Biography Timeline Rubric

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Biography Timeline Rubric

Name: ______Person Selected: ______

Autobiography / Biography Timeline Rubric

5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Points 0 Points Significant Events Includes 10 Includes 8 Includes 6 Includes 4 Includes 2 Includes no on Timeline significant significant significant significant significant significant events from events from events from events from events from events from the person’s the person’s the person’s the person’s the person’s the person’s life. life. life. life. life. life. Historical Events Includes 5 Includes 3 Includes 1 Includes no During the Person’s events from events from event from events from Life ------history during history during history during history during the person’s the person’s the person’s the person’s life. life. life. life. All dates are All dates on Some dates Only a few Dates on the in the timeline on the dates on the timeline are chronological are in timeline are in timeline are in NOT in ------order and chronological chronological chronological chronological reads left to order. Reads order. Does order. order. Name Appropriate right or top to left to right or not read left of person Timeline format bottom. top to bottom. to right or top researched is Name of Name of to bottom. NOT included person person on timeline. researched is researched is included on NOT included timeline. on timeline. 10 color Includes 10 Includes 8 Includes 6 Includes 4 Includes 2 Includes no illustrations/pictures relevant color relevant color relevant color relevant color relevant color relevant color are included illustrations/ illustrations/ illustrations/ illustrations/ illustrations/ illustrations/ pictures. pictures. pictures. pictures. pictures. pictures. Timeline is neatly All parts are All parts are All parts are All parts are All parts are Parts are not done and Spelling neat, done as neat, done as neat, done as mostly neat, somewhat neat, neat, not done and Grammar are specified in the specified in the specified in the done as may be done as specified in accurate. Research Research Research specified in the as specified in the Research Guide, and Guide, and Guide, and has Research the Research Guide, and/or has 0-2 has 3-4 5-7 spelling/ Guide, and has Guide, and has has 14 or more spelling/ spelling/ grammar 8-10 spelling/ 11-13 spelling/ spelling/ grammar grammar errors. grammar grammar grammar errors. errors. errors. errors. errors.

Points Earned: ______

Total Points Possible: __22_ Autobiography / Biography Bibliography Rubric

5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Points 0 Points Noodle Tools Three source Two source One source Source Source No source Source Sheets sheets from sheets from sheet from sheets are sheets are sheets from Noodle Tools Noodle Tools Noodle Tools included with included with Noodle Tools are printed are printed is printed and minimal no notes, or are printed. and included and included included with notes. notes are No notes are with notes. with notes. notes. included with included. no source sheets. Bibliography (Book, Includes the Includes the Includes the 3 Includes only Includes only Includes no Online, & Pictures) 3 required 3 required required 2 required 1 required required research research research research research research sources and sources and sources and sources and source and no sources and all picture some picture few picture few picture picture no picture sources. sources. sources. sources. sources. sources. Bibliography is Bibliography Bibliography Bibliography Bibliography Bibliography Bibliography properly formatted is properly is properly is properly is mostly is somewhat is NOT formatted formatted but formatted but properly properly properly with page is missing is missing the formatted and formatted and formatted and heading and either the page heading is missing the is missing the is missing the title. page heading and title. page heading page heading page heading or title. and title. and title. and title. Completed Handed in Handed in Handed in Handed in All parts of Did not hand Research Guide Research Research Research Research Research in Research Guide with Guide with Guide with Guide with Guide are not Guide. all parts only 3 parts only 2 parts only 1 part complete. complete and complete. complete. complete. • Person Selected neatly done. • Person • Person Selected • Person Selected • Locating Info • Self Evaluation • Person Selected • Locating Info • Locating Info • Research Selected • Locating Info • Self Evaluation • Self Evaluation Questions • Locating Info • Self Evaluation • Research • Research • Self Evaluation • Research Questions Questions • Research Questions Questions Credibility of All sources Two sources One source No sources Sources used in used in used in used in research were research were research was research were located located located located ------through IMC through IMC through IMC through IMC Assistance, or Assistance, or Assistance, or Assistance, or have Web have Web has Web Site have Web Site Site Evaluation Site Evaluation Evaluation Checklist Evaluation Checklist Checklist completed. Checklist completed. completed. completed.

Points Earned: ______

Total Points Possible: __23_ Auto Biography / Biography Oral Presentation Rubric

Name: ______Person Selected: ______

4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Points 0 Points Key facts about Clearly answered Answered the key Answered only 2 Answered only 1 Answered no key person’s life the key facts in facts in the oral key facts in the key fact in the fact in the oral (birth, life the oral presentation. oral presentation. oral presentation. presentation. accomplishments, presentation. • Birth • Birth • Birth • Life Accomplishments • Life Accomplishments • Life Accomplishments death?) • Death? • Death? • Death? Research Clearly identified Identified and Identified and Did not clearly Did not answer Question 1: and answered the answered the answered the identify the question. ______question with question with question, but did question that was evidence from evidence from not provide answered. research. research. evidence. Research Clearly identified Identified and Identified and Did not clearly Did not answer Question 2: and answered the answered the answered the identify the question. ______question with question with question, but did question that was evidence from evidence from not provide answered. research. research. evidence. Research Clearly identified Identified and Identified and Did not clearly Did not answer Question 3: and answered the answered the answered the identify the question. ______question with question with question, but did question that was evidence from evidence from not provide answered. research. research. evidence. Dress and Clearly dressed Dressed as Either dressed as The dress or Did not dress as Prop/Visual Aid as selected selected person person or had a prop/visual aid selected person person and had a and had a prop or prop/visual aid had an unclear nor had a prop or prop or visual aid visual aid related related to the connection to the visual aid. related to the to the person’s person’s life. person’s life. person’s life. life. 4 to 6 minutes in Oral Presentation Oral presentation Oral presentation Oral presentation Oral presentation length is comfortably in is either 15 is either 30 is either 1 minute is more than 1 the 4–6 minute seconds over or seconds over or over or under the minute over or range. under the 4–6 under the 4–6 4–6 minute under the 4–6 minute range. minute range. range. minute range. Volume Consistently Speaks loudly Speaks loudly Does not speak speaks loudly enough for all to enough for all to loudly enough for ------enough for all to hear most of the hear some of the all to hear. hear. time. time. Clarity & Speed Consistently Enunciates words Enunciates words Does not enunciates words clearly and clearly and enunciate words ------clearly and speaks at a speaks at a clearly or speak speaks at a comfortable pace comfortable pace at a comfortable comfortable pace. most of the time. some of the time. pace. Note Cards & Eye Appropriate use Appropriate use Speech is Note cards are Contact of note cards. of note cards. partially read used to read the Speech not read Some reading of from note cards majority of the ------and good eye speech and good with some eye speech with contact eye contact. contact. minimal eye throughout. contact.

Points Earned: ______

Total Points Possible: __33_

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