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Duke Academic Festival

Duke Academic Festival

January 13, 2001

Final Round Part 1 – Tossup

1. Corundum is a 9, while gypsum is a 2. Feldspar is a 6, while fluorite is a 4. Topaz is 8 and apatite is a 5. Common tests include: can be scratched by fingernail, can be scratched by copper coin, can be scratched by knife blade, and of course diamond can scratch all common materials. FTP, what system of mineral hardness has just been described? Answer: Moh’s Scale of Hardness

2. Warning: pencil and paper may be required(15 seconds): Solve the following system of equations: 2y + x = 3 AND 3x + y = -11 Answer: (-5, 4)

3. There are multiples of five in the rose family and 10 in the pulse. It consists of a slender stalk tipped by the anther in which microspores develop. FTP, name this structure often called the flower’s male reproductive organ. Answer: stamen

4. It used to be the twenty-seventh letter in the English alphabet, and was called ‘and.’ For ten points name this symbol that is still used today, for example in ‘AT&T.’ Answer: ampersand

5. Magellan discovered it in 1520, but it was not surveyed until the British did so between 1826 and 1836. The eastern part of this archipelago belongs to Argentina, while Chile owns the western portion. For ten points name this island which means “Land of Fire.” Answer: Tierra del Fuego Part 2 – Tossup/Bonus

1. Two of the offenders were convicted of treason, but later were pardoned by President Washington. The revolt occurred as a result of the burden of a tax sponsored by Secretary Alexander Hamilton. The legislation imposed an excise tax on grain that was largely felt by mid-Atlantic farmers and distillers, notably in western Pennsylvania. For ten points, name this 1794 rebellion that the first real use of the president’s right to command the use of state militias. Answer: Whiskey Rebellion

2. First isolated from seaweed residues in 1811 by Bernard Courtois, this element, unlike the lighter halogens, is a crystalline solid at room temperature. The lustrous, blue-black, soft substance sublimes when heated, giving off a violet vapor with a stinging odor like that of chlorine. For ten points, what is this element, number 53 on the periodic table, a lack of which in the thyroid gland is known to cause a goiter? Answer: Iodine

3. The most famous, influential, and enduring novel of the first decade of the Twentieth century, this novel led to the congressional response of the U.S. Pure Food and Drug Act. Written while its author was sent by the socialist weekly newspaper Appeal to Reason to investigate working conditions in the meatpacking industry. For ten points, name this muckracking novel by Upton Sinclair that chronicles the horrific and unsanitary experiences of Chicagoan Jurgis Rudkus. Answer: The Jungle

4. It came about largely due to its creator’s heavy investment in Chicago real estate and in midwestern railway stock. The act asserted that the status of new states regarding slavery would be decided through popular sovereignty, the will of the people. It was widely held that the state lying due west of slaveholding Missouri would be a slave state, and the area lying west of free-soil Iowa would become a free state. For ten points, what was this act masterminded by Stephen Douglas that went against the thirty-four year old Missouri Compromise of 1820? Answer: the Kansas-Nebraska Act

5. Fifteen years younger than prominent contemporaries such as Duccio and Cimabue, this Florentine artist is known for his monumental scale and panel painting. Of his surviving murals, those in Padua’s Arena Chapel done in 1305-6 are considered the best preserved as well as the most characteristic. In his paintings, the actions proceeds parallel to the picture plane; and landscapes, architecture, and figures have been reduced to the essential minimum. For ten points, name this artist of “Christ Entering Jerusalem,” “Madonna Enthroned,” and “The Lamentation.” Answer: Giotto

6. This city was sparsely settled by Europeans in 1824, and in 1910 the American architect Walter Burley Griffin won an international competition for the design of the new city. Construction began in 1913 but was interrupted by World War I from 1914 to 1918. Only in 1927 was the national parliament moved here from Melbourne, which had been its temporary seat since 1901. For ten points, name this modern, rapidly expanding city situated in a predominantly agricultural region located on the Molonglo River in the southeastern part of its country, that serves as the national capital of Australia. Answer: Canberra

7. In ancient Assyria and Babylonia, this was a pyramidal tower built of mud brick and forming the base of a temple. It was either stepped or had a broad ascent winding around it, which gave it the appearance of being stepped. For ten points, what is this antiquated structure from the Assyrian word meaning mountaintop or height. Answer: Ziggurat 8. It was cited by the Supreme Court as one of the reasons why America could create a national bank in 1791. It was written to aid in making laws “for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by the Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Office thereof.” For ten points, what is this provision of Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, which is also known as the Necessary and Proper clause? Answer: Elastic Clause (accept Necessary and Proper clause before mentioned)

9. Originally organized in 1866, they weren't designed for the purpose most associated with them today. In fact, when their organization turned ugly, their founder (a former Confederate general) officially disbanded them. Unfortunately, they returned on their own, gaining notoriety and peaking in the first part of the 20th Century. For 10 points, name this group, the subject of Birth of a Nation, which opposes Catholics, Jews, immigrants, and especially blacks. Answer: Ku Klux Klan

10. He was born in Springfield, IL in 1879 and lived practically in the shadow of the Illinois governor's mansion, the home of one of his most tragic subjects, John Altgeld. He attended Hiram College, the Chicago Art Institute, and the New York School of Art. For ten points, name this self appointed poetic evangelist and reformer, author of "The Chinese Nightingale" and "General William Booth Enters Into Heaven." Answer: Vachel Lindsay Bonus

1. Identify the following terms related to government, for five points each, five for all correct: a. This is a tight relationship involving a federal department or agency, a set of loyal interest groups, and a congressional authorizing committee. Answer: Iron Triangle b. This occurs when political leaders and interest groups form alliances around a specific policy decision and then disband. Answer: Issue Network c. This is the redrawing of district lines to favor one party over another, named for a Massachusetts governor and U.S. Vice-President. Answer: Gerrymandering

2. Given an obscure work, name the author for ten points; if a more well known work is needed, five points will be given: a. For ten: The Inheritors for five: Lord of the Flies Answer: William Golding b. For ten: Galapagos Islands for five: Player Piano Answer: Kurt Vonnegut Jr. Extra: c. For ten: Pale Fire for five: Lolita Answer: Vladimir Nabokov Extra:

3. Name the scientist—20, 10, 5

20 points: He was elected a member of the Academy of Sciences in 1768. He held many public offices, including those of director of the state gunpowder works in 1776, member of a commission to establish a uniform system of weights and measures in 1790, and commissary of the treasury in 1791.

10 points: As one of the farmers-general, he was arrested and tried by the revolutionary tribunal, and guillotined on May 8, 1794 during the French Revolution, despite his fame derived from his explanation of combustion which replaced the phlogiston theory.

5 points: He is best known for devising a system of chemical nomenclature, which serves as the basis of the modern system, as well as for investigating the composition of water, in which he named the two components oxygen and hydrogen. Answer: Antoine Lavosier

4. Given the object(s), give the name for the scientific study of it, for five points each, five for all correct a. Inland bodies of water, such as lakes Answer: Limnology b. Tissue Answer: Histology c. Tree-ring dating Answer: Dendrochronology d. The end of the world or the end of mankind Answer: Eschatology

5. For ten points each, name the following computer related acronyms: a. FTP Answer: File Transfer Protocol b. DNS Answer: Domain Name Server c. TCP Answer: Transport Control Protocol d. POP Answer: Post Office Protocol

6. Answer the following math problems concerning trigonometry, for five points each: a. What is the sine of 30 degrees? Answer: .5 or one half b. What is the tangent of 60 degrees? Answer: square root of 3 or 1.73 c. What is the secant of 180 degrees? Answer: -1 (negative one) d. What is the cosine of 0 degrees? Answer: 1

7. Given a set of works, name the painter for five points each: a. “Tower of Babel,” “Thieving Magpie,” “Return of the Hunters,” and “Peasant Wedding” Answer: Pieter Bruegel the Elder b. “Cephalus and Aurora,” “The Birth of Bacchus,” “Adoration of the Golden Calf,” “The Abduction of the Sabine Women” Answer: Nicolas Poussin c. “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,” “Adam and Eve,” “Knight, Death, and Devil,” “Melencolia I” Answer: Albrecht Durer d. “The Death of General Wolfe,” “Death on a Pale Horse,” “Penn's Treaty with the Indians” Answer: Benjamin West

8. Given a mountain range, name its tallest mountain (5 points each): a. The Atlas Mountains Answer: Mt. Toubkal b. The Karakorum Mountains Answer: K2 (or Godwin-Austen) c. The Caucasus Answer: Mt. Elbrus d. The Andes Answer: Mount Aconagua 9. Given the formula to an acid or compound, name it for ten points each; five points if a use of the acid or compound is needed: a. For ten: HCHO or CH for five: used to preserve dead things; found in most dissecting laboratories Answer: Formaldehyde b. For ten: C8H10O2N4·H2O for five: found in coffee, chocolate, tea, and cacao, used as a stimulant Answer: Caffeine

10. Given the birthplace and birth year of a Nobel Prize winning American author, name him or her for five points each: a. Leningrad, Russia; 1940 Answer: Joseph Brodsky (1987) b. St. Louis, Missouri; 1888 Answer: Thomas Stearns Eliot (1948) c. Lachine, near Montreal, Quebec; 1915 Answer: Saul Bellow (1976) d. Sauk Center, Minnesota, 1885 Answer: Sinclair Lewis (1930) Part 3 – Sixty Seconds Round

Latin Phrases

1. E Pluribus Unum Answer: Out of many, one 2. Semper Fidelis Answer: Always faithful 3. Ars gratia artis Answer: Art for art's sake 4. Ceteris paribus Answer: All other things being equal 5. Mea culpa Answer: My fault 6. Carpe diem Answer: Seize the day 7. In medias res Answer: In the middle of things 8. Veni, vidi, vici Answer: I came, I saw, I conquered 9. De jure Answer: Of the law 10. Ipso facto Answer: As a matter of fact EXTRAS 11. Requiescat in pace Answer: Rest in peace 12. Memento mori Answer: Remember the dead Norse Mythology: Answer the following questions about Norse mythology

1. This was the collective name for the 3 Fates of Norse myth Answer: Norns 2. This is the final battle in Norse myth, where good fights evil Answer: Ragnorok 3. This is the Hall of the Dead Answer: Valhalla 4. These are choosers of the slain Answer: Valkries 5. This god of evil and mischievous fathered the Fenris Wolf Answer: Loki 6. She is the goddess of love and beauty Answer: Freya 7. Either the god or the goddess of fertility Answer: Njord / Frey 8. He is the one handed, god of war Answer: Tyr 9. The rainbow bridge of Norse myth Answer: Bifrost 10. Home of the gods Answer: Asgard

Extra: 11. He is the son of Odin who is god of innocence Answer: Baldur 12. This ash tree is the greatest shrine in Norse myth Answer: Yggdrasil Inventors, Inventions, and Discoveries Answer the following questions about scientific inventions and discoveries:

1. He first observed the action of natural penicillin in 1928 Answer: Sir Alexander Fleming 2. He invented Carbon-14 dating of fossils Answer: William Libby 3. This man patented the miner’s safety lamp Answer: Sir Humphrey Davy

4. This Swede devised the system of binomial nomenclature Answer: Carollus Linnaeus 5. This man performed the first successful heart transplant Answer: Dr. Christiaan Barnard 6. This woman won the 1983 Nobel Prize in Medicine for work on jumping genes Answer: Barbara McClintock 7. This Menlow Park native invented/patented the first stock ticker Answer: Thomas Edison 8. This English chemist devised the modern atomic theory Answer: John Dalton 9. This man invented and patented the first train air brake Answer: George Westinghouse 10. This Connecticut born inventor established interchangeable parts Answer: Eli Whitney Extra: 11. He invented the dumb waiter Answer: Thomas Jefferson 12. He invented the aqua lung Answer: Jacques Cousteau Part 4 – 20 Point Tossup

1. In the distance is a bridge over the river surrounding the city of the white buildings with terraces. Barely visable near the rock at the river’s edge is a snake, probably signifying temptation. The courtier on the far left is dressed in contemporary Venetian clothing and is holding and resting on a long staff. On the far right is a woman wearing only a white cloth on her shoulders, sitting upon a little hill, suckling a child. In the background, however, is the juxtaposition of the serene and turbulent, as a bright lightning bolt streaks across the sky. For twenty points, this describes what 1505 allegorical painting of Adam and Eve after the Fall, the most famous work of Giorgione? Answer: “The Tempest”

2. Born in St. Mary’s, Maryland in 1894, this American writer is considered the first writer of hard-boiled school of detective fiction. He left school at age 13 and worked at a variety of city jobs in which he gained experience for his future time as a Pinkerton agent. In addition, he had a very close relationship with playwright Lillian Hellman from 1930 until his death in 1961. For twenty points, name this author of novels such as Red Harvest and The Thin Man, better known for creating such characters as Nick and Nora Charles and Sam Spade. Answer: Dashiell Hammett

3. Warning: pencil and paper may be required (15 seconds):

For twenty points, what is the eccentricity of the hyperbola with the equation: 9y2 – 25x2 = 225 Answer: eccentricity = 34/5 (the square root of 34 divided by 5)

4. Three of them, Thomas Carew, Sir John Suckling, and Richard Lovelace, were attached to the royal court, and one, Robert Herrick, was a clergyman. Their poetry is generally marked by brevity, correct and polished form, restrained emotion, and deal with loyalty, beauty, and love. These poets were influenced by Ben Jonson and formed an informal social, as well as literary circle. For twenty points, name this group of 17th-century English lyric poets, associated with the Royalists, who were the followers of King Charles I at the time of the English Civil War. Answer: Cavalier Poets

5. A 51-year-old small-time criminal was arrested and charged with burglarizing the Bay Harbor Poolroom in Panama City, Florida in 1961. When he was brought to court on the charge of burglary, a felony, the defendant informed the judge that he could not afford to hire a lawyer. He asked the court to provide one for him, asserting that "the Supreme Court of the United States says I am entitled to be represented by counsel." The trial judge rejected Gideon’s request because the crime with which he was charged was not a capital offense. He appealed and took his complaint all the way to the Supreme Court. For twenty points, what decision ruled unanimously that defendants in all felony cases are entitled to legal counsel? Answer: Gideon v. Wainwright (1963)

6. This man was called "The Morning Star of the Reformation," because he attacked Roman Catholic Church doctrine centuries before it was a common practice. He was trained in the scholasticism of the church and condemned monasticism and denied transubstantiation. For twenty points, name this 14th century theologian, who started the first English translation of the Bible, and whose followers were known as Lollards. Answer: John Wycliffe 7. This deadly disease was the first disease for which the causative organism was isolated, by C. J. Davaine in 1863, for which a pure culture was obtained, by Robert Koch in 1876, and for which an effective vaccine was developed, by Louis Pasteur in 1881. The disease, sometimes manifested by staggering, bloody discharge, convulsions, and suffocation, may be fatal almost immediately in acute cases and within three to five days in subacute cases. Death is caused by toxemia. For twenty, what is this contagious disease of warm-blooded animals, including humans, caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis? Answer: Anthrax

8. This movement in psychology advocates the use of strict experimental procedures to study observable responses in relation to the environment or stimuli. It was greatly influenced by the pioneering investigations of the Russian physiologist Vladimir M. Bekhterev on conditioning of animals. One of its founders, John B. Watson proposed using only objective procedures such as laboratory experiments designed to establish statistically significant results. His studies led him to formulate a stimulus- response theory. He claimed that emotional reactions are learned in much the same way as other skills. For twenty points, name this movement some of whose famous proponents included Ivan Pavlov and B.F. Skinner. Answer: Behaviorism

9. He was born in 1879 in Oogalah, then part of the Indian Territory that became Oklahoma. His death came in 1935, along with that of magazine editor Wiley Post, when their plane crashed somewhere in Alaska. In between, he was one of the top social commentators of the early 20th Century. For 20 points, name this man, who never met a man he didn't like. Answer: Will Rogers

10. A message delivered to him by an Eastern astrologer troubled him so greatly that he planned mass murder in retaliation. That murder, the slaughter of the Holy Innocents, caused Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus to move to Egypt until after this man's death. For twenty points, name this ruler who presided during the time of the great census, which caused Joseph to head to Bethlehem. Answer: Herod

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