub Committee on Customs Procedures (SCCP) Single Window Working Group (SWWG) Phase 2 was established to deliver the six recommendations in the APEC SCCP Single Window Strategic Plan 2007. The terms of reference for the Phase 2 working group have been designed to support this work.

A tiered approach to engagement has been incorporated into the terms of reference as a direct result of the strong private sector involvement in the single window workshop held in Sydney, April 2007.

Tier 1 Tier 1 Members of the APEC SCCP SWWG Phase 2 are the 13 SCCP Member economies: Australia (Chair); Canada; China; Japan; Korea; New Zealand; Peru; Philippines; Singapore; Chinese Taipei; Thailand; United States and Viet Nam.

The Members will be supported by subject matter expert participants from the APEC Electronic Commerce Steering Group (ECSG), Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Secretariat, United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT) and World Customs Organization (WCO).

Tier 2 The Tier 2 stakeholder list is a way to involve a wider range of stakeholders in the development of the outputs over the next 2 years whilst at the same time keeping the core group (Tier 1) to a size conducive with delivering timely results.

The Tier 2 stakeholders will be relevant industry and/or government representatives nominated by the SCCP Member from within their economy.

It will be the SCCP Member's responsibility to keep their economy Tier 2 organisations advised of the group's progress and provide the SWWG with an economy response.

There will be other relevant organisations that are not economy specific for example World Bank and the WTO. The SWWG Chair will be responsible for drafting the non-economy specific Tier 2 organisations list and advising these stakeholders of the group’s progress.

It is intended that communication with Tier 2 stakeholders will be via email but also encourage relevant APEC event organisers to use this list when inviting participants to workshops and other events.

The Tier 2 stakeholder list is a living document that the group will update and have approved biannually at SCCP meetings for the life of the SWWG Phase 2 term.

Tier 3 The Tier 3 wider output distribution will be the responsibility of all SWWG Phase 2 members and involves the unrestricted distribution of the final outputs developed by the SWWG. Single Window Working Group Phase 2 Tier 2 Participants

Proposing International Organisation Name E-mail Economy Stakeholder Name International Ms Rita Filiaggi E-freight Legal Counsel, [email protected] Not Economy International Air Transport Specific Association (IATA) Mr Irfan Rahim Head of Cargo Section, [email protected] International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Mr Marc Juhel Transport and Logistics [email protected] Adviser, World Bank GFP: Global Facilitation Partnership for Transportation Proposing International Organisation Name E-mail Economy Stakeholder Name and Trade Mr Daniel Bloch Manager, International [email protected] Federation of Freight Forwarders Association (FIATA) Mrs Ju-Song Lee Advisor, International Chamber [email protected] of Commerce (ICC Asia) Mr Rob Battistel Secretary, Observer for the [email protected] Conference of Asia Pacific Express Couriers (CAPEC) Ms Alexandra HO APEC Business Advisory [email protected] Council (ABAC)

Australia Professor David CEO, Centre for Customs & [email protected] Widdowson Excise Studies, Canberra University Mr Hal Morris Executive Director Australian [email protected] Logistics Council Mr Daniel Tehan Director, Trade Policy and [email protected] International Affairs, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mr Louis Gross Chairman, Customs and [email protected] International Transactions Committee, Business Law Section, Law Council of Australia Mr Paul Angel Director Australian Federation [email protected] of International Forwarders (AFIF) Susan Blackwell Executive Officer, Ports [email protected] Australia Mr Stephen Morris Executive Director, Customs [email protected] Brokers and Forwarders Council of Australia Mr Winton Brocklebank Director Aviation Security, [email protected] Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Mr Peter Bignell Australian Quarantine and [email protected] Inspection Service Mr Roberto Bergami Senior Lecturer, School of [email protected] Applied Economics Faculty of Business and Law, Victoria University Mr Trevor Long General Manager, Group [email protected] Facilitation, Board of Airline Representatives of Australia Mr John Collins Managing Director, [email protected] Collins Textile Group, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mr Kevin Reilly Institute of Chartered [email protected] Accountants Mr Geoff Clark International Air Couriers [email protected] Association of Australia Mr Eddy Declercq Shipping Australia [email protected] Mr Peter van Duyn Stevedoring Industry [email protected]

Canada Ms Alice Canadian Association of [email protected] PERESDASILVA Importers and Exporters Ms Carol OSMOND Canadian Association of [email protected] Importers and Exporters Mr Colin WORLEY Canadian Produce Marketing [email protected] Association Mr James PHILIPS Canadian American Border [email protected] Trade Alliance Mr John MOCCIA Association of International [email protected] Customs and Border Agencies Ms Michelle CRIGER Canadian Society of Customs [email protected] Brokers Mr Bruce G BOWIE Canadian Shipowners [email protected] Association



Korea J-Ho LEE Korea Customs UNI-PASS [email protected] Internationalization Association Sang-Won LIM Korea Institute for Electronic [email protected] Commerce

New Zealand Mr Ashley MUDFORD Manager Information [email protected] Management, New Zealand Food Safety Authority Mr Graham WILSON Chief IT Architect, Ministry of [email protected] Agriculture & Forestry-Bio Security New Zealand Ms Rosemarie Executive Director, Customs [email protected] DAWSON Brokers & Freight Forwarders Federation Ms Denise McCAMISH Confederation of Asia Pacific [email protected] Express Couriers Mr Garth WYLLIE Chair, Tomorrows Cargo [email protected] Logistics forum Mr Bob WALTERS CEO, Export New Zealand [email protected]

Peru Mr Gustavo De Las Peruvian Customs Brokers [email protected] Casas Association Mr Juan Carlos León Peruvian Exporters [email protected] Siles Association Mr Martín Chavez Peruvian Forwarders [email protected] Association

Mr Roberto De La Tore Lima Chamber of Commerce [email protected] Aguayo Ms Iliana Bordo Molina Peruvian National Society of [email protected] International Trade Mr Federico De Aparici Peruvian National Society of [email protected] Industry


Singapore CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd [email protected]

Chinese Taipei YANG, Shu-Ping Peter, TILA Taiwan international tilatwn @ ms75.hinet.net Chairman of TILA logistics Association Alicia Say, WG leader, Pan-Asian e- [email protected] Commence Alliance(PAA) alicia77@[email protected]

Thailand Mr. Mankorn Vice Chairman, The [email protected] Dhanasarnsilp Federation of Thai Industry

Mr. Anukul Deputy Secretary General, The [email protected] Tamprasirt Federation of Thai Industry

Mr. Tong Vice President, The Thai [email protected] Tangsritrakul Licensed Customs Brokers Association


Viet Nam