October 2015 Newsletter

Welcome to all our new children who have started pre-school this month.

Thank you to everyone who joined in the fun at our summer fair. We raised £175. A huge thank you to everyone that helped run the stalls, in particular to Allie (Florence’s Mum) who organised this fantastic event.

Our first committee meeting of the new academic year is on 16th October. If you are interested in becoming a committee member please speak to a member of staff and / or return your completed nomination forms. Without committee members Little Owl simply cannot remain open, please get involved!

Feathers & Fur – 8th October 10am Join us for a wonderful close up encounter with some beautiful owls.

Dates for the diary: 23rd October - Inset Day –Little Owl will be closed for a staff training day 2nd November – Day of the Dead Mexican Festival 9th November – Heart Beeps, a music, light and colour workshop 11th November - Diwali 24th & 26th November – Stay and Play

Please register at www.easyfundraising.org.uk to raise money for the pre- school through your usual on-line shopping. Here’s how to do it….. Step 1: Type in: www.easyfundraising.org.uk Step 2: Create your account which is 100% secure, selecting The Little Owl Pre-School Reading to receive the funds. Step 3: Every time you do online shopping, go via the easyfundraising link and raise money for the pre-school. Step 4: Tell all your friends and family to use it too