5 Colombo Street, Victoria Park

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5 Colombo Street, Victoria Park

Weekly Newsletter of the Christian Reformed Church of Perth Inc. 5 Colombo Street, Victoria Park Worship service times: Sundays 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Pastor: Reinier Noppers CHRISTIAN WHEATBELT FELLOWSHIP Phone: 9356 7490 Pastor: Geoff van Schie Mobile: 0450 926 707 6 Booth Street, Email: [email protected] WONGAN HILLS 6603 Phone: 08 9671 13 49 Church Website: Email: [email protected] www.crcperth.org.au

April 12th 2015 AD Worship Services In Perth

9:30 a.m. T. van Drimmelen Matthew 27:62 – 28:15 “Which Watcher are You?” 5:30 p.m. D. Kroon John 10:1-18, 1 Peter 1:3-5 “Life”

WELCOME A warm welcome to all who have come to the services today, and a special welcome to visitors. May the Lord bless each of us as we worship together: that His Name may be glorified and that we encouraged and strengthened in faith. A crèche is available at the back of the building for those who wish to use it for children aged 0-4 years of age. Join us for refreshments after the service.

Meditation “Hallelujah!” This Hebrew word of jubilation “Man of Sorrows!” what a name is often used carelessly, yet it contains the For the Son of God, who came very name of God in abbreviated form. It Ruined sinners to reclaim! literally means, “Praise Yah!” There is Hallelujah, what a Saviour! perhaps no better use for this sacred phrase than to praise Yahweh for coming as our Bearing shame and scoffing rude, Saviour to die in our place. In my place condemned He stood— Sealed my pardon with His blood: Philip P. Bliss wrote both the words and Hallelujah, what a Saviour! music for “Hallelujah, What a Saviour!” The song combines messianic prophecies from Guilty, vile and helpless we, Isaiah with the fulfilled reality of what Jesus Spotless Lamb of God was He; has done for us. It is both a sobering reminder Full atonement! Can it be? of how much He suffered and at the same Hallelujah, what a Saviour! time a joyous celebration of the victory we have as a result. Lifted up was He to die, “It is finished,” was His cry; The last verse, however, dramatically changes Now in heav’n exalted high: the mood. It switches from the past tense to Hallelujah, what a Saviour! the future—from His completed sacrifice to His coming return. There is no more hint of When He comes, our glorious King, sorrow, only eternity in which to praise Him. All His ransomed home to bring, “Hallelujah, what a Saviour!” Then anew this song we’ll sing: Hallelujah, what a Saviour! By Chuck Mcknight Pastoral will be playing in Perth on April 18 Once again a warm welcome to Tony van Sons of Korah at Red Door Community Church in Cockburn Drimmelen, who will be leading us in worship Central. this morning, and also to Dan Kroon, who will be leading us in worship this evening. This is our regular Classis preaching exchange and I will be in Wilson. May God bless the preaching of His Word and the worship of His people. Ina Eikelboom has had a mild stroke on Good Friday and is currently having treatment and further tests in Fiona Stanley Hospital. So far there has been steady improvement and we thank God for that, even as we pray for ongoing recovery and healing for Ina. Grab your tickets at www.sonsofkorah.com Arie VanderLinden continues to weaken, and we commend him to God’s care. Our prayers also remain with Mary in this time of trial. Let us also CYCLONE PAM EMERGENCY RELIEF APPEAL The media has shown the huge destruction caused by remember others who struggling with their health, cyclone Pam. While the death toll is not large, the physical such as Ken Loos and Yvonne Herft, as well as needs are great. The 6 March cyclone was the worst to strike John Kik as he continues to recover from shoulder Vanuatu in their recorded history. surgery. Pastor Reinier The World Development and Relief sub-committee of our churches would like all our members to consider responding individually to the appeal for the relief work in Vanuatu by making a personal donation on line. Prayerfully consider making a gift in Jesus name.

ANNOUNCEMENTS Please make your donation by Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) to World Development & Relief (WD&R) and simply Profession of Faith. Session is delighted to designate "Vanuatu" in the reference section when announce that Luke Ossevoort, Bethia vander Kooij making your donation. Anneke and Klarinda de Jager have all indicated their desire to do their Public Profession of Faith. They have All gifts must be received electronically by WD&R for victims met with some of the elders and we joyfully agree with of Cyclone Pam, no later than Monday 13 April (that is their request. If there are no lawful objections, they will TOMORROW) will be forwarded on Wednesday 15 April. The profess their faith in the morning service on Sunday WD&R appeal will then be concluded 19th April, 2015. After considering various options, WD&R feels that Catechism: classes are on a short break, due to either TEAR Australia or TEAR New Zealand are the best school holidays and the Anzac Day long weekend. place to help according to our guidelines. We will start again on Monday 4th May. One of these will be the agency through which we wil channel all the gifts which come from the CRCA members. Classis Meeting to discuss Synod reports will be on The EFT details Saturday 18th April, at the Gosnells church, beginning Name: WDR at 8:30 a.m. . Anyone interested in reading the Bank: Westpac Synodical material please ask for a copy. BSB: 037 608 A/C: 131 745 Mark “Vanuata”

Please note. All donations made via EFT via W.D.&R. will BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK qualify for a tax deductible receipt as long as we have Tuesday 14th April Mitchell O’Sullivan contact details. Simply send an email to [email protected] stating the Wednesday 15th April Eril Morgan th amount of your donation and a receipt will be emailed to Thursday 16 April Rob Morgan you.

Thanks to all who responded by forwarding gifts to those SENIOR MEN OF OUR CHURCHES affected by this cyclone. We plan to have our next meeting Lord willing, on TUESDAY 21st APRIL, 10 a.m. at the Peletier home, "Reading the Word of God for yourselves, reading it 26a Bridge Street, Wilson. 10 a.m. rather than notes upon it, is the surest way of growing Our guest will be DAVID LOWE, in grace. Drink of the unadulterated milk of the Word of WA Director for Family Voice Australia. God, and not of the skim milk." Charles Spurgeon All very welcome. Jan

Dear partners in the gospel of our Lord Jesus that time doing something else, so I placed the items Christ, on top of the boot of my car, ready to take the items Can I please ask you to join the Church Planting Taskforce inside the house later. But when I had finished with in concerted pray for the work of church planting? We what I was doing, I needed to take the car to the depend on God, and believe that He is willing and able to shop and in the meantime, it started to rain and yes, answer our prayers. Between Easter and Pentecost no prizes for guessing what happened next………..I Sunday we would ask congregations to focus on the work forgot about the mail I left on the car-boot. Not all of church planting in their congregational prayers. Here is was lost however. Next day, I was happy to find two the prayer point(s) for this coming Sunday 12 April 2015 wet envelopes in the mailbox and I was thankful that somebody had gone the trouble to pick up the Pray for Wilson Christian Church, Wilson, WA envelopes from the street and shove them in my Over the past two years Wilson church, along with letterbox. But then, when I opened the envelopes I help from Willetton Christian Church, has run a soup kitchen in a local public housing area. Through this wasn’t that happy any more……….. bills for me to ministry we have been able to connect with a vast pay. But where was the Creation Magazine and why range of people; some come because they are hungry was that not returned to me? I’m convinced that the and some because they are lonely. Over this time person who had found the envelopes had also picked have had the opportunity to, not only feed hungry up the, in plastic covered magazine that didn’t get bellies and share time with lonely people, but also to wet and that the curiosity of that person got the share the hope of the gospel. We have seen a number better of him or her and took it home to read. If that of people connect with church and we continue pray were true, I wouldn’t be surprised because the that God will increase that number. For more magazine is a colourful periodical and the front information about other new CRCA churches being covers are attractive both to children as well as planted, check out the link to new churches on the adults. Inside of course, there are numerous articles CRCA website: http://www.crca.org.au/about-the- not only for scholars but also for children, teens, crca/new-churches.html .Prayer Point: students and laypeople. Subscribers to the Creation  That God will continue to give us a heart for magazine will know that it features also “readers’ the lost and the discipline to make time in our feedback” section and from that we know too well lives to genuinely connect with the mission that God has used and is still using these periodicals field around us. to bring many a reader to Himself. The thrust of this article is to remind the reader that there are better ways to distribute the Creation RALLY FOR LIFE: Tuesday 12th May, publications than leaving them on top of your car- boot. 2015 When God opens doors and provide for us ways and means to share the Gospel, then we should grab This event will mark the 17th anniversary of legalised these opportunities and we, the subscribers, can do abortion in Western Australia and commemorate the over that by leaving older issues of the Creation 141,000 babies killed by abortion since May 1998. publication at places like doctors’ or dentists’ waiting This year there will be a particular focus on the "missing rooms or even leave them at bus shelters. Who generation". The first cohort of babies legally aborted in knows how God may use these simple efforts to bring Western Australia in 1998 would have been turning 17 this in His elect. On many occasions, God has used the year. Like other 17 year olds they would have been magazine to convert even the most unlikely graduating from high school, getting their drivers' licenses, disbeliever and sceptic person. thinking about university, apprenticeships, and careers. (Gerard Cozynsen, on behalf of Gosnells CRC Tragically, they were never given this chance and we will outreach group.) never know what contribution they might have made to our community. Russian Fundraiser for 2015 Assemble at Florence Hummerston Reserve, Help support Phillip Oostryck ( from our own Corner St George’s Terrace and Mount Street congregation) and others who will be participating in at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday 12 May. the Russian Mission Trip this year. We will then walk to Parliament House and join with prolife MPs to rally outside Parliament House to continue to show We are excited to make the ‘Revelation Unveiled’ event our objection to abortion. Please put the date in your diary available South of the river on Saturday May 9th at 7pm and come and speak for LIFE. at the Elizabeth Jolley Lecture Theatre at Curtin University DON’T FOLLOW MY EXAMPLE - THERE IS A BETTER The production has been written and composed by Rev Joe WAY! Vermeulen and is presented by the music team and choir of I subscribe to the bimonthly Creation Magazine. the Grace Christian Reformed Church. It was received with However, I didn’t read the last issue. Not for reason a standing ovation when first performed north of the river that I didn’t receive it in the mail nor for reason that I earlier this year. The link below will give you a little didn’t have the time to read it. appetizer!! Let me explain……. The proceeds of this event will go towards the 2 Russian A week or two ago, I checked my letterbox and found teams leaving end of June this year. Philip Oostryck will be 2 envelopes plus the Creation Magazine which was part of that this year, so your presence will be a real wrapped, as usual, in plastic. I was rather busy at encouragement to him! www.youtube.com/watch? v=pnZly9oyg90&feature=youtu.be

Tickets are $15 each and Philip Oostryck will gladly sell them to you as of today! Manoah Market Day this coming th Saturday 18 April Come visit us during the morning, enjoy a stroll around the village and browse through the stalls WHAT’S ON THIS WEEK (Craft, 2nd hand items, books, plants) WEDNESDAY 9:30 a.m. Bread @ the church There will be plenty of food to buy, including croquets and olliboellen, cakes to take home. SATURDAY April 18th There is also a place for you to sit enjoy a cuppa 8:30 a.m. Classis Meeting @at CRC GOSNELLS, and an opportunity to talk to friends. Mills Road, Gosnells There is still time for you to sort out your bits 9:00 a.m. Manoah Market Day and pieces in your shed, cupboards and bookshelves and donate your unwanted items @ Manoah 86 Mills Road, Martin for resale to the second hand STALL. We would also love to receive some SUNDAY 9:30 a.m. Profesion of Faith of Luke, Bethia, home-made cakes, cookies, slices, preserves, Anneke and Klarinda @ CRC PERTH pickles and jams to sell on the cake stall. Your donations help provide the necessary equipment and furnishings so others can call Manoah HOME. Every $$dollar helps in the effort to continue to provide for those who no longer can fully look after themselves. DONATIONS can be dropped at the Manoah Office during the week or phone Willy Louw 9398 1902 Second Offerings April 12th Reformed Theological College Manoah: 86 Mills Road, Martin April 19th Diaconate April 26th Train Workgroup

Please utilize the church’s electronic banking. Banking details: Commonwealth Bank of Australia Christian Reformed Church of Perth BSB: 066 153 #: 1002 5589 Mark as tithe or first offering or the name of the second offering (ie. Reformed Theological College) WORSHIP MINISRY

Date Duty Greeters Data Sound Video Musician Preacher Elder April 12th Raymond Hetty & Evan Isaak James Rebecca T. van Drimmelen Willem D. Kroon April 19th Steve Jacqueline & Paul Luke James Rachel Noppers Raymond Nieuwkerk April 26th a.m. Bardi Yvonne & Luke Johan James Elsa Noppers p.m. Steve Paul Nieuwkerk May 3rd a.m. Henry Bardi & Evan Paul v/d Kooij James Rebecca C. van Echten Jannet J. de Jongh

HELPING HANDS Please arrange your own swap if you are unable to do your duty.

Date Coffee Fellowship Crèche Sunday School April 12th Janong, Oostryck Mieke, Rebekah, Klarinda Holidays April 19th de Jager, Victor Ilizebel, Jordan, Joshua Holidays April 26th Noppers, Alberts Jacqueline, Saara, Nelson Mieke & Vanessa May 3rd Husselmann, Nieuwkerk, Melody, Bethia, Beslin Yvonne & Saara John v/d Berg

“If we are to be like Jesus, we must have regular time talking to God and listening to his Word.” Max Lucado

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