Syllabus for English 12/EE87: Literary Dystopia

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Syllabus for English 12/EE87: Literary Dystopia

The Williamsburg High School for Architecture and Design Gill Cornell, Principal Mr. Key Teacher

Syllabus for English 12/EE87: Literary Dystopia

Fall 2013 Term: Teacher: Mr. Key, Ms. Happ (TBD) Email: [email protected] Room: 202 Office Hours: 12:40-2:22 (6th and 7th Period daily) and 8th Period (2:22-3:10) by appointment

Course Description:

Literary Dystopia is designed to integrate basic reading, writing, listening and speaking skills through critical survey of our world. Major focus of the course will emphasize literary analysis, critical thinking, and personal development of literary skills.

This course will assist students in developing personal philosophies and introspective thinking skills that will continue past their senior year of high school and into their collegiate career.

Materials: Composition Notebook , Loose-Leaf Paper, and Writing Utensils.

You will not be tearing pages out of your notebook. Loose-leaf paper is required for all hand-in assignments.

*All books will be provided

Grading Policy: Attendance is MANDATORY. If you are not here, you will fall behind and miss pertinent information. Students are responsible for making up ALL work and missed assignments.

 Tests/Quizzes— 50% Quizzes will be given sporadically. Tests dates will be given ample time for preparation.  CCSS Writing Performance Tasks— 20% Research or essay project  Homework— 10%

 Classwork/Participation— 20% 100%

“To believe your own thought, to believe what is true for you in your private heart, is true for all men—that is genius.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson Expectations:

Expect to work hard. There are no freebees in this class. You will be tested regularly on expanding your vocabulary. You are going to be writing AND reading frequently. You will be expected daily to express yourself in one form or another. There will be papers, research papers, journal entries, etc.

Be prepared to challenge your own worldview so that you may better understand yourself and your world.

Classroom Rules:

1. Respect all others and yourself. 2. Come to class everyday on time and prepared to work. 3. If you are late to class, please go to the office to be scanned and sign the Late Log upon entering the room. 4. Be an active participant in the classroom. Always try to do your best. 5. Do not use foul language or talk out in class. 6. Bathroom privileges begin 10 minutes after the period has started and end 10 minutes before the period comes to a close. You must ask to be excused, sign the Bathroom Log and use the Pass provided. 7. Please ask permission to eat or drink in class, be neat and throw away your waste appropriately. 8. Obey all WHSAD rules.

Consequences for repeated violation of rules: 1. Verbal warning 2. Verbal warning and written notation to the Dean and Guidance Counselor 3. Verbal warning, written notation as above and parental notification 4. Conference with parent, Dean and/or Guidance Counselor 5. Possible Suspension

Classroom Procedures: Each day will begin with a “Do Now”—something you’re definitely familiar with. You are expected to immediately sit down, write down the day’s Aim, and begin the “Do Now.” This will allow class to begin promptly and smoothly.

Homework: Homework is an important part of your learning. It helps to reinforce what you have learned in class and also serves as a means for assessing any problem areas. Homework should be completed on the page provided or on a separate piece of loose leaf paper not torn out of a composition book.

Homework is to be turned in at the beginning of class… any work turned in after class has started is considered late.

Homework Format: Non-Negotiable Student’s Name Date Assigned Class Period Teacher’s Name

Assignment Standards:  Standard 8 ½ x 11 inch loose leaf paper  Neat and Legible  Students must speak and write in COMPLETE SENTENCES

Late Work: 1. Any student work turned in one day late will be subject to loss of one letter grade. 2. Any student work turned in two days late will be subject to loss of two letter grades. 3. Any student work turned in more than two days late will be subject to no credit. (Hint: Turn your work in on time.)

Class Work:

Class work is to be completed in class. If a student is not doing the work assigned to be completed in class, the student will receive a zero for the assignment which is used to calculate the class participation grade.

Course Outline: Fall Semester, 2013

*Notice that the following is not necessarily in chronological order. However, these will be the pieces (film, books, short stories, additional work, etc.) that we will be working with for the next 5 months.

Literature:  Fahrenheit 451, novel by Ray Bradbury  1984, novel by George Orwell  Brave New World, novel by Aldous Huxley  Amusing Ourselves to Death, excerpts by Neil Postman  Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, dialogue between Glaucon and Socrates

Films (only selected preapproved scenes):  “The Matrix”  “V for Vendetta”  1984

*As with all things in life, this is subject to change by addition or subtraction.

School Website:

I will be updating daily the school website. My teacher page, “Mr. Key”, is located on the school’s website, All teachers are located on the bottom right-hand side. You must check this for any days you miss, as I will be posting the day’s Aim, PowerPoint slides, homework, or anything else you may have missed. The Williamsburg High School for Architecture and Design Gill Cornell, Principal Mr. Key Teacher

Student Contract: Fall 2013

Student Name: ______

I have read the classroom rules and requirements for the Senior English Language Arts. I understand the rules and requirements and will honor them.

Student Signature:______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

*Student Copy* The Williamsburg High School for Architecture and Design Gill Cornell, Principal Mr. Key Teacher

Student Contract: Fall 2013

Student Name: ______

I have read the classroom rules and requirements for the Senior English Language Arts. I understand the rules and requirements and will honor them.

Student Signature:______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent Home Phone Number: ______

Parent Cellphone Number: ______

Parent Email Address: ______

*Teacher Copy*

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