What tool should I use for developing my web page? You can use any editor you want - Netscape Composer, Microsoft FrontPage, Dreamweaver MX etc

How to create web pages on Microsoft Frontpage? There are lots of tutorials on the Internet. Some examples for starters are: http://www.nk.psu.edu/cis/handouts/frontpage.html http://its.guilford.k12.nc.us/resource/wdfptutor/overview.htm http://www.msubillings.edu/tool/tutorial/

How to create web pages on Netscape composer? Again, there are lots of tutorials on the Internet. Some examples for starters are: http://www.valsvisions.com/html/index.html http://www.msubillings.edu/tool/tutorial/

Can the web page contain anything I like? It should have some links, hyperlinks, lists, tables/frames, animations, different color text, different fonts, different text format and background. You must prepare at least 4 pages, and all pages must link to each other. The Web pages must include: a general description of your education record, professional experience (if any), a personal photograph and links within the personal page to other relevant web pages (for example, UCSC, your college page, your photo album, etc). It can also contain information about your interests outside the academic scope. You MUST also include a link to a page containing references (books, technical papers, other Web pages) relevant to your academic interests. You should create this reference page using the knowledge/tools you learnt in Christy Hightower's presentation on using the library system.

IMPORTANT!!!! Please include a "last modified/update on xxx" message at the bottom of your page and please do not modify the page after the due date until you receive a grade from the TAs. Please remember that we’ll also cross verify whether the date diaplayed in the web page is ‘actually’ the last modified time/date.

Other than this you can include anything else whatever you want to.

How do I submit? This page gives a step by step instruction on how to FTP your files from your directory to your CATS directory (Public_html) http://www2.ucsc.edu/cats/sc/services/www/pers-pages-instruc.shtml

Windows users: You can download SFTP and SSH client from this link. You will have to use your CATS user id (DON’T add ucsc.edu. Only your user id is needed. If your CATS email id is [email protected] then your username is ddas) http://www2.ucsc.edu/cats/cgi-bin/download?Location=/afs/cats/www/soft-serve/ssh/win

I have problem uploading my webpage? This page will help solve some common problems. http://www2.ucsc.edu/cats/sc/services/www/webproblems.shtml

Tutorial on SSH? http://ic.ucsc.edu/docs/tutorials/ssh How to give permission in public_html folder? It can be done in two ways. You can either directly login to the CATS Unix account and at the prompt, type in chmod 755 public_html

Or you can even use the SSH client to change your permission in the public_html folder. After creating your profile in the SSH client at unix.ic.ucsc.edu logon with your userid and password. Then after logging click on the “WINDOW” menu on top part of the client (its along with the File Edit..etc menus). A drop down menu will appear and click on “New file transfer”. Another window will pop up. Right click on public_html folder and click on “properties” and write 755 in the permission mode box. It will give read, write and executable permission to you and just read and executable permission to the group and others.