Now you will be watching video clips from popular television shows and movies. As a future director, what you create will reach millions of viewers one day. You could take part in improving the role of women and the LGBT community in the media.

As you watch the assigned video clips, you are expected to take notes on each one. After watching all four clips and answering the questions, you are going to write TWO practice reviews. Posted online is a guideline for how to write a short movie review. These reviews are going to be one paragraph each and will be incorporated into your final presentation.

Gender Stereotype Videos You do not have to answer every question listed. See Part 2's instructions BELOW.

Lego Movie Video Clip from the Lego Movie

How is Wlydstyle portrayed throughout the clip-- does it change? How does her appearance, abilities, and thoughts reinforce or break gender stereotypes? If you've seen the whole movie, does her character change from the beginning of the film to after she meets Emmett? How does Emmett objectify her? Does he care what she has to say? Does he value her as a fellow (lego) person? Whose voice is being represented in this clip? How is Emmett portrayed? Does his character also reflect negative stereotypes of men?

Hunger Games Video Clip from The Hunger Games

How are the female tributes depicted? Does Katniss exhibit positive characteristics? Based on the video, what traits are valued in society? Do you think that the way women are shown is positive?

LGBT Videos You do not have to answer every question listed. See Part 2's instructions BELOW.

Modern Family Video Clip from Modern Family

How are Mitch and Cam portrayed? Are they shown in the same way a heterosexual couple would be? What role does their daughter play? Does this show work to normalize same-sex parents?

Glee Video Clip from Glee

Why was Kurt afraid to come out to his father? What was his father's reaction? Was this realistic? Who puts pressure on teenagers to conform? Introduction to Writing Reviews Goal: As an up and coming movie director you want to learn what makes movies popular and worthy of praise. Part of that process is studying the work of other popular works and developing understanding. You will write TWO reviews that will show what you have learned and how you have developed. Each review will be no more than a paragraph.

Structure of Reviews

Introduction: In the first sentence, make sure to state which video you are reviewing and which topic it focuses on. You can also explain why you picked the video.

Content: The next three to four sentences should answer one of the questions listed. Make sure to answer critically and not simply say “yes” or “no.” Expand on your answer and explain how the video clip relates to the question. This is where you are expected to prove that you understood the video clip. Do not attempt to review a video if you do not understand it!

Conclusion/opinion: In the last one or two sentences you are going to state your opinion on the video. You are expected to comment on if the video reflected positive gender roles and LGBT characters or if they failed to do so. The conclusion is where you can also comment on your personal opinion of the movie or show.

Review Checklist: 1. I stated which video I reviewed and what topic it covered.

2. I attempted to answer one question about the video.

a. It was NOT simply yes or no.

3. I believe I demonstrated an understanding of the video.

4. I reflected on either gender roles or LGBT issues in my conclusion

5. I stated my own opinion on the video.

I reviewed TWO videos. VIDEO REVIEW #1