Exercise on material from Lesson 3, Sequencing Technologies

As with all my assignments, you have considerable flexibility if you wish. You can substitute other ways to work with the material, e.g. you may want to focus on a gene or protein that you are working on or quite interested in. Just tell me waht you did and why clearly in your report.

1. Read a sequence from the electrophoretic separation of the products of Sanger sequencing.

In this image from Fig. 3 of the Sanger et al. (1977) paper, read the sequence yourself for at least 80 nucleotides. Note that there are two different chain termination reactions

1 specific for C. Then look at the sequence in the figure and evaluate how well you read it. What is the most frequent source of errors?

2. What are the major differences between first generation sequencing (e.g. Sanger sequencing either manually or automated) and second (“next”) generation sequencing. You should discuss both conceptual differences (fundamental differences in approach) and practical consequences.