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Massachusetts Department of Higher Education


Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nurse of the Future Competency Committee

Policy Pertaining to Use of Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies© in Publications, Presentations, and Project Materials

The following requirements have been developed to support and facilitate dissemination of outcomes from the work completed by the Nurse of the Future Competency (NOFC) Committee. They have been adapted from another source1 and reflect conventional publication guidelines as outlined in the referenced materials. These requirements pertain to the work of the Competency Committee only (see Appendix 1).

Publications All publications pertaining to work completed during the conduct of this project or to information, data, and outcomes obtained during its course must include the following statement:

Preparation of this manuscript was supported by funding from the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education and the Johnson & Johnson Promise of Nursing for Massachusetts Nursing School Grant Program. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent official views of the funding agencies.

All manuscripts pertaining to this project must be reviewed and approved by the current co-chairs2 of the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education NOFC Committee prior to submission for publication. Final sign-off for approval will be the responsibility of the current co-chairs of the NOFC Committee.

Authorship credit for manuscripts shall be based on 1) substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of outcomes; 2) drafting the manuscript or revising it critically for intellectual content; 3) final approval of the version to be published, and 4) ability to explain and defend the work in public or scholarly settings.3 Authorship order for the primary publication (see Appendix 2)

1Adapted from Enhanced Professional Practice Model for Nursing Statement on Publications, Presentations, Access to Data, and Ancillary Studies, G. L. Ingersoll, October 1991. 2 Gayle L. Gravlin and Judy Beal. 3 International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. (October 2007). Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals: Writing and editing for biomedical publication. Retrieved July 19, 2008 from Baggs, J.G. (2008). Issues and rules for authors concerning authorship versus acknowledgements, dual publication, self plagiarism, and salami publishing. Research in Nursing and Health, 31, 295-297. King, C.R., McGuire, D.B., Longman, A.J., & Carroll-Johnson, R.M. (1997). Peer review, authorship, ethics, and conflict of interest. Image: Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 29, 163-167. University Research Council. (January 15, 1998). Michigan State University Guidelines on Authorship. Retrieved July 19, 2008 from

Revised 09 28 11 2 pertaining to the original project design, competencies model, methodology, and principal outcomes will be as follows: Maureen Sroczynski, Paulette Seymour-Route, Gayle L. Gravlin, Nancy Hoffart, and Patricia Creelman, with acknowledgement of the NOFC Committee. The five named authors represent the organizations contributing to the project: Massachusetts Department of Higher Education, Massachusetts Association of Colleges of Nursing, Massachusetts Organization of Nurse Executives (practice and education), and Massachusetts-Rhode Island League for Nursing. The other NOFC Committee members will be acknowledged, in alphabetical order, as significant contributors (see Appendix 1).

Authorship for all secondary publications (See Appendix 2) pertaining to any component of the project will be by negotiation among the proposed authors and with approval of the current co-chairs early in the collaborative endeavor. Ordering will be based on extent of participation in manuscript development and on ownership of ideas contained within. Co-authors of all manuscripts are expected to participate in the formulation of ideas or in writing of the paper sufficiently enough to assure they are able to defend it if challenged in public or scholarly settings.4

If the manuscript is to be published in a journal that, by policy, limits the number of co- authors, the name of the committee, “Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nurse of the Future Competency Committee,” will be identified as the author. A footnote containing the names of the committee members, in alphabetical order, will be used to identify those who contributed to the paper.

Should a dispute arise over who has a right to be an author or the order of authorship for secondary papers, the current NOFC Committee co-chairs will resolve the disagreement through collegial consultation with the other authors.5

For individuals who have participated in a limited manner in the development of ideas or in carrying out the NOFC Committee’s activities, acknowledgements for secondary publications may be appropriate. Acknowledgement is not automatic, however, and is dependent upon extent of involvement and will be decided by the primary author(s) and confirmed through discussion with the NOFC Committee member(s) who is (are) being acknowledged. Merely participating in the project at some point in its undertaking is not

4 Fine, M.A., & Kurdek, L.A. (1993). Reflections on determining authorship credit and authorship order on faculty–student collaborations. American Psychologist. 48, 1141-1147. Retrieved on July 19, 2008 from International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. (October 2007). Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals: Writing and editing for biomedical publication. Retrieved on July 19, 2008 from University Research Council. (January 15, 1998). Michigan State University guidelines on authorship. Retrieved July 19, 2008 from Baggs, J.G. (2008). Issues and rules for authors concerning authorship versus acknowledgements, dual publication, self plagiarism, and salami publishing. Research in Nursing and Health, 31, 295-297. 5 University Research Council. (January 15, 1998). Michigan State University guidelines on authorship. Retrieved July 19, 2008 from

Revised 09 28 11 3 sufficient involvement to warrant acknowledgement. The exception to this statement is the funding agencies, which are to be acknowledged in all publications.6

Copies of all publications are to be forwarded to the current co-chairs for inclusion in the NOFC Committee files. The co-chairs will forward any requests for copies of papers to the first author.

Presentations All presentations pertaining to the project or to information obtained during its conduct must identify the funding sources:

Preparation of this presentation (or poster) was supported in part by funding from the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education and the Johnson & Johnson Promise of Nursing for Massachusetts Nursing School Grant Program. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent official views of the funding agencies.

All project-related presentations must identify the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nurse of the Future Competency Committee as of July 2008 as the group responsible for developing the competencies.

The Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies were developed by the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nurse of the Future Competency Committee, co-chaired by Maureen Sroczynski and Gayle L. Gravlin.

Acknowledgement of others involved in the project will be by permission of the individual to be acknowledged and will depend upon the extent of participation or involvement in the presentation topic.

Abstracts of project-related presentations must be reviewed and approved by the current co-chairs prior to submitting it to any outside agency or program for consideration. Final approval rests with the current co-chairs of the NOFC Committee.

Copies of all presentation abstracts, papers, or slides are to be forwarded to the current co-chairs for inclusion in project files. The co-chairs will forward any requests for copies of papers to the first author.

6 International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. (October 2007). Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals: Writing and editing for biomedical publication. Retrieved on July 19, 2008 from King, C.R., McGuire, D.B., Longman, A.J., & Carroll-Johnson, R.M. (1997). Peer review, authorship, ethics, and conflict of interest. Image: Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 29, 163-167. Baggs, J.G. (2008). Issues and rules for authors concerning authorship versus acknowledgements, dual publication, self plagiarism, and salami publishing. Research in Nursing and Health, 31, 295-297.

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Project Materials All materials produced by the NOFC Committee, such as, but not limited to the competencies booklet, graphics, and slides, will be copyrighted by the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education NOFC Committee. Grantees and others who use or adapt these copyrighted materials in papers and presentations must seek written permission from the current co-chairs to use the materials and must give credit to the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education (DHE), using the following statement:

Used with permission of the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nurse of the Future Competency Committee, Boston, MA, [date permission granted].

The recommended citation for the competencies is:

Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nurse of the Future Competency Committee. (2010). Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies. Boston: Massachusetts Department of Higher Education.

If NOFC materials are adapted, the following credit is to be used:

Adapted from the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies, 2010, Massachusetts Department of Higher Education, Boston, MA.

Access to Project Materials for Secondary Use Data collected during the NOFC project is the property of the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nursing Initiative. Access to data for a secondary use or analysis will be by written permission of the current NOFC co-chairs. Secondary use is defined as the analysis of preexisting data (i.e. data collected by the NOFC Committee) to answer different questions than the questions answered by the NOFC Committee, or analyzed in a different way than the NOFC Committee analyzed the data. The proposal for secondary use will be submitted to the DHE on the “Project Materials Tracking and Permission” form (located on the DHE Nursing Initiative web site) and will include the purpose of the project, the questions proposed and the analysis procedures intended. Approval for access will be granted in writing by the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nursing Initiative after the request is reviewed and approved by the NOFC Committee co-chairs. Data used in the secondary analysis will remain the property of the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nursing Initiative and no additional analyses may be performed without the Initiative’s prior approval.

Data collected by DHE grantees that are separate and distinct from NOFC project deliverables will be the property of the grantees involved. Acknowledgement of the funding agencies and the NOFC Committee is expected in all publications and presentations resulting from the data collection.

Contact Information: Refer to “Project Materials Tracking and Permission” form.

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Appendix 1

Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nursing Initiative

Statewide Advisory Committee Approved Projects and Grants

Increasing Diversity: Simulation Increasing Capacity Welcome Back Center Grants: Creativity and (National Nursing and Faculty Centralized Clinical Manikins and Connections: Nurse of Education Capacity Scholarships Placement Project Scenario the Future Project Summit Team) Development Nurse of Future Project

Organization of Nurse Leaders, MA/RI** Nurse of Future Academic Practice Competency Integration Committee Committee* Committee

Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies

*Nurse of the Future Competency Committee (2008) Members: Alice Bonner, PhD, RN; Judy Beal DNSc, RN; Karen Cervizzi Manning, MS, RN, CRRN, CNA; Susan Conrad, PhD, RN; Pat Creelman, MS, RN, CNE; Sharon Gale, MS, RN; Gayle L. Gravlin, EdD, RN, NEA-BC; Antoinette Hays, PhD, RN; Nancy Hoffart, PhD, RN; Maryjoan Ladden, PhD, RN; Elizabeth Kudzma, DNSc, RN; Karen Devereaux Melillo, PhD, APRN, BC, FAANP; Margaret Motyka, MS, RNC; Debbie Orre, EdD(c), RN; Judie Pelletier, MSN, RN; Marybeth Pepin, MS, RN; Janet Rico, PhD(C), MSN, MBA, RN, CS; Kathleen Scoble, EdD, RN; Janet Secatore, MS, RN; Paulette Seymour Route, PhD, RN; Maureen Sroczynski, MS, RN and Mary Tarbell, MS, RN.

Current Co-Chairs: Gayle L. Gravlin, EdD, RN, NEA-BC and Judy Beal, DNSc, RN.

Other Contributors: Judith Gill, PhD; Karen H. Green, MA, BSN; Lily Hsu, EdD, RD; David McCauley; Carole Miller, RN; Judy Manchester, RN; Karen Moore, RN, MS, FACHE and Diane Welsh, MSN, APRN

**Formerly called Massachusetts Organization of Nurse Executives (MONE).

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Appendix 2

Nurse of the Future Competency Committee Publication Model

Primary Publication Primary authors with acknowledgement of Nurse of the Future Competency (NOFC) Committee members Content will include but not be limited to: o Development of competencies o Dissemination, input process and consensus building o Gap analysis process and curriculum planning and development o Implications and lessons learned

Examples of Secondary Publications Other authors with approval of NOFC Committee co-chairs o Grant process outcomes o Implications for practice o Faculty development guides o Communication methodology as framework for success o Partnership model: Turning stakeholders to shareholders o Others

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