Hire Casual Mid F/N (Z5) s1

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Hire Casual Mid F/N (Z5) s1

Testing Script No. HR211_ Manager Mid Year Review

Date of Test: Name of Tester: Position/Role: Test Scenario Manager Mid Year Review In the middle of the year, staff members are required to review their progress on each objective, and possibly add new objectives, depending on roles, responsibilities and department priorities

This test script asks the staff member to review every tab and add additional objectives where applicable.

Each phase contains 4 steps: - Staff member self evaluation - Manager review and comments/edits, after which it can be returned to the staff member for edits or confirmation (this can occur multiple times) - Staff member edits - Staff member confirmation, after which the Performance Profile moves into the next phase

Objective setting Phase : Step 1 – Staff Member No. Steps Expected Result Input Data Result OK/Error

This step is completed by the staff member. The staff member should send you and email once they have completed their tasks.

Managers who open the form while it is at the Employee stage will not be able to view any tabs or information contained on them. This is because the staff member is still editing the form.

Objective Setting Phase : Step 2 – Manager No. Steps Expected Result Input Data Result OK/Error

1 Log on to RMIT Employee Self RMIT Self Service page http://saptsws1.int.its.rmit. Service (Test) is displayed edu.au:52000/irj/portal 3 tabs are displayed; Username:xxxxx Home, Employee Self Password: xxxxx Service, Health & Safety, Line Manager


Page 1 of 13 Objective Setting Phase : Step 2 – Manager No. Steps Expected Result Input Data Result OK/Error

2 Click the Line Manager tab View more options within Line manager tab; Overview and Performance Management

3 Click on Performance The Performance Management tab Management Overview is displayed

4 Click on Performance Workplans The Employee to view your appraisee’s documents screen is Performance Workplans displayed.

You can search for a specific staff member, or select a specific tab to view staff members at different stages in the process. 5 Click the relevant Performance A table with a full list of Workplan on the your team and the status of their Performance Status Plans is displayed. overview tab 6 Select the Performance Profile for A new window is opened the relevant staff member by with the staff members clicking on the Performance Performance Workplan Workplan Name

7 Click on the Note Status A new window opens Close the window to return showing any comments to the Performance button sent from the staff Workplan member.

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8 If no position description Close the window to return Click on the exists, a message to the Performance Position description button should be viewed in a Workplan new window.

If a position description does exist, you will see the PD itself. 9 A new window opens to Close the window to return Click on the Google, where you will to the Performance Attachments button be able to sign in and Workplan upload documents post January 10 Click on the A new window opens Close the window to return linking you to the RMIT to the Performance website/MyPerformance Workplan Additional information button MyCareer website. 11 A new window opens, Close the window to return Click on the Action displaying details of any to the Performance Log button changes made to the Workplan form, and who made them.

12 Scroll to the end of the page and Your personal details should be viewed, such click on the Click on the as Status, Substatus, Administration Data button 05d936343ff666f677700702eadb542b.doc 3 of 13 Objective Setting Phase : Step 2 – Manager No. Steps Expected Result Input Data Result OK/Error

manager name and Staff member.

13 Click on the button to see A new window is opened Close the window to return more information. with information such as to the Performance staff number, position Workplan details, annual leave entitlement.

14 Check the forms status The Home page should be displayed. There will be an arrow highlighting the Mid year Manager Review

15 Click on Organisational objectives will be available for you to view and read. They Cascaded Objectives tab are in display mode only ie: you cannot change them. 05d936343ff666f677700702eadb542b.doc 4 of 13 Objective Setting Phase : Step 2 – Manager No. Steps Expected Result Input Data Result OK/Error

If the staff member is using the Executive, TAFE or Academic template, managers may select the alignment of the cascaded Objective. Check leave balance is correct. Excessive leave will need to be addressed. 16 Click on the The initial screen will contain objectives proposed by the staff Individual Objective tab member.

17 Enter/Edit Individual Objectives on Manager may add or Title: Contribute to a the Individual Objectives tab recommend changes. To collaborative team add, click on the add environment button and enter an Objective title, activities Activities to Achieve: to achieve and Work in a professional, Performance Indicator. positive, timely and client- The Academic template focused way and promote uses slightly different a collaborative approach fields, Support, and to team activities, client delivery Mode. and external relationships.

You can add as many Performance Indicator: individual objectives as a) Service to students is required. strengthened.

b) Information and knowledge is shared openly with team members as appropriate.

c) Constructive feedback

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is provided to colleagues to support continuous improvement and generation of new ideas and solutions.

d) Positive contribution to team spirit and group morale. e) Actively contribute to team/group planning/meetings. Alignment: Leadership Support (Academic Only): Delivery mode(Academic only): 18 Click on the The information is in display mode and cannot be changed. Check that Behavioural Expectations tab the level assigned is correct, and read every item. 19 Click on the The initial screen will contain objectives proposed by the staff Development Objectives tab member.

20 Enter Development Objectives on Manager may add or the Development Objectives Tab recommend changes. To add, click on the add button and enter an Objective title, activities to achieve , Support required, timeframe for completion, Delivery mode and Alignment. You can add as many

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individual objectives as required.

Note: Academics do not have a Development Objectives tab 21 Click the Check the information that the staff member has entered on this tab. Teaching Duty Allocation tab TAFE only No action is required.

22 Academic promotion Check the information Academic only that the staff member has entered on this tab.

No action is required.

23 Complete the The initial screen will What are your short-term contain information career aspirations (1-2 Career proposed by the staff years)? Profile member. Manager may Alignment recommend changes. What are your longer term Note: Academics do not career aspirations (3-5 have a Career Profile tab years)?

What other skills and professional accreditations do you have? 24 Complete the This tab contains open text fields for overall comments on how the Performance Feedback Tab manager feels the staff member is progressing at the mid Year point.

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The acknowledgement check box is display only 25 Complete the Performance Manager Mid Year Feedback Tab Objective comments:

I think that you are on track for this time of the year. Well done.

Staff member Mid Year behavioural expectations comments:

I would like to see you trying to perform at the behaviours for SE2 in preparation for possible promotion.

26 Save the document A message will be displayed indicating that the document has been saved.

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27 A new page opens with a Click OK to close the print Print the document print preview. preview.

The document should print to your elected printer and should be an accurate copy of the Performance Plan as you have completed it. 28 Save and Submit or Send to The form is “sent’ to your employee for confirmation appraisee for review.

If a staff member disagreed with the comments and wishes to reopen the mid year review, select the button for Reopen mid year review.

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29 The performance Profile Click is closed. Click refresh on the Employee documents screen to see if the status has changed to Mid Year Review Staff. 30 Email the staff member to advise that you have completed this step

Objective setting Phase : Step 3 – Staff Member No. Steps Expected Result Input Data Result OK/Error

This step is completed by the staff member. If the manager submitted the form to the employee with edits, the staff member will need to confirm and may send it back to the line manager requesting that the mid year review be reopened.

Step 2 and 3 will be completed until all objectives are finalized and both parties agree.

Managers who open the form while it is at the staff member stage will only be able to view information that has previously been agreed, but not edit anything; this is because the staff member is still editing the form.

05d936343ff666f677700702eadb542b.doc 10 of 13 Objective setting Phase : Step 4 - Manager No. Steps Expected Result Input Data Result OK/Error

1 Log on to RMIT Employee Self RMIT Self Service page http://saptsws1.int.its.rmit. Service (Test) is displayed edu.au:52000/irj/portal 3 tabs are displayed; Username:xxxxx Home, Employee Self Password: xxxxx Service, Health & Safety, Line manager 2 Click the Line manager tab View more options within Line Manager; Overview and Performance Management

3 Click on Performance The Performance Management tab Management Overview is displayed

4 Click on Performance Profile to The Employee view your appraisee’s documents screen is Performance Profiles displayed.

You can search for a specific staff member, or select a specific tab to view staff members at different stages in the process. 5 Click the relevant Performance A table with a full list of Workplan on the your team and the status of their Performance Status Plans is displayed. overview tab 6 Select the Performance Profile for A new window is opened the relevant staff member by with the staff members clicking on the Performance Performance Workplan Workplan Name 05d936343ff666f677700702eadb542b.doc 11 of 13 Objective setting Phase : Step 5 – Staff Member No. Steps Expected Result Input Data Result OK/Error

This step is completed by the staff member. If the line manager submitted the form to the employee with edits, the staff member will need to confirm and may send it back to the line manager requesting that the mid year review be reopened.

Step 2 and 4 will be completed until all objectives are finalised and both parties agree.

Line managers who open the form while it is at the employee stage will only be able to view information that has previously been agreed, but not edit anything; This is because the staff member is still editing the form.

05d936343ff666f677700702eadb542b.doc 12 of 13 Actual response: As expected As expected, but see Not as expected, see (select one) notes below notes below

Notes and evidence of test results (include screenshots):

Test Sign Off

Tester signoff: Test Result

User Acceptance Testing outcome Pass Fail

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