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The Mission Of Our Church First Presbyterian Sharing the grace of God, creating a warm and welcoming Church environment and 133 South Main Street making our church a vibrant Mount Holly, North Carolina witness to the community and the 704 827-0521 world through worship, Bible study, discipleship, outreach and service to those in need.
Pastor Janet B. DeWater Pastor Emeritus Wilson P. Rhoton, Jr. Director of Music J. Nelson Whittington Administrative Assistant Yvonne E. Webb Twenty First Sunday After Pentecost Treasurer Stefanie F. Faith October 29, 2017 Eleven O’Clock Missionary Celebrating the 500th Anniversary of Sandi Thompson-Royer The Reformation
THE CHURCH GATHERS AROUND THE SESSION THE WORD CLERK OF SESSION: Brenda R. McKinney PRELUDE “Joy ASSISTANT CLERK: Jayn L. Cox Medley” arr. Mark Hayes CLASS OF 2017 CLASS OF 2018 CLASS OF 2019 WELCOME AND CONCERNS (Please Karen L. Jones sign the Ritual of Friendship Pad and greet those around Jayn L. Cox Jeffrey L. Kaylor Donna S. you.) Love Nanette M. Kaylor Henry H. Massey, Jr. Brenda R. GATHERING MUSIC “Amazing McKinney B. Warren Rhinehart Harman G. Poplin Kathryn L. Grace/My Chains are Gone” Jonathan Williamson Sandra H. Rhyne Brackett *CALL TO WORSHIP Pastor: God has been our dwelling place through generations. TRUSTEES People: In God, we are home. CLASS OF 2017 CLASS OF Pastor: In God, we find grace upon grace; 2018 CLASS OF 2019 James F. Love III Paul L. People: grace that is freely given. Solomon Paul L. Bumgarner Pastor: We dwell in God. People: Thanks be to God! THE CHURCH RESPONDS TO THE WORD *HYMN #229 (Blue Hymnal or screens) *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH (From “From All That Dwell Below the Skies” “Getting to Know the Presbyterian Church”) Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, *PRAYER OF CONFESSION the love of God, and the communion of the Living God, you are always creating and re- Holy Spirit, we trust in the one triune God, creating. And yet, we confess that our lives the Holy One of Israel, whom alone we can become static, routine, or paralyzed by worship and serve. God comes to us in free doubt and fear. When we are unsure of your and undeserved favor in the person of Jesus promises of abundant, everlasting life, Christ who lived, died, and rose for us that forgive us. When our souls remain still; we might belong to God and serve Christ in when we do not love as you love; when we the world. Following Jesus, Presbyterians fail to live in the courage, generosity and are engaged in the world and in seeking boldness of the gospel, we ask that you thoughtful solutions to the challenges of would renew us by your Spirit. Reform us our time. Presbyterians affirm that God with your compassion and guide us to live comes to us with grace and love in Jesus more fully in Christ. (Silence is observed Christ so that we might have eternal and for a moment of personal confession.) abundant life in him. As Christ’s disciples, called to ministry in his name, we seek to *DECLARATION OF PARDON continue his mission of teaching the truth, feeding the hungry, healing the broken, and *SONG OF RESPONSE #582 (Purple welcoming strangers. God sends the Holy Spirit to dwell within us, giving us the Hymnal/Insert) (Stanza 1) “Glory to God” energy, intelligence, imagination, and love TIME WITH OUR CHILDREN to be Christ’s faithful disciples in the Children: The Peace of Christ be with you. world. Congregation: And also with you. *HYMN #260 (Blue Hymnal or Screens) “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” *PASSING OF THE PEACE PASTORAL PRAYER AND THE THE CHURCH PROCLAIMS THE WORD LORD’S PRAYER THE OFFERING “You may place your PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION 5 Cents A Meal Offering in the basket.” FIRST SCRIPTURE READING Offertory “Fairest Lord Jesus” arr. Erinn Schwarz Psalm 90:1-6, 16-17 page *Doxology *Offertory Prayer (Unison) 547 Receive these gifts O God, and use ANTHEM them to keep on reforming this community of faith. Lead us forth in “Amazing Grace” arr. John generosity, faith and joy. Amen. Coates, Jr. SECOND SCRIPTURE READING THE CHURCH BEARS AND FOLLOWS THE WORD INTO THE WORLD Matthew 22:34-40 page *HYMN #461 (Blue Hymnal or Screens)
25 (Stanzas 1 & 4) “God Is Here” *CHARGE AND BENEDICTION VIDEO SERMON “Luther *RESPONSE: “May the Lord Bless and The Reformation” You” (See Screens) Congregation & Choir
*POSTLUDE 3:00PM Session Meeting “Postlude in C” Michael Thomas Usher In Charge: Donna Love *Please rise in body or in spirit. A worship nursery is provided for young children.
Welcome to all of you visiting with us this morning. We are happy you are here and Proposed Church Workday hope you find the worship and fellowship to The proposed church workday will be be enjoyable. If you do not have a church postponed until a later date. Many of home and would be interested in hearing the bushes that needed trimming were more about this church, please ask the pastor or one of the ushers. We invite you taken care of by a church angel. Once to visit our website at a list of both inside and outside projects for more information are determined, we will schedule a date concerning the church. We welcome your and time to complete the projects. participation in the worship, fellowship and mission of this church. Children are Welcome in Worship Children are welcome in worship, Today during our Worship Service we will wiggles, giggles and all! We value celebrate the 500th anniversary of Martin their presence with us as we worship Luther’s 95 Theses. Be sure and read the God. Following the “Time with insert in this bulletin for more information Children,” Activity Bags are provided pertaining to this. each week for the children. For children under the age of five years, nursery care is available in the office/classroom building next door. Children will be escorted there following the “Time with Children.” Parents are most welcome to escort their children as PLEASE PRAY FOR: well. Victims of earthquake, hurricane, fire, violence and our homebound Our partner church in Actual Budgeted Guatemala, Presbytery’s Prayer Receipts Church – Ellenboro Requirements Over/(Under) Last Sunday $6,445.00 $3,860.91 $2,584.09 Year to Date $144,340.81 $165,946.32 ($21,605.51) THIS WEEK'S ACTIVITIES CRO – YTD $2,267.36 5 Cents A Meal Sunday, October 29, 2017 – YTD $884.71 11:00 AM Morning Worship Service/Reformation Sunday/5 Cents A Meal THIS WEEK'S ACTIVITIES 12:15 PM Christian Education Committee meeting Sunday, October 29, 2017 11:00 AM Morning Worship Wednesday, November 1, 2017 Service/Reformation Sunday/5 Cents A 6:00 PM Handbell Practice Meal 7:00 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal 12:15 PM Christian Education Committee meeting Next Sunday, November 5, 2017 11:00 AM Morning Worship Service/All Wednesday, November 1, 2017 Saints’ Sunday/Communion 6:00 PM Handbell Practice Daylight Saving Time Ends 7:00 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal Next Sunday, November 5, 2017 presence with us as we worship God. 11:00 AM Morning Worship Service/All Following the “Time with Children,” Saints’ Sunday/Communion Activity Bags are provided each week for Daylight Saving Time Ends the children. For children under the age 3:00PM Session Meeting of five years, nursery care is available in the office/classroom building next door. Children will be escorted there following Usher In Charge: Donna Love the “Time with Children.” Parents are most welcome to escort their children as well.
Proposed Church Workday The proposed church workday will be postponed until a later date. Many of the Actual Budgeted bushes that needed trimming were taken Receipts care of by a church angel. Once a list of Requirements Over/(Under) both inside and outside projects are Last Sunday $6,445.00 determined, we will schedule a date and $3,860.91 $2,584.09 time to complete the projects. Year to Date $144,340.81 $165,946.32 ($21,605.51) CRO – YTD $2,267.36 5 Children are Welcome in Worship Cents A Meal – YTD $884.71 Children are welcome in worship, wiggles, giggles and all! We value their