Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD 21251

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Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD 21251

Carrol S. Perrino, Ph.D. Psychology Department Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD 21251 [email protected]

Education PhD (Experimental Psychology) Northwestern University 1967 MA (Experimental Psychology) Northwestern University 1966 BA (Psychology) Syracuse University 1963

Academic experience Associate Professor Psychology (tenured) Morgan State University 1973-current Chairperson Psychology Morgan State University 1985-1994 Assistant Professor Psychology Morgan State University 1968-1973 Assistant Professor Psychology SUNY Buffalo 1967-1968 Lecturer Psychology St. Xavier College Spring 1967 Lecturer Psychology Northwestern University Fall 1966 Lecturer Psychology Kendall College Summer 1966

Academic awards and honors School of Social Work Hall of Fame 2010 NSF/AEA Fellowship 2007-2009 Psychology Department Hall of Fame 2000 East/West Center Summer Fellowship 2000 Dean's Recognition Award 1994 Golden Key Honor Society 1994 Promethean Kappa Tau Honor Society 1982 Northwestern University Fellowship 1964-1967 Sigma Xi Scientific Honor Society 1966 Woodrow Wilson Fellow 1963-1964 Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society 1963 NSF Undergraduate Research Fellow 1962-63 Psi Chi Psychology Honor Society 1962 New York State Regents Scholar 1959-63

Professional memberships Association of Institutional Research American Evaluation Association American Psychological Association (Division 21 Engineering and Applied Psychology, Division 52 International) Division 1 General Eastern Psychological Association MdAIR National Center for Health Behavioral Change (Senior Fellow) State of Maryland Transportation Records Committee State Of Maryland Elderly Driver Research Consortium Transportation Research Board (Motorcycles/Mopeds Committee)

Publications (Papers in Referred Journals) Beersingh, Y., Perrino, C. & Haines, R. (2013). Precictors of success in a STEM gateway course for HBI summer bridge students. Higher Education in Review,2013 ). Moore-Greene, G., Gross, S., Silver, K. & Perrino, C. (2012). Chronic stress and decreased physical exercise: Impact on weight for African American women. Ethnicity & Disease, 22, 185-191. Hestick, H. & Perrino, C. (2009). African American undergraduates' perceptions and attributions of child sexual abuse. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 18, 61-77. Rhodes, W., Peters, R., Perrino, C. & Bryant, S. (2008). Substance use problems reported by historically black college students: Combined marijuana and alcohol use versus alcohol alone. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 40, 2001-2005. Baird, D., Yearwood, E.L., Hoch, C. & Perrino, C. (2008). Small island, big problem: HIV/AIDS and youth in Trinidad and Tabago. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 20, 243-251. Braden-Maguire, J., Sigal, J. & Perrino, C.S. (2005). Battered women who kill: Variables affecting simulated jurors’ verdicts. Journal of Family Violence, 20, 403- 408. Rhodes, W., Singleton, E., McMillan, T. & Perrino, C.S. (2005). Does knowledge of college drinking policy influence student binge drinking? Journal of American College Health, 54, 45-49. Sigal, J., Gibbs., M., Goodrich, C., Rashid, T., Anjun, A., Hsu, D., Perrino, C. Boratov, H., Carson-Arenas, A., Van Baarsen, B., vander Plaq, J. & Pan, W. (2005). Cross- cultural reactions to academic sexual harassment: Effects of individualistic vs collectivist culture and gender of participants. Sex Roles, 51, 200-215. Sigal, J., Braden-Maguire, J., Pratt, I, Goodrick, C, & Perrino, C. (2003) Effects of type of coping response, setting and social context on reactions to sexual harassment. Sex Roles, 48, 157 – 166. Hestick, H., Perrino, C., Rhodes, W. & Sydnor, K. (2001). Trial and lifetime smoking risks among African American college students. Journal of American College Health, 49, 213 – 219.

(Reports) Scott-Johnson, P., Wells, A., Perrino, C., DuBarry, D. and Jackson, A. (2010). Human terrain systems report: HTS behavioral taskforce. Unclassified report to the army: Psychosocial examination of data from the HT project in Iraq: Analytical strategy and recommendations. Perrino, C., Ahmed, A., ,Callendar, A., Rozier, E., Cantwell, A., Stewart, O., Raleigh, R. & Joyce, J. (2002). The role of Maryland’s motorcycle rider safety course in promoting safer behaviors and attitudes. DOT University Transportation Centers, National Transportation Center, Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD.

Saka, A. & Perrino, C. (1998). Characteristics of the risky driver in the state of Maryland. Morgan State University National Center Report. Baltimore, MD.

Perrino, C. & Saka, A. (1997). The risky driver: An annotated bibliography of recent research. ntc/riskdr3.PDF

Saka, A., Perrino, C. & Hays, C. (1997). Licensing requirements for the risky driver: A nationwide survey. Morgan State University National Transportation Report. Baltimore, MD.

(Published Teaching Material) Sealy, H., Perrino, C. & Rhodes, W. (1997). Study Guide to Accompany Psychology in Action. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, NY. Perrino, C., Carter, G., Hestick, H., Rhodes, W., Sealy, H., Smith, R.& Walker, E. (1996). Study Guide to Accompany Hallonen and Santrock’s Introduction to Psychology. Brown & Benchmark Publishers. Dubuque, Iowa.

Conference presentations Perrino, C. (2013). Best practices and cultural pitfalls in cross-cultural research. Eastern Psychological Association Annual Conference, March 1-4, 2013, New York City. Turner-Musa, J., Scott-Johnson, P., Perrino, C., Bowen-Reid, T., & Smith, R. (June, 2010). Expanding the pipeline: Transformative research experiences for underrepresented students. Annual Council on Undergraduate Research National Conference, Ogden, UT. Rollins, C., Perrino, C., Thompson, T. & Khanal, D. (2010). Predicting graduation rates in Maryland and West Virginia. AIR Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois. Perrino, C., Thompson, T., & Rollins, C. (2009). Predicting graduation rates for the 4-year public colleges in Maryland: An analysis of the EdTrust data 2003- 2006 and implications. MdAIR 23rd Annual Conference, October 16, 2009. Ndege, M., Scott-Johnson, P. & Perrino, C.(2009). Individuals' high positive attitudes foster more service learning hours. American Psychological Association Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Rollins, C., Perrino, C. & Thompson, T. (2008). Predicting initial success and retention: Querying a longitudinal database. MdAIR 22nd Annual Conference, October 24, 2008, The Universities at Shady Grove, MD. Perrino, C., Dandridge, A. & Mehlinger, K. (2006). Gender and the actor-observer bias in risky driving. 77th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, March 16-19, 2006, Baltimore, MD. Perrino, C., Gross, S., & Scott-Johnson, P. (2005). Evaluating the role of socioeconomic status on the relationship between overweight status and ethnicity: An analysis of the urban community health project. American Public Health Association 133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition, December 10-14, 2005, Philadelphia, PA. Perrino, C., LaTouche, S. & Cranstoun, C. (2005). Depression and cultural identity among HBCU students. 3rd Annual HBCU Counseling Center Conference, November 4, 2005, Baltimore, MD. Baird, D. & Perrino, C. (2004). Impact of participatory HIV/AIDS prevention program on Caribbean youth. XV International AIDS Conference, July 11-16, Bangkok, Thailand. Braden-Maguire, Sigal,J., Thomason, M. & Perrino, C. (2003). Battered women who kill: The effects of race of defendant and participant on simulated jurors' verdicts. 74th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, March 13-16, Baltimore, MD. Perrino. C. & Ahmed, A. (2003). The effects of motorcycle safety course on the risk of accidents and violations in Maryland. National Transportation Center's Third Annual Research Symposium, February 13, 2002, Baltimore, MD. Goodrich, C., Braden-Maguire, J., Sigal, J., Hradil, A., Hurley, S & Perrino, C. (2000). Should a young defendant be tried as a child or as an adult? Effects of gender of simulated jurors on judgments in a multiple shootings crime. 71st Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Baltimore, MD. Hestick, H. & Perrino, C. (2000). Perceptions of child abuse and neglect among African American college students. American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children 8th National Colloquim, Chicago, Il. Neustat, I., Sigal, J., Braden-Maguire, J., Goodrich, C., & Perrino, C. (2000). The effect of type of coping response and type of setting on perceptions of sexual harassment victims. 71st Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Baltimore, MD. Perrino, C. & Ahmed, A. (2000). The effects of motorcycle safety course on the risk of accidents and violations in Maryland. Second Annual National Transportation Center Research Symposium. February 2, 2000, Baltimore, MD. Sigal, J., Gibbs, M., Neustat, I., Rashid, T., Anjum, A., Jacobsen-Wilson, H. & Perrino, C. (1999). Cross-cultural and minority reactions to sexual harassment. 107th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, August 20-24, Boston, MA. Perrino, C., Ahmed, A., Cantwell, A. & Callendar, A.(1999). The effects of the motorcycle rider safety course on the risks of accidents and violations in Maryland. Morgan State University First Annual National Transportation Center Research Symposium. February 8, 1999, Baltimore, MD.

SYMPOSIA/PANELS Scott-Johnson, P., Wells, A. & Perrino, C. (2011). Diversity in psychometrics. Symposium. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, August 4-7, 2011, Washington, DC. Perrino, C. & Browne, D. (2005). Use of human subjects in research- Panel Discussants. Office of Sponsored Programs and Research, Morgan State University. Baltimore, MD. Perrino, C. (2004). : Disease prevention & health promotion. National Symposium on Health Behavioral Change, October 3-5, Baltimore, MD. Perrino, C. (2003). Perception of ourselves and others. 74th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, March 13-16, Baltimore, MD. Sigal, J., DeSouza, E., Gibbs, M., Watson, H., BelagaI., Perrino, C. & McGhee, A. (2003). The many faces of violence: Perpetrators, victims and interventions. 74th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, March 13-16, Baltimore, MD. Perrino, C., Hestick, H., Rhodes, W. Braden-Maguire, J.,McGhee, A. & Sigal, J. (2001). Violence in our society: Intervention models. 72nd Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, April 19-22, 2001, Washington, D.C. Perrino, C., Hargett, S., Johnson-Bey, C., N'Guerekata, G. & Strange, M. (2000). How mathematics spans all dimensions. Department of Mathematics, Morgan State University, April 13, 2000. Baltimore, MD. Perrino, C. (2000). What does the future hold for me as a psychology instructor in the new millennium? Psi Beta Symposium. 71st Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, March 25, Baltimore, MD. Sigal, J., Mills, A., Perrino, C., DeSouza, E.,Gibbs, M.,Goodrich, C. and Waters, J. (2000). Multicultural and gender issues in teaching, counseling and therapy. 71st Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, March 25, Baltimore, MD. Perrino, C. & Hailstorks, R. (1999). Honor Society Panel Presentation. Mid-Atlantic Psychology Symposium, Baltimore City Community College, March 19, 1999. Baltimore, MD.

Research support 2011-2014 Co-PI CUSTEMS project to isolate factors that predict success in completion of degrees in the STEM fields. Funded through Thurgood Marshall College Fund.

2010 Quantitative analysis of unclassified data from the Human Terrain Project in Iraq

2002-2003 Co-PI Investigation of inattentive driving behaviors among minority college students and targeted specific behaviors using- PSIs, DVDs, posters, magazine covers- to change attitudes and behaviors. Maryland Highway Administration was the funder.

1998-2001 Co- PI Conducted an evaluation of the Maryland Motorcycle Safety course following two cohorts of newly licensed motorcycle riders, one trained and one not trained, administering questionnaires immediately following receipt of license and then at one-year intervals to determine attitudes and riding behaviors. Driving/riding records were also evaluated . Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration was the funder. 1999-2001 PI Coordinated target identification study of soldiers in different field environments using computer simulations. US Army Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Grounds was the funder.

1996-1998 Co-PI Evaluated the characteristics of the risky driver in Maryland using accident data from the 1993-1995 State Highway Administration database. Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration through a grant from US DOT was the funder.

Teaching (2002-2009) Undergraduate Courses: Psychological Statistics I Psychological Statistics II Experimental Psychology Junior Seminar Research Senior Seminar Research Graduate Courses: Principles of Statistical Methods Applied Statistical Inference Principles and Methods of Research Multivariate Statistics

(2002-2009) Undergraduate Advisees- 60/academic year (2002-2009) Graduate thesis/dissertation Committees- 5/academic year (Psychometrics, Educational Leadership, Community College, Public Health, Sociology, Social Work) (2001-2002) Graduate Student Orientation-Research Data Statistics for Theses and Dissertations (2002) Professorial Guest Presenter on Research Design in ProSeminar in Higher Education (RDHE 701)

Service-University (2011-2013) PRR for Middle States Accreditation (2010) Search Committee Dean of College of Liberal Arts (2010) Transition Team for President Wilson (2009) Workshop on Evaluation Capacity Building. June 1, 2009. Morgan State University. Funded by AEA/NSF, Dr. Veronica Thomas, PI. Carrol Perrino and Stella Hargett (organizers) (2009) Search Committee for Associate Director, Continuing Studies (2008-2012) Chair Student Learning Outcomes Committee (2007-2008) Student Learning Outcomes Committee Assessment Coordinator College of Liberal Arts (2007-2008) Middle States Accreditation- Task Force Four Leader Data Manager (1998-2008) Institutional Review Board (2006-2008) Faculty Institute Assessment (2005-2009) Faculty Institute Committee (1998-2009) Faculty Institute Presentations (2005-2008) Promotion and Tenure Committee School of Public Health (1998-2008) Promotion and Tenure Committee School of Arts and Science/Liberal Arts (2002) Promotion and Tenure Committee Institute of Architecture & Planning (1998-2002) University Council, Chair Academic and Student Affairs Committee Executive Committee (2001-2009) Honors Program Advisory Council (2001) Organized SPSS Statistical Workshop for University (2000) Promotion and Tenure Committee Department of Social Work (1995-2008) Representative to Maryland Psychology Articulation Group

Service-Department (1994-2009) Promotion and Tenure Committee Psychology Department (1996-1998) Negotiated Royalties and Produced Study Guide for Introductory Psychology Text with Brown and Benchmark and John Wiley & Sons (1985-1994) Chair Department of Psychology (1982-present) Mae P. Claytor/Martin D. Jenkins Undergraduate Research Symposium Coordinator (1969-2009) Psi Chi Honor Society Advisor

Service-Profession (2013) Reviewer for Urban Education (2011) Reviewer for Division 1 American Psychological Association (2010) Reviewer for Division 52 American Psychological Association (2007) Standard Setting Panel for iSkills Test of Computer Literacy-ETS, Princeton, NJ (2007) Research Reviewer for Promotion Stonehill College, Easton, MA (2006) Reviewer for Psychological Reports (2002) Reviewer for Transportation Research Board (2000) Reviewer for John Wiley & Sons, Inc

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