Halifax Regional Municipality

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Halifax Regional Municipality


HALIFAX REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY REGIONAL TRAILS MAINTENANCE FUNDING AGREEMENT 17 18 Maintenance Agreement January 26, 2017 Purpose of Agreement: The purpose of this Agreement is to provide a framework for annual operating and maintenance funding for the Halifax Regional Trails Association and its participating Community Trail Groups, who support trail maintenance and complement HRM service delivery.

Parties: Halifax Regional Municipality (“HRM”), a statutory body corporate duly incorporated under the laws of the Province of Nova Scotia,

Contact Person: David MacIsaac, Active Transportation Supervisor Mailing Address: P.O. Box, 1749, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3A5 Telephone: 490-1665

Maintenance/Operations Contact: Rob Mullane, Municipal Operations Superintendent Parks and Recreation, Mailing Address: P.O. Box, 1749, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3A5 Telephone: 490-5819


Halifax Regional Trails Association (HRTA), a non-profit society incorporated under the laws of Nova Scotia Designated Representative Anne Patrick & Paul Adlakha HRTA Co- Chairs Contact Person: Walter N. Regan, Chair, HRTA Maintenance Committee

Participating HRTA Community Trail Groups (the “Participants”): 1. Atlantic View Trails Association 2. Beechville Lakeside Timberlea Trails Association 3. Carrolls Corner Community Centre- Mastodon Greenway Trail 4. Chain of Lakes Trail Association 5. Cole Harbour Parks and Trails Association 6. Friends of First Lake Society 7. Halifax North West Trails Association 8. Halifax Regional Trails Association 9. Halifax Urban Greenway Association 10. McIntosh Run Watershed Association 11. Musquodoboit Trailways Association 12. Porters Lake & Myra Road Heritage Society- Crowbar Trail 13. Sackville Rivers Association 14. Sackville Lakes Park & Trails Association 15. St. Margarets Bay Rails to Trails Association 16. Woodens River Watershed Environmental Organization- Bluff Wilderness Area Trail


Criteria for Eligibility:

The following are the criteria Participants must meet to be eligible for trail maintenance funding pursuant to this Agreement:

2. Demonstrated outreach and engagement within their local communities: newsletters, advertisement of meetings, posters, brochures, news articles, regular minutes, formal invitation of members and Active Transportation Staff to AGMs. 3. Member in good standing of the Halifax Regional Trails Association. 4. Hold regular meetings and an Annual General meeting at the time appointed in their bylaws. 5. Be incorporated and in good standing at the Registry of Joint Stock Companies. The group must provide a copy of their current Board of Directors and Financial Statement to the HRM Regional Trails ,Project Planning & Design Services, Transportation and Public Works, P.O. Box 1749, Halifax, N.S. B3J 3A5 6. Maintain at their own expense insurance coverage as would be considered prudent. This coverage shall include, but is not limited to, commercial general liability insurance in amounts of no less than two million dollars ($2,000,000) per occurrence with the Municipality named as Additional Insured. A Certificate of Insurance shall be provided to HRM at the time of signing this Agreement. 7. Currently planning, constructing or managing trails on public land, or on private land by easement. 8. Acknowledged by signature of this Agreement that the Participant understands and agrees to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. 9. Written permission from the landowner to use the property for active transportation and shared use trail purposes. 10. To be eligible for HRM Maintenance funding all Participants must apply for the Province of Nova Scotia Maintenance funding grant of $1000.00 for the 2017 2018 season. Before the HRM first cheques will be released a copy of the NS Maintenance funding application must be received at the HRM Regional Trails office.

Additional Terms & Conditions Applicable to HRTA and/or Participants:

1. Maintenance funding is allocated for the purpose of maintenance of greenways/trails not for hiring personnel or support staff. 2. Participants eligible for an HST rebate can file for an HST rebate for maintenance expenditures. Trail/Active Transportation Groups shall apply any rebate received to their operational requirements (i.e. gas, photocopies, and office supplies). 3. HRTA will maintain at its own expense, insurance coverage as would be considered prudent. This coverage shall include, but is not limited to, commercial general liability insurance in amounts of no less than two million dollars ($2,000,000) per occurrence with the Municipality named as Additional Insured. A Certificate of Insurance shall be provided to HRM at the time of signing this Agreement.


4. Shared use trails that allow ATV use will be eligible for 50% HRM maintenance funding of their trails. 50% funding is required from another source or sources, but supporting documentation is not required as in previous years. 5. HRM Trails Staff, in conjunction with HRM Municipal Operations staff, will determine whether a funding proposal is for maintenance or state of good repair (re-capitalization) of a trail. 6. This Agreement will be reviewed on an annual basis and revised as needs and opportunities arise through service delivery intervention. 7. In 2017-18, the groups and HRM will use the trail maintenance templates to clarify the roles and responsibilities of each group. 8. Participants agree to operate based on HRM reporting and accounting procedures and principles based on attached HRM’s best practices. (Appendices 2, 4, 10, 11) 9. All proposed changes or significant amendments to funding proposals shall be submitted in writing to the HRM Active Transportation Staff for review prior to the ratification by the community group. 10. HRM Active Transportation Staff approval is needed before finalizing amendments to funding proposals. Formal approval rests with the Manager, HRM Project Planning & Design Services, Transportation & Public Works. 11. Participants with more than one trail project must identify which project/s will be maintained with the HRM funds. 12. Any Participant applying for state of good repair (recapitalization) of major pre-existing* infrastructure (bridges, culverts) on provincial lands is required to find two thirds funding from other sources. All decisions are subject to final approval of the Manager Project Planning & Design, TPW. *Pre-existing infrastructure is infrastructure that was in existence before the community group assumed management.

Termination Clause:

1. HRM may at any time, following a 30 day written notice to the HRTA, in its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement or suspend or reduce its scope.

2. If the Agreement is terminated or suspended HRM shall compensate the Participants for eligible costs, expenses and charges incurred to the date of the termination or suspension of the Agreement, however such amounts shall not exceed the value of the undispersed maintenance funds approved for the Participant and remaining at the time of the termination or suspension of the Agreement. Maintenance Funding Scheduling: 1. HRTA will be responsible for administering the maintenance funds and reporting to HRM on the expenditure of funds.

2. HRTA will follow the schedule provided on the annual HRM scheduling chart. (Appendix 3)

3. HRM Active Transportation Staff and the Manager, Project Planning & Design, Transportation & Public Works, will evaluate the request and proposals submitted by the HRTA and make recommendations to Regional Council for approval through the annual budget review process.


4. All funding is subject to HRM Council approval.

General Duties and Responsibilities of HRTA’s Participants:

HRTA’s Participants will:

1. Ensure that all construction meets applicable trails standards as per the Technical Appendix: Facility Planning and Design Guidelines of the HRM Active Transportation Plan and Nova Scotia Recreational Trails Manual. 2. Ensure that appropriate personal protective equipment be worn at all times. Operational funding may be used for this purpose. 3. Ensure that contractors hired comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, S.N.S. 1996, c.7. 4. Ensure that contractors provide proof of Commercial General Liability insurance evidencing limits of not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.) with Halifax Regional Trails Association, the partnering Trails Association (if appropriate) and if the work is to take place on property owned by or under the control of HRM, Halifax Regional Municipality named as Additional Insured on the policy, at time of hiring or in any event prior to beginning contracted work. 5. If contractors are legally obliged to be covered by Workers’ Compensation, ensure that contractors provide evidence of this coverage and that the premiums have been paid and are up-to-date. Log and document reports as per the annual HRM scheduling chart. (Appendix 3: Maintenance Committee Schedule) 6. Ensure potential trail hazards on HRM-owned trails are immediately reported to HRM 311 ( replacing 490-4000) 7. Participants with trails which crossover, are built on, provides access to or egresses onto land owned or under the control of HRM, inspect their trails for safety and potential hazards on a bi-annual basis. Complete records are to be kept for incident, accident, litigation or auditing purposes. Any emergency situation on trails should be immediately reported to the Maintenance Committee and HRM Active Transportation staff for action as required. 8. Obtain HRM approval prior to any major equipment purchase expenditure over $1,000.00 for trail maintenance by a Participant. 9. Require Participants to keep an inventory of major maintenance equipment purchased, including values and dates purchased. 10. Follow appropriate accounting procedures as identified by HRM finance. (Appendices 2 , 4, 10 , 11 ) 11. Require approval of all major maintenance expenditures in the form of motions in the minutes of each Participant’s regular meetings. 12. Execute this Maintenance Funding Agreement and ensure it is also executed by all Participants. 13. Require Participants to submit the next year’s proposals by the September 19, 2016 deadline.(Appendices 5 , 6, 7, 8 )


General Duties and Responsibilities of HRM:

HRM will:

1. Evaluate proposals for maintenance funding and disbursement based on business plans and active transportation /trail funding criteria. 2. Conduct random site visits to ensure expenditure of funds is in accordance with funding proposal submitted by the Participant. 3. Refer Participants to applicable HRM Active Transportation service standards for trails. (Technical Appendix: Facility Planning and Design Guidelines of the 2014 HRM Active Transportation Plan:). 4. Coordinate, through HRM Active Transportation Staff, the provision of occasional equipment and/or labour in the off season (November 15 to March 31) by HRM Maintenance & Operations staff if a request is received from a Participant and if HRM equipment and staff resources are available. 5. Offer professional advice and assistance to the Participants as required with regard to maintenance and operations plans. 6. Support recapitalization, maintenance and operations to stabilize and improve trails. 7. Provide HRM maintenance log templates to those Participants who maintain trails that cross over, are built on, provide access to or egresses onto land owned or under the control of HRM. 8. Provide appropriate information regarding materials to be used on trails & active transportation greenways. 9. Coordinate with other HRM Business Units to provide technical and administrative support as required. 10. Provide direction and guidelines for the disbursement of funds. 11. Provide criteria with regard to maintenance vs. re-capitalization (state of good repair)

Agreement Dates:

The agreement will begin and terminate as follows:

Start date: April 1, 2017 End date: March 31, 2018


Renewal Process:

All proposals to be considered for 2018/2019 funding are to be received no later than HRTA’s September 19, 2017 deadline. (Please see Appendices 5, 6, 7 and 8: Trail Maintenance Proposal Template & Trail State of Good Repair (Recapitalization) Template). Since 2014, there has been no separate State of Good Repair (Recapitalization) account. For this agreement & forward all State of Good Repair requests are allocated out of the Capital Budget Account.

HRTA and Participants will be asked to sign a maintenance funding agreement authorized by HRM, pending budget approval by Halifax Regional Council.

Partnership Remuneration:

Payment Process: 50% initial payment to the Participant ($25,000 allowable maximum per transaction)

Payment dates: 50% after 2017/18 Budget Approval and the signing of the 2017/18 Agreement. Second 50% upon submission by participants of the Excel Reporting File (Appendix 4) which reports how the first 50% was spent

Payment Recipients: 1. Atlantic View Trails Association 2. Beechville Lakeside Timberlea Trails Association 3. Carrolls Corner Community Centre- Mastodon Greenway Trail 4. Chain of Lakes Trail Association 5. Cole Harbour Parks and Trails Association 6. Friends of First Lake Society 7. Halifax North West Trails Association 8. Halifax Urban Greenway Association 9. Halifax Regional Trails Association 10. McIntosh Run Watershed Association 11. Musquodoboit Trailways Association 12. Porters Lake & Myra Road Wilderness Heritage Society- Crowbar Trail 13. Sackville Rivers Association 14. Sackville Lakes Park & Trails Association 15. St Margarets Bay Rails To Trails Association 16. Woodens River Watershed Environmental Organization- Bluff Wilderness Trail


Authorized Signatures:

By signing below, the Parties acknowledge that they have read the Agreement and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions herein, including but not limited to the terms and conditions under which HRM will process applications for maintenance funding for belonging to Halifax Regional Trails Association, and their respective roles and responsibilities of the Parties in the funding application process.

Halifax Regional Trails Association

______Signature Title Date Name:______

______Witness Signature Title Date Name:______

Halifax Regional Municipality

______Signature Title Date Name:______

______Witness Signature Title Date Name:______


Designated Representative of Participants I am signing this, the Regional Trails Maintenance Funding Agreement, as a member of a Participant (as defined in the Agreement), and I warrant that I have authority to represent and bind the Participant for the purposes of this Agreement.

By affixing my signature, I hereby acknowledge that I have read the Regional Trails Maintenance Funding Agreement and understand the terms and conditions, as well as the process by which HRM will provide maintenance funding for trails within HRM to Participants. Further, I hereby agree that the Participant upon whose behalf I am signing this Agreement shall comply with the terms of this Agreement.

1. Atlantic View Trails Association Authorized Signature:______Name:______Title: ______Date: ______

2. Beechville Lakeside Timberlea Trail Association Authorized Signature:______Name:______Title: ______Date: ______

3. Carroll’s Corner Community Centre –Mastodon Greenway Trail Authorized Signature:______Name:______Title: ______Date: ______

4. Chain of Lakes Trail Association Authorized Signature:______Name:______Title:______Date:______

5. Cole Harbour Parks & Trails Association Authorized Signature:______Name:______Title: ______Date: ______


6. Friends of First Lake Society Authorized Signature:______Name:______Title:______Date:______

7. Halifax North West Trails Association Authorized Signature:______Name:______Title: ______Date: ______

8. Halifax Regional Trails Association Authorized Signature:______Name:______Title: ______Date: ______

9. Halifax Urban Greenway Authorized Signature:______Name:______Title: ______Date ______

10.McIntosh Run Watershed Association Authorized Signature:______Name:______Title:______Date:______

11. Musquodoboit Trailways Association Authorized Signature:______Name:______Title: ______Date: ______

12. Porters Lake & Myra Road Wilderness Heritage Association ( Crowbar Trail) Authorized Signature:______Name:______Title:______Date:______

13. Sackville Rivers Association Authorized Signature:______Name:______Title: ______Date: ______


14. Sackville Lakes Park & Trails Association Authorized Signature:______Name:______Title: ______Date: ______

15.St. Margarets Bay Rails To Trails Association Authorized Signature:______Name:______Title: ______Date ______

16. Woodens River Watershed Environmental Organization- Bluff Trail Authorized Signature:______Name:______Title:______Date:______


Appendix 1: Maintenance Funding Chart 17/18 Maintenance Agreement

17/18 Banked 17/18 1st 2nd Maintenance Approved Budget request surplus Allocation Cheque cheque Group Name Atlantic View Trail Association 9,900 Beechville Lakeside Timberlea Trail 9,505 Association Carrolls Corner Community Centre – 3,400 Mastodon Greenway Trail Chain of Lakes Trail Association banked 1617 0 ? Cole Harbour Parks & Trails Association 40,000 Friends of First Lake Society 8,600 Halifax North West Trails Association 3,120 Halifax Regional Trails Association 0 ? Halifax Urban Greenway Association 5,550 McIntosh Run Watershed Association 2,296 Musquodoboit Trailways Association 18,387 Porters Lake & Myra Road Wilderness Heritage Association: Crowbar Wilderness 5,500 Area Trail Sackville Rivers Association 17,000 Sackville Lakes Parks and Trails Association 10,500 St Margarets Bay Rails To Trails Association 10,000 Woodens River Watershed Environmental 23,960 Organization- Bluff Wildernesss AreaTrail Lawrencetown Cole Harbour Trails Association(banked from 2015-16) 0 ? Total 167,768

Appendix 2: Best Practices Checklist Maintenance Funding Agreement 2017-18 11 HΛLIFΛX

2017-18 HRM Regional Trails Association (HRTA) Best Practices Checklist

1. Make HRM Active Transportation staff the first point of contact for greenway /trail related inquiries.

2. Make every effort to follow best practices to enable good partnerships to develop i.e. make every effort to be inclusive of all partners with information, invitations to meetings etc.

3. Inform staff and invite staff to your meetings. Staff may not be able to attend all, but make sure they know about the date and location of your meetings.

4. Make sure to have any major decisions and major financial expenditures passed by motions, carried and reflected in the minutes at regular community board meetings.

5. After your groups’ Annual General Meeting (AGM) have your Officers & Directors lists and amendments of by-laws updated with Registry of Joint Stocks. Please send same information to the Active Transportation Office, Project Planning and Design Services, Transportation & Public Works, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3A5 attention Dawn Neil

6. Make every effort to keep current membership lists up-to-date. Every community group needs to be seen as representative of its community.

7. Keep membership with NS Trails and applicable insurance coverage up-to-date and in place.

8. For insurance and risk management purposes, make sure that a routine schedule of trail or greenway inspections is followed with reports kept up-to-date and on file.

9. Prepare to have a representative from your group at HRTA meetings as regularly as possible. The rule is that groups are not to miss three consecutive meetings. 10. Follow HRM procurement best practices of seeking 3 quote for expenditures over $1000. Keep documentation on file. Staff may ask to see this documentation at any time. 11. Groups who consistently award the same contracts under $1000 for the same work to avoid getting 3 quotes may jeopardize future maintenance funding.

Appendix 3: Maintenance Committee Schedule 2017-18 Maintenance Funding Agreement 2017-18 Trail Spring ( April, Summer ( July Aug., Fall (Oct., Nov, Winter ( Jan., Feb.,


Maintenance May , June) Sept.) Dec.) March) Partners

HRTA Re-review the Review mid- year Collect Report to HRTA Maintenance maintenance reports from groups proposals from regarding the business Committee request in light of Based on the reports groups at the plan for the season annual budget Prepare for deadline Assist group to prepare allocation allocation of final September reports for their annual Report to HRTA 50% 19,2017 review regarding the Begin prep of annual Provide a report Request financial recommendations business case to HRTA at the reports and review Provide Rob Call for proposals November against the fall request Mullane with the for deadline of meeting. to arrive at the amounts amounts for each September 19, 2017 Present to Trail remaining to carry over. group staff under a Report to HRTA Report to HRTA cover letter from the committee Prepare the business plan for the following season

HRM Trail Assist Sub Assist Staff with Review proposals Make sure that groups Staff Committee with final allocation and cost are up to date with the annual Assist Maintenance allocations for Registry of Joint maintenance Committee with next season information is up to allocation by business case Meet and assist date in prep for the providing staff with business Spring allocation recommendation planning Assist with financial reporting HRM Prepare the 50 % Prepare the final Review business Review with committee Maintenance funding payment for planning the end of year & Op. Staff allocation participant groups reporting payment for participant groups


Appendix 4: Maintenance Reporting Template – www.hrta.ca documents section Maintenance Funding Agreement 2017-18

Appendix 4: Maintenance Report Template Date: Group Name: Approved Budget Cost Elements Actual 13/14 Forecast Current Year Budget to Forecast (Surplus/(Deficit)) HRM Grant - Maintenance - Province of NS - OHV - Other - Pls Describe - Total Revenues - - - 6001 Salaries - Regular - Compensation & Benefits - - - - 6201 Telephone - 6203 Office Furniture and Equipment - 6205 Printing & Reproduction - 6207 Office Supplies - Office Costs - - - - 6308 Snow Removal - 6310 Outside/Contract Services - External Services - - - - 6401 Safety Clothing - 6406 Bridge Tolls - 6407 Cleaning/ sanitation supplies - Supplies - - - - 6502 Chemicals/ Cleaning - 6504 Hardware - 6505 Lubricants - 6506 Lumber - 6508 Ready Mix Concrete - 6512 Sand - 6514 Sods - 6515 Stone and Gravel - 6516 Top Soil - 6517 Paint - Culverts - Materials - - - 6701 Equipment Purchase - 6702 Small Tools - 6704 Equipment Rental - 6705 Equipment Repair& Maintenance - Equipment & Communications - - - - 6903 Local Travel - 6905 Training - Travel & Training - - - - 6910 Signage - 6940 Fencing - 6918 Meals - 6999 Other Goods and Services - 8003 Insurance - Other Goods & Services - - - -

Total Expenditures - - - Net Surplus/Deficit - - - - Notes:


Appendix 5: Maintenance Proposal Checklist 18/19 Maintenance Funding Agreement 2017/18 HΛLIFΛX Deadline September 19, 2017

Check list for 18-19 maintenance proposals Group Name:______

AGM meeting date:

Board and Financial Information has been sent to HRM Trails Office: Active with Registry of Joint Stocks:

Indicate which HRTA meeting attended by a rep in 2017 Nova Scotia Trail membership active ( amount paid) Directors and Officers Insurance (amount paid) Commercial General Liability Insurance ( amount paid) NS Trails Volunteer Insurance

Provincial Maintenance Funding requested

Provincial Maintenance funding received

If your trail accommodates ATV use, indicate the amount of matched funding you will be seeking and from what source Please note: Proposal Application deadline September 19, 2017. All proposals must be received by that date to be considered eligible. The Maintenance Committee meets within a two week time frame of that submission and they may have questions. The questions will need to be responded to inside a deadline that they will stipulate. Any groups who do not respond within that time frame will not be funded except for any maintenance except insurance and registry of joint stocks.


Appendix 6: Maintenance Funding Proposal Template 2018-19 Maintenance Funding Agreement 2017-18 HΛLIFΛX Deadline September 19, 2017 HRM Trail Maintenance Proposal Template 18/19 Name of Group: Contact Information: Chair: Address: Email: Fax: Web site: Joint Stocks

What part of the trail do you plan to maintain with the 18/19 funding? Where exactly on the trail will this money be spent? Describe and provide a map.

Side of Trail Maintenance:

Surface Maintenance:

Bridge Maintenance:

Railing Maintenance:

Trail Amenities Maintenance:

Signage Repair & Maintenance:

Other: What are you funding sources for the 18/19 maintenance? HRM HRM HRM Provincial OHV Trail Corporate Group’s Unspent 18/19 Councillor Fund Committee funds from last Request year’s final report


Appendix 7: Maintenance Funding Proposal Excel File 2014-15 Maintenance Funding Agreement 2014-15 Date: Group Name: Cost Elements Total HRM Grant - Maintenance Province of NS - Only include income sources OHV - that are earmarked for Other - Please Describe - maintenance. - - Total Revenues - 6001 Salaries including benefits - Not allowed for trails Compensation & Benefits - 6201 Telephone - 6203 Office Furniture and Equipment - 6205 Printing & Reproduction - 6207 Office Supplies - Office Costs - 6308 Snow Removal 6310 Outside/Contract Services - Include and describe individual - contract services that are of a - significant value or proportion of - your budget request - - - - External Services - 6401 Safety Clothing - 6406 Bridge Tolls - 6407 Cleaning/ sanitation supplies - Supplies - 6502 Chemicals/ Cleaning 6504 Hardware 6505 Lubricants 6506 Lumber - 6508 Ready Mix Concrete - 6512 Sand - 6514 Sods - 6515 Stone and Gravel - 6516 Top Soil - 6517 Paint - Culverts Materials - 6701 Equipment Purchase - 6702 Small Tools - 6704 Equipment Rental - 6705 Equipment Repair& Maintenance - Equipment & Communications - 6903 Local Travel - 6905 Training - Travel & Training - 6910 Signage - 6940 Fencing - 6918 Meals - 6999 Other Goods and Services - 8003 Insurance - Other Goods & Services -



Appendix 8: State of Good Repair (Recapitalization) Proposal Template 2018-19 Maintenance Funding Agreement 2017-18 HΛLIFΛX Deadline August 19, 2017 (Re-capitalization is Capital)

Name: Address:

Contact Email: Contact Telephone: All questions must be answered fully or your request may be denied HRM/HRTA Trail Recapitalization Funding: HRTA Re-capitalization is intended to refurbish community trail infrastructure to its original condition when maintenance funds no longer sustain the scope of work required to maintain the trail to standard. Trail surface re-capitalization is subject to an estimated 8-10 year life cycle. (Definitions: Page 19 Maintenance Funding Agreement)

1. a. How old is the trail section or structures that are in need of re-capitalization?

b. Explain why re-capitalization is needed at this time?

2. Name other partners you have asked to help with the re-capitalization.

3. Do you have engineered plans or drawings that you can submit for this work?

4. In what time frame do you plan to spend the funding?

5. Please provide a map

6. What amount are you requesting from HRM?


Appendix 9: Definitions Maintenance Funding Agreements 2017-18 Definitions: HRM/HRTA Capital Work and Funding: Dedicated resources specifically for the design and construction of new community built infrastructure. The HRM Capital Funding process requires requests by August 19, 2017 and allocation of contribution in May/June. See process chart.

HRM /HRTA Maintenance Funding: Maintenance addresses the day to day maintenance and operational costs in an effort to sustain the infrastructure. It’s designed to address normal wear and tear from use. The HRM/HRTA Maintenance Funding process requires requests by September 19, 2017 and allocation of contribution in May /June.

HRM/HRTA Trail State of Good Repair (Recapitalization) Funding: HRTA Re-capitalization is intended to refurbish community trail infrastructure to its original condition when maintenance funds no longer sustain the scope of work required to maintain the trail to standard. Trail surface re- capitalization is subject to an estimated 8-10 year life cycle. To obtain funding follow the HRM Policy for State of Good Repair (Recapitalization) funding proposal as outlined in Appendix 8


Appendix 10: Maintenance Excel File Reporting/ Proposal Practice Maintenance Funding Agreement 2017/18

1. Make sure that your revenues are in (brackets) then the program will subtract your expenditures.

2. Make sure you keep copies of all the invoices that you are applying to the excel sheet in your records.

3. For all outside contract services( 6310) make sure that you put the following information in the NOTES section at the bottom of the page:

 The contractor(s) name (s)

 The date of the invoice

 The number of the invoice

 The amount of the invoice

4. Shared use trails that allow ATV use will be eligible for 50% HRM maintenance funding of their trails. 50% funding is required from another source or sources, but supporting documentation is not required as in previous years.

5. Line 6001 Salaries is not an eligible HRTA Maintenance Expense

6. Line 6910 Signage: This is for repair or replacement of existing signage only on a trail for which a group has a letter of authority or an HRM license agreement not for new sign installation .

7. 6710 Equipment Purchase: for purchase of equipment over $1000.00 please contact active transportation staff with cc to maintenance committee before purchase.

8. 6999 Other Goods & Services: For proposal purposes, the items in Other Goods and Services need to be clearly itemized and stated to be eligible for funding. If this section appears in a proposal without any explanation it will not be considered. A contingency fund is not an eligible cost. For reporting purposes, outline what the expenditure was used for example: web site hosting, postal box rental, postage etc.

9. Unspent banked funding as noted in the agreement chart needs to be accounted for as revenue and reported on as part of the revenue for next year.


10. 6207 Office supplies allocations are not to exceed $ 150.00

11. 6903 Local Travel is to be limited to travel to fulfil the organization’s obligation for trail or greenway maintenance only or travel to HRTA meetings

12. 6905 A clear description of the training intended in that year is needed to this funding to be approved.

13. 6918 Meals are only eligible for a group’s AGM and with a $100 maximum expenditure.

14. 6310 Bridges or structures that have reached the end of their life cycle and require recapitalization are not eligible for maintenance funding.


Appendix 11: Expenditure Claims Process for Regional Trails Program: HRM State of Good Repair (Recapitalization) Maintenance Funding Agreement 2017/18

The funds of HRM recapitalization are distributed by the following process once a trail association is formally approved for HRM recapitalization through the Halifax Regional Trail Association: The HRM recapitalization funding is drawn from signed invoices requested from the community trail group as the project work is completed and invoiced by the vendor. After the approval process within HRM (management and Finance review) the amount is sent via a cheque to the community trail group. The trail group in turn pays the vendors if not already done so.

1. Trail association receives invoice and upon approval, a signing officer of the trail association signs and dates the bottom of the invoice. Usually both the Treasurer and the Chair/Construction Chair sign the invoices.

2. Trail association then prepares an invoice claim to HRM. This invoice claim includes the contractors /business invoices attached. There may be more than one invoice included. If there is, include a summary sheet with amounts added up.

3. The Invoice from the trail association should be an original and not a photocopy and state ‘INVOICE’ at the top of page with contact information, the society name, address, logo etc.

4. Trail group signs their invoice - by signing officers at least one signature, usually both the Treasurer and the Chair /Construction Chair sign. ALL CAPITAL INVOICES SUBMITTED TO HRM NEED TO BE SIGNED BY AT LEAST ONE SIGNING OFFICER.

5. Submit invoice to: HRM Active Transportation, Project Planning and Design Transportation and Public Works P.O. Box 1749, Halifax N.S., B3J 3A5 Attention Dawn Neil State of Good Repair (Recapitalization) Projects

6. HRM staff initiates the process to Management and Finance for payment. A cheque is issued to the Trail Association for that amount, up to the amount of their capital state of good repair allocation.

7. The trail association is responsible for paying the Vendor directly.


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