Courtesy of Ilana Ben-Ezra
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YHS AP Euro History Midterm Courtesy of Ilana Ben-Ezra
Chapter 12: IDs: John Wyclif – led lollards, had ideas like 16th cent refo, pope shouldn’t have pwr over secular world, e/o should read bible Jan Huss 1. ended schism 2. excommunicated by church in 1411 Hundred Years’ War 1. b/w France and England 2. Queen Isabella (E) tried to make her son Edward III king of France 3. England wants Aquitaine back, given to France in Treaty of Paris 1259 4. Caused nationalization, last days of chivalry 5. After France wins Orleans b/c of Joan Of Arc war goes good for France 6. Caused a. England – disorder, drop in wool exports, parliament established, King cant tax without Parliaments permission b. France – population decresse peasant get better wage for labor b/c less ppl, taxation, reduced commerce Conciliar Movement 1. refo of church through periodic assembly representing the people 2. pope gets pwr from ppl 3. pope’s pwr balanced with general assembly 4. church subordinate to state Fur-collar Crime 1. committed by aristocracy after 100 yr war b/c they wanted more money b/c on fixed income with inflation 2. stole from poor
1. What were the consequences of the 1347-1348 pandemic known as the Black Death? a. Less ppl so better pay for work, art and literature was morbid, culture deteriorated 2. Explain how the Babylonian Captivity, Great Schism, and church practices like simony, nepotism, and pluralism contributed to the loss of church prestige in the fourteenth century. a. Ppl lost trust in the church b/c didn’t follow what they preached and were confused about who to follow
Chapter 13: Renaissance Petrarch 1. early renaissance humanist father of humanism Machiavelli
©2008 YHS and Ilana Ben-Ezra 1. wrote The Prince 2. better for ruler to be feared than loved, but both ideal Leonardo da Vinci 1. great renissance painter 2. mona lisa 3. respected Raphael 1. great renissance artist 2. school of athens Michelangelo 1. great renissance artist 2. st. Peters basilica 3. sistine chapel 4. david Medicis 1. importatant banking family in florence, held most power Renaissance 1. rebirth of roman and greek culture 2. more secular in Italy and religous in north Individualism 1. importance of uniuquness 2. ppl had ambition quest for glory Secularism 1. focus on material not spiritual 2. e/t explained through the senses Quattrocento 1. cultural and artistic events of 15th cent Italy Humanism 1. studied latin classics to learn about ppl 2. emphasized humans and their acomplishments, interests, and ablilities New Monarchs 1. wanted national propose and royal authority 2. France a. Louis XI (spider king) 1461-83 – taxed heavily, saw $ as sulution to probs 3. England a. Henery VII – won control after War of Roses, took control from parliment by using diplomacy not war, Royal Council used middle class and ruled exec jud leg, star chamber used torture 4. Spain a. Ferdianad and Isabella – Royal council uses middle class and rules all aspects at local level, national church, expell jews moors muslims
3. Why was the renaissance born in the Italian city-states? Why was Florence one of the most important and why were the Medicis one of the most important families?
©2008 YHS and Ilana Ben-Ezra a. b/c of ecomomic growth that was able to support art, population growth, more pwr to self-governing cities b. Florence initiated renaissance, major banking city, processed wool (suppoted many ppl) c. Medicis imp b/c ran banks 4. How were the new values of the Renaissance reflected in the art of the period? a. Emphasis on individuals and plight of poor 5. How did printing transform the public and private lives of Europeans? a. Allowed propaganda to be spread, stimulated literacy 6. What distinguished the Northern Renaissance from the Italian Renaissance? a. North more religious than Italian 7. How did the states outside Italy (France, England, Spain) develop during the Renaissance (New Monarchs)? a. King had little control so used aggressive means to control
Chapter 14: Reformation IDs: Luther 1. didn’t like indulgences 2. doctrine of faith alone man good b/c had grace of g-d 3. bible is Christian authority Tetzel 1. sold indulgences Henry VIII 1. b/c pope didn’t annul his marriage doesn’t follow church or let England follow Thomas More 1. wrote Utopia 2. improve individuals to improve institutions Anglican Church 1. Church Of England 2. Made by Elizabeth I 3. protestant 95 Theses 1. made by Luther protesting sale of indulgences Peace of Augsburg 1555 1. each gov could choose own religion (Prod or Cath)
8. What were Luther’s criticisms of the church? a. Indulgences, pluralism, simony (sale of offices), general immorality of clergy 9. How did his form of Protestant beliefs differ from the Catholic Church (summarize pages 457-59)? a. see above 10. Why was he more successful in his attempt to reform the church than John Wyclif and Jan Huss a century earlier?
©2008 YHS and Ilana Ben-Ezra a. b/c won support of germany 11. What was distinct about Calvinism? a. Appealed to human reason, predetermination (G-d saves few ppl), few ppl have own grace 12. In what ways did the Renaissance cause or influence the Reformation? a. Revoltionized thinkingapproach to religion 13. Explain Henry VIII’s personal, political, social, and economic motivations for the Protestant reformation in England. a. To annul marriage b. Subjects required to acknowledge king as religious head c. Free from $ obligations to church 14. How did the Catholic Church fight back against Protestantism? a. Council of Trent 1545 – justification by works and faith, pope = center of catholic, reject faith in only bible, b. Jesuits - missionaries
Chapter 15: Religious Wars and Exploration IDs: Philip II 1. thought of religion (Cath), became monk like Catherine de Medici 1. Queen to Henry II of France 2. After his death ruled in place of his kids 3. gave Huegnots (Prods) ability to observe locally 4. St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre – killed huegnots when Henry of Bourbon married one civil war Henry of Navarre/ Bourbon 1. gave huegnots more liberties St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre- see above Huguenots 1. protestants in France Politiques 1. peace over rlgn Edict of Nantes 1. every noble has right to be prod in their house and have service, 2. gave prods same rights and Cath Three Henrys 1. Henry III (king) and Henry Guise murdered Henry of Bourbon (Henry IV) rules but isn’t cath, is prod 2. Henry IV not recognized by Catholics converts to Cath to prevent civil war but gives Huegnots rlgs liberty Bohemia 1. Czechs scared of losing prod liberties 2. Elect Calvanist Elelector Defenestration of Prague 1.initiated 30 yr war
©2008 YHS and Ilana Ben-Ezra 2. Czech prods threw HRE messengers out window Peace of Westphalia 1. ended 30 yr war 2. renewed Peace Of Augsburg (state can choose Prod, Cath, Calvanism) 3. Grmn states don’t have pwr in foreign relations unless unanimously unite 4. HRE pwrless 5. Dutch and Swedes independent Council of Troubles 1. Made by Phillip II 2. after ppl rebel sentence them to death, raise taxes 3. b/c of this, Dutch unified in opposition to Spanish Columbus 1. looking for India, but found west indies 2. Spanish tried to out due Portuguese
15. How and why did religious wars begin in France? a. b/c lots of Prods in country but attached to church b. started by st. Bartholomew’s day massacre angered huegnots 16. Why did the Netherlands revolt against Spain? a. Didn’t like Phillip II of Spain’s Cath control b/c they were prod 17. Explain how the Thirty Years’ War was a German Civil war (about Catholicism v. Protestantism) and an international war involving most major European powers. a. Cvl b/c – happened within grmn states and about breaking from HRE (cath) b. Intntnl b/c had to ally with prod or cath countries 18. Briefly define the four phases of the Thirty Years’ War: Bohemian (1618-1625), Danish (1625-1629), Swedish (1630-1635) and Swedish-French (1635-1648) (also called the French or International Phase). a. Bohemian – Spanish win pwr b. Danish – Prod refo undone c. Swedish – wanted prod refo back attack grmny with france d. Swedish –French – grmn resentment of invasion e/t france supported prods 19. List and explain the consequences of the Peace of Westphalia. a. See above 20. What was the impact of the encounter between Europe and the Americas on both regions? a. Cultural diffusion, spread of diseases, cath spread to Americas, enslavement of Americans, founding of reources
Chapter 16: Absolutism and Constitutionalism in the West IDs: Absolutism 1. absolute control of monarch Constitutionalism
©2008 YHS and Ilana Ben-Ezra 2. follow constitution not king Richelieu 1. politique 2. helped France economically 3. ruled for Marie de Medci and Louis XIII Louis XIII 1. ruled by Richelieu Louis XIV 1. absolute monarch 2. less regional pwr unify France under centeral gov 3. controls army 4. Versailles – grand court of France 5. No estates general 6. Councils of State – middle class or new nobles 7. Tax nobles not lower class for $ b/c of war 8. Colbert – financial advisor a. reduce internal tariffs b. French East Indies Company c. Encurage exports 9. Cath country independent of church 10. rlgs unity necessary for strength and dignity convert huegnots, intolerance 11. fights many wars (invades HRE) Salons 1. gathering of people Fronde 1. nobles rebel against Louis XIV to disempowered him League of Augsburg 1. cath and prods unite against Louis XIV and overpwr him Peace of Utrecht 1. end war of Spanish succession (succession willed to Louis’s grandson but war b/c that’s too much pwr) 2. divided Spanish territories 3. Crown given to Louis’s Grandson and Americas on condition that French and Spanish throne not inherited by same ppl 4. britian got Aiento rights (slave trade) James I 1. royal Absolutist 2. not provided funds by parliament b/c don’t trust him b/c not puritan like him 3. not pop w/ ppl Charles I 1. James I son 2. tries to rule w/o parliament 3. tries to stop Scot rebellion by raising taxes but blocked by parliament dissembles parliament but same ppl elected (long parliament) 4. Open war b/w parliament and king Oliver Cromwell
©2008 YHS and Ilana Ben-Ezra 1. Puritan like Parliament, ended up ruling 2. established effective military 3. broke up long parliament b/c hesitated to kill Charles I 4. allowed rlgs toleration 5. Navigation Acts of 1651 – give England monopoly by allowing only brit ships in port 6. ppl don’t support, fear constitutionalism 7. England under military rule Roundheads 1. supporters of parliament during English civil war New Model Army 1. formed by parliament 2. soliders = full time professionals 3. protect whole country not region Commonwealth 1. name for England as republic Restoration 1. restore Charles II, Church of England, Parliament, Navigation Acts 2. Charles II like Cat but parliament is anti –cath tolerance Bill of Rights 1. established by parliament 2. ended fight b/w parliament and king 3. made England constitutional gov 4. William III of Orange accepted as conditions to be king Dutch Golden Age 1. rlgs toleration 2. traders 3. bank of Amsterdam – made gold florins (acceptable everywhere b/c same weight) 4. 7 provinces w/ 1 executive ruler 5. House Of Orange protected country
21. How did Louis XIV make France the cultural center of Europe? a. Versailles, schools 22. How did Louis XIV transform the army, the nobility, and finances in his attempt to centralize power in the monarch? a. Made army part of state subordinate to king, gave uniform b. Nobility required to live in Versailles part of yr, set up new nobility vs old c. Reduced internal tariffs, encouraged exports, French East Indian company 23. What were Louis XIV’s goals in the War of Spanish Succession and to what degree were they thwarted by the other European Powers? a. Wanted land and French pwr but blocked by intntnl commumity b/c didn’t want france too powerful 24. What caused the decline of Spain in the 1600s? a. Wars less recources available to import from new world b. French influence 25. What were the chief causes of the English Civil War? a. Distrust in monarchy
©2008 YHS and Ilana Ben-Ezra b. King view self as endowed from g-d c. King try to take too much pwq 26. Briefly explain the main events of the English Revolution: King James I and divine right of kings, reign of Charles I and the long parliament, war, Cromwell and the Commonwealth, Restoration, Glorious Revolution. See above for all but glorious revo a. Charles II Cath bro James II becomes king b. Allows caths pwr even though illegal c. When converted both rlgs abandon him d. Offer throne to his daughter Mary and her husband William of Orange e. Make bill of rights William accepts to be king f. Unifys w/ Scotland so don’t rebel w/ James II
Chapter 17: Absolutism in the East IDs: Charles VI of Austria/Habsburg 1. made pragmatic sanctions to ensure daughter Maria Theresa would get throne Maria Theresa
Pragmatic Sanction 1. all of grmny must regard Habsburg territories as indivisible aka allow Maria Theresa to rule Frederick William the Great Elector of Prussia 1. used pwrfl to army to force other countries to listen to diplomacy 2. became recognized as Emperor of Prussia Frederick I 1. didn’t support culture loved army 2. saved $ not spent on army Frederick II aka The Great 1. moved big army into Silesia Junkers 1. aristocracy, forced into service for king (military or civilian), considered better officers b/c rule peasants Mongols 1. invaded russia Cossaks 1. rebel against nobles Michael Romanov 1. elected by Russian nobles to be Tzar cause he was too young to be influenced Peter the Great 1. brought west to Russia 2.beat Swedes 3. made army professional 4. made St. Petersburg as window to west as symbol of new Russia 5. lots of tax to support gov 6. mercantilist policies
©2008 YHS and Ilana Ben-Ezra 7. 10 territorial areas comprise senate 8. ruled churh 9. schools required 10. class doesn’t limit ability Service nobility 1. land and serf owning ppl required to serve in army or civil administration Muscovy 1. center of Russian culture
27. How did a strong Austrian Habsburg monarchy/empire (Bohemia, Hungary, and the Habsburg Austrian lands) rise out of the Holy Roman Empire? a. b/c of lack of organization b. Habsburgs got pwr b/c have connections to Spanish and French Habsburgs 28. Small states like Prussia could play a major military role because most armies were small and weapons were simple. Explain how Prussia developed into a powerful empire by creating and using (or threatening to use) its military. a. Large army was threat and therefore others listened to diplomacy b. Army was like institution c. Army supported by $ as economy grows army grows 29. What were conditions in Russia before Peter the Great (politically, for serfs)? a. No rights, treated like cattle 30. What changes did Peter the Great make in Russia? See above 31. Was he successful in Westernizing Russia? a. Westernized with Russian flavor
Chapter 18: Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment IDs: Geocentrism 1. earth is center of universe Heliocentric theory 1. sun center of universe Ptolemy 1. greek scientist who influenced sci revo Copernicus 1. made heliocentric theory and proved mathematically Bacon 1. inductive (particular to general) and deductive (general to specific) methods Descartes 1. importance of math Newton 1. found gravity through question “how come planets circling sun don’t go anywhere?” Scientific method 1. technique for solving sci probs Philosophes/ philosoper 1. approach subject with critical nature Voltaire
©2008 YHS and Ilana Ben-Ezra 1. freedom of thought 2. popularized bacon, Newton, locke 3.rlgs toleration 4. ntrl rlgn and ntrl morality a. belief in g-d and diff b/w good & bad comes from reason 5. enlightened gov Rousseau – man of feeling 1. society denies good ppl happieness 2. society is artificial and corrupt and source of evil 3. reason is false guide if follow alone 4. best human traits produced by nature 5. g-d = g-d of love and beauty 6. churches = dangerous 7. state of nature = brutish w/o morality or law Montesquieu 1.Spirit of the Laws 2. separation and balance of pwrs 3. govs adapate to circumstance 4. no centeralization of gov Deism 1. g-d is clockmaker, lets world run Physiocrats 1. economists Enlightened despotism 1. absolute rulers influenced by enlightenment Catherine the Great (Peter’s daughter) 1. rlgs toleration 2.restrict torture 3. gave more pwr to lords after revolt of serfs more serfdom 4. conquered eastward, expansionist policy 5. partritions of Poland
32. What were the major innovations in astronomy during the 1500s and 1600s? a. Sun center of universe not earth b. gravity 33. What were some of the “external” or broader causes of the scientific revolution? a. War, war always advances sciences b. Isms of renaissance 34. How did the discoveries of the scientific revolution change the way people thought? a. Understood they weren’t center of universe though globally 35. Explain the philosophe focus on progress and reform. a. Improve society to improve indviduals 36. Explain why Frederick the Great, Catherine the Great, Maria Theresa, and Joseph II are considered enlightened monarchs. a. Maria Theresa
©2008 YHS and Ilana Ben-Ezra i. Unified bohemia and Austria ii. Tried to help serfs through laws and recruiting to army b. Joseph II i. Wanted immediate results ii. Greatest good for greatest # iii. Equal taxation c. Catherine the Great i. See above d. Fredrick the Great i. Wants to enlighten ppl ii. Cheaper and honest courts iii. Rlgs freedom
Chapter 19: Economy IDs: Agrarian economy 1. agriculturally based economy, farming ect Famine foods 1. chestnuts, dandelions, Gleaning 1. picking up leftovers from field Cottage industry (textiles as an example) 1. person A buys wool and gives to family to process then pays them for their work and sells finished product Jethro Tull 1. helped English ag revo 2. advocated use of animals 3. used seed drill Charles Townsend 1. brought turnip to england Asiatic brown rat 1. new rat replacing black one British Navigation Acts 1. banned transporting of goods to England/colonies if not on English ship Colonial Wars 1. 7 yr war/ French Indian – French side with colonists so they can beat England in Europe Treaty of Paris 1763 1. ended French Indian war 2. Britain gained French land 3. got fishing rights off nova scotia
The eighteenth-century Agricultural Revolution resulted in Greater rural equality The end of feudal regulations The economic rise of Russia
©2008 YHS and Ilana Ben-Ezra Emigration to the countryside An increased European population
37. How did the open-field system work? Why was much of the land left uncultivated while the people sometimes starved? What changes brought the open-field system to an end? a. Fields managed communally b. Common land for grazing c. 50% Land lay fallow to avoid overworking it d. Glean leftovers e. Enclosure of land ended open field system
38. Where did the modern agricultural revolution originate? Why? a. dutch, b/c most ppl to feed per area 39. What is meant by enclosure? Was this movement a great swindle of the poor by the rich, as some have claimed? a. Give every prsn their own land to be enclosed b. Not swindle cause gave peasants opp to own land The enclosure movement beginning in the sixteenth century had as it aim the Replacement of communal with commercial agriculture Early segregation of European Jewish communities Creation of state prisons for those opposed to absolutism Consolidation of manufacturing processes under one roof Combination of various denominations into a unified reformed Church
40. How did the population of Europe in the eighteenth century change and was this dramatic growth due to a decreasing death rate or an increasing birthrate? Explain. a. Population rose b/c of decreasing death rate 41. How did the putting-out system work and why did it grow? What were its advantages and disadvantages for the merchant-capitalist? For the worker? a. Putting out system = cottage industry b. Allowed merchant to produce large amounts c. Worker had steady source of work 42. there were many expensive and drawn-out wars in the eighteenth century. Who was attempting to alter the balance of power? Were the causes of these wars economic or political? a. Wars were economic attempt to stop Britain and pltcl for land and pwr b. Grmn states wanted to change balance of pwr 43. What was mercantilism? How could it have been the cause of war? Of economic growth? a. Prosperity of nation depends on capital b. Regulations to support economic growth of trade and promote trading c. Caused wars b/c countries selling less to other countries b/c e/o buys from self
©2008 YHS and Ilana Ben-Ezra 44. How did Adam Smith’s ideas challenge mercantilism? a. Wanted free market and trade but mercantilism was gov controlled
Chapter 20: Social History IDs: Nuclear family 1. close family (mom, dad, bro, sis) Craft guilds 1. grps of tradesmen who managed specific trade Service jobs Demonic view of disease 1. thought disease was caused by daemon occupying body Small pox vaccine 1. Edward Jenner made from putting pus of cowpox into scrape on prsn Purging 1. Throwing up to heal most illnesses Potatoes 1. staple crop from N.A. that supplied ppl w/ vitamin C, cheap Pietism and John Wesley 1. combined the Lutheran emphasis on Biblical doctrine with the Reformed, Puritan emphasis on individual piety and a vigorous Christian life. 2. Wesley – started Methodist church by travelling america
45. What was life like for families, children, and workers in the parish before the Agricultural Revolution? (include pages 398-99, 661-670)? Explain the concept of community control. a. e/o worked b. kids went to school until 7/8 c. ate little meat d. fairs e. community control – b/c community has to support you, cant marry until have income or else will burden commuity
A major function of guilds in early modern European cities (1500-1700) was to Provide welfare benefits for unemployed tradesmen and their families Promote equality of status among its members, including women Regulate the supply of workers and quality of goods in a given craft Encourage economic specialization and mass production of goods Monitor the political activities of suspected rebels against the state
46. Was the typical pre-industrial family an extended or nuclear family – what is the evidence? a. Nuclear, b/c would go to cities to work w/ extenetded (?) 47. How do you explain that prior to 1750 there were few illegitimate children but that there was a growth of illegitimacy thereafter?
©2008 YHS and Ilana Ben-Ezra a. b/c b4 same rate of pre marital sex but ppl got married, after same rate just less marriges 48. What were the differences in the diets of the rich and the poor in the eighteenth century? What nutritional deficiencies existed? a. Rich ate lots of meat and little veggies/fruit caused gout b. Poor had little meat and lots of grains scurvy b/c lack of vitamin C 49. Some argue that when it came to medical care, the poor were better off than the rich because they could not afford doctors or hospitals. Why might this have been true? a. b/c doctors only purged or blood letted and hospitals were dirty and unsanitary b. poor used traditional methods 50. Explain role of the church in the community before the Reformation and the reasons for the Protestant revival (Pietism) after the Reformation. 51. Catholic churches adopted baroque art and many religious beliefs that were marginal to the faith (festivals, worshipping relics). Explain the impact of the enlightenment and the attempt to reform and “purify” the Catholic Church. 52. Describe the various forms of popular leisure in the eighteenth century and describe how and why changes were underway. a. Carnivals, fairs changed b/c ppl skeptic about superstitions, more emphasis on reason
Chapter 21: IDs: Bourgeoisie 1. middle class Liberty and equality 1. goals of French revolution Republican 1. prsn in favor of revo Tithe 1. tax to church, 1/10 goes to church Stamp Act 1. requires a tax to be paid on the transfer of certain documents Jacobins 1. pltcl club pro-revo Girondists 1. moderate revo group 2. kicked out during Ntnl assembly b/c not radical enough Mountain 1. radical revo group 2. take control during terror Reign of Terror 1. France ruled by Terror 2. kill ppl though to be anti- revo 3. Committee of Public Safety –centeral administration of time
©2008 YHS and Ilana Ben-Ezra Declaration of the Rights of Women 1. left out of Dec of The Rights of Man and Citizen women in France tried to get ntnl assembly to adopt Bastille 1. peasants storm bastille – kill gaurds and gov, take weapons – all b/c scared of army on outskirt of Paris Sans-coulottes 1. artisans and shop workers, 2. pressed revo foward 3. thought ntnl convention too moderate supported Mts Marie Antoinette 1. Queen 2. spent extravagantly 3. joke w/ french ppl b/c didnt have kid for 7 yrs Robespierre 1. led convention 2. honest 3. supported terror 4. Cult of Supreme Being – diestic ntnl rlgn b/c dechristinizing France 5. excuted b/c ppl scared that he had too much pwr Abbe Sieyes 1. nobility useless and should be absolved, 3rd estate neccassary for society
53. What role did the European powers play in the American victory? Did they gain anything? a. French supported, hurt them economically 54. How did financial crisis in the French government set the stage for revolution? a. b/c couldn’t repay debts and angered ppl b. ppl hungry c. price of food up, wages not 55. How did the estates general become the National Assembly? a. 3rd etate separated b/c didn’t have any influence b. Oath of Tennis Court- wouldn’t leave till made new gov 56. What were the reforms of the National Assembly? What changes did they make in France? a. No tax priviliges b. Legal equality Dec of Rights of Man and Citizen 57. What were the cause and the outcome of the peasants’ uprising of 1789? a. Great Fear , peasants arm 58. How did the Committee of Public Safety rule France? a. Joint dictatorship b. Killed anti- revo ppl instilled fear in ppl c. Reduce inflation w/ wage maximums 59. How did Napoleon come to power? a. Coup de’tat of Fructidor – Napoleaon and crew took pwr to save revo b. Military pwr 60. What major domestic reforms did Napoleon accomplish during the Consulate? a. Universal male sufferage
©2008 YHS and Ilana Ben-Ezra b. Legislative body to accept or reject law 61. How did Napoleon spread the Revolution outside France? a. when conquer, establish revo institutions
©2008 YHS and Ilana Ben-Ezra